I was actually really excited to watch this one when it popped up on my feed.
@americangaminggeeks11 ай бұрын
It would be interesting to revisit it as a single player game and with other characters to see the storyline
@TheOverThinkTank11 ай бұрын
This is why it's called HIDDEN Invasion. 13:24
@TheOverThinkTank11 ай бұрын
Also 6:01
@TheOverThinkTank11 ай бұрын
Lol winnebago man. 0:42
@americangaminggeeks11 ай бұрын
Winnebago man?
@TheOverThinkTank11 ай бұрын
Just look up Winnebago Man. Find the bloopers . This guy was making commercials for Winnebago and couldn't get the lines right. He would get so pissed and depressed. One time he says, “I don't want anymore sh** from anyone today... And that includes me!”. The crew made the blooper real for personal fun. It was never supposed to be public. One time while testing a satellite connection someone puts the reel on and it went viral and was passed around like wild fire. My old boss worked on the original commercial shoot.