還記得在我23歲那年跟媽媽去紐西蘭玩,在機場免稅店準備買巧克力,一位亞裔的男店員用飛快的速度跟我講了一大串的英文,頓時我傻住了,他就又再講了一大串英文,我依舊無法回應他,最後他露出鄙視的臉及嘲笑的笑容搖搖頭幫我結帳,從此我對英文充滿恐懼,但回頭想想自己應該勇敢一點 鎮定一點,至少說句’=’Sorry, I don't understand!’’,不過沒關係,看了這影片頓時給了強大的鼓勵,加油!
This would give him a chance to communicate with the locals. And I don't think it is a discrimination for international foreigner to speak English for a day in America.
這讓我想起人生第一次出國,第一天到麥當勞,我點完餐想跟店員要番茄醬,卻忘記番茄醬英文 ketchup 怎麼講,想說講 tomato jam 應該聽得懂吧?但我一緊張,就把 tomato jam 講成 potato jam . . . 🤣🤣🤣 店員一頭霧水,問我是不是要薯條?我跟她說:不是,我要 potato jam!🤣🤣🤣 兩個人就一直雞同鴨講,最後我還是沒拿到番茄醬,這告訴我,當你有勇氣開口講英文的時候,千萬不要緊張!而且還是要多記點正確的單字和文法,這樣才能真正精進你的英文~😁😁😁
@pei-huayen-roy10477 ай бұрын
@bigbao98437 ай бұрын
我雞塊的糖醋醬講成soy sauce醬油店員問號了1秒鐘 快笑死。 是sweet and sour哈
@yaxixi47337 ай бұрын
我第一次在國外點餐。很緊張,在隊伍裡聽前面的怎麼點,然後在心裡默念「big mac meal, medium, sprite, take away please」數次;後來怕對方聽不懂,決定加個餐號(3號餐)。結果出口是 THREE big mac meal......。看到收銀機打出三倍價錢的時候,我只是納悶;再看到三杯汽水時,我懂為什麼了,但不知道如何表達,覺得開弓沒有回頭箭。只好默默帶著三份套餐,分兩頓吃 Q_Q
People with "B1" level of English wouldn't say "of course" so many times and make a grammatical mistake like "I need make." He still has a long way to go.
I hope someone can explain it to Elizabeth's dad that many Taiwanese people have a habit of "laughing/smiling" in an awkward or unfortunate situation as they believe it will distract the person from his/her embarrassment or negative thoughts for a moment, whereas its only appropriate to be empathetic in those situations to the Americans. I know that sounds super weird... I know that for a fact because I made that mistake myself when I first arrived in the states and completely pissed my ex-boyfriend's brother off😅 So, in short, those shop ladies were NOT laughing at you. They were using the only way they knew how to "ease" your discomfort.