Hipnoz 'un En İyi Açıklaması - Zihin Kuramı

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Clinical Psychologist Burak Uckun

Clinical Psychologist Burak Uckun

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Hipnoz Nedir? Hipnoz ve Zihnimizin Çalışma Prensibi İle İlgili En İyi Açıklama Videosu. (Türkçe Altyazılı). Hipnoz 'un gerçekte ne olduğu, nasıl oluştuğu, bilinçaltı ve zihnimizin çalışma prensibiyle ilgili bulabileceğiniz en açıklayıcı kaynak videodur.
Zihnimizin nasıl çalıştığı, davranışlarımızın nasıl şekillendiğinin yanı sıra Hipnoz ve kullanım alanları ile ilgili çok detaylı bilgi edinebileceğiniz bu kaynak, benim de bir mezunu olduğum 50 yılın üzerinde geçmişiyle dünyanın ilk ulusal akreditasyon almış Hipnoz Akademisi olan HMI College of Hypnotherapy eğitmenlerinden, benim de hocam olan John Melton'un anlatımıyla sunulmaktadır. Bu video, John Melton ve HMI Hipnoz Akademisi'nin de izniyle, hipnoz hakkında güvenilir ve detaylı bilgi arayışı içinde olanlar için Türkçe alt yazı eklenerek yayınlanmıştır.
Psikoterapi veya Hipnoterapi için iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin: hypnotistanbul...
Türkçe Anlatımla "Hipnoz Nedir" videosu için: hypnotistanbul...

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@193taner 8 жыл бұрын
bugüne kadar okuduğum o kadar şeyin izlediğim o kadar videonun hepsini tamamlayıcı özellikte bir videoydu. çok teşekkür ederim. elinize sağlık
@dwayneissac2302 3 жыл бұрын
I realize I am kinda randomly asking but does anybody know a good site to stream newly released movies online ?
@asistanik 7 жыл бұрын
Yalın bir anlatım. Muhteşem.
@davudrize8811 6 жыл бұрын
Alt yazıyı da bir metin halinde burada videonun altında yayınlarsanız çok faydalı olur.
@TC3Dgraphicdesign 6 жыл бұрын
we called theory a theoretical model of 00:42 the line we call theory of mind and so 00:44 I'd like you to take notes and because 00:46 this is a very very important 00:47 foundational model of how the mind 00:52 functions and how the work we do 00:55 integrates into that model okay so I was 01:04 hoping for a better circle that's more 01:05 egg-like but sometimes I do a pretty 01:08 good job so a theory of mind let's let's 01:14 just think this semicircle as somebody's 01:19 mind does it look like someone's mind to 01:21 you hello if we look at this and just 01:27 imagine this is our mind there is one of 01:30 the processes through which we learn is 01:32 what we call identification Association 01:39 and then we often create a response to 01:41 that okay 01:49 so let's think about in life how this 01:53 applies an example would be something 01:56 like you might hear a specific song on 02:00 the radio what happens sometimes when 02:02 you hear a song what does it do inside 02:08 right so you you hear a certain song I 02:12 was just at dinner yesterday a student 02:15 happened to come in where I was eating 02:16 and we had a chat she said I was so 02:18 excited I was driving here and this 02:19 certain song came on and she was talking 02:21 about how it lifted her spirits and how 02:23 she was got all excited because of the 02:25 song and this is this kind of thing it 02:27 happens she you know we identify that 02:29 song we associated as you were saying 02:32 with a certain moment in her life or 02:35 something of that nature and then we 02:36 have a certain response sometimes it's 02:38 an emotional response something of that 02:39 nature of course that happens with our 02:41 other senses as well correct it could be 02:45 something like a smell as an example I 02:47 mean just to give you a little personal 02:51 anecdote here I guess you know my my mom 02:54 wore this specific cologne that was 02:58 called G not a very very unique scent I 03:04 don't think it was too expensive uh but 03:09 you know to this day if I smell that 03:11 it's like I did identify this Cologne 03:14 associate you know mom and my response 03:18 is I think of her and I have a warm 03:20 feeling and it reminds me of when I was 03:22 a kid or the smell of fresh-cut grass 03:25 does that bring up a memory for you and 03:27 you for me that's a really strong one I 03:29 remember where I grew up and the first 03:30 time I smelled that so this is an 03:33 obvious process through which we can 03:34 associate so many of our senses so when 03:40 we're born if we think of this as our 03:41 mind again there's part of the mind that 03:44 is already wired and functioning and 03:47 we're going to call that the primitive 03:48 area 03:58 and in this primitive area there's a 04:00 couple of responses we're going to look 04:01 at and ones that I'm sure most of you 04:04 are well aware of either having 04:06 experienced them I'm sure yourselves but 04:08 also is probably studied them at one 04:09 point or another and this is what we 04:11 call the fight flight now these are just 04:15 a couple of the responses that are here 04:17 but fight flight of course is one of 04:20 these primitive kind of survival 04:22 mechanisms that we're born with and if 04:24 we feel like we're being threatened 04:26 then we're either going to try to fight 04:29 it and survive or obviously flight or 04:33 run and and survive and in a more 04:36 primitive environment if we were to 04:38 imagine ourselves let's say as cavemen 04:42 or something you know if we were out and 04:44 we came across a saber-toothed tiger and 04:47 we had the right tool or whatever or 04:49 weapon we might fight it and maybe have 04:53 dinner or flight so that we do not 04:56 become dinner this kind of thing so a 04:58 basic survival mechanism we're also born 05:01 with a couple of fears and then we begin 05:04 to associate as we talked about before 05:08 and learn about the world around us 05:10 through our experience and so we're 05:12 going to have some some positive 05:15 experiences neutral experiences negative 05:19 experiences that for each of us is going 05:21 to make up how we interact with the 05:24 world around us so just simple example 05:29 growing up I was the kind of kid that 05:33 kind of pushed my parents to have 05:36 animals and so I had the dog the cat the 05:39 turtle I had to fish 05:41 I kept most of them alive a long time - 05:43 that's pretty good but you know so 05:45 growing up I create a very positive 05:48 relationship with with in with animals 05:50 and let's say dogs is an example but 05:52 let's say that Stanley here maybe 05:54 growing up maybe he was bitten by a dog 05:56 you know and so if my dog came running 06:01 in here right now I would be likely to 06:03 act like a ten-year-old and want to play 06:05 with her but of course Stanley would 06:08 activate that fight/flight response 06:10 because for him uses 06:11 see a threat to this now I know this is 06:13 very simple but we're building from here 06:15 and coming up okay so the point is is 06:19 different people in the same world given 06:22 the same stimulus can react very 06:24 differently based on what we've learned 06:26 right okay so these things are what we 06:30 what we call our knowns what becomes 06:38 known to us and these knowns again when 06:45 we identify a situation associate to it 06:47 and respond they really become very 06:51 subconscious in nature I mean if we go 06:55 back to Stanley again and this example 06:58 of him of being afraid of a dog does he 07:01 see a dog approach and say to himself 07:02 consciously I recognize there's a dog 07:05 approaching I'd like to activate my 07:07 fight/flight that's not what happens 07:09 right I know I'm being silly but the 07:11 reality is after a while it becomes very 07:13 much this kind of automatic response so 07:19 same thing with the positive response 07:21 that's how we react in these situations 07:24 so if we look at this primitive area and 07:28 these knowns and these memories these 07:31 associations all these kind of autumn 07:33 nama core automatic responses that go on 07:35 in the body and in the mind we look at 07:39 this as all unconscious or subconscious 07:41 in nature and so we estimate that's 07:44 about 88 percent of the mine 07:49 now when we reach about eight or nine 07:52 years of age approximately where we 07:56 begin to create we're going to call this 08:00 the critical mind and it's part of the 08:06 consciousness and part in the 08:08 unconscious mind and this critical mind 08:12 we think of this as a kind of filter of 08:14 sorts critical thinking you know when 08:18 we're younger in age and we don't have 08:20 the the organic brain development we 08:23 don't have the life experience then we 08:27 don't have the ability to really analyze 08:29 and think about and decide what is 08:32 correct or not correct because we 08:35 literally haven't you know we have 08:37 matured enough to do that but at a 08:40 certain point some around 8 or 9 years 08:41 of age we're beginning to be able to 08:43 really use this idea of critically 08:46 analyzing just as as you guys are doing 08:49 here tonight you're thinking about the 08:51 information analyzing it deciding is it 08:53 it sense to you or not and so the 08:57 conscious critical thinking we've got 08:59 logic and we've got reason and we've got 09:05 decision 09:09 and our will or willpower and so this 09:17 part of the mind this conscious critical 09:22 thinking is there to try to protect us 09:24 or so that we can think about analyze 09:27 you know when we imagine a young child 09:30 it doesn't have this facility and if 09:32 you're the adult you're the parent and 09:35 you say something to them do they have 09:37 the ability to think about and analyze 09:39 and is that logical and does that make 09:41 sense they're they're much more 09:42 receptive and open they just accept it 09:45 at face value don't think until the 09:48 ability is developed both through brain 09:52 development and experience and and you 09:54 know learning about life and so we have 09:58 this critical facility that becomes 10:01 available to us and so we're looking at 10:04 this is about that other 12% what's 10:10 important is that we understand how 10:12 these two can interact and why at times 10:16 this can lead someone to come to see us 10:19 in the work we do or other therapists so 10:27 12 percent is the conscious which 10:31 includes part of the critical mind and 10:32 88 percent is the unconscious with the 10:35 other basically half of this critical 10:37 mind we're going to get into a little 10:38 more of that next in our next class in 10:39 terms of the detail so let's look at 10:43 some examples of how this interaction 10:44 can occur and I'll just pick out names 10:47 and pick on people so hope you're 10:48 hopefully you're okay with that Nathan 10:51 so let's say Nathan and who can I pick 10:53 on Roberto okay so let's say they're in 10:57 class together and they one day are 10:58 they're coming into class and they 11:00 decide let's get together for dinner 11:01 before class and Nathan's been on this 11:04 health kick and so he's been eating well 11:08 you know getting rid of the refined 11:10 carbohydrates and the excess fat and all 11:13 this and he's feeling good working out 11:15 and so they get together and you know 11:19 what is he what is he order 11:21 maybe grilled chicken salad 11:23 with the dressing on the side hold the 11:26 bread something like that right
@handy9057 8 ай бұрын
Yüzde 88'imin yüzde 12'imle çatıştığı bir konu olduğunda, ben bunu yapmayı istiyorum ama olmadığında neden bu kadar mutluyum anlayamam... Hem kendime hem de herkese ben bunun olmasını istiyorum derim. Ama olmayınca 1 gram üzülmem. Olması için mantıklı olan her şeyi yaparım. Ama içimde ya da beynimin derinliklerinde bir ses bana onun iyi bir şey olmadığını söyler. Bu yanlıştır. Çünkü o iyi bir şeydir. Ama işte çocukken onu beynime yanlış kodlamışım, ya da kodlamışlar. İstesem de değiştiremiyorum ki... Umarım kader yüzde 88'imin fikrine bakmaz ve onu bana verir :( Çünkü yüzde 12'imle birlikte onu çok istiyorum
@mirnematseyidov8620 9 жыл бұрын
tesekkurler !
@smy12345-r 2 жыл бұрын
keşke bu derslerin devamını da izleyebilsek...
@HSYStation 7 жыл бұрын
Çok sağlam
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