t In front of 23 minutes of t The one of こ at the beginning " The BGM " It is really good. " Hiroshi camp " It hopes the sequel! If doing in the introduction series at the campsite in Kumamoto, in the city establishment, it is not but the nature in Kumamoto can be introduced to the whole world. If saying 贅沢 to it, it is " it massages a bear ". " Suzanne " " Aki Yashiro " " Cream Shichu " " UCHIMURAMITSUYOSHI " The other The celebrity など By the guest. The collaboration Doing, really, it is Kumamoto ". Persistently Natural " If introducing を, it is serious and it is good!!. Netz Kumamoto さん The boiling It will be tight but will we become kill two birds with one stone!?? The reply?