Dear Presentlivinghk: Thank you for your kind words for Haruma Miura. I am very touched. I have seen many of the past footages of his visit to Taiwan and HK. It is very clear that he was very grateful for his fans in Taiwan, and loved people in Taiwan. One of his works titled "the Tourist" featured Taipei. I even saw KZbin pieces by a person from theTaiwan-Japan Friendship Society tracing his footsteps seen in his last book, "Made in Japan". So that you know that all over Japan there have been grassroots campaigns to reinvestigate his case for the past 3 years. I am supporting the grassroots movement and I am supporting the activities to preserve his memories in Japan like firework for Haruma Miura in many cities on his birthday and a movie theater in his hometown, Tsuchiura, which shows his films all year round. Thank you again.
Thank you to friends in Taiwan keeping this video. It is a treasure.
@fly2themoon83 жыл бұрын
Fight for your heartの振り付けが春馬さんの即興、考案だったなんて、知らなかったです。オリジナリティがあって、セクシーな魅力的な振り付けですよね。何でも、出来る才能、実力、無限大の可能性を持った、アーティスト。何てことでしょう。春馬さん、謙虚過ぎ。事務所、大切にするべきでしょ。怠慢でしょ。