新咩疑點丫,諗住有個電話紀錄做自己時間證明下話?!同周凱亮一樣,覺得自己企喺犯罪舞台、好好精彩演一場?笑死咩,又唔諗吓,差佬查得佢當時電話紀錄,一樣會查到佢打俾保險agent同細英啦!以為佢哋呢挺人傻西瓜?!又唔係喎,咪就係恃住疑點利益歸與被告囉。講真殺咗人,老謀定誤殺都好,證據點會攤哂喺度,搏落charge咩…… 夠料上court都要睇jury咩質地,好彩起上嚟無罪釋放!呢挺人亦都有種賭仔心態,賭人捉唔到佢哋,catch them if you can!
there is nothing more hurtful than being betrayed by your loved ones. Glad to know he paid a hefty price for the horrific crime he'd committed. He should've been sentenced for life without parole.
都說It's always the husband......it could be wife killed husband too. Well, close family members are main suspects as long as family members have been killed (80+% are one or more members did it)!!! However, this case was more sad because the husband realized and broke up with that 🐔, but killed his wife to just got back with that 🐔!!! Very sad.
@gishileh2 жыл бұрын
@@samtong4961 That's right. This killer is a bloody woman without human nature.
永遠不要考驗人性。但現代社會最考驗人性嘅就係婚姻。聽到被告竟然自動點算損失就已經估到個大概.......It’s always the husband。 劉兆嫻如果唔係為咗一對子女有個完整嘅家而選擇隻眼開隻眼閉,約能果斷切割,相信不至於被枕邊人所害。 當然事後以上帝視角檢視,話語如風。我已經對成年人之間相愛相殺感覺麻木,我只覺得梁永成最令人嘔心一樣嘢係被判刑後對一對仔女講嘅說話,竟然嘗試用罪惡感綑挷子女一世..........He should be buried underneath the prison。 **探員X可摸耳唔好咁深情讀信**