She should not be haunted by her past 3rd rated movie appearances.That was her honest job.If ever there are any flaws in her past deeds, definitely nudity in front of camera was not one of them.I stand by her.
21/9/24 我覺得葉玉卿強迫症太嚴重 痴線她老公不給她拍戲? 根本不會 如果他美國長大 根本不會限制她自己的自由 只不過她自己太愛面子 怕閒話 痴線 喜歡拍戲就拍戲 何必活的那麼辛苦? 我覺得她一定過的不開心 I totally can feel she is a control freak, controlling her husband smoking, controlling her kids, also she never can live freely so heavy 😢