Note that you need to pay for the Oyster card itself (£5.00?), then need to top up, so commission anyway. Also there will always be some money left over. So use contactless card still works out cheaper.
London Pass網上買早鳥優惠會再平d 上次去倫敦玩,買咗3day london pass玩 係咁去哂啲付費垃點先打到個和 hop on hop off bus入面有包埋所以有上 但真心好伏,班次又疏,車個voice tour仲流 如果喺zone 1/2 玩,都會有搭到雙層巴士 如果去London玩,記得早d plan行程,boo餐廳(出街食貴,要用得其所就要做功課book,什至要俾deposit ) 另一樣想提大家嘅係London都係contactless多,好多地方唔收cash。一張contactless取代埋oyster card~ 祝各位慳到啲旅費~ 用得其所~