Рет қаралды 586
觀今宜鑒古,新冠病毒疫情爆發,人們也轉頭回望歷史,向一百多年前的西班牙流感學習。究竟當年的西班牙流感帶給人類什麼啟示? 我們如何向歷史取經,為今日疫情帶來轉機? 此外,西班牙流感和第一次世界大戰差不多同時席捲全球,對國際秩序造成巨大影響。新冠病毒對國際關係帶來什麼潛在影響?
藉此新冠病毒流行全世界之際,香港大學經濟及工商管理學院網上直播教學平台 - 「明德大學堂」邀請了國際著名一戰史專家徐國琦教授,和大家一起向歷史借鑒,以全新的視野,重新審視一戰的亞洲遺產及對今天的啟示。
From Spanish Flu to COVID-19: World War I and the international new order of Asia by Professor Guoqi XU
What is the message the Spanish flu has left with human when we look back to the history upon the outbreak of COVID-19? How can we take reference from the past and help with today’s pandemic? Besides, the Spanish flu has swept the globe at similar timing with World War I, causing great impact to the international order. What is the potential impact of COVID-19 to international relations?
Prof. Guoqi XU, renowned international expert of World War I history will share his views on the legacy of World War I and its implication on today.
The lecture is conducted in Putonghua.