Nice inspirational update, David. Just put my wife on the plane to Athens, so have a week to myself to follow your example and try to get some quick wins on stalled projects. Byzantine army to be based and some infantry painted too, I fear, and a load of late WW2 Volkssturm to base. Painted them all last year,went off on holiday and of course they’ve been languishing in their box ever since. Then to launch a 10mm MonmouthRebellion project. Figs all there in bags ready to go. Never a dull moment. Best, Howard
@ZenMiniPainting8 ай бұрын
Hi Howard, Yes! Take those gaps wherever you can. Katherine has had me occupied in the garden, so that has limited my hobby time, but I think, when the chores are all done, I might find a moment extra here and there. Would love to see your work. What scale is that Byzantine army in? Been toying with getting a smallish force myself.
@howarddavies30118 ай бұрын
The Byzantines are 15mm from Museum Miniatures. Horse are pretty good but some of the foot sculpts are a little lacking in animation. They are Nikephorian I think. Can’t t remember what rule set I bought them for but they are being based for Impetus/Milites Muncie from Gripping Beast. Both use 80mm frontage and I don’t think it’s that important if the depths vary by 5 or 10 mm.
@TheDiomedef168 ай бұрын
Good to see you finding some time on the painting desk, the figures look great. Just keep ticking those boxes as you progress.
@ZenMiniPainting8 ай бұрын
Thanks Ian. Tough when there is so much work to be done for the Memsahib. But we find our gaps where we may.
@majsmith667 ай бұрын
Oh, man! I remember doing similar units decades ago in 1/72nd. Yours are looking good! I hope your rebasing goes well. Cheers!
@ZenMiniPainting7 ай бұрын
Thank you for the wishes. I abhor rebasing, so I think I will just settle with these 60x60mm bases and leave it at that. "Never again!" Hope life on the farm is grand, and you are keeping well.
@philRminiatures8 ай бұрын
Superb cavalry units, well done!
@ZenMiniPainting8 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching. I enjoy your cinematic videos immensely.
@richardhogg26008 ай бұрын
Keep chipping away!
@ZenMiniPainting8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the encouragement!
@basicminiaturepainting8 ай бұрын
Nice update keep going
@ZenMiniPainting8 ай бұрын
Thank you. Just wanted to say, I came across your painting guide for Russian Crimean infantry, excellent video.