Barbara Forrest: The Woman Texas Creationists Don't Like#2

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@Saukko31 17 жыл бұрын
"What era do creationists long for? The wonderful 30's? The 40's? Or their own concept of what the 50's were like." I think it is more like 14th or 15th century.
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
A "great flood" in the black sea in no way indicates a thermodynamics-defying global flood that creationists propose.
@kirafan68 17 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting!
@StevenSmyth 12 жыл бұрын
"Creationists have evolved." LOL
@califoniania 15 жыл бұрын
"I noticed once you learned I wasn't a YEC you lightened up." Actually, it's normal for me to lighten up as the conversation progresses. While I can't say for sure that subconsciously it wasn't a factor (because I just don't know), I believe the main reason was that you seemed to be listening and it's common for me to lighten up to someone who is listening and having a meaningful conversation and trash those that refuse to listen.
@benbisley 14 жыл бұрын
Speaking as an academic with a doctorate in Three Bears Studies I have to say that I believe in the historical truth of a global flood which covered the Himalayas, the Andes and the Alps all at the same time. Goldilocks herself told me so.
@califoniania 15 жыл бұрын
"How did you come to respect him?" His videos mostly. They are educational, well thought out, and helpful. He's also a decent guy too. "Did you introduce yourself to him like you did with me" I don't tap dance around and when I feel someone is wrong I point it out and expect the same in return. I may have been rough around the edges at first and I apologize for that.
@califoniania 15 жыл бұрын
"But if you respect him so much, then why are you such a staunch atheist ?" What, I can't respect someone that believes differently from me? DonExodus2 is intellectually honest, doesn't deny reality, and is intelligent as well. Those are admirable qualities no matter who they come from or what that person's personal beliefs are. As for why I'm an atheist, I simply haven't been convinced by any of the thousands of myths out there.
@JemyM 15 жыл бұрын
You do not need to read the bible to discard the religion, but the bible really is one of the greatest arguments for atheism available. People who haven't read it doesn't know how far removed from modern insight it is.
@califoniania 15 жыл бұрын
"it's been my experience most evolutionists are not intellectually honest. They just repeat their credo." Some aren't intellectually honest, but you can't go and paint the whole group with one brush. They come from all different backgrounds: Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, deist, and atheist. The main reason you see a ton of repetition is because we get the same exact creationist comments over and over again ad infinitum. When something new is brought to the table, we give a new response.
@EarlFaulk 16 жыл бұрын
I think that guy is just one of the people she says that gets angry when their beliefs are questioned
@sinusbradycardia 15 жыл бұрын
I'm a scientist too and that is a relatively weak evidence for creation. BTW, my 10 year is a scientist as well and my 2 year old and think majority of people can call themselves a scientist. So simply calling yourself a scientist, doesn't mean squat!
@JustAboutMyFaith 15 жыл бұрын
I said "it's not just religious to teach about our Creator. It's political too". I'm learning science itself becomes a religion of sorts to evolutionists. But they won't admit they deny God while they tout their credo that "science makes no claims to the supernatural". But I agree with you how this country was founded. And so I don't care who your God is. As long as we both agree our rights are inherent to us antecedent of government. Which should not be unconstitutional to teach in school.
@Kaalec 14 жыл бұрын
@namkari Stating "Jesus was God in the form of man" is like stating, "Elves are the bastard offspring of leprechauns and the Easter Bunny." They both identify beings for which not a single shred of evidence - hard, real evidence, not justifications -exists. But at least in my version, that most favoured of human activity, sex, is clearly a part of the beings' system of reverence.
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
"11 of 12 of Christ's closest friends chose to die rather than deny that Christ was God." The same can be said for the founder of the Mormon Church. Shall I go call the LDS missionaries and tell them you with to convert?
@DragosGeomolean 14 жыл бұрын
Life is pointless, but i have NO problem whatsoever with that. Neither should you
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
Yes, the New Testament mentions Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It does NOT say they are all one and the same being. In fact the story you cite about Jesus' baptism indicates the opposite; that they are DIFFERENT individuals, occupying different points in space, having one (Holy Spirit) follow the instructions of the other (The Father).
@califoniania 15 жыл бұрын
"But deny their science attempts to explain the origin of species apart from God. " Some do and some don't. Like I stated in the previous comment, evolution supporters (we don't like the term "evolutionist" as it's not only insinuating that we are some sort of ideology but is also inaccurate) come from different backgrounds and where a Ken Miller will always include God, a Richard Dawkins will always exclude God as unscientific.
@califoniania 15 жыл бұрын
"Come back and talk to me again after you have studied the bible for 20 years." Why? I don't have to study Cinderella for 20 years to know it's a fantasy. How is the Bible any different aside from the fact that it CLAIMS to be true? "Because I, unlike them (well DonExodus2 at least anyway), don't deny either science, nor the bible. " Creation is not supported by science at all and saying so doesn't change that. If by creation you mean theistic evolution, DonExodus supports it too.
@1n354a 16 жыл бұрын
...hate towards Christians? How did you get this? I think that she is pretty straight forward and honest.
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
Further, the verse you already cited "I have not yet returned to my father and your father, my God and your God." further points to the conclusion that the trinity is wrong. Jesus clearly states that "his God" is the same as the one the Jews worshiped, and that Jesus is NOT in fact that being. Especially if Jesus needs to return to him. How does one return to himself? According to trinitarian thinking, that passage should read, "I go to myself, and to myself. And to myself and to myself".
@JustAboutMyFaith 15 жыл бұрын
The only statement you made worth commenting on is your last one. To which (as I said before) as long as we agree our rights are divinely inherent (be they from the god of your choice, or even merely just from nature itself) & antecedent of government, then I don't care if your particular god califoniania happens to be the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or not, or whomever. And I agree that in that context, it should not be unconstitutional for these gods to be discussed in schools.
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
"I would say claiming God as his father is the same as being the Son of God. " The point I addressed was your claim that Jesus said he was God, not God's Son. You can't even keep on topic.
@JustAboutMyFaith 16 жыл бұрын
First, the Constitution doesn't authorize the government to be in public education. Second, the 1st Amendment does not exclude God from public classrooms. It only prohibits the government from making a law mandating us to observe their religion over another. And last but not least, we woudn't have a Constitution if it wasn't for the Declaration of Independence. And it says our rights are inherent to us from our Creator. So it's not just religious to teach about our Creator. It's political too !
@thechessstick 16 жыл бұрын
The secular materialists who dominate today have only man's opinion on which to base everything. Man has a fallen mind. I hope this helps. The Word of God is true and is perfect. It is upon this that we must base all of our morals... God bless... The Stick...
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
"Creationists trust the biblical account of creation, and Jesus affirmed the scriptures." watch?v=ZFrkjEgUDZA Citing a metaphorical story doesn't mean one thinks it actually occurred. I cite moral of the story of "The Little Red Hen" all the time. Doesn't prove I think its literally true. Jesus repeatedly taught in parables. Those stories never literally happened so why should Genesis be any different? watch?v=fnj7PlqmJ5o&feature=PlayList&p=126AFB53A6F002CC&index=2
@JustAboutMyFaith 15 жыл бұрын
How did you come to respect him ? Did you introduce yourself to him like you did with me ? I noticed once you learned I wasn't a YEC you lightened up. I'm willing to give abiogenesis & evolution the credit they both deserve as legitimate sciences. And again, not knowing DonExodus2, I can't say this about him. But it's been my experience most evolutionists are not intellectually honest. They just repeat their credo. But deny their science attempts to explain the origin of species apart from God.
@RolfLarsson 16 жыл бұрын
Because it makes it seem that the ignorant fundamentalist position is the typical position of Texans as a whole.
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
Intelligent design is creationism in a clown suit. Various editions "Of Pandas and People" subpoenaed at the Dover Trial proved it, as 'creationism' was replaced with 'ID' after teaching creationism was ruled unconstitutional. One edition even had this done rather sloppily with creationism not entirely replaced. The resulting text was something like cintelligent designism'. The only one pulling cheap tricks is you and the advocates.
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
To whom was Jesus praying if he is God? How can there be things that God knows but Jesus does not? How can Jesus and the Father have different wills if they are the same being? How could the Father have abandoned Jesus on the cross if Jesus is the Father? watch?v=fnj7PlqmJ5o
@Kaalec 14 жыл бұрын
@namkari My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me was taken from the 22nd Psalm in which there is a very good description of what, according to the gospels, happened to Jesus - the crucifixion, the casting of lots for his garments. It was the gospel writers' ways of illustrating that Jesus was fulfilling prophecy. The gospel writers made sure their fictional hero was truly the son of God. They made up new lies to prove the old lies. But your interpretation of the gospels is pretty shallow.
@califoniania 15 жыл бұрын
"I'm learning science itself becomes a religion of sorts to evolutionists." Bullshit! Evolution is no more a religion than atomic theory. It has no gods, no tenets, no clergy, not even a philosophy. You are just making a dishonest attempt to bring evolution down to your level. "But they won't admit they deny God" Ken Miller. DonExodus2. You lose. "Which should not be unconstitutional to teach in school. " Alright, then we'll teach about ALL of the gods as the US cannot favor one faith.
@KebradesBois 12 жыл бұрын
Learn some history before making a stupid comment... I meant that it was a way to hide their true colors...
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
"But deny their science attempts to explain the origin of species apart from God." Evolution explains the origin of species apart from MAGIC, not God. There's a difference. God is neither supported nor denied in evolution theory, just like the rest of science. Science deals with objective reality, not what someone 'believes in their heart'
@califoniania 15 жыл бұрын
"The only statement you made worth commenting on is your last one" Only the last one? You do know that both Ken Miller and DonExodus are Christians, right? Therefore I demonstrably refuted your assertion that evolution supporters seek to renounce God. "as long as we agree our rights are divinely inherent" Sorry, no dice. There is no evidence of gods giving anyone rights, only books that claim they did. As far as we know, rights were developed, not revealed.
@JustAboutMyFaith 15 жыл бұрын
I know Ken MIller claims to be Catholic. But they don't believe in the Jesus of the bible. Because their jesus is still on the cross. Which they depend upon everytime they go into their confession booth (1 John 1:9). But the work of my Jesus is finished (John 19:30) Who has already ascended unto glory (Acts 1:9). As for DonExodus2, I don't know anything about him except from his profile page. And just from that, I would say he's a heretic too. I know YEC is false. But to deny creation is heresy.
@JustAboutMyFaith 15 жыл бұрын
Come back and talk to me again after you have studied the bible for 20 years. Because I, unlike them (well DonExodus2 at least anyway), don't deny either science, nor the bible.
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
The concept of the trinity was created centuries after Jesus died. Jesus himself never hinted at anything like it. watch?v=fnj7PlqmJ5o And not all Christians accept the concept of the trinity.
@JustAboutMyFaith 15 жыл бұрын
You can make no claim to the validity of any religion if you haven't studied the bible. And science, not even abiogenesis, has 100% irrefutably disproven creation. And like I said before, I knew nothing of DonExodus2. And if he is at least a theistic-evolutionist, and doesn't totally deny creation, then he's not a heretic. At least not as far as creation goes. But if you respect him so much, then why are you such a staunch atheist ?
@thecaneater 15 жыл бұрын
... You do know that it's a matter of public knowledge that the major proponents of "intelligent design" has been shown to pick this title purely because "creationism" has that horrible state-religion separation taboo, and this has been demonstrated with their own literature, right? And your choice of "anti-religion" shows to me you have an "anti-secular government" bias. The whole issue isn't about being against religion in any sense, it's about wanting government to be secular.
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
"[Jesus] claimed to God." No, he didn't. Jesus himself never made any such claim. Don't even think of citing John 1. Jesus didn't utter those words. John did, over 50 years after the fact. watch?v=fnj7PlqmJ5o
@DarthServo 15 жыл бұрын
"Creationists trust the biblical account of creation, and Jesus affirmed the scriptures. He claimed to God. He can either be insane, history's greatest illusionist and liar, or the Son of God" Or people put words in his mouth and writers of the four Gospels...took their recording of Jesus' life. Oh, and Jesus himself NEVER said he was God. Fanatical zeal is proof of nothing. And your evidence of the deaths of the writers of the New Testament is all apocryphal at best.
@DarthServo 14 жыл бұрын
More admission that Jesus was NOT God, if God could understand something and the same time that Jesus didn't understand it. God doesn't need to "reveal things to Jesus" if God really IS Jesus. You're saying God is revealing truth to himself. Total nonsense.
@thechessstick 16 жыл бұрын
People like this woman simply want to live their lives the way THEY want to live them. They do not want to conform their lives to the will of God. This is typical of homosexuals. No one has answered yet as to whether this chick is Jewish. If so then she is acting very inappropriately. Does anyone know? Cheers... the stick...
@hebrews11vs5 12 жыл бұрын
But if someone from the dead goes to them, they will surely believe. 'No' paraphrased Abraham 'even if someone were to come back from the dead, if they rejected the bible and preachers they wouldn't listen if someone were to even come back from the dead'. Prove the bible false folks, look up 'raised from the dead' watch, then believe. 3 days dead the budhist tells you of hell and daniel ekeceechu from Nigeria tell you hell is real. yet you stand in pride? man, I hope you are right about no God.
@DarthServo 14 жыл бұрын
Mere repetition of your beliefs without actually justifying any of them. You're making excuses, not debating logically. Jesus and God had different wills, thus they can't be the same being.
@DarthServo 14 жыл бұрын
It is impossible to feel "further away" from YOURSELF, which is what you're arguing Jesus went through. You're so indoctrinated that all you know how to do is mindlessly repeat the dogma that's been drilled into your head over your lifetime and never take a serious critical look at what your saying to see if it even makes any sense or is self-consistent.
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