What do people think of the Aussie car over there ?
@AI.Overlord.X7 ай бұрын
Cult following for them in the US.
@psynriter7 ай бұрын
@@AI.Overlord.X Id gladly send over a commodore in exchange for a 1976 dodge Monaco any day
@dudeinacar013 ай бұрын
They love it. It's rare, it's fun. It does well with age and design. It still fits in with modern cars.
@psynriter3 ай бұрын
You mmmay be interested in a classic rarity that Australia built in I think 1971, it oozes influence from the U.S.... I don't know if you're into old muscle cars but I'll try find a specific video on KZbin with one then I'll come back here with the link to it for your visual perusal
@psynriter3 ай бұрын
Can't find the exact video I wanted but it's the Two door CH Chrysler by Chrysler 1972