HOLY PALADIN IS FIXED? | *BIG* Changes & Rework (The Good & Bad) - The War Within

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@MadSkillzzTV 3 ай бұрын
Are *you* happy with the changes? 🤔
@wesleyeskens 3 ай бұрын
Very happy its fun again! And plays smooth. Just need to remove summer then we even more gucci.
@ryszard7669 3 ай бұрын
I'm waiting for alternative spread healing. Our niche with beacons was nerfed, spread healing gone, now people whant to delete seasons. On this way we will back to casting HL and FoL with no place to master Class.
@Storlans 3 ай бұрын
No just boring like hell, being stuck with light of dawn as the only aoe heal is very bad.
@wtfenc0reenix 3 ай бұрын
@@wesleyeskens instead of summer they should buff there healing thats we dont have to use flash or another cast healing.
@richard_n 3 ай бұрын
I LOVE the changes. Glad to see Daybreak and Glimmer gone, they made playing Holy way more complex than it needed to be. Having good Shocks is what the spec should always be built around.
@Keddriwern 3 ай бұрын
Just remove blessing of summer. Worst ability ever even after rework.
@RinaaaYa 3 ай бұрын
The fact that this ability has survived 3 reworks is baffling.
@Gabrieell427 3 ай бұрын
yes pls, its just bloat atm
@luizfelipemelo1098 3 ай бұрын
Replace it with ashen hallow, it would be absolute cinema
@Keddriwern 3 ай бұрын
Replace it with basically anything else. I never felt 'Geez summer if off cd' . What a treat.' And I have the same thing with Tyr.
@virtualb01 3 ай бұрын
100% need to remove it or bake it in. Same with Wings. Still too many buttons. Shuffling buffs no bueno
@RinaaaYa 3 ай бұрын
Holy paladin: gets reworked a second time in 6 months* Blizz: time for another 30% flat aura nerf :D
@MrPbhuh 3 ай бұрын
it gets reworked every 6 months. 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 10.0.7, 10.1.5, 10.2, some of those were minor changes, but they usually completely changed the gameplay
@RinaaaYa 3 ай бұрын
@@MrPbhuh i didnt play in SL so missed the whole Ashen Hallow thing and all those changes. I DO Remember the changes in 10.0.5 and 10.0.7 but I wouldn't call them reworks, only 10.1.5 and Latest Beta build feel like true reworks of the class, and those changes in beta were just because the spec was a total mess after what they did with the DF Rework. It was like they failed with the changes they made so had to roll them back because Hpal was so miserable to play it hurt in S3/S4 :(
@MrPbhuh 3 ай бұрын
@@RinaaaYa shadow lands had the same kind of logic as dragonflight. Lot of different playstyles that become meta through tuning. So it started with divine toll holy shock glimmer in season 1 and morphed into ashen hallow when that was found to be Better which turned into light of the martyr with ashen hallow which would turn into Necrolord light of the martyr. While in dragonflight it was glimmer awakening into avenging crusader into S2 rework with daybreak divine toll into caster daybreak which with beacon of virtue. I expect the coming changes to not fundamentally change this dynamic. We still have a lot of talents that drastically change the spell Priority or gameplay
@Decurain 3 ай бұрын
blessing of Tyr cast time and blessing of summer can go
@dylan24848 3 ай бұрын
Oooh yeah casting Tyrs in melee feels so bad especially when coupled with HoD.
@ikuep 3 ай бұрын
I'm playing cata holy pally and holy shock feels amazing and so does infusion of light flash heals. They need to bring that power back.
@dirkgoodman4282 3 ай бұрын
Holy paladin was amazing in cata. I wish it played like this in retail
@thatarmswarrior 2 ай бұрын
I genuinely just dont use Bleasing of Summer, I dont push high keys or mythic raid so it wasnt as impactful not having it, but still, hated using it and having to track it
@xabi3202 3 ай бұрын
One of the most odd things I see on hpal atm is that Hand of Divinity needs to be casted in order to grant that huge instant spot healing. Just by removing the casting time on Hand of Divinity it would reduce the clunkiness of this talent, that's why atm I'm looking forward to Divine Favor over HoD. I also feel like Power of the Silver Hand really synergizes well with the new Overflowing Light talent, because with PotSH you're more likely to overheal a decent part of your Holy Shock on that ally, so providing some shield through that overhealing will give you some break to not focus on him for a little bit unless it's recquired to. Maybe they could add to PotSH that it can either increase healing or damage to the next Holy Shock to add some agency to the Paladin. Lastly, I feel like Light of Dawn is almost never used, and the only real reason to use it is to apply Dawnlight to as many allies as possible, that's why I'm praying for a rework of Unending Light talent to somehow improve the healing of your WoG on allies that were healed through Light of Dawn.
@dylan24848 3 ай бұрын
I love power of the silver hand but for it to be viable I think it would need to be moved on the tree. Its locked behind a couple nodes that are never taken so it’s really hard to get to
@Anrylla 2 ай бұрын
I would want these abilities to also get removed personally Blessing of Summer: Its just an ability where you just press it once every 45 seconds when you WA pops up and tells you that it is ready. Feels so out of place and it feels like its a buff that you have to manually keep up. Divine Guidance: A casted ability to make your other casting ability an instant cast feels so cheap and bloated to me. Holy Prism: This ability feels like a mini Divine Toll, you mostly use it when your DT is on CD or if the damage taken is not that big on your group to make using DT worthwhile. Why not remove this entirely and reduce the CD of DT instead? Lights hammer: Feels like a cheap, bloated ability to me with very few to no interractions with the rest of your toolkit. Tyr's Deliverance: I would personally rather this ability to be a passive effect. Maybe like a proc or something along those lines. I would say these changes would be a good start. I would also rather them to remove the extra charges on holy shock and just make it stronger instead. I would personally rather strong generators and spenders rather than frequent but weak spenders/generators. I am also okay with having some downtime between my abilities and less fluid gameplay overall as long as my abilities feel like they are actually doing something. Downtimes between our abilities also gives us room to thow a couple of hardcasted heals between our rotational abilities.
@maxmilian3229 3 ай бұрын
I don't think these changes are going to do much in the long run. You still have to do more to proc your stuff compared to S3-4 of DF. It feels clunkier in the beta with these changes.
@luizfelipemelo1098 3 ай бұрын
Get rid of Blessing of the Summer nonsense and replace it with ashen hallow. Do it, holy paladin devs, just do it
@eliotness107 3 ай бұрын
There are so many severely undertuned talents its really hard to even test functionality seriously because it does not heal anything at all. Golden path is undertuned, judgement of light undertuned. Saved by the light undertuned and does nothing. Still have to stand inside consecration to heal optimally and waste 4 talent points that are undertuned to get to that node. Judgement and hammer of wrath hits like wet noodle and all damage done is in sacred sword hero talents and divine guidance. Rest of damage is abyssmal. Holy light and word of Glory and holy shock feels really good, i wish holy shock would do more damage aswell tho. Greater judgement is great, melee wings love it. Casted wings i dont really like because the cheaper heal flash of light does nothing, not even with talents into it, it still heals for nothing. So holy light is the viable button but its very expensive in mana. Denounce is a pvp talent so theres no damage spender from range, so playing only ranged holy pala is wierd, no way to spend holy power that you dont need without going into melee. Blessing of summer is bad and annoying to play around, and having mana regen tied to it just removes baseline mana regen. Without lightsmith paladins do 1/8th the damage of any dps spec which for me is very low and with lightsmith it can do the same damage as a dps which is also wierd. They are on the right path with the spec but it can be even more fun than this
@johnnordqvist6081 3 ай бұрын
id gladly get rid of BoS
@keithcoughlin8571 3 ай бұрын
remove blessing of summer
@Unitos_ 3 ай бұрын
Boohoo if you like hard casting on paladin and monk. FULL melee. Roll a priest if you want to spam cast heal. Blizzard needs to go full in with these two specs.
@MCCCLXXIII 3 ай бұрын
Would be glad to see blessing of summer removed and permanently forgotten... And would like to see Lightsmith to separate sacred weapon and the shield ability into 2 abilities, each with 2 charges so that we can choose what to use and when. The idea of rotating abilities is really annoying and takes aware specific context decision making in the moment. One last thing, I'd much rather see certainty, especially in healing. I'd like to see the Glistening Radiance to always grant Saved by the Light at 10% effectiveness as opposed a chance 25% per cast. Leave the RNG for DPS and prune it from tanks and healers who needs to know what they have available with expected results...
@Robz18T 3 ай бұрын
Totally agree. Remove Blessing of Summer.
@TheGoldenAngel82 3 ай бұрын
Fingers crossed, that it will be playable and actually pleasant to play.
@kinbailey310 3 ай бұрын
Tyr's is weak. I wish they would buff it or get rid of it. Summer sucks.
@KRYPT1KALGaming 3 ай бұрын
Still not feeling great about it tbh. It's a "melee healer" that stands there and casts. Until they make at the very least a build viable of a Face Smashing Holy Warrior of the Light, that can actually use the 2hander maces we can equip but can't use then I'm meh. How Hpal doesn't have a viable build similar to Ancient Teaching monk is baffling to me.
@MrCarlWax Ай бұрын
Eh if they just did ancient teachings with concecration or smth that would just feel bad. The holy power system and the passives of holy shock would have to be removed for it not to clash with ancient teachings, making either one have to be ignored for whatever system is higher in heals. Or just make crusader strike and judgement do a small amount of aoe healing that didnt really matter to your rotation. Making it redundant. Or just make pala into a plate monk. I dont see the point. Just play monk.
@richardbell6105 3 ай бұрын
Remove blessing of summer. Hate the rotating buffs. You get a buff just when you think I could use the other one. Often you either have to click it when you don't really need it to get it on CD or sit on it for a good time to use it.
@KRYPT1KALGaming 3 ай бұрын
Blizzard choosing the middle ground for me just proves they have zero clue what they want from Holy Pala. TWW is the perfect opportunity, make the Left Side of Class tree buff Catser Pala playstyle, make the Right Side buff an Ancient Teachings style FULL MELEE build. Ret / Holy hero talents could've been massively tuned to the Melee PlayStyle and the Holy/Prot one the Caster playstyle. Choosing a middle ground just pisses everyone off because neither side are happy they have elements of the other. Imo Paladin should be a melee healer if they stick to the Thematic roots. They're Warriors of the light, not fucking lampposts with a dodgy bulb that flicker light every now and then. Why can we wield 2 hander intellect weapons and then not be able to use them because we cant use certain spells as they require a shield. Even the Holy Artifact from Legion was a 2 Handed Mace. I'm sticking to the opinion that Blizz Hpal designer hasn't got a clue about what they want it to be, it has a huge identity crisis atm imo. I'm all for Blizz making the 2 builds to keep everyone happy even though I'm more melee focused but this middle ground crap is killing the Spec imo.
@Drunken90 2 ай бұрын
Absolutly true but i would take it one step further: I you want to play Ranged Spot Heal Caster dont try to Convince Blizz that this has to be baked into Holy Pally just go and play Holy Priest or Restro Shami.
@hotplotsandsynonyms Ай бұрын
100% agree they should do something to separate out pally caster spec from melee spec so people don't have to constantly hybridize and be pissed about it, but... It does crack me up to see people talking about the "thematic roots" of holy pally as melee. OG holy pallies were shit in melee for multiple expansions and the idea of a holy pally doing melee damage was laughable until...MoP, I think? Cata used CS to generate HP sometimes, but I think it sucked ass for damage because (iirc) it was still dependent on your strength back then. And sure, MoP is old as fuck now and melee pally is and should be a respected playstyle, but if we're talking about roots of the class, you can't just ignore the first 7-ish years of the game. I, personally, am glad they brought back caster pally...it's always been my favorite. But it sucks that melee pallies are losing shit just for me to have my playstyle back. And to the person below who said "Just play H-Priest or R-shammy", those aren't caster pallies...I liked caster pally!
@KRYPT1KALGaming Ай бұрын
@hotplotsandsynonyms see what I don't understand is whenever I mention to someone thematically a Paladin should be a melee healer they always go back to the early years of the game when it was a stoic caster. What it played in any expansion has nothing to do with thematically what the class should be. Thematically a Paladin is a WARRIOR of the Light, a Holy Warrior..... Warrior being the key word here. Thematically a Paladin is essentially a battle priest, front lines, duking it out hand to hand. How a Paladin played in previous expansions is utterly irrelevant to what thematically a Paladin actually is. I go back to a point I made about the actual design of holy paladins now. They can wield 2 hander maces, but can't actually use them because we cant then use Shield of the Righteous, one of our main damage abilities lol our Legion artifact was a 2 Handed Mace & a Tome, yet unless we select legion artifact in the transmog section only Retribution Paladins can actually use the Holy Paladin Transmogs lol Make it make sense?! If you want a stationary caster holy healer, thematically that is a Priest. A Paladin always has and always will be Holy Warrior of the light. Our damage abilities are Warrior esq, melee abilities, it's makes no sense we can't heal with them and instead have to stand in melee to cast heals lol Thematically the Holy Paladin class is a mess imo.
@hotplotsandsynonyms Ай бұрын
@@KRYPT1KALGaming Fascinating. So you don't consider the initial release of the paladin class to in any way indicate what the class "should" be? Because that's why we go back to origins. You're talking about the root of the paladin, and to me, that means "where the class started", not "What I, as a person currently playing, think it should be." If I'm considering class style from an in-world, thematic place, it makes sense to me that a CASTER paladin would know how to use the same weapons as any other paladin (i.e., a two-handed mace), but it may not be the best choice for their actual ability usage. Incidentally, as a caster pally, I can use a two-handed weapon if I want, as I just never use Shield of the Righteous, but that's beside the point. I definitely think melee pallies should be able to talent something to replace Shield of the Righteous into an ability that doesn't require a shield, since they WANT damaging abilities and I don't. From an origin standpoint, though, ALL healers were pure heal-spell casters, even disc priests. Your argument that paladins are "warriors of the light" seems to imply that paladins should never have been healers to begin with, since pure healers are, by your definition, NOT warriors. I think, either paladins never should have been healers at all, or paladins AREN'T fundamentally "warriors of the light", or the word "warrior" doesn't inherently require the in-your-face, physical attack style that you're defining it by.
@si13ntype 3 ай бұрын
I'd like to see holy pala swap mastery with preservation evoker. Remove range restrictions from evoker but let them heal more when closer. I think the higher health mechanic fits better with a tanky paladin feel.
@kruemmels 3 ай бұрын
Remove hardcasts completly. Stop this Mix to please all Players. You want to hard Cast heals? Pick holy priest. HPal is wearing shield and Plate Armor and want s to be in the Middle of the Fight. Doing hard casts is No fun. And please remove tyrs. It feels weak and again hard Casting. Implement the healing buff /hot in LoD so we light actually use LoD every 3rd or 4th Spender.
@havtor007 3 ай бұрын
Holy paladin has casted spells for a longer time period then you have played paladin.
@kruemmels 3 ай бұрын
@@havtor007 and Had to buff every 5 mins a group of 40 people. Been there done that. WoW has luckily evolved and this Mix of gameplay is Shit. Monkey has the Same issue, give healers an identity and tune them around it.
@havtor007 3 ай бұрын
@@kruemmels That only existed in Vanilla and you already had greater blessings then but they required an item you got from a vendor it was gone in TBC and every buff was 60min in Wrath. SO now you are just incorrect in what you talk about. There was also ZERO mana issues until Dragonflgith and a whole bunch of FOTM rerollers made it a problem.
@kruemmels 3 ай бұрын
@@havtor007 yeah, i know that dont worry! And i was'n talking about TBC but Most important: it doesnt Matter at all for the broken HPal right now. Funny that you try to assume something about me and cant even read but Dont worry about it or your Mana ;) But alright almighty random Stranger from the Internet! Believe want you want, i couldnt Care less :) I still Hope for a fix for the broken HPal and are Happy with the First Changes :D
@havtor007 3 ай бұрын
@@kruemmels You clearly did not know that as you talked about 5min blessings but whatever dude
@JWFreeman 3 ай бұрын
omg i love this Ui and weakauras!
@rixs5052 3 ай бұрын
We need ashen hallow
@onioncultistlordoftheonion8315 3 ай бұрын
I personally don't have strong feeling either way towards seasons, but something I do wish could be looked at is the class tree and blessing of dawn/dusk, cutting down on all the procs and modifiers and just allowing the spenders to feel stronger at base is something i want.
@Seanno7404 3 ай бұрын
Some changes I wouldn't mind seeing would be: - flipping awakening and Seasons/merciful position on the talent tree will make most of the seasons haters happy. I don't mind the talent. - rework boundless salvation, remove the duration increase to Tyr's and make HL and FoL have reduced cost and increase cast speed for the 20 seconds Tyr's is up. Only having 20(maybe buff to 30?) seconds of Tyr's makes it easier to balance Tyr's throughput and ideally buff it for casters. Right now it's like 3-5% healing overall so it's generally a dead capstone outside of the 10% buff to our base healing kit. - Overflowing light as is, is already dead on arrival because we'll have minimal holy shock overhealing this early in an expansion. Rework it so 2(?) nearby allies receive 10-20%(?) of holy shocks healing. Losing daybreak procing glimmer at 200% healing hurt our overall situation aoe healing so a change like that to Overflowing light might compensate slightly. there's smaller changes i've suggested but they're generally tuning concerns for some talents that will hopefully get worked out prior to August. I love Hpal, played it since Vanilla. Been a .01 - 1% in M+ for years but I'm still leaning Prot/Ret for TWW if this is how we go live.
@BromoProductions 3 ай бұрын
blout is getting old and im also tired of hpal constantly being altered. I'm playing Ret this xpac.. I've played Holy since vanilla.
@LoganH0076 3 ай бұрын
Very happy to see these changes come through. I would definitely like to see Blessing of Summer go away, and I do wish holy light could be used as a filler though like it used to be. Sounds like that isn't an option since it costs so much mana now, right? Holy light used to be what you used when damage was low and you just wanted to top people off. It was a slow/mana-efficient heal. Then Flash of Light was your mana burn heal if someone was dying and you didn't have holy power
@beawriting 3 ай бұрын
I am new at pally, so I don’t even use summer. There are too many buttons and right now I am focusing on learning everything else.
@jinks_hates_things 3 ай бұрын
Nothing of value was lost
@Feelsojay 3 ай бұрын
I wouldnt miss Blessing of Summer at all. The buffs are generally too small to be noticed by the person you cast it on and cycling through every 45 seconds to get value is tedious at best. If blizzard is truly married to the idea of paladin having Blessing of Summer/a group utility + support button, they should rework it in a more Paladin-themed way. Shadowlands is behind us, make something interesting out of the old Blessing of Wisdom/Might and/or Kings.
@Drunken90 2 ай бұрын
Big thumbs up for your content. The answer is simple: 1.Summer has to go 2. Mana cost for Crusader Strike gone (just ridiculous) 3.Remove Caster Holy pala Complete, if someone wants to play this spot heal ranged style they should just use Holy Priest or Restro Schami Otherwise, keep it up and thank you for your excellent work
@Ewyndall 2 ай бұрын
1) I actually liked Daybreak... 2) How is Summer still in the game is beyond me... 3) I don't mind having many buttons if they all serve a purpose for specific scenarios, I just don't like needlessly complicated mandatory "rotations". 4) Seriously, get rid of Summer already! 5) Even with the removal of Glimmer, I am not sure our playstyle will change drastically. From the looks of it you will still want to maximize HS usage. In practice it doesn't matter a whole lot if you are casting HS on CD because it spreads a buff or because it heals for a lot, still going to feel same-ish in terms of gameplay. 6) The sooner Summer is gone the better. 7) What I like the most about these changes is the apparent direction towards making HP spenders stronger again. That's definitely something I welcome.
@MrKredin 3 ай бұрын
10:07 Hate Blessing of Summer
@TSmarine 3 ай бұрын
Remove Blessing of summer, just give us a 4min Ashen Hollow varient. Tyr's Deliverance could also be baked into the kit as a passive for using infusions or something.
@TayaYoung04 3 ай бұрын
SO glad daybreak is gone. been playing pally since BFA and I am glad they removed daybreak and glimmer. I truly hope they move the pally more toward a melee playstyle again with crusader. As you said, casting in melee feels incredibly disruptive. And sorry to all the range pally fans, but maybe don't pick the class that has a sword and a shield if you want to play a range
@nicowins 3 ай бұрын
Blessing og summer + daybreak i HATE. Switched to druid, holy priest and resto shaman since they added these 2 wack abilities
@Name.is2 3 ай бұрын
blizz is so stupid for trying to choose the middle ground, just remove the range healer playstyle; there is holy priest of a reason. The game does not need to have 2 class that played almost the same. But blizz should just add in glimmer as part of the mastery & have Crusader Strike & Shield of the Righteousness proc the heal & dmg of Glimmer.
@etiennegoujon5868 2 ай бұрын
Hey Mads, I thought your UI for the Holy Paladin was really cool, and I was wondering if there was a way to get the TWW Weak Aura used in your videos?
@runebdrim6733 3 ай бұрын
holy Paladin is fixed, 6m. burst damage. if it doesnt get a nerf to the ground a lot of people changing to holy paladin because it should be about balance between all healers, you cannot allow to have a healer doing 20% or 30% more dps that's a big difference
@jesusnunez1735 2 ай бұрын
Paladin still need work, idk call me crazy but what about a ranged melee toon. Like all your abilities have a 25 yard range, League had a toon that has an ability that would make all their melee auto attack and abilities have range for like 20 secs every 30 secs. That would be cool.
@ApeWizard 2 ай бұрын
Not a fan. Less skill expression, new talents are boring. I did some testing before and after and it doesn't feel any stronger to me. Unless I'm missing something, HS still only heals for around 5%. Meanwhile aura talents are still horrific and even worse now that ret aura is gone.
@walenrus3385 3 ай бұрын
Blessing of Summer needs to go. You can't even see the damage you get from it unless you download a damage addon AND our regular toolkit gets nerfed because of it, it's just terrible!
@eXileris 3 ай бұрын
Personally I like Blessing of Summer. Feels like the paladin of old where I can bless people or myself. Blessing of the Seasons needs to stay but Summer itself can go.
@worldofwarcraft62 3 ай бұрын
As long as I can use avenging crusade in keys ill be happy. dealing damage to heal is exactly what im looking for from pallys in TWW
@h-aram1933 3 ай бұрын
how would aoe healing work in dungeons? do you guys use light of dawn? I find it cool in raids but in dungeons it doesn't do that much + I have to be at the back or turn my character around to hit everyone
@RinaaaYa 3 ай бұрын
Virtue. Divine Toll + Rising Sunlights. Spot healing Hpal now is so strong that you barely need AOE honestly.
@h-aram1933 3 ай бұрын
@@RinaaaYa u mean in ww right? cuz I am used to that spell that consums glimmer and heals for triple but they removed it 😢
@TheJaneway03 2 ай бұрын
totally agree, blessing of summer has to go and i dont enjoy playing melee healer who has to do damage and stop for a long casting ability, would be great to have some proc to insta cast it like in 40 sec for example
@balbutokaiage1667 3 ай бұрын
Good! F glimmer, that shit wasn’t good gameplay tbh. /healer since vanilla beta
@HeIIaAverage 3 ай бұрын
been maining hpal for years now. i dont think im going to play it anymore based on this news. i never once felt like there was button bloat. daybreak is the best cd we have ever had in the entire time ive played the game. with that gone, i dont want to play it anymore
@antonispapageorgiou4168 3 ай бұрын
I haven't played Blessing of Summer, not even once. Not even when it was meta. It's such an awful ability to press. Holy Light needs to get the Vivify treatment (Vivacious Vivification). If 10 sec is too low, make it 20, that's fine too. Those 2 changes can make paladins great again
@batschibatschinger3809 3 ай бұрын
just keep this paladin now he is insanely cool as a strong meele healer with good holy shocks the tyr seems useless now maybe in raids it could work out
@chriswinchester9315 3 ай бұрын
pls remove blessing of summer xD rest of the changes are pretty good
@wtfenc0reenix 3 ай бұрын
i just want to play melee holy without any use of flash or holy light. Edit: i like summer, causing dmg with heal is great and is a great double dip with melee wings and judgement.
@jinks_hates_things 3 ай бұрын
I just want to play caster holy without any use of melee
@wtfenc0reenix 3 ай бұрын
@@jinks_hates_things na, since vanilla holy paladin was always a battle mage, so i will stay with him as a battle mage. :D when i want a full heal i go for holy priest.
@kantace5198 3 ай бұрын
@@jinks_hates_things Both is easily possible. It just depends on how you spend your fusion of light procs and holy power spenders
@666baby7 3 ай бұрын
am i the only one who likes blessing of summer lmao
@Biishbosh 3 ай бұрын
Change blessing of summer to be like PI? 🧐
@DaltonSavage-c5e 3 ай бұрын
😂they should make denounce a level20 pvp talent
@bittersweeti1990 3 ай бұрын
Hii Mad 1 question do you have a consecration tracker in your sub ui for Pala im still a big Fan of you since dreanor 🎉
@MadSkillzzTV 2 ай бұрын
Yes, it also tracks if you are standing in consecration 🙂
@MetalMusicMan 3 ай бұрын
These changes are super good. They just need to delete Blessing of Seasons and HPal will be really nice. Good riddance, Glimmer, I never liked it lol
@yulines4951 3 ай бұрын
thank god glimmer is gone, been waiting for this
@jamiesontu7944 3 ай бұрын
Bring back Ashen Hallow and use the new consecration animation, don’t be a coward.
@havtor007 3 ай бұрын
Paladins was supposed to get that "new" consecration animation in BFA you can blame US servers complaining about it on the PTR for it never happening.
@Willow8880 3 ай бұрын
Why would they give paladin plate armor to sit in the back and cast?
@middlelb21 3 ай бұрын
The plate classes in WoW are some of the least tanky around so at least the logic is consistent.
@MrCarlWax Ай бұрын
​@@middlelb21Are you saying that holy pala is the least tank healer?
@radias16 2 ай бұрын
Am I the only one that hates our mastery?
@dylan24848 3 ай бұрын
I hate blessings of summer. Trying to manage the rotation is a pain and i usually just end up casting them all on myself. I really really want AC to be good again in TWW. Give me that fistweaver style healing. It’s so fun, I run it up to 20’(S3) and 10’s(S4)
@t.robbIRL 3 ай бұрын
I can’t believe blessing of summer made it into DF and Vanq hammer didn’t. The only cool part about summer is the CDR. Just replace it with Vanq hammer and Lego combo and all is right in the HPal world.
@attinger117 3 ай бұрын
Am I the only one who likes Blessing of Summer? I enjoy buffing other players and I just wish they would change the names from seasons to classic names like blessing of might, wisdom, light, and maybe alacrity. I also wish it had a slightly shorter cooldown so you could rotate through each buff every two minutes at least. I am fully prepared to play lightsmith blessing of summer and be a buffing machine lol.
@Bumblebeetunes 3 ай бұрын
get rid of blessing of summer and bring back Ashen Hallow. Remove 3 other buttons and its all good.
@erictyler3259 3 ай бұрын
Change blessing of Summer to be a passive ability that effects yourself: "10% of all damage done to be converted into healing onto an injured ally within 40 yrds."
@gregsimard-ol1hr 2 ай бұрын
say vivacious vivification 10x fast
@MundiJournals 3 ай бұрын
I am excited with these changes. I didn't like the melee healing changes that were made back in Shadowlands. I love my pally healer and should help my gameplay.
@MrPhyrce 3 ай бұрын
bring back legion holy paladin
@emarcoscr 3 ай бұрын
I don't like pallys, so I have no opinión on It. But I love Blizzard is checking out different possibilities to improve classes. Interesting days are coming. Tk Mad, great video, as always. Have a nice weekend.
@carmack456 3 ай бұрын
OK, here’s the thing if they’re wanting us to be more of a Millie build how come they’re not giving us a two-handed weapon ability that uses holy power because as of right now the only thing we have to use as a DPS holy power spender is shield of the righteouswhy can’t they give us a two-handed weapon ability?
@alexfisher6819 3 ай бұрын
I strongly dislike blessing of summer, i would prefer any of the other covenant ability's for paladin. and I'm not a fan of tyrs deliverance, and i find barrier of faith to be clunky and a bit useless. given a choice i would trade all 3 for Ashenhallow or vanqishers hammer or aura of sacrifice
@ryszard7669 3 ай бұрын
What with AoE healing on raid reality, we have any in lightsmith? Glimmer was added in BfA because we lack with AoE healing. Its grate change in dungeon but with raid and others healers, our big heals will lose vs others, lets not fool ourselves that there will be no AoE tiking damege on all peaople in raid on mythic.
@tftg458 3 ай бұрын
Holy paladin mastery was scuffed from the start. Blessing of summer needs to change to a standard buff like Aug evoker. And needs to feed into the castadin while close combat gets buffs to their melee abilities. This way CC h pal can provide damage theirselves while castadin does damage by being a "support healer" lightsmith also gives that tbf. Also "blessing of summer" does not feel or sound like a paladin ability fantasywise.
@gohomehero 3 ай бұрын
I honestly don't like that we have flash of light AND holy light. Like get rid of one and keep holy light animation make it cast faster.
@jhk9626 3 ай бұрын
I love that it deals great damage now. The way it should be. Perhaps overdoing it atm requiring a nerf but still
@novemberreigns 3 ай бұрын
I have come to appreciate blessing of summer, it has its place but I do think its dominance as a talent is unwarranted. My issue is with barrier of faith I believe it is, the talent is irritated to use, feels like it takes away from the single target throughput holy paladin is known for and the fact they are tying it to other important aspects... yeah, sod that. Barrier is the button I dislike the most.
@nathanw4897 3 ай бұрын
Wish infusion of light made the castable spells instant.
@havtor007 3 ай бұрын
That is something Infusion has had in the past
@sleeperandthejest 3 ай бұрын
Blessing of summer doesn't make sense anymore especially with lightsmith and its a node you must take leading into awakening which says too me theyre not finished moving and carving things.
@paintl3gz 3 ай бұрын
Get rid of blessing of summer, or make it a passive damage buff when you heal somebody.
@guyy6800 3 ай бұрын
My favorite version of Hpally was BFA with haste corruption.
@Bucketheadxx 3 ай бұрын
With proper design, we should never have to hard cast while in melee.
@joubas 3 ай бұрын
Remove Blessing of summer. I hate it.
@CocoaFps 3 ай бұрын
Playing a holy pally right now is like playing a piano
@omnipotentense 3 ай бұрын
Blessing of Summer doesn’t bother me anymore. It did at first but it’s great with a weakaura
@dylan24848 3 ай бұрын
It was a pain on mythic tindral when each buff was designated to a player for certain mechanics or cooldown reduction for fire mage so they have combust up for every shield phase. Trying to juggle that with all the air dmg and overlapping mechanics but dispel timing. Would have much rather took aura mastery lol
@24Coup 3 ай бұрын
Pretty cool hpal is basically getting rsham's entire mastery with 1 single talent point.
@RinaaaYa 3 ай бұрын
Shamans are getting a rework too so..
@HappyPow 3 ай бұрын
delete blessing of summer
@saenct 3 ай бұрын
as long as hpal has to hardcast holy light or flash im not touching it again
@HeIIaAverage 3 ай бұрын
i havent hard casted a flash of light i dont think in my life. i hard cast hand of divinity and tyre's together every two minutes before dmg even comes in, so its not that bad. the recommended talents and playstyle for hpa for the past two seasons have been absolute dogshit, but everyone just blindly follows them and says it feels bad to play. then they do shit like this and remove the best button they have, because some idiot says theres too many buttons even though they shouldnt even be talenting a quarter of them. i wish streamers would honestly just go away at this point
@BusJustice 3 ай бұрын
This game is plagued with modern DEI dev hires
@Synesthesia-r9 3 ай бұрын
Just because HPal has Crusader Strike doesn't make them a melee healer. It's a single ability; compare that to the core rotational abilities of Tiger Palm/Blackout Kick/Rising Sun Kick. I think if people really want HPal to be a melee healer they need to add abilities to their core rotation that augment their casted spells.
@kantace5198 3 ай бұрын
It is not just CS, there is much more to it and there is plenty of synergies between talents.
@Kverulantus 3 ай бұрын
From a Blizzard standpoint, even though we're forced to use hardcasting, we're classified as melee.
@havtor007 3 ай бұрын
@@Kverulantus This only started in Shadowlands you stood in melee because of Mastery in Legion.
@havtor007 3 ай бұрын
@@kantace5198 Only CS, interupt and Shotr (was added in Dragonflight makes you need to use a shield) requires melee everything else does not require melee. Even consecration is not melee you just need to be close enough that you hit mobs with it then you can run out for the rest of time.
@Kverulantus 3 ай бұрын
@@havtor007 doesn't matter when it started, currently, holy paladins is treated as a melee class. Which was my point to begin with.
@frankylopez761 3 ай бұрын
Infusion of light play style is why I’m changing mains for tww
@ragbrogaming 3 ай бұрын
i would like them to remove blessing of summer and replace it with Ashen Hallow, it was faar cooler to drop a AH in SL
@fabiusque4266 3 ай бұрын
Honestly... I like the idea of removing button bloat but both glimmer and daybreak where part of why i liked Holy Paladin. There are other abilities they should remove first, like Blessing of summer, light of the marty or barrier of faith. So far, holy still sounds like its going to be me, at least for me, so prot it is i guess.
@Sasur44 3 ай бұрын
I conceptually like the power of Blessing of Summer... but my god do I hate having to cast it every 30s...
@ryszard7669 3 ай бұрын
That's the point, not the ability but casting every 30sec. Save us something to master paly.
@youhadmeatspicy4264 3 ай бұрын
Make Blessing of Summer a passive personal buff that cycles every minute?
@gohomehero 3 ай бұрын
Just get rid of it so we have more power in abilities that are actually fun.
@Yvario 3 ай бұрын
The legion rework was bad, the bfa rework was bad, the shadowlands rework was bad, the Dragonflight rework was bad. Just revert it to Cataclysm! I ❤LOVED❤ my ❤RANGED HEALER❤ Holy Paladin in that era. We even had a smite spell for spam damage!
@ryszard7669 3 ай бұрын
They need to change all healing philosophy to cata, with all healers to. If not we will fall behind others healers.
@Damiv 3 ай бұрын
My paladin has never cast holy light, and she will never cast holy light. I don't care how strong Bliz make it.
@ianblackburn75 3 ай бұрын
I hate this tbh. I liked melee glimmer builds. I tried this new playstyle today and it was just boring. I would have preferred them dumping the whole infusion/holy light nonsense instead.
@Storlans 3 ай бұрын
Its horrible.....the change is not good in anyway and lightsmith is still terrible.
@strugl3snugle245 3 ай бұрын
@jinks_hates_things 3 ай бұрын
@@Storlans wrong
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