Holy Rosary (St Louis De Montfort Method)

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Holy League

Holy League

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Opening of the 2020 Holy League Catholic Men's Conference at St Joseph Catholic Church in Salem, OR on 12/5/20. theholyleague.org

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@angelblessing7937 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, the rest of the mysteries would be great🥰 soothing voices 🙏
@clavo3352 Жыл бұрын
Very nice Rosary. Really liked the Nativity Mystery in Latin. *Suggestion:* Would have been extra nice to be able to read the Latin words along side the picture presented during the Rosary!
@rgtm1314 3 жыл бұрын
Love St Louis De Montfort’s method! Will you guys do more videos & please pray the rest of the Mysteries? God Bless!🙏🏼
@metaorange302 2 жыл бұрын
I second this! This was excellent! Please give us the Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries as well if you can! May Blessed Mother Mary keep and protect us all as her property and possession!
@samidosspaulraj5897 Жыл бұрын
THIS IS HOW WE MEDITATE.SORROWFUL MYSTERIES WITH POPE JOHN PAUL II THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN ... Our Father"PRAY, that you may not enter into temptation" (Lk.22:40,46)Throughout Lent, let us accept this divine word as "viaticum" and as a realistic reminder : " Pray that you do not enter into temptation." ... Hail Mary.. Jesus, in the greatest trial of his life, prays in solitude."He drew away about a stone"s throw from them, and kneeling He prayed"(Lk. 22:41) ... Hail MaryThe contents of His prayer are filial ,seeking in His interior suffering to accept the Father"s Will< faithfully , although in anguish about what is about happen'' ''Father. if You will' take this cup away from me!Yet not my will but yours be done !"(Lk.22; 42) ... Hail Mary.. Then Jesus entered into a suffering that dramatically involved His entire person:"His sweat became as drops of blood falling to the ground."However,His prayer became"more intense"(Lk.22:44) .. Hail Mary... Brothers and sisters let us contemplate Jesus in His physical suffering, in His agonizing and moral suffering,in His abandonment and solitude, however, in prayer, in His effort to adhere in total fidelity to the Father. .. Hail Mary... In this Lenten pause we have a specific task: to interpret our suffering in the suffering of Jesus, that expertin suffering and compassion(cf, Heb. 5:1 ~10};and pray-more. .. Hail Mary ... Prayer in the privacy of our rooms (Mt.6:6}"the prayer of the offering of our work:prayer of listening to andmeditation on the Word of God; family prayer through the Rosary; liturgical prayer, source and summit of theinterior life. .. Hail Mary... Mary most Holy is our teacher in the acceptance of suffering in an attitude of obedient love, as well as in the raisingof our souls to God through our daily prayer.We want, especially during this Lent, to place ourselves her schools as her attentive disciples. .. Hail Mary.. , Hail Mary.., Hail Mary ,, Glory be etc. THE SCOURGING AT THE PILLAR ... Our Father ..'' So Pilate ,wishing to satisfy the crowd, released Barabbas to them and, after he had Jesus scourged, handed Him over to be crucified''(Mk.15:15) ... Hail Mary... .Roman scourging, administered by several soldiers each having a ''flagrum'', a whip made of leather strips with knots or blunt instruments on the tips, was the punishment reserved for those who were condemned to death.Its effects were terrible; often the person subjected to it died during the torture. .. Hail Mary... continue in the same manner.
@samidosspaulraj5897 Жыл бұрын
Please read this article to understand the Rosary and the correct method ! FATIMA AND THE FAMILY ROSARY by Rev.Robert j.fox. How important do you consider the faith and salvation of your family?Is it worth gathering the family together for fifteen to twenty minutes daily to fulfil a request from heaven?The importance of praying the Rosary DAILY is obviously of major importance.In each of HER apparitions at FATIMA,OUR LADY said "pray the Rosary every day." The Rosary is prayed properly by meditating on the mysteries.A painting of OUR LADY teaching JACINTA the proper way to pray the Rosary is now seen over the main alter in the FATIMA PARISH CHURCH of St.Anthony.OUR LADY appeared to this youngest of FATIMA seers and showed her fifteen images of the Joyful,Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries.God's Mother taught little Jacinta how to meditate on these mysteries of JESUS CHRIST while praying the Rosary. THE ROSARY IS NOT UNDERSTOOD During my years as a priest I have been assigned to parishes where,when OCTOBER arrived,I explained to parishioners the proper way to pray the Rosary.To my surprise in more than one parish I have been told,"This is the first time we have ever heard that the ROSARY consisted of anything more than saying the OUR FATHER,HAIL MARY,and GLORY BE." POPE PAUL VI in MARIALIS CULTUS informed the world that meditation on the mysteries is the SOUL of the Rosary.The recitation of the Our Father and Hail Marys is the BODY of the Rosary.He added that saying Our Father and Hail Marys of the Rosary without meditation on the mysteries is like a dead corpse without a SOUL.POPE Benedict XV said that when we meditate on all 15 mysteries of the Rosary,we meditate on all the chief mysteries of our faith. I have often heard "It takes no more than 10 minutes to pray the Rosary." I fear this echoes a mechanical notion of the BODY without SOUL-a legalistic concept of reward for the number of prayers said.Personally,I find it impossible to say a Rosary devotedly while meditating in less than 20 minutes.Some pray for half an hour or more on 5 mysteries. No one manner works for every family.Some families pray one decade after(or before)meals and the remaining two decades at bedtime.Age of the family members will be determining factors.Families which have been praying the Rosary for years have older children may find it possible for different members of the family spontaneously give a short meditation on a particular mystery before each decade.Children's meditations on the Rosary are available.Parents may translate mature meditations found in prayer books into simple concepts to help children learn to meditate. The child should be taught to form a mental picture of the subject mystery.He should be then told,"KEEP THE PICTURE IN MIND AS THE TEN HAIL MARYS ARE PRAYED." BETTER STILL,DISPLAY PICTURES OF THE MYSTERIES.THIS IS THE WAY OUR LADY TAUGHT LITTLE JACINTA. What a beautiful opportunity parents have to teach the basics of the faith in developing meditations before praying each decade of ten Hail Marys.In the sorrowful mysteries family members may be reminded that the sacrifice of JESUS' death on the cross is perpetuated every time the family is present at the Mass.The first(and fifth)sorrowful mystery might begin with a reminder that JESUS has just offered the first Mass where HE gave HIS church the sacrament of the HOLY EUCHARIST. THE RESURRECTION The first glorious mystery might be introduced by the father reminding all that the same Jesus who died on the cross for our sins and reopened the gates of Heaven,now comes back to life.This proves HE is GOD as well as man.*IT IS THIS RESURRECTED BODY OF JESUS UNDER THE APPEARANCE OF BREAD THAT WE RECEIVE IN THE HOLY COMMUNION ! With such powerful truthful thoughts the child will find it easy to say the 10 Hail Marys while his mind on the scene presented.And the child will remember these powerful divine truths when at the MASS. Our Lady attached much importance to the daily Rosary for peace in the world and in the church. She held the rosary in her hands at Fatima.She influenced Jacinta to get after parents to pray the Rosary daily.At last apparition she appeared with the Holy Family If the daily Rosary is important for the world peace and universal church,it is surely important for meeting the crises of the family today.Our Lady even asked that after each decade we pray to be saved from the fire of hell. Popes have called the Rosary a 'GOSPEL PRAYER'.The Rosary is centred on JESUS CHRIST,the way to the FATHER in the unity of the HOLY SPIRIT.JESUS said,"Where two or three are gathered together in my name,there am I in their midst.".Gather around JESUS and the MOTHER of GOD in meditating on the GOSPEL mysteries.THAT IS THE ROSARY,IT WILL WORK WONDERS IN ANY FAMILY. SOUL MAGAZINE--April-MAY--1993 ( CARE FOR OTHERS BY SHARING THIS )
@denisesai733 2 жыл бұрын
Intentions for March 30 2022 Mother Mary-Mother Sati, Father Shiva-St Joseph Ord Vishnu Jesus, and Immaculate Heart of Jesus and Mary - All Holiest Members of Mother Mary , please feed and protect the trees, plants, birds, all wildlife, All avatars, Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind and so forth and we give thanks to all farmers, truckers, send them rain and All health and all they need to be wel. Give to your families at home and at large. Give to Lord Nandi daughters and sons. Volunteer if able. Please pray and protect my parents Marjorie Asselin and Romeo Asselin in heaven /Samadhi. with Jesus. Thank you and pray and protect for all those who provide electricity, gas, vehicles, and meet all their needs every day. We are grateful to the Lord of Winter and look forward to Goddess Spring. Thank you for wool families that keep us warm and dry. Thank you for the glass blowers and potters and teachers. Thank you for All professions in the world and universes. Please protect and provide for them. please provide for all rites and communion and sanctification for all RC's. Blessed /Mother Mary Please intercede. Please visit and never leave us. We have been robbed by police and family on both sides Asselin/ Kowalsky/ Nelitz/ Barnas/ Skulisky/ Kovalenko /Coxworth /Stewart/ Orolla /Chanig /Duncan Linton -Patrick Duncan, DanVeinot Justine Dalton, TD Bank , Bank of Nova Scotia, Andrew Munrow Edward Jones, Manulife, Laurie Wells, A Chawdry, OSMH, HDH CIBC,,Bank of Montreal , Paramed, Bayshore, Independent Living, Asselin Insurance Penetang, AVIVA, Canada Life, , Bank of Montreal, CIBC, Penetang Police Midland OPP, RCMP, Canadian Army, Peter Deacon, Wendy Miller and All others named in lawsuit in Ayr, Ontario Canada. End of conflict. Begin Family unity. End family discord.reparation of the youth and All. . Please evict the thieves Peter and Linda Barnas et al (108 Poyntz St Penetang Ontario Canada and Igor Skulisky and Irena Kovalenko 363 Champlain Rd Penetang Ontario Canada and Wanda Diego Terry Orolla Chanig at 8970 county rd 93 midland ont canada refusing to cooperate by leaving my homes. Stop the People from lying, stealing and damaging our van tires, personal possessions, murdering and all cardinal sinning. Please have Families Say The Rosary. Allow Your Will to Reign. Only You Mother Mary rules over Our Souls. Have forbearance measures paid for our safe return and care. Please restore our health. Return our vehicles and all that has been stolen . Please allow the flow of wealth . Please allow the winning lottery as we have little money and have been robbed of All Mother Mary* (10 prn ). We cannot work as we are too unwell. I am in a wheelchair and only walk steps with the aid of a walker, overnight! Help us go outside for health, to revere Your Solemnity and beauty. End our sadness and betrayal and persecution. Please send true and pure souls to help us. End this nightmare. return our Om omniscience omnipotence omnipresence . End black magic. Make safe passage back to our homes. Thank you Mother Mary. Holy Holy Holy We are seriously grievous Mother Mary. Please end This Nightmare. Stop the corrupt governments all organized without Your Approval. Protect the demonstrators and truckers. Thank you for stopping the smoking of tobacco, Cannabis and alcohol. We need True Health for PTSD. Stop the lying lawyers who steal and rob people and not be appointed by Your Holiness. Stop the police. They are evil. attackers, murderers, thieves, and all horrible people.Mother Sati Holy Family, Please make way for Our Return to Our Holy Homes in Penetang Midland and else where Ontario Canada. Amen. Give Courage Strength, and Hope to Us and All in need. Thank you. Amen Vishnu Denise All of The Promises Mother Mary fulfills by saying the Holy Rosary. Amen and Please send pure help as we are post trauma and unable to clean nor care for the home and yard we live in. Thank you Mother Mary and Jesus and Father Joseph. Amen Mother Mary please end all wars and destroy evil everywhere. please have everyone say the rosary and read the secret of the rosary. May I be worthy to earn all Blessings from Our Mother Mary Lord Jesus and Father Joseph and Holy Family. Please help to go outside Mother Mary. I surrender our care to Your Holiest Sanctity, attention and care. Mother Mary please pray for us and leave us now grown grand children.Thank You Mother Mary and holiest Family Amen Mother Mary please pray for us and Never leave us, now grown grand children.Thank You Mother Mary and holiest Family FIFTEEN PROMISES OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN TO CHRISTIANS WHO FAITHFULLY PRAY THE ROSARY thank you Vishnu Denise Jacques Joel et al adopted family. End all wars; Please let us go outside/; End Family discord. ty Denise et al. For conversion of sinners and forgiveness and family unity. End all curses. protect the popes and clergy and families. correct the wicked. feed the poor; clothe the poor; shelter the poor; share your time and help each other. forgive and love each other. For reparation and Mother Mary's will. May the lawsuit against the intruders, invaders and all involved stand. Amen. Thank you Mother Mary and Jesus. Denise et al In Your Holy Name Amen Blessed Mother Mary please have the Food banks/Coops distribute the food and holy gifts back to the people without a fee. End the Greed and chastise this bad behavior in the holy name of Jesus. Have them go door to door as many are without transportation nor ability to attend the food coops which are not even available to those in need.Open the doors and garage doors. People are dying in their homes without the help of neighbors nor family nor friends. Please end this tragedy. Stop extra and more extra charges from churches, food banks and the like. This is not the Christian way and the consequences are grave eternally. Amen Mother Mary Please intercede in the intercessions of this Holy Family. Amen.
@clavo3352 Жыл бұрын
Sure would be nice to follow along the Latin prayers without feeling like an outsider to an elite group. Providing the text would be more inclusive.
@samidosspaulraj5897 Жыл бұрын
There is no Scripture reading, there is no reflection on the Scripture reading from various Rosary meditation booklets given to us by the Church herself through the saints , popes, ministries and publications ! Where is the SOUL / LIFE of the Rosary ?!
@samidosspaulraj5897 Жыл бұрын
Please Refer the correct method of praying the Rosary by St Bernard ! St.Louis' method is wrong !
@samidosspaulraj5897 Жыл бұрын
The Rosary is none other than to contemplate the ' FACE OF CHRIST with Mary on our side ! Facing the priest or facing the statue of Mary is an error ! This kind of error is committed at Lourdes everyday !
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