The MV perfectly captures how this song (and Hachi's singing in general) makes me feel. The feeling of being bathed head to toe in warm, gentle sunlight.
セカンドワンマンライブの時から大好きでずっと待っていました!やっとループに聴けるMVが来た! ビートと歌詞がめっちゃ明るくて笑顔が止まらない。MVの幸せそうに花々の中で踊ったり歌ったりするはちたやが本当に綺麗で最高でした。 はちたやの誕生日なのに、僕らがはちたやから最高のプレゼントもらってしまったわ…。 BEESになって良かった! ありがとね! I've loved this song since the 2nd one-man live, glad to have an MV I can loop now! The song is so happy and heartwarming I can't stop smiling when I hear it, and the MV showing Hachi happily singing and dancing in the flower field made it a perfect thank-you. What an amazing day to be a BEES. Thank you, Hachitaya!
@zeanomourph12 жыл бұрын
This might be my new favorite song. It's so nice to listen to it again, I remember it from the Midnight Blue solo live and I really enjoyed the upbeat, happy melody but my Japanese isn't good enough to know what the lyrics were saying. Now with the lyrics available I could translate them and the message in the song is so full of hope and love. I'm melting with joy, thank you for this song