林作讀數學出身,非常懂得計算。想做leader之外,在香港這個商業社會點能夠唔計算收入呢?加上有個出色嘅生意人媽媽,自細應該從管理財富培訓成長的。我有個疑問如果今時今日在香港做一個大律師?一個精算師?一個嘜嘜師….(香港經濟結構變化.專業人員泛濫在英國很多oxbridge 畢業生仍是泛泛之輩)仍然可以搵到好多錢嘅話?林先生是否仍會考慮作一個保險從業員??it’s all about the money ultimately! 林生佩服你懂走位!
@csl96403 жыл бұрын
@lamchuiman10793 жыл бұрын
。。。。。。 。。。。 。。。。。。。。
@kobeblue39863 жыл бұрын
Not so much of a gene thing. More a matter of education system, training and upbringings. Culture background does have an impact though.
@TheDirectorWong3 жыл бұрын
Agree, leadership can be trained as well. Leadership requires a lot of independent thinking. Does our education system encourages independent thinking? Independent thinking in certain culture is consider sticking out like a sore thumb.
@Kickass1013 жыл бұрын
independent thinking ? I think they've lost it in the westerner world nowadays as well! look at the election of USA and so called blm !
@TheDirectorWong3 жыл бұрын
@@Kickass101 good point. Action and thinking is 2 different things. Have independent thinking so there is more options and ideas. But when it comes to action it must be unison. Unfortunately West and East have each one of the different aspects.
@TheDirectorWong3 жыл бұрын
@@Kickass101 one must not dismiss the OTHER but Absorb what is good.