Mukirose going all in on strength and becoming a baseball MVP💪 The rivalry between Danchou and Lamy after she stole her bride is just too hilarious, poor Lamy's luck was ruined after that ww Thank you for the super fun Holo Sake Gumi collab, Danchou, Aki, Lamy, and Lui-nee!🍻
@石地修大 Жыл бұрын
@コンバット若本11 ай бұрын
酔っ払い集団のどんちゃん騒ぎで面白すぎるwww 腹痛いwwww
@いーぜー Жыл бұрын
めちゃくちゃ面白かった! オチも完璧でした!
@メカコンドル Жыл бұрын
コラボお疲れさまでした〜! 笑いあり涙あり(特にラミィ)の波乱万丈な人生でしたね!w
@darkness_dragon_kira_ Жыл бұрын
お疲れ様でしたー! 酒飲み組の人生ゲーム面白かった!
@miyabi_nuko Жыл бұрын
@sisiou_nyafu Жыл бұрын
@gudegude6614 Жыл бұрын
@スメラギン白銀聖騎士団 Жыл бұрын
おつかんぱいでした! 見どころが多すぎたけどとりあえず団長が幸せになれてよかったです‼️ 泣
@Windyyyyyyyyy Жыл бұрын
Noel may have finished in last, but she got revenge on Lamy after the last game of life stream back in March. What a fun collab between sakegumi! See you for your birthday danchou!
Good thing that these 4 ladies can drink the pain of life away if needed...especially Lamy thanks to this run🍶 Congrats to Aki on the win and thank you all for the fun!!! ⚔🥀🍎☃Have a good night!