sometimes my horse will come out the stall, but other times I have to get behind him to go out. Also, when I try to bring him back into his stall he refuses to go into it and we have a tug of war battle until someone gets behind him for him to go in the stall. what can I do to stop this ?
@timgreen24264 жыл бұрын
More exercise so he will look forward to going back to stall to relax. Dont push, youve already lost his respect if you have to push. Exercise exercise exercise & watch how willing he will be to go to his room & not move.
@timgreen24264 жыл бұрын
@kameohosley21756 жыл бұрын
Keeping a horse in a stall for several days is despicable. Keeping a horse in a stall for more than a few hours is despicable.
@timgreen24264 жыл бұрын
Horse slaughter, is despicable. Horses in a stall, but aren't on a tight packed cow trailer of death traveling 800 miles into certain fear, pain, & slow death....not so bad...60,000...unwanted, surplus, or forgotten U.S. horses just last year o alone passed thru my town on 800 mile journey to sure they all would have preferred a stall.