Hot Toys Artisan Joker - I've Cancelled mine!

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@Playitstraight44 2 күн бұрын
I think as collectors, we sometimes spend too much time chasing after things, instead of enjoying what we have acquired. If you can spend big money on a figure, set it in your cabinet, and then move on to the next thing, then how much quality time have you actually put into that last purchase? Are we laying tile or displaying something we actually invest in? Enjoy what's around you because one day you will be gone. And for the person who has to figure out what to do with it all, the majority of it just becomes "stuff".
@twilitetide Күн бұрын
For real; I'm mostly putting a period on it; with all the re-releases it's like folks are supposed to re-buy what they already own, because it's "better" but lately it's beginning to feel like a bottomless money pit where I'm surrounded by boxes.😆
@g17collectables11 Күн бұрын
Hello Playitstraight44 - What an excellent point! Now whist i do value and appriciate my display every day, as i spend most of my time in my space for work, do i really really step back and appriciate / enjoy what i have myself, Probably not. And you've made me think, one of the best ways of keeping it fresh and taking appriciation is perhaps to reorgnise and repose figures every so often, change it up, rather than looking to expand. Great insights, thanks for that!
@bladerunner1b Күн бұрын
I'll still buy a figure here and there but I'm 52 all of the sudden and time isn't slowing down. I find myself living through other collectors these days. I had my fun.
@jerrygonzalez2439 23 сағат бұрын
You are still young!!🎉
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello bladerunner1b, Ach, your not old, we are never too old to enjoy the things we love and have passion for. Doesn't matter if you have 1 thing or 1000, a collector is a collector, and what you love will always be there inside your core! Although, being 45 myself, i'm starting to feel old and have questioned if i will still be doing this in 5 - 10 years, i tell myself of course, but i won't be doing it in the same way, collecting evolves all the time! Good luck to you, wish you all the best, thanks for watching and commenting, i appriciate you.
@plok-ul9ig 12 сағат бұрын
I can definitely relate to this. Sometimes I feel like collecting has taken control of my life, like these companies have taken control over me. They keep putting out new figures, and all I want is to buy them. Every release feels like a must have, and Ive found myself caught in a cycle of anticipation, spending, and then waiting for the next big thing. But recently, after some reflection, I realized that Im the one in control. These companies might create the temptation, but its ultimately up to me to decide what role collecting plays in my life. Ive started to ask myself questions... Do I really need this figure? Does it genuinely bring me joy, or am I just chasing the high of owning something new? I hasn’t been easy, but I’m learning to shift my mindset. Ive begun appreciating the pieces I already have, taking time to display and enjoy them rather than always looking for the next addition. This change has helped me reconnect with why I started collecting in the first place: for the love of the art, craftsmanship, and the stories these figures tell. I’m realizing that it’s okay to take a step back and that collecting should enhance my life, not control ita
@anthonyshillingford848 2 күн бұрын
I 100% agree with everything you said you're feeling! I'm also starting to "pull away" from figure collecting - and I'm starting the process of designing and producing my own OOAK pieces. It is a relief, not only from the financial perspective, but also from the perspective of being able to call my hobby - a hobby - and not just "retail therapy" - and also, being my own customer - and having control of not only what I add to my collection - but also what that collection will ultimately be! 😂
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello Anthony, Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment. Love your thinking and approach, many years ago i was fuelled with creating fan props, building, sanding and painting in my garage making all sorts of random stuff out of wood, metal and bondo filler. That was a period where i think back and remember it being so great, having a OOAK item that you made with your own creativity and hands. I was also a big member of the RPF, and loved the discussion and seeing all other makers and what they contributed to thier own collections. I've not been on the RPF for many years, and you've hit the nail on the head, with collecting now just being retail therapy! Really glad to hear that you are pushing your own collecting and hobby by making, and with my recent journey into 3D printing, thats sparked my own maker drive! There is a lot to be said about the passion of the maker, and how this can drive new excitment alongside carefully considered collectable purchases! As i said before in other comments, i think my evolution here is all about finding the balance that keeps the excitement and drive fresh and alive! Thanks once again, some great insights there from you!
@planetnef2356 2 күн бұрын
I just stop for a while and take a break, nice to have extra cash from not always spending. Peace.
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello planetnef2356, Yep, deciding to stop and take the break is actually a relief overall. I said in another comment, having so much tied up in pre-orders is very restrcting when looking at the existing and available market, i often find things up for sale and think, best not buy that as that pre-order will be landing soon, so its killing the freedom of picking stuff up right now when its available, so thats going to be my new approach, no more pre-orders, enjoy having the extra money and when something pops up it will be great to have the freedom to but and have the item in hand within a week, rather than waiting a year or two for the item to be released, by which point you start to question if you actually want the item! Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment, very grateful to you.
@richardcurtin5267 Күн бұрын
the most i will pay for a hot toys figure would be 300 euro no more, the prices are crazy
@g17collectables11 Күн бұрын
Hello richardcurtin5267 - Thanks for commenting, glad to have you on this discussion. Difficult to set an average price point with the crazy global inflation that we have seen, but i think your ceiling is about right, but i would be expecting that kind of price for high end, and 200 for standard!
@PhAtALTheAlphA Күн бұрын
Cancelled mine too! Nearly $500 coming back!
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello PhAtALTheAlpha - Well i hope i didnt influence your call here, dont want to be blamed in a few months when you maybe regret that one!!!! I'm no influencer and really have no intention on being one, hahahaha. Hopefully like me, you've also reached the same conclusion, its a chunk of cash for one single figure, when you can buy a regular HT for 50% of that money and keep the rest for something else! It would be vastly different if this was the one andonly joker, I'd of paid £1000's if that was the case, but really, its got to be like the 10th Joker we have had, and after InArts high end version, and JND anncoucement, HT just seem to be rehashing a figure they have done more than a few times, so nah, im happy to pass on this occasion. Real glad you got your $500 back! Happy days Thanks for watching and commenting!
@PhAtALTheAlphA 17 сағат бұрын
@@g17collectables11actually canceled prior to watching your video. Honestly, I’ve been cancelling many orders. The prices are out of hand, particularly for pieces with high ES’s. The value isn’t there in relationship to the nostalgia these collectibles used to bring. For me there’s boxes I check with collecting, 1. The Character. 2. The Art. 3. Rarity. 4. Quality 5.!Cost to value. My channel used to be PhAtAL The Kollector. I changed it because, like you’ve explained I don’t want to poorly influence people, particularly when I could potentially influence them into financial ruin. #TakingAStepBack
@popculturecollector1756 9 сағат бұрын
The way I limit myself is to collect only 1/6th figures that have a high possibility to get signed at Fan Expo Canada or Niagara Comicon. My hope for the coming years has lead me to purchase the following. Sideshow's The Lost Boys David, Hot Toys Supergirl from The Flash, Hot Toys She-Hulk, Hot Toys Bo Katan, and Hot Toys Sabine Wren. Things I have gotten signed in the past events for example are Hot Toys Stan Lee, Threezero Daryl Dixon and Sideshow Jason Voorhees.
@The_Mojave_Mailman Күн бұрын
I have found that putting limits on my collection, like goals or teams to complete helps me stay focused on what will make my collection feel more complete and not just adding stuff to it. Then when theres nothing coming out for my collection, I can focus on making stuff like terrain and props for it. Spending time appreciating your collection is super important, i never want my hobby to become spending money instead of enjoying and cuarting a collection amd making as visually appealing as possible.
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello The_Mojave_Mailman (Very cool username!!), I think you have to set limits and goals, its a great point. Whilst its almost impossible to know what may be annouced by anyone from week to week, and something will inevitably pop up that you didnt even know that you wanted, if you try and stick to the movies that you know and love and remain dedicated to your goals this can help to manage how you buy and collect. I think being a maker also really helps a lot, as you can still get your fix of something new, without breaking the bank and its also got that extra as you know you maed it yourself! Great insights and thoughts there, thank you for sharing, appriciate you!
@tessjess1 11 сағат бұрын
Good move man,I know where your coming from ,I just outlaid $2600 for Jazzinc 89 Batmobile. At presant I'm buying unlicensed figure to keep the cost down..yes totally feeling your buying path.Good to see your planting your feet back down to reality or would you call it comoncence? Keep collecting brother without braking the bank..😊👍
@snowpuma80 Күн бұрын
Wow your collection looks really impressive behind you :) personally I mostly collect action figures in the mass market 6-7 inch scale and I find that their level quality is getting better already
@g17collectables11 4 сағат бұрын
Hello snowpuma80, Thanks very much, there will be a new collection tour video coming out as a 2024 wrap up in the next week or two, so stay tuned for that one. I'm not too familiar with 6-7 inch scale, but from what i have seen they do look really good nowadays. Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment, i really appriciate that
@greatwhite2860 22 сағат бұрын
Feel we might be of a similar age, background (UK, plus values) and collecting properly about the same time. This video was very clear for me in how I've felt. Let's face it, these figures, our pre orders amount to a lot of money. That money can and should go onto more important things such as making memories or making your home nice for your family. I don't know if you have kids, if not then it's with your partner, is to make the most, best memories you can. Holidays etc. Scraping or finding a lot of money to pay for pre orders is not the way and for items which for the most part are not worth it. Jnd 1/6 joker, high end customs at 2k for example especially. Plus things inbetween. You're also forever chasing and waiting for the next release or 2.0, Heck 5.0. Out our age and having lost friends far too early, it puts perspective on everything. Hence a rich man, is someone who's family really loves them and wants to be around them. Plus has loads of memories. It's not the big house, owning the best collection. It's not. I've recently changed the way I collect and it's worked / working for me, but I'll stress I am only recently started, so a way to go. I've sold up loads, have loads of sale and ultimately doing two things. 1. Top 10 movies or 20 if hard. 2. Quality over quantity (so a statue over a figure if possible) That's it, me done and if there is a 2.0, I'll sell the old one and swap it out. Soon enough hardly any pre orders and rarely something released that equals my few ticky boxes (top 10 movies) Money and my time goes on the family. Plus if something was to happen to me, there isn't as big worry of having to go through all this mess and sell hundreds of collectibles. Literally on paper be a couple handfuls. Worth a thought and I am there for me.
@g17collectables11 4 сағат бұрын
Hello greatwhite2860, you make excellent points there! What i will say that collecting for me always comes after family. I do have kids, three of them, 19, 17 and 13 and throughout thier lives they always come first (well maybe 90% of the time!! haha) when it comes to our spending. Now dont get me wrong, i am in a very privaliged postion, i have a good job, with a good salary and so does my wife, and we work hard for what we have, and we find ourselves in the position of being able to afford some of the luxuries in life, which i never take for granted. So my position is not about affordability persay, its more about coming to realise that having £7k in commited pre-orders is just nuts and killing the enjoyment and freedom to collect things that are readily available now on the market. Pre-ordering feels like a bit of a long slog now, the heat is there when the item is announced and then comes the long wait, at least a year before you have the thing in hand, and by that point i'm not as keen as what i was. So changes happening, and i agree / like you overall stategy, and glad you've found a way to make collecting work for you, increasing your overall enjoyment without the stress and pressure, and ensuring that you have balance, and thats for me what i am trying to achieve now, balance. Thanks very much for your insights, the more comments i read through, the more i am learning and seeing that there is a large portion of collectors who all think the same way. Thanks again, very much appriciated.
@malekith8447 Күн бұрын
But part of the truth is that you have Artisan and Inart figures on pre-order. The most expensive 1/6 figures with rooted hair. Regular Hot toys figures are below 300 in most cases.
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello malekith - Correct i do, but as i perhaps said in the video its only when i took a recent step back and looked at where i was, that i made the decision that i didn't want to go down the high end 1/6 root, and therefore all will be cancelled (well maybe not batman, i'm still on the fence with that one!!) That doesn't mean im going to stop 1/6 figure collecting, i'm going to drop back to the regular stuff, a lot of which are fantastic from many manufacurers, and my collection is made of of 50+ 'normal' figures, so yeah thats where i am at, stop chasing high end only, and drop back to something which balances the cost and enjoyment! Thanks for watching and commenting, i really appriciate it.
@malekith8447 20 сағат бұрын
@ the Jack Sparrow isnt worth the upgrade imo
@mollychamber8967 Күн бұрын
Can I ask why you’re ordering from sideshow whilst being based in the uk? With import fees tax and shipping, isn’t it better to just go with hk resellers and get it day one?
@g17collectables11 4 сағат бұрын
Hello mollychamber8967, Normally i order from UK based suppliers or from others such as OSK, KG Hobby or TNS, but for the artisan editions i'd no real other options but to go with sideshow, they seem to have the monopoly on these artisans, and at the time of launch you either join the queue and try and get lucky, and if you do get the option you have very limited time to checkout. If you dont take the opportunity to buy at the time of sideshow launch, i think there is a huge risk of not getting these figures at all, and ive not seen any of them pop up for pre-order through my normal routes (well other than TW or Pop collectables, but having had bad experiences with both in the past, i avoid them completely) Thanks for watching and commenting.
@alibear73 Күн бұрын
Artisan figures look great but what puts me off is the long term maintenence. Like the Artisan anakin looks like overtime he will end up with an afro so ill always go for sculpted hair. Its easy to get carried away with the hype. But ask yourself how often will you look at it and get pleasure from it in your collection? I loved Dune but i dont need to see paul atreides on my shelf. I save that for character's i have nostalgia for when i was young in the 80s. Ive been collecting since i was 17, im 51 now but my collection is relatively small because im so particular about what i collect and also limited by space which has helped me to save money. Lol
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello again Alibear73, I never really thought about the longer term maintenance, just kind of thought that as the figures are in a static pose that the hair would remain in the same style / shape. So other than general dusting and cleaning, maybe with the odd repose and reposition from time to time to keep things fresh, i didnt think that i would have to break out any styling gel or brushes,but its a good point. I think im luckier than some, as living in Scotland and having very grey and misrable weather all year round, with no extreme highs or lows, and an even background humidity, i never have had or expect my evironment to negatively effect figures, but i guess if you live in a high humidity area, then this will longer term effect wool hair!
@alibear73 21 сағат бұрын
@g17collectables11 very true. I live in England so yeah I don't have to worry about humidity either
@alibear73 Күн бұрын
If you only collect what you actually like or have a connection with you won't have this problem. I loved Batman 89 but I don't need the figure. I love star wars but I don't need every single star wars figure. Trying to collect everything just for the sake of it is nuts to me. I'm not going to collect ghosts busters merch for example just because everyone else is. Just collect what you actually like.
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello Alibear73 - Very true words! However me personally, i like a lot of things! I love movies and TV, its what i do and i need all the stuff that goes along with it!!! haha No seriously, you make an excellent point, and i do actually only pick up those pieces almost 90% of the time that are associated with the movies i love. What you've said is good advice for all, dont try and keep up, dont try and get everything, just collect what you love and is within comfortable reach, even one thing can define an entire movie or franchise, pick that thing or single character and that represents the movie / tv series. Thanks for commenting and watching the video, appriciate you!
@richardcurtin5267 Күн бұрын
neca figures are great and they wont break the bank
@g17collectables11 Күн бұрын
And thier quality is not to be sniffed at! I have a couple of Neca turtles (80s) and honestly for £25, they are superb!
@twilitetide Күн бұрын
Not alone. For me it was a weird place to be; "sort of" custom figs suddenly "sort of" within financial reach for the masses - but I look at 2 figs and it's a thousand dollars USD on a shelf. Never could afford customs but was happy with my $220 upscale action figs (HT, ASMUS, PopToys, etc.). $600+ figs - it's all very nice; but except for the occasional fig - that's statue prices, which I also only buy occasionally, and only 1/10 or 1/4. Plus now there's re-releases. It's like the fun is getting sucked out when you realize you could pay for a beach weekend for the cost of 2 figures. The "artisan" figs are very cool, for sure. So is a 5 star hotel. But I'm getting off the bus.
@g17collectables11 Күн бұрын
Hello twilitetide, Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment, thats greatly appriciated. You make a good point, when you consider what else you could have with the money it puts it into a whole new perspective. Maybe i should cancel all, save myself a further £7K and take the kids to disneyworld, memorys and experience far outweigh a thing on a shelf!
@jovious82 Күн бұрын
I feel this, I have 3 figures still in their boxes that I haven't opened for some reason and recently canceled my Jazz inc 1989...
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello jovious82, Really? Thats a shame that you haven't the fire to open these 3 figures. Perhaps you should watch the movie / tv series that they are related to, and that might give you the drive to finally open and enjoy them. If not, then perhaps consider moving them along and using the funds for something that is exciting? I wish you all the best, hopefully you'll get that fire again, search for collection tours on you tube, or check mine out. I always find that when i have lost my drive, watching and immersing myself in good tour videos and reviews picks me back up. Thanks for watching and commenting, very much appriciated.
@markLicollection Күн бұрын
My strategy for 2025 is no more than 10 figures. That doesn't sound like much but, at 250 avg , that's still over 2000 dollars . I honestly feel foolish committing to even that much. I'm taking that money and putting it in a Roth IRA. It's just too much money to constantly spend on plastic, no matter how great they look.
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello markLicollection - 10 figures is still a very handsome target, thats more than i normally add to the collection, it varies for me, but i proabably sit at less than 5 on average per year, of course there are other things like 1:1, statues etc, but overall i proabably sit at around 10 - 12 items a year. Wise decision to re-invest, but again and ive said this before, everything in balance, a hobby should still be enjoyed so dont loose focus. Why not cut your 2025 goal in half, and say 5 figures and invest the rest in Roth IRA, best of both worlds! Best of luck to you, thanks for taking the time to watch and comment.
@Christopher-xr7nw Күн бұрын
I feel you 100% but 2025 my man hot toys is going to do almost all artisan. We are going to get bombarded with artisan figures they’re redoing avengers they’re redoing endgame. Everything’s going to be artisan.
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello Christopher-xr7nw, I agree with you, i think we will see a continual rise of Artisan in 2025, as let's be honest, they have all been a massive success with sell outs of every single one. Will the bubble burst? Possibly, i cant see this lasting forever, but they way its going i may be wrong! Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment!
@andrewmeloy9604 2 күн бұрын
Nice to have you back with a new video Gordon , very good points you make , it’s a hell of a lot of money for sure and the chase is never ending. I benefit from having a small collecting room space which is edging towards being filled so I have to be selective about my purchases as my space is finite, I will keep the selected pre orders I have but beyond that I do not expect to commit to much more. Thanks for sharing your thoughts I very much hope you will still post content from time to time on your channel showing us your 3d printing projects?. Is your robocop build still proceeding? . I wish you and your family a great Christmas and all the best for 2025 👍
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello Andrew, good to hear from you. The game has certainly changed, and for me, i've always had money tied up in pre-orders, which is the way this hobby is played, but stepping back the last 12 - 24 months, its exploded into a new era. Its hard to complain about this, as its fantastic to see such wealth of manufacurers making such amazing things and so many new people in this collecting world that we are all in, but this is driving pressure and strain on wallets and sometimes you just need to step back and understand that the chase and expanding the collection needs to be done in a fun way that encourages you on. I do try and be selective, the problem is that i have found myself navagating into high end, and thats where i've dug a hole! Its killing me having committments to £7K, as this is holding me back from buying things which are available now, so thats where im changing. No more pre-ordering, i'm going to focus on the freedom of buying from the open and available market. Anyway, Robocop coming along, all videos will be up to date this week, 3D printing is amazing and again videos within the next week or two as well as yet another collection tour among other things. Keep well, thanks for your support and i also wish you and family a fantastic Christmas and New Year!
@ryroush 19 сағат бұрын
I canceled my a couple weeks ago..after shipping it was almost $600 bucks..not worth it for me anymore
@g17collectables11 4 сағат бұрын
Hello ryroush, Yeah $600 when you actually think about it and what you get for that value is just crazy. Now dont get me wrong i expect to see a higher value over a normal HT Figure, but double the cost?!? There is an element of dissapointment in having to make hard choices due to cost, i mean if this was a $400 figure we would all be more than happy to spend our hard earned bucks as it is an amazing figure, but the new wave of artisan i feel personally are just priced above that reasonable bar. Good to hear from you, thanks for taking the time to watch and comment.
@ryroush Сағат бұрын
@g17collectables11 thanks for's nice to hear back from tubers. I've been collecting Hot Toys and other scale figures for a long time and nice to hear someone else actually know what they are talking about. I'll continue to watch
@figureitout-em4sn 2 күн бұрын
A lot of long-time collectors are priced out of the hobby they love, and that is frustrating, to say the least.
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello figureitout-em4sn, too true, i used to be able to collect on the cheap, expanding the collection by finding bargains, sales and using vouchers / reward points to make items more affordable. Gone are those days!! I also used to sell a lot, to fund the next big thing, but selling now is harder than ever. Good from a buyers perspective, but not so great if you are a seller! I'm finding the way in which i have collected over the past few years to be more and more frustrating and difficult, the chase is not exciting anymore, and the long wait between pre-order and item in hand, which is getting longer and longer, for me is killing the overall excitement. So i hope that by changing my own approach, and only buying from the existing open and available market, will bring the excitment and fun back into the hobby! Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment, i really appriciate it!
@adrianunderwood8642 2 күн бұрын
Based in the UK, I will be cutting back, cost is becoming too much! I have a great collection!
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello adrianunderwood8642, Thanks for commenting, its somewhat good to know that i am not alone as a fellow UK collector and there is the same feeling out there. Overall in one way its amazing to see the collectable world grow in all aspects, larger community, more cool products and higer quailty. We are in the era of seeing things becoming a reality that the world could only dream about 20+ years ago when i started collecting, but i think what i am starting to learn is that as a collector you need to adapt a lot quicker and really evaluate how you will collect on a weekly basis now. Great to have your support of the channel, hope to see more comments from you in future.
@TKMagicShop 2 күн бұрын
I feel your pain. I’ve had enough of too. The way they are doing it is goofy.
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello TKMagicShop, glad i'm not the only one who feels like this!!! I know that the hole i am in is of my own doing, no one has forced me to pre-order etc and there is a large part of me that really does want these figures, i don't pre-order on a whim and i try not to get caught up in all the hype, but with the Sideshow launch and queing system giving a brief moment and pot luck to try and secure these figures, you need to go for it at the time otherwise you just wont get an Artisan version, as they seem to have the overall monopoly on these high end hot toys. Thier strategy works, selling these figures out really quickly, and if you look at dark side luke, normally that is a figure that i think would of sold in low volumes, but they made it an artisan and it sold out within 24 hours, so the Hot Toys / sideshow approach does work for them, but i think its putting too much hype and pressure on collectors to buy figures that we actually dont need or truly want!! Anyway, thanks for your support, much appriciated!
@ernestmuric6719 2 күн бұрын
1st world problems really hit home.
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello, Yep they sure do!!
@anbuzero367 2 күн бұрын
I had the same with the Iron Man figures, I love them to bits, but I had to stop because they are not as exclusive as before, and they keep pumping out all different colours and reissues. + after pre ordering and paying top rrp. 2 month later they just tank in value and 20-30% off on sale.
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello anbuzero367, The whole Iron Man collection really bums me out. Whilst im not an IM collector, i surley do appriciate them, and i get that HT want to produce all of the suits for collectors. But when they started doing all of the variations etc thats when i thought, that the line was just being milked and the more that are pumped out, the more the market would be saturated, so im not surprised to hear that values are tanking. Collectors i guess are keeping and spending thier money on the newest IM Pre-orders and figure releases rather than looking at the existing secondary market, which is a shame as HT always had that edge and price retention. Overall market saturation seems to be the key theme at the moment, its impacting a lot of aspects of this hobby. Hard to complain, as in one way this is what we want, more product, more figures, higher quality, but i guess whats important is for the collector to try and keep balance! Anyway, thanks for taking the time to watch and comment, really appriciate the support!
@somersfamily Күн бұрын
@frankcrabbe6464 Күн бұрын
I can only agree brother, I coll for 30 years, and if you want a high end figure these days, you fall into a group of high end coll who have toys of money. And it seems the 1/6 world starts to get to a level that its just for the wel blessed with money people. A select group. Im sorry to say but it is. In al these years coll the prices are getting ridicule, and think about whats going to happen for usa coll brothers, if al the taxes on these things that are going in to the usa, get a lot higher, what is going to happen?! Correct indeed sir, more expensive than it already is. I coll figures from chinese and japanese myth/legends/heroes, like three kingdoms, journey to the west , martial arts movies, games, al related from these cata, but man, also, prices are getting insane. You can po, thats easy a little deposit.... but if they finally getting released, better make shure you have it al ready, because somethimes they are a few months later, ok, but than suddenly you have 3 figures coming in, good news.... but you need to have that money ready. I coll also threea, and in that time, I could buy one or two figs a month, so good where the prices then. And tbh, thats not even years ago.... also, the second hand market, if a seller smell that his fig is a bit rare or a little bit more "special" be prepared to get ripped off, or dont buy. I know, now, times are rough for everybody, and its going to get rougher. But helping other coll out to get him the figure he whas looking for, thats also a part of this hobby, the 1/6 community should change again. And a lot of new coll dont coll figures but $ signs. Thats how it is, Im sorry but it is... I know I rather ask the price I paid for a fig(because I did it more than ones) to help a coll out, instead of being a golddigger. But again, its a rare case that it happened to me. A lot of coll from a country im not going to name, al of them, take it from me, they want a lot for nothing... if you trade, sell, doesnt matter. And also, its normal to change a deal or whatever and not telling you(parts missing, changed, took out of the trading deal etc etc....) after years, you come across a lot. And you know better, than deal with some imho.
@g17collectables11 Күн бұрын
Hello Frankcrabbe6464, Thanks for taking the time to watch the video and to comment. Good to see a long time collector on the channel and you'll appriciate like i do the evolution and changes throughout the last 20 - 25 years. I think this current bubble that we are in will not last for much longer, theres only so much high end that can be sustained, before collectors unfortunatley start turning away and looking for thier collection fix elsewhere, and what about new blood, does the current market and price points really encourage people to collect and enjoy, or do they see the pressure, stress and frankly overwhelming world that collecting is, and again turn around and go somewhere else. I agree with you on the higher price scalping, for me its about just getting back retail what i paid or just marginally slightly more. I cannot stand those collectors who are in it to turn profit, and i think we are seeing more and more scalping with the limited edition numbers behind these figures alongside the hype wave, where does it end?? Thanks once again!
@AndreThisIsTheWay 2 күн бұрын
Stopped pre ordering a while back, the flood of figures has made it a grind rather than exciting. Can't easily sell a figure now either so I am conscious of what I allow to take a spot in the collection. That being said, you ever sell that clarence bodiger, my wallet will make an appearance from the depths of my pocket. Your collection is perfection so it is probably natural for a new hobby to start creeping in to refocus you. Keep making videos though, deal?
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello Andre, You're right it is an absolute grind, the high prices and pressure are just sucking the fun and excitement out of the whole collecting process for 1/6th Figures, and yes great insight, selling 1/6th is no longer what it used to be! I've a good few in storage which years ago i would of sold off, but its such a grind as well to try and get them on the market. Again, your first on the list if i ever do let Clarance leave! More content on the way, i've a list of videos to get done over the next few weeks, so stay tuned and thanks for your support!
@Illusion_Entity 2 күн бұрын
Why anyone from the UK would order from sidesuck is beyond me honestly.. why are you ordering from all of the vendors where you WILL pay import duty? Not a very savvy collector mate I'll be honest.
@jonyoung1768 2 күн бұрын
Yeah I agree I order from onesixth kit a lot cheaper than sideshow
@g17collectables11 2 күн бұрын
Hello Illusion_Entity, Well to answer your question, I don't normally order from Sideshow, in fact its always the very last place i look. I tend to stick to places such as OSK, KG Hobby, TNS, as those are good prices with no additional shipping or tax. I dont mind sometimes paying higher prices from UK businesses, as it supports them in the right way. However for HT Artisan (all other pre-orders i have are with other companies), i had very limited choices to get these, as Sideshow appear to have the overall monopoly on these, so its either join the queue and place your order within 10 mins, or high risk of not getting one of these at all!! and i've not seen any of my usual places having pre-order slots for any Artisan versions (and those with available pre-order, such as TW or Pop Collectables, i just dont want to deal with these companies, fingers burned with both in the past!!)
@jonyoung1768 2 күн бұрын
@@g17collectables11 yeah I got burned by pop collectibles on Inart Aragon missing hands I contacted them just got fobbed off TW I cleared my oders one good thing from TW was had 2 moth holding hands on Gandalf and missing right gripping hand they sent me a replacement within a week
@somersfamily Күн бұрын
😂😂 sidesuck? Hmmm
@alibear73 Күн бұрын
Yeah if you're uk and you order from sideshow you are basically paying the american price but in pounds. Any saving you made you lose. Kghobby and onesixth usually get them in the end but alot later than sideshow. I've seen figures on kghobby that are wait listed on sideshow for a much lower cost.
@dustinnye1688 Күн бұрын
Basically this is a rant on how u don’t like collecting anymore
@g17collectables11 21 сағат бұрын
Hello dustinnye1688, Mmmm yes its a rant, but not on general collecting, i love collecting and i always will. But specifically what i don't love about collecting, is 1.6th high end - That in it's silo is where i've came to realise that for now, i'm changing direction and looking at other avenues for collecting, so remove the pressure, stress and lack of exceitment to give it a real good shake and say hey i want to be exicited again!! Thanks for your comments, and watching!
@dustinnye1688 21 сағат бұрын
@ I have a brother and sister that help support the hobby I don’t care about the price if I want them the real expensive ones my brother buys
@azraelian3098 14 сағат бұрын
major L, could still bought it and sold for higher to make money lel
@g17collectables11 4 сағат бұрын
Hello azraelian3098, thats not what i am about, i dont take advantage and try and make money in those sorts of ways, i'd much prefer to skip and pass to another collector who actually wants the figure at retail. These things are expensive enough without having to then pay higher prices on the secondary market. Thanks for watching and commenting.
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