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안녕하세요. "아이언대디"입니다!
요즘 정말 말도 많고 탈도 많은 "핫토이 엔드게임 타노스..."
받으면 먼지 나도록 패주고 싶었는데 드디어 목표를 이루었습니다!
죽이진 않았어요😅
딱 죽기 전 숨이 붙어 있을정도로 살려만 주었습니다.🤣🤣
아무쪼록 이번 작품은 "카페오타" 사장님과 오래전부터 계획했던 작품 쇼케이스를 진행하였는데요. 꼭 한번 해보고 싶었던 행사이고 처음이고 많은분들 앞이라 긴장도 많이 하고 말도 잘 못했는데 사장님이 진행을 잘 해주신덕분에
무사히 마칠수 있었습니다!
🌟필히 손소독과 열체크 그리고 마스크를 착용하고 행사를 진행하였습니다.
• 'Icarus' [Uplifting Ep...
📌Attribution format: 'Icarus' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
Hello, I'm Iron Daddy!
"Hot Toy Endgame Thanos..." is really talkative and demage these days.
I wanted to beat him to dust, but I finally achieved my goal!
I didn't kill him.
He saved me to the point where I was holding my breath before I died.🤣🤣
Anyway, I had a showcase with the CEO of "Cafeota" for a long time. It was an event that I really wanted to do, and it was my first time, and I was nervous and didn't talk well because of the CEO.
I was able to finish it well!
We carried out the event with hand sterilization, thermal check, and mask.