You should do a episode about pokemon and how it's an anomaly in the rpg world and why it is more successful then any other rpg and lots of Pokemon players never played other rpgs
@Geralt4002 жыл бұрын
I do have to say commenting on your persona section that I do understand why some persona fans are upset that it's a mainstream game now. It is nice to have a tight-knit community of people who really appreciate the nuances of the games. I felt that way with the Witcher brand. I was a fan of The Witcher back when only two books were translated into English and the 2007 game was a micro cult. The fan base now, especially since the Netflix show is so much more casualized and less fun to me. And there's the schism with old fans like me who truly understand The Witcher and the new fans who enjoy it for very different reasons.
@TechnicalCakeMix2 жыл бұрын
Love the format!
@KingOfHart342 жыл бұрын
First things first, don't discount the mobile ports of the DQ games. Seriously, they're not bad at all. They may seem cumbersome at first, but within about an hour I grew completely accustomed to it and even found it quite convenient at times. I would say only do this for IV-VI as I-III on Switch is quite good and VIII is cheap enough on PS2 or 3DS digital download to go down that route. Seriously though, don't be put off by the mobile stigma gamers put on it and avoid these games. They're all excellent, with V being among my favorite games of all time, and the mobile ports are pretty solid. IV especially with the party chat feature being introduced for the first time in English through mobile. Secondly, being a gigantic fan of Suikoden (namely Suikoden III), I can't tell you how frustrating it is trying to introduce people into the franchise. It doesn't help that a majority of the fandom is, imo, an annoying echo chamber of the exact same opinion that quite frankly wrongly praises too few games within the franchise. Essentially, I and II or bust. Throw V in there as well. But I digress. It was scary when we thought the PS store for PS3 and Vita were gonna be shut down, because that would have made essentially all of Suikoden unplayable beyond emulation (unless you had hundreds of dollars laying around). Physical media for all games has gotten much worse post pandemic, and when I would usually recommend just buying a physical copy of III cause it was so dirt cheap, I can't do that anymore. Luckily, I-IV are all playable on ps3 for now. But not forever. Konami needs to re-release this series on modern consoles ASAP. It's such a fantastic series that needs more love. Yes, I am excited for Eiyuden Chronicle, so that's something. But I also want more than just a spiritual successor to II. Yes, I get it. It's the most popular. But III is my literal favorite game of all time, and it's sad how little appreciation it gets even within its own fandom. One day I'll finish my video essay on the game, and hopefully that'll shed some more light and such an ambitious, marvelous game.
@starcrossedsouls59502 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear the DQ mobile ports hold up. That’s reassuring considering so many people want to play 4-6 due to their pedigree. Omg yeah I Suikoden is another tough one to get into right now for exactly the reasons you mentioned. I have 3 and 4 but when I saw how expensive 2 and 5 were I basically gave up on being able to complete the series. But if 1 and 2 are available for download I will definitely get them asap
@KingOfHart342 жыл бұрын
@@starcrossedsouls5950 Definitely get them while you can off the store, they're very much worth your time. 2 needs no introduction obviously, but I wouldn't sleep on 1. It's a great example of simple but effective imo.
@SumKindofGaming2 жыл бұрын
Great video! A ton of great information! It's both a shame and a joy to see the value of retro games go through the roof!
@BladeCrossEXE2 жыл бұрын
Nintendo and Capcom could take some lessons from Square Enix in terms of preservation.
@starcrossedsouls59502 жыл бұрын
Capcom and Square are similar in the sense that they put the same couple of series up on a pedestal and ignore the rest. Square re releases FF just like Capcom does with RE. Nintendo is just like “you will pay whatever price we ask for our games no matter how obtuse the format or how inconvenient because we’re Nintendo goddamn it and our games are untouchable gold”
@WinspearUltima2 ай бұрын
I have to say this is a great list of RPGs that are accessible. I’m glad other Companies are actually preserving and remastering their games to make accessible now a days in 2024, (yeah I’m pretty much new here) I can’t wait for Dragon Quest 3 HD2D, hope we get more games to be more accessible like Chrono Trigger my favourite RPG of all time.
@Geralt4002 жыл бұрын
Tales of Vesperia was my only Tales game I ever played and enjoyed. Mainly because I grew up with the Xbox 360 and at the time I would download numerous demos which included one for vesperia and then would use the old GameFly service to rent games which was how I played most JRPGs.