How "Andor" absolutely nails the core themes of Star Wars

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Thor Skywalker

Thor Skywalker

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Пікірлер: 358
@quanganhvu6791 Жыл бұрын
You know you have matured as a person and content consumer when you really appreciate the slow-burn but well-written, well-shot, well-acted, thought-provoking shows like Andor
@jetblast190 Жыл бұрын
And at this point, “well-written” for a Disney Lucasfilm production in of itself is worthy of attention.
@TheMinskyTerrorist Жыл бұрын
Wow, I really aspire to be a content consumer
@mickeybunts Жыл бұрын
You know you're a naive clown when you go around saying Kenobi was better than this show
@critical_thinker0668 Жыл бұрын
Ok let's not get pretentious here lol. I love this show but to say that enjoying it proves you've "matured as a person and content consumer" is fairly hyperbolic for any movie/TV series, no matter how good.
@internet2055 Жыл бұрын
an emotional and exxagerated comment by @Quang Ahn Vu better not to type comments when emotional
@9snaga Жыл бұрын
To me Andor proves how underrated Rogue One was/is. IMO best star wars movie in the Disney era hands down. Fantastic foundation upon which Andor is built, both thematically and story wise.
@drumlessons833 Жыл бұрын
Rogue One was incredible, but the Vader scene at the end, fun as it was, overshadowed the climax of the film.
@9snaga Жыл бұрын
@@drumlessons833 i can see that perspective, for me it was just icing on the cake. It's literally the only SW Movie aside from the OT and Prequels that is very much rewatch worthy(multiple times)
@RenegadeMaster137 Жыл бұрын
Completely agree.. who would have thought that when Andor uttered Melshi’s name through his radio we’d now have a backstory for this character. Even Andor himself - I loved the character but I never would have thought his prequel series would be some of the best content of the Disney era. Just imagine if a series with as much care as this was made for other Rogue One characters, like Chirrut & Baze 😅
@ImTheReverse Жыл бұрын
@@drumlessons833 Only if that’s all you care about. Vader scene is great, but personally, as a fan of space battles, the Battle of Scarif was a wet dream come to life.
@dangermouse9348 Жыл бұрын
@@drumlessons833 There are only 4 SW films. The OT and Rogue One.
@huwguyver4208 Жыл бұрын
Luthen's decision to sacrifice the lives of his allies in order to preserve a valuable secret actually reminds me of Alan Turing's codebreakers at Bletchley Park, UK during WW2 (as seen in the movie "The Imitation Game"). Having worked so hard to code-break the Nazi's Enigma machine, the allies knew that if they immediately started saving every allied life that they could then the Germans would realise that Enigma had been compromised, and they would change the machine and the codebreakers would be back to square one. So the allies had to let just enough enemy attacks through to prevent the Germans from suspecting that Enigma had been compromised, and had to decide ahead of time which attacks to stop and which to allow through. I can only imagine how difficult those decisions would have been to make. The guilt you would feel every day, knowing that you could have saved the lives of a certain group of allies but decided not to because the risk of your secret being discovered was too great, would surely be a huge emotional burden for those who had to make those decisions. So too with Luthen. On the surface he seems to have managed to obtain a level of cold detachment necessary to make similar tough calls, but from his unforgettable monologue at the end of Episode 10 it's clear that the process has taken a real toll on his soul, and he knows it. It's great writing to see those sort of awful decisions having to be made in the Star Wars universe- it makes it feel more like a real place and a real war, and it is a big part of what makes the Andor series so great.
@lolololalala8225 Жыл бұрын
Not sure he is going to sacrifice those men, he also lied he was not involved in the heist right? Not sure if you noticed the short teaser for the next episodes and I wont spoil it with my thoughts if you didnt.
@Dan-qq1zo Жыл бұрын
First thing I thought of too
@dez-m Жыл бұрын
I had that epiphany last night! This is such a good observation!
@QuietManUK Жыл бұрын
True, Churchill sacrificed the civilians of Coventry as the UK knew a massive German raid was to happen on the city. All to protect the secret of the broken code for matters that were deemed more vital to the UK's survival, by way of the locations of U Boats targeting the supplies the rest of the country so desperately needed.
@nsmith5636 Жыл бұрын
100% agree. My argument to people why stars is awesome is the ability to tell stories in a infinite yet defined universe
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Same here.
@samlanganke1262 Жыл бұрын
Although I have my problems with "defined universe". Analogue tech, clothes and hair-styles in 1970ies fashion always looks kind of ridiculous. Perhaps because I grew up with that stuff.
@nTrylo Жыл бұрын
I love how much this series builds a foundation for Director Krennic's methods and behavior in Rogue One. The Imperial Security Bureau scenes are just as good as the rebellion scenes.
@joseangelhernandez5274 Жыл бұрын
Andor has been an evolution of star wars story telling and absolutely feels like star wars to me, with its main focus on the people who are struggling for the rebellion.
@seanzibonanzi64 Жыл бұрын
I'm reminded that A New Hope started out as an espionage thriller as well, with getting the plans of the death star to the rebels being the driving plot, not Jedi space wizards or epic space battles.
@NR-fd9wv Жыл бұрын
true, the only lightsaber uel could barely be considered an action scene, even the assault on the death star only had a few rebel ships involved and we got very little info on what jedi even were, let alone sith.
@oliverjayawant Жыл бұрын
To me this feels more like Star Wars than anything in the last decade. The writing and acting is the best Star Wars has ever had. Wednesday has been my favourite day of the week during the run of Andor. Just two weeks left.
@russelltvrdik3266 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree, every Wednesday my lunch runs, “ long”!!
@critical_thinker0668 Жыл бұрын
This and Tales of the Jedi are some of the best Star Wars we've had in years.
@kinoian Жыл бұрын
Two weeks.... and then another twelve weeks next year!
@ponli7532 Жыл бұрын
@@kinoian two years unfortunatly
@QuestionMan Жыл бұрын
I think Kenobi was the spiritual successor to the sequel trilogy, spawned from the same creative process. The writing was approached as a lazy afterthought, a vehicle for what they imagined would make for instantaneous coolness.
@benjaminroe311ify Жыл бұрын
I don't completely hate Kenobi series but this is a good comment. I think Kenobi improves on the sequels but not by much. The most unbelievable or questionable thing about Kenobi is how he leaves Vader alive again... I mean I guess he just couldn't kill his brother eh?
@critical_thinker0668 Жыл бұрын
I hate the fact that I have to agree with you on this, since I was really hoping Kenobi would be good, but yeah, you're 100% right.
@Relugus Жыл бұрын
Kenobi should have taken the Wrath of Khan approach and had Obi Wan and Vader in conflict but never meeting each other physically. Kenobi rescuing Jedi and Vader hunting them should have been the basis of the show.
@eyeheartsushi2212 Жыл бұрын
@@Relugus I thought Kenobi would be like you mentioned: Vader looking for Kenobi but never catching up to him. I read a comment here once that I swear it read like it was from someone connected to the show. The person said the “Obi-Wan once thought like you” line from Vader to Luke in Return of the Jedi supported Kenobi and Vader meeting before Episode 4. It makes sense but the way the show went about it, especially getting Leia involved, was awful.
@medalgear654 Жыл бұрын
@@eyeheartsushi2212 yeah it still didn't make any sense because Obi Wan didn't offer Vader a chance to redem himself nor did he once believed as Luke eventually does.
@christineyan8942 Жыл бұрын
This series has brought a depth and dimension of realness to Star Wars I haven't seen before - whenever I watch any of the other SW movies or series, I always find I need to suspend reality a bit and just enjoy the show. But not with Andor - the realness of it is brunt force in your face. And beyond that it has great writing, amazing acting and an awesome score too. What more can you ask for?
@T_SDuarte Жыл бұрын
Another VERY important detail about Mon Mothma’s sacrifice: she’s also contemplating giving up her soul. Her daughter is a teenager who DID NOT chose to embrace the cause and fight evil, so to speak. She probably doesn’t even see the Empire as the same thing her mother does, doesn’t know about any sort of cause, is completely oblivious to the hole thing. And if Mon Mothma doesn’t support the arranged married tradition, she probably feels she was kind of sold by her parents. So now she might have to sell (that’s how she sees it) her absolutely clueless daughter for a cause the kid doesn’t even know exists, much less understands and embraces herself.
@shaydowsith348 Жыл бұрын
Even in a culture with prearranged marriages there are outs. If she makes herself "unattractive" to the boy, that would nip it in the bud
@Kowkarot Жыл бұрын
I wonder if next season we will have a moment in which Mon Mothma ends up abandoning everything to stand up to the Emperor, and becomes a traitor to join the rebellion, connecting it to when the Ghost Crew rescues her on Rebels. If pulled off correctly, it would elevate that arc and her character so much.
@Kevin_Street Жыл бұрын
I'd say it's inevitable. as she doesn't seem like the type to compromise her principles. Not for long. Mothma may make some decisions she regrets now, but that experience will teach her the folly of becoming like the enemy to fight the enemy. In other words I think she's going to become the exact opposite of Luthen.
@JohnnyLodge2 Жыл бұрын
For me the only thing missing other than alien species is insight into why the galaxies bourgeois would oppose the empire. They seemingly supported war to keep the separatists paying taxes and buying goods. What changed? The aesthetics of it?
@Kevin_Street Жыл бұрын
We're all just speculating on an imaginary galaxy here, but I think Palpatine took over so many things he scared the otherwise uninterested middle class. We know he took control of the Banking Clan during the Clone Wars, and we see in Andor that the corporate sector lost control of their worlds to the Empire. It may have got to the point where economic success or ruin depended on how tight you were with Imperial officals.
@JimmyRussle Жыл бұрын
@@JohnnyLodge2 Its really echoing whats happening now in China and Russia. Their elite are in the crosshairs of their respective tyrannical dictator presidents. They can no longer get away with all the things they used to. This has to piss them off. They cant spend their money where and when they want anymore. They have to give up their power to one guy and if they dont go along with it, they are disappeared. I totally see why they would want to rebel.
@michaeldemarco9950 Жыл бұрын
@@JohnnyLodge2 , because the Clone War was to keep the Separatists in line. The Empire is now trying to keep THEM in line.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Andor and Revenge Of The Sith are my favorite SW content. They’re so good
@9snaga Жыл бұрын
Rogue one thoughts?
@delta.6160 Жыл бұрын
@@9snaga Imo Rogue One is amazing and a totally worthy prequel that adds to the universe. The only truly amazing Disney stars movie imo. Solo was mid and the sequels were not good
@RenegadeMaster137 Жыл бұрын
Rogue One is up there with Revenge of the Sith and the OT for me. I think I may even love it more than Revenge of the Sith 😅
@seeloffdoee Жыл бұрын
My top three are: 1.) ROTS 2.) Andor 3.) Rogue One
@puterboy2 Жыл бұрын
I only wish Obi-Wan had this much effort put into it.
@YegRon Жыл бұрын
Agreed! I love the theme of choices in Star Wars. We see this in Andor how if Luthen doesn’t force the crack down, then there’s a good chance Andor doesn’t join the Rebellion and maybe the Death Star plans are never stolen by the Rebels. All three major story lines in episode 10 showed the characters involved having to make impossible decisions. That combined with the quality of the show makes this gripping drama.
@DarthRaptor22 Жыл бұрын
If SW was only about surface level spectacle, then the ST, Kenobi and BoBF would not have been ridiculed and derided
@ImTheReverse Жыл бұрын
Eh, even the spectacle was lacking, at least in the two shows. The ST, despite its flaws, was fun to look at. The other two, not so much.
@spaceghostcqc2137 Жыл бұрын
BoBF had its moments, but ironically the best parts were the more 'andor-esq' stuff with the Tuscans.
@seeloffdoee Жыл бұрын
I enjoy ranking the 18 canon Star Wars projects from live media (live action and animation - not including Resistance because why would I, or TotJ because it’s an anthology), and Andor started in my top 10, then moved up to #5, then #3, and after the latest episode is now sitting pretty at #2 behind ROTS. It’s simply beautiful all-around filmmaking and writing, and it’s honestly such a privilege to have something like this in Star Wars canon
@АлексейМомот-щ7о Жыл бұрын
Privilege? This type of competent writing should be a standard for every show, I can't put up with lesser shows
@seeloffdoee Жыл бұрын
@@АлексейМомот-щ7о a privilege because Star Wars has never really been known for its writing, or at least never writing on this level. It’s always had that campy Lucas or Filoni-style writing, and then the more generic Hollywood action-comedy writing of the sequels. This is something special compared to the rest of the Star Wars library
@fumfering Жыл бұрын
@@АлексейМомот-щ7о It's a privilege to be able to enjoy this level of storytelling. Just as I'm grateful for the works of Shakespeare, Umberto Eco, and Thomas Pynchon, I'm grateful to have stuck around long enough to stumble on this gem of a show, and for the artists who made it. Even including the evil genius who designs the soundscape that regularly gives me palpitations.
@Hanoua2 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see Tony Gilroy and his crew take on a Star Wars story with a Jedi. I would like to see how they would pull that off
@LukeSilverstar1000 Жыл бұрын
I’ve had the same thought.
@kingbooomer9231 Жыл бұрын
Maybe they’d take the route of a disheartened soldier who’s developed a very cynical perception of reality until a monk order saves him purely because it’s the right thing to do. You would have this mystery of what this monk order is and at the end, you have some reveal that an unseen power (either The Force or simply pure faith in the belief of the Force) is what motivates these people to do good and the cynical soldier is “saved”. I feel that would be a fairly grounded way to explore that avenue, with a lot of religious stories to pull ideas from
@ellicel Жыл бұрын
In choosing to aid the rebellion Mon has placed her family in danger. Once they figure out what she’s doing her daughter’s life or freedom is likely forfeit. Mon may find that she HAS to sacrifice her to Davos for a chance to keep her actions secret and in turn keep her daughter safe, albeit perhaps unhappy and feeling betrayed.
@raquelk6709 Жыл бұрын
I can't help thinking Mon's hushand has a closer relationship with Davos than hinted at. I don't trust the husband at all and he probably has already made some dodgy deals with Davos concerning the daughter!!
@fumfering Жыл бұрын
We won't know for sure for a while, but think you've nailed it. Whether or not her daughter wants the marriage, Davos might be the only person who could save her from being punished for Mon Mothma's actions. As for her husband, I think he might be left hanging in the wind when Mon disappears to join the rebellion.
@jacobleroux96 Жыл бұрын
A competent story that neatly fits into the expansive universe >>>> a nostalgia trip filled with laser swords
@sensey07 Жыл бұрын
It's like Spielberg noted back in 1979 - "People will leave their TV sets for a good story before anything else. Special effects just add to it".
@Sci-Fi-Mike Жыл бұрын
Well put, Thor. A very compelling argument. I didn't think of it in that way, but I really like the points made and I've really been enjoying Andor. Maybe you've shed some light on why I'm enjoying it so much.
@ProdCritic Жыл бұрын
What does Luthen say in his speech? "I am doomed to use the tools of my enemy against them". What happens in the prison break? The prisoners *literally* use the tools of the empire to overthrow the guards. THE LEVEL OF DETAIL IN THE WRITING & DIRECTING ON THIS SHOW IS PHENOMENAL
@creambot Жыл бұрын
Excellent analysis. As much as I respect Andor for its technical ability w.r.t. cinematography, art design, pacing and intelligence, it's the reverence with which it treats the source material that makes me a real advocate for this.
@shadeblackwolf1508 Жыл бұрын
His speech is actually also telling people to help their brothers get out. If they took his advice some of the prisoners may have helped him to shore.
@ToastyMuppet Жыл бұрын
I hope they did. I think Cassian would have helped him too if he was able
@Scratchmane Жыл бұрын
This is why I subscribed to you. Excellent analysis. Since you saw RotJ in the theater I now know we are of similar age. Thank you again for video's like this, The Force is strong with you 🙂🥰
@plutoburn Жыл бұрын
What I find interesting about Andor is its examination of the classic good vs evil paradigm, as the order keepers are actually the bad guy and the law breakers are suppose to be the good guy. That's what really attracted me to Andor.
@jameshall9654 Жыл бұрын
One of the things Andor does well amongst so many others is it helps reinforce to the viewer just to how powerful The Emperor, Vader and The Empire actually were. The effort it takes for ordinary citizens up to senators to even make a dent in that power is incredible - it also shows a hint of the infighting and heavy bureaucracy that will play a part in its downfall. I’be enjoyed seeing the empire at a granular level and how it makes me appreciate the scale of the OT
@caleob9725 Жыл бұрын
I remember seeing filoni talk about Star Wars being about family and it definitely is and you don’t even have to think about it for very long to see it in andor. Him himself is motivated by his family. Whether he is in pursuit of them or fighting for them in his heart, his family is his main motivation. Kino has developed a bond with his fellow inmates and has put them ahead of himself when it all came down to it. Mon mothma has temporarily put her family first but even when she doesn’t and goes along with the deal, her decision about her daughter will have impact on the rebellion. The show may look different and seem edgy but it’s still Star Wars and it’s definitely the best thing I’ve seen by Disney. Can’t wait for more of it
@HHHPedigrees Жыл бұрын
I love that they made the empire terrifying and a threat instead of a joke like the other movies.
@robqwert2696 Жыл бұрын
I have never rewatched any disney star wars content. But I have rewatched each episode of Andor at least 2 times. Kenobi is a nostalgia bait, while Andor is peak star wars content. Funny how the world works
@bencera6067 Жыл бұрын
Mando and Andor straight up the only thing keeping me in Star Wars
@MirrenTheDragonKnight Жыл бұрын
Add Ahsoka into it (bar her shoehorning in TotJ) and you have me too.
@Calvin8419 Жыл бұрын
Thor you make a very good point of the difference between andor and obi wan with obi wan not sacrificing really anything and characters in andor sacrificing themselves so many others can live. I really agree with it.
@ryandodrill6904 Жыл бұрын
Couldn’t have said it better. This series is just amazing.
@pigriderstarwatcher9217 Жыл бұрын
I'm colledge undergrad and I'm recently subscribed to you. I absolutely agree with your ideas that "Star Wars' theme is about the battle between selfish and selfishness, and I like your examples with Anakin: the discussion on his internal conflict between his deity characteristics (his heroic instinct to help and save people), and his human-side needs(inability to let go of his wife Padme). Your following discussions to the internal conflict within characters in Andor makes sense to me. Your ideas are mature and well-articulated, and you deserve more followers. I'm only a undergrad so what I said above might contain some inaccurate choice of words, but I am practicing writing and I hope you could understand. Also, I didn't have the experience of watching RoTJ as a kid as you did, but my childhood was filled with The Clone Wars animation show. We have age differences but I really like your content.
@Whileshedidthishedidthat Жыл бұрын
I ask everyone I talk to if they are watching this... They all say no.. my heart sinks every time.. this show is so good it's well written directed and shot.. the dialogue is fantastic it's like an expanded universe book come to life. I look forward to wednesdays that's all I'm saying
@iraijah Жыл бұрын
Agreed. This show feels the closest to the old EU to ever hit the screen and I love it.
@thefrozenone417 Жыл бұрын
I think you are absolutely correct. Mon reminds me of Leia, who probably started out idealistic as a young teen but eventually had to come to grips with what was necessary to run a rebellion. Kino Loy reminds me a bit of Luke or OT Obi-wan, being willing to give up his life for the betterment of the galaxy and others.
@Jack_Simpson Жыл бұрын
I feel like most people can agree that the quality of the writing and the characters of Andor are an order of magnitude above any other Star Wars media out there, including Empire and the last four clone wars episodes. There’s zero cheese, stellar pacing and every single character feels real and human. We’ve only seen ten episodes, but it’s up there with Breaking Bad, early Thrones, and Sopranos at least right now.
@toons8744 Жыл бұрын
Nah, its not even close to empire. Irs very good, but it's pacing is incredibly off, maybe characters go nowhere narratively and time is wasted on them. They hold on to plot threads that are uninteresting, ir unimportant and it takes time away from the main characters development. The second 3 epsiode arc fizzled out quickly to me but the prison arc has made a solid return.
@Jack_Simpson Жыл бұрын
@@toons8744Respectfully disagree. I think the fact that they develop characters that are narrative dead ends is a good thing since that's how people work in real life. Granted, I can see how it can be unsatisfying
@toons8744 Жыл бұрын
@@Jack_Simpson its not always bad. I get the appeal. It just feels like they are meandering sometimes with scenes that don't end up being important. I'm a big proponent of efficiency, in storytelling being that if it isn't character building, or important to the plot; it doesn't need to be there. Like I said its still a great series. I love its best moments theres just a few bits and pieces that irk me.
@GuntherRommel Жыл бұрын
Andor is legitimately some of the best Science Fiction I've ever seen that wasn't from a *tiny* studio. Dystopic, to say the least.
@mk80. Жыл бұрын
I’m glad that Disney has gotten this show right on every level. Rogue One has been one of my two favorite Star Wars movies. I already liked Andor as a character and this show has really added to his but also has added so many great characters into Star Wars!
@michaeldemarco9950 Жыл бұрын
When all is said and done, and all of Star Wars is filmed, Andor (and other anthology series) will serve as the backdrop for the Saga films.
@internet2055 Жыл бұрын
Tony Gilroy and his crew a Star Wars Triology of movies PLEASE
@MarkMarxonsBassChannel Жыл бұрын
This show is riveting! It’s rekindled my love of Star Wars and proved that Star Wars can be a great many things.
@owenywanperoni7939 Жыл бұрын
Obiwan was heart breaking I couldn't even watch the last episode! Andor has giving me a Star Wars that has reignited my love for the franchise its something new and original there's so much potential now! this show proves Star Wars isn't dead.
@dannyvillarreal1785 Жыл бұрын
I've enjoyed Andor 100% its been really good.
@suzannepottsshorts Жыл бұрын
Andor felt like Star Wars, Obi wan felt like fan fiction.
@rogerpalsgrove9678 Жыл бұрын
I'm just enjoying the complexity of the everyday faceless hero journeys that they are exploring in the series. The epic hero's journey first laid out in the movies is definitely what drew me in. It feels like Star Wars to me but just from the every day person's POV. I would like to see a character like Chirrut Îmwe make an appearance in the series at some point. One who believes in the force without it being a way of life.
@joshwhite5730 Жыл бұрын
That bit you had about Mon Mothma was amazing for the longest time I did not care about her character and felt like she was annoying, useless, and did not care about the cause but you helped me realize that she sacrificed much more than I originally thought which was just her daughter is going to have a bad life oh no. ( I did not see the relation between Mon's daughter and what Mon did for the rebellion.
@mardy3732 Жыл бұрын
With the footage we've seen, like Luthen's inquisitor lightsaber ship for example, I believe the last 2 episodes might give us some of that classic Star Wars feel again. Which after all this buildup would feel more rewarding than ever.
@Area1313J Жыл бұрын
Another excellent breakdown! Love this channel!
@fernandopineda76 Жыл бұрын
Andor is Star Wars at its best. Just amazing story telling
@stamis22 Жыл бұрын
Luthans spy, and giving up 50 men is straight out of what happens in real war. Cracking enigma in WW2 (if you’ve seen the imitation game you’ll know what I’m talking about) sacrificing and allowing some preventable deaths to hopefully save more in the future. War is just awful, and this show is doing a good job of showing the horror of war in star WARS. Deaths with no fanfare, everyone’s hands getting dirty. This has been my favorite Star Wars content since rogue one
@andrewlim9345 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, a good analysis of the themes of Andor.
@nihatbythesea Жыл бұрын
To hell with those space wizards who fight with laser swords
@Mabra51 Жыл бұрын
When Kino Loy said he can't swim. 😭
@tenkenroo Жыл бұрын
I feel like this is an exploration of the inner workings of Star Wars in an actual mature lens. This show is clearly written by people who love Star Wars.
@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 Жыл бұрын
I mean the line “what do I sacrifice?” can apply to every character in the rebellion. Everyone has had to sacrifice something in order to throw themselves completely into the fight. While they are heroes, it is not a glamorous life. You have to sacrifice everything in order to keep yourself safe so you can fight tomorrow. You have to make dirty alliances in order to keep your position strong. And it will never have an audience or an ounce of gratitude. It’s an exhausting life and this show demonstrates that sacrifice like Luthen said means you give up everything.
@coolcats4summer82 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant insights, as per usual. Bravo 👏
@DedicatedDdos Жыл бұрын
Andor was so fucking good, the most star wars of them all. Superb writing on this one, everything was just perfect, the sets, the costumes, the acting the pacing just.fucking.beautiful.
@joshwhite5730 Жыл бұрын
For me, the "problem" you talked about in the beginning is the reason why I love the show. I'm tired of boba fett, and the Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, Darth Maul, and whatever. Ever I want a new story with (mostly) new characters that still feels like it's in the universe but with much deeper themes and a more mature story for its multiple generations of grown-up fans. I also love the return to the political themes that were really at the core of episodes 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, and especially 3, and sorely missing in 8 and 9. In addition to the other overarching theme you mentioned in this video.
@PrincessFionaYT Жыл бұрын
Disney just announced a massive 1.4 billion loss for Q4 and Andor is a chunk of that. They just announced layoffs and massive cuts and there is a rumor that they might even scratch season two of Andor. This is the show that actually turns them around on Star Wars then it may all have been worth it.
@Andrewza1 Жыл бұрын
Please dont spread miss infomastion. There is a hiring freeze and a few limited lay offs. Dissney plus subsciber base grew. So far only effect for dissney pluss is a price increase. But all streaming sites are increasing there price
@PrincessFionaYT Жыл бұрын
That’s not true. Have you read the stockholders report? Hey have you read the financial analyst reports downgrading Disney stock once again ? The layoffs are going to be huge. They are already large. The subscriber base is a phoney numbers. They count each subscription three times. And they give away and subscriptions. The amount of paid subscriptions has dropped substantially. They’re no longer able to hide their losses in the parks revenue because those are down too. I don’t know where you’re getting your information but you’re absolutely incorrect here.
@PrincessFionaYT Жыл бұрын
The main stream media can whitewash all they want but the money people never mess with their money. They are not going to have blinders on and they are not going to blow smoke up anyone’s behind. Last Wednesday Disney stock fell to worst day since 2001 after ‘massive earnings downgrade’ The market has downgraded Disney stock to C- or neutral. There’s no way you can pretend this is business as usual. They are at an all time low for the last 20 years. And they are hemorrhaging billions.
@michaelkane2080 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you this shows the heart of Star wars
@bobthebonzo Жыл бұрын
Your videos are an invaluable aid in getting me through the work day.
@DJFrankeeTNT Жыл бұрын
Wowowowowow what a great video. Kino gives his life, Luthen his soul, Mon her heart. Wish we could meet in a coffee shop and just talk lol 😂👍🏻😊
@DIN_A8 Жыл бұрын
That Thumbnail .. nailed it!
@KhapriSun Жыл бұрын
Great breakdown and you were spot on with everything you said, it's exactly how I feel. This show is easily one of my favourite pieces of star wars content ever and I would take something like this over 'traditional' star wars film/show that just aims to satisfy the audience though action and cool space battles lol
@kinoian Жыл бұрын
I think the themes go deeper and are more complex than *just* selfishness vs selflessness. Though that's the moral polarity explicitly used by Lucas to define the antipodes of the Force and thus, the overarching narrative, we see time and again another theme brought out as a corollary: the issue of whether the end justifies the means. This is, after all, at the heart of the temptations we see time and again put before our favorite characters. In Ep V, Vader asks Luke to join with him in order to defeat Palpatine, but then this theme is most forcefully portrayed at the denouement of Ep VI when Palpatine gives Luke the option to kill his father in order to save himself and thus potentially kill Palpatine himself at a later time, after becoming strong enough in the dark side of the Force. And we know how that goes down: Luke *disarms* himself, while confidently telling Palpatine he's lost. And it turns out Luke was right. His uncompromising "NO" to moral compromise is what defeats Palpatine and brings down his Empire. The temptation being resisted in both cases and in numerous other instances throughout the saga is this: to join with evil in order to overcome evil. (Dooku to Obi-Wan: join me and we can defeat Palpatine. The Son to Anakin: join me and we can defeat Palpatine. Maul to Ahsoka: join me and we can defeat Palpatine. Etc.) Andor raises the narrative stakes by showing us how exactly that same temptation plays out when it's made far more subtle and when people do indeed fall prey to it, and the toll exacted on those falling prey to that temptation, most beautifully expressed by Luthen in Ep 10, who makes it clear he's willing to sacrifice his own soul in order to achieve his ostensibly noble end. The complexity doesn't end there: Luke's actions at the end of Ep VI are pure; though giving in momentarily to the dark side with his emotions, in the end he defeats evil by simply saying no to it. However: was that final, victorious act of nobility made possible only by the series of Faustian pacts leading up to it, as we can assume characterized much of the activity of the Rebellion at least in its early days? Or does Luke's purity of selflessness and lack of moral compromise in some sense redeem not only his father, but also the questionable acts of the Rebellion whose victory he assures? Whether or not the writers of both Andor and Rogue One (and Rebels to some extent) intended to ask these questions, this is IMO what is being asked. The Lucasian moral code is further highlighted by the end met by everyone who compromised with evil even temporarily: Andor and everyone else in Rogue One who'd committed evil in order to further the ends of the Rebellion dies by the end of that film. Anakin dies shortly after returning as the titular Jedi of Ep VI. It seems that evil used to achieve good ends (in the case of Anakin, he thought he was saving his wife's life) costs a person their own life. Which takes us back to the original moral polarity: ultimately the characters making these choices do end up acting selflessly, even if it's inadvertently. Anyway, thanks for another great video highlighting the core themes of Star Wars! This is truly what Star Wars is all about.
@OrangeGenerator Жыл бұрын
Me personally, I loved this series. But seriously I do, Andor is great. It was so unexpected to come across a competently made Star Wars show/piece of moving pictures.
@victorpavymusic Жыл бұрын
What I would oppose also to the case that I see quite a bit be made on social media about Andor being not Star Wars because of its lack of Jedi, Sith, the force, action and space battle is that if we still have SW today is because of one scene. Vader telling Luke « I am your father » made a shift from blockbuster phenomenon to mythical pop culture reference. That single scene made the need and purpose of the prequel trilogy and the reason why it continue from there to sequels and the entire lore. That scen, that piece of dialogue, was such a cultural shock and had such a universal echo within us it became the emotional center point of everything Star Wars. And yes that scene takes place at the end of a lightsaber fight between a sith and a Jedi but that not why it is of universal importance. It is because it’s about us. Human beings. Grounded human beings with no force powers and x-wings. It’s about our core. Family and our intimate relationship with our own origin story and the struggle to see this origin dictates or not the path we choose. Clearly SW is to its core substance far more than surface. It’s about human beings.
@ErickMattig Жыл бұрын
This is such a refreshing story for Star Wars. It feels real and gives the Rebellion sense. You really hate the Empire because they're actually a threat to the people. One of the things I love about A New Hope is that it made you wonder how the universe worked, and this show makes me feel the same way. The story's got depth, and the actors have done a great job. I especially enjoyed Andy Serkis and Stellan Skarsgard on episode 10. It's definitely the best Star Wars show on Disney +, even above The Mandalorian, which I also love.
@mdd4296 Жыл бұрын
Andor is still very much Hero's journey. It has all the hallmark: a call to adventure (murder of two cops), aids from outside force+mentor (Luthen), transformation (each end of an arc mark a transformation), return (to Ferrix). We dont just have Andor's hero journey but also the galaxy itself showing through Ferrix and the Prison. It also plays with it though Syril's anti- hero journey.
@RampidWarthogStudios Жыл бұрын
Also Rogue one is my favorite starwars movie and this show just elevates it to a whole new level of awesome
@glowwstixx Жыл бұрын
I think you nailed it. And I think Andor keeps nailing it. There isn’t a moment that feels cheesy or pandering unlike ALL of kenobi and boba fett. And those weren’t even pandered that well.
@freshofbreathair1476 Жыл бұрын
Andor has the full package. Everything firing on all cylinders. There is a lot of spectacle for a show with such great themes, writing and acting.
@DavidSmith-mt7tb Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Many people are fans of the spectacle and get butthurt if anyone implies they aren't as big of fans as someone else, but that is the reality. Spectacle doesn't make a story a part of you, such that its mistreatment hurts you in a fundamental way. This is true of any story or franchise. There's nothing wrong with liking and enjoying something for the spectacle: cool action, great effects, epic battles, etc., but really connecting with the story and its themes is something much deeper and more powerful. It's like being a parent rather than a babysitter. Sure a babysitter might the love that kid, but it is not the same.
@Noone-jn3jp Жыл бұрын
Everyone always complains about the lack of War but never the lack of Stars. It’s outrageous
@Hanoua2 Жыл бұрын
It's unfair
@drumlessons833 Жыл бұрын
How can you lack war, and not lack stars?!
@ryanrichardson9915 Жыл бұрын
I love the pacing of the show. You had to know what it was going to be like to truly enjoy Andor. The books have so much of this type stuff. The Fate of the Jedi series, or the Legacy of the Force series, are both just full of amazing storylines that could have been made into a whole plethora of movies or shows... if KK and Disney would admit that the "material" actually existed.
@DerekJFiedler Жыл бұрын
Insightful essay.
@Noblemiss Жыл бұрын
I love Andor, and frankly, after getting through this episode, I went back and re-watched Rogue One and saw the movie in a completely different light. So, if you haven't watched the movie in a while, I recommend a reviewing after watching this show. Also, I am kind of glad that the show does not revolve around the Jedi as there is a LOT more going on in the galaxy than their plight, especially after their near extinction. (However, a Jedi cameo, would be awesome).
@MichaelSillion Жыл бұрын
Like all storytelling, Star Wars is not about them living in a galaxy far far away - but about us. It's about what we can learn about ourselves and each other. Andor reminds us about that in a very fine way. The Narratives we explore and take with us. I just love Andor for that!
@bryand7667 Жыл бұрын
To me, this show has the same "heart" as the OT. The prison break scene is just the rebellion victory writ small. luke got han to take a tiny ship up against a giant planet destroyer, just like Cass got kino to escape from a giant sophisticated prison. Overconfidence vs faith in your friends. It's all there.
@MrWatchthis2000 Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@CloneScavengerVulpin8389 Жыл бұрын
It's important to explore all the elements of star wars story telling.
@菠蘿包-v2i Жыл бұрын
Doesn’t feel like Star Wars? This is the best Star Wars I’ve seen in years
@kabuki2804 Жыл бұрын
I love blasters and electrified floors ^~^
@inthebin2k329 Жыл бұрын
andor proves that star wars doesnt need lightsabers/jedi/sith to be a great movie/show. andor is my all time favorite star wars in front of the prequels and the originals. im really enjoying this series. hail tony gilroy, the man that said he isnt a 'FAN fan' and made one of the greatest star wars shows to date alongside the mandolorian.
@jakedunnegan Жыл бұрын
I actually adore this series. To me, it's EXACTLY like a Star Wars show. It's got a "3 Act Arc" - it's just spread over the whole season, instead of being episodic. And almost more importantly, it's a story of redemption, which is a core Star Wars theme.
@koutaXkaede Жыл бұрын
I tend to think that people with the mentality of 'andor isn't star wars' are probably the people who skip cutscenes in video games cuz they wana 'get to the cool stuff'.. which makes me sad, this is how you build a world guys. There's more to it than just the flashy action
@treenalee2551 Жыл бұрын
People who love Andor would probably really enjoy the Alphabet Squadron trilogy of Star Wars novels.
@Narco42 Жыл бұрын
Andor Rocks!
@mathies3598 Жыл бұрын
Okay so I'll say this: i absolutely love Andor and I couldn't give less of a crap about what Star Wars should and shouldn't be. A franchise is not required to always feature the most important people in the galaxy with the craziest powers, nor is if required to always give the same lesson, which for starwars has often been the value of selflessness. I think it's really good that we have 2 very different choices in the same franchise from very similar posstions. It needs to be highlighted that humans are human for a reason, and it's okay that you're not always able to do what needs to be done. The more you see hero characters in the same universe going in very opposite directions, the more nuanced said universe is.
@eddardstark6554 Жыл бұрын
The competency in the writing I’ve seen in Andor is exactly what I expected to see, along with the welcomed “fan-service-y” and “Easter-eggy” writing elements that we see in The Mandalorian, in the sequel trilogy when Disney purchased the franchise. I expected to see body, heart and soul out into those films. Instead, sadly, we got what we got: nonsensical incoherency with blatant agendas and a “battle of directors” with quite a bit of fan hate. They are slowly getting things right (despite BoBF and Kenobi completely missing the mark). Let’s hope they keep the momentum up with Ahsoka going forward. Andor has set the bar high.
@shadinyc Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@Aezeus Жыл бұрын
This is the most starwars thing since episode 3
@randymerrick3347 Жыл бұрын
I want to see Andor meet the k2 robot he has with him in rouge one
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Well said absolute truth.
@joaodecarvalho7012 Жыл бұрын
I think Mon Mothma is starting to realize that she bit more than she can chew.
@harmonicdissent Жыл бұрын
I am loving this show. That is all.
@Liewy6969 Жыл бұрын
They’re making Star Wars in a similar spirit as The Expanse! An extremely good move! Oye Beltalowda! Thanks Andor dudes 👏🏻 excellent show. Epic film making 🙌🏻🫶🏻✌🏻
@82saw3 Жыл бұрын
I love this show.
@relevare33 Жыл бұрын
This show is amazing. The best Star Wars in a long time.
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