This teacher should spawn all over the world. MINDSET IS EVERYTHING. He has the strong positive mindset that WE CAN CHANGE the cycle and he has been doing it for years. While some commenters here just get stuck on "blaming". They blame "the capitalism", "the government", "the racism", "the parents" etc. And some here even put the rain on other people's dreams to do the same as this teacher does.
@aliciamorasse518 жыл бұрын
I want to work in this field for the overall improvement of the educational systems
@aleempervaiz87894 жыл бұрын
I read somewhere 'dreams die first.' The capitalist west is against all such ideas. They claim, they are the champions of human rights, in fact, they are the most inhumane and against all such ideas.
@LucVNO10 жыл бұрын
Free markets, an end to black markets, real money & an end to government subsidizing poverty.
@itlookedlikefun10 жыл бұрын
All large issues brought up from time to time. How would you move from fiat to real money? Has anyone tried before? What are the obstacles? Expected outcome? I'm waiting for the man with the plan. The problem is, so is everyone else I know.
@rosefaulkner75656 жыл бұрын
Great job. I love it!
@aliciamorasse518 жыл бұрын
I want to work in this field for the overall improvement of the education systens
@nthperson10 жыл бұрын
The more serious cause of poverty is hidden behind the very real problem of racial and ethnic discrimination. Throughout history the condition of poverty was the condition of landlessness. And, landlessness for the majority of people in a society or even a significant minority of the people is caused by the systems of property law and taxation that secure and protect entrenched landed privilege. In almost every country, including the United States, fewer than 5% of the population controls upwards of 90-95% of the total land value. The landed are thereby able to claim a very high portion of what the remainder of the population produces. What they claim is referred to in works of political economists as the "rent" of land, a value that is societally-produced but under current laws is individually-appropriated. A long list of philosophers and other thoughtful people have identified the problem of land rent monopoly and tried to do something about it. Adam Smith wrote extensively about this in his book Wealth of Nations. Winston Churchill in his early political life declared that monopoly in all its forms was the cause of most of our problems, and that land monopoly was "the mother of all monopolies." The programs described in this video will help to mitigate the problem of poverty FOR SOME. However, the only way to eliminate poverty is to eliminate monopoly privilege, to create the basis for a full employment society. Adding highly educated and highly skilled people to the labor pool without an expansion in the number of jobs available eventually leaves people competing with one another for fewer and fewer jobs. Poverty is shifted but never reduced.
@itlookedlikefun10 жыл бұрын
Complex problems require comprehensive solutions. We all want to live as best as possible, but every step in the right direction helps. A larger population of well educated, well read citizens, capable of analyzing issues, identifying problems, and contributing to solutions will go a long way to gaining critical mass for effective action on that issue.
@nthperson4 жыл бұрын
@@megg.6651 It is amazing that what we post online has an endless life. Rereading what I wrote six years ago I remain comfortable with my analysis. The solution is to end privilege, the most destructive form of which is the ability to monopolize nature. Winston Churchill said it well back in 1909: "Monopoly is the enemy of the just society, and the monopoly of land is the mother of all monopolies." The most practical way to end the monopoly of of land and all natural assets is to impose an annual tax or charge on those who control any aspect of nature equal to the potential annual rental value. This would apply to all locations in our towns and cities, frequencies on the broadcast spectrum, licenses to extract fish and natural resources from the sea beds -- all natural assets with an inelastic supply. If you want to learn more about the solution, look up the writings of economist Mason Gaffney.
@aleempervaiz87895 жыл бұрын
Evolve a system of equal distribution of wealth "Generational poverty will automatically finish"
@aleempervaiz87894 жыл бұрын
@@megg.6651 It's a continuous process. World's 55 % wealth is with the Christian west....main cause of GLOBAL POVERTY. America's 20 % wealth is with the 1 % rich Americans. The same is the position in India where a few rich concentrated the wealth and Indian resources.
@jomontanee4 жыл бұрын
It's called COMMUNISM. But it is not the equality of wealth but poverty. You are poor EQUALLY.
@aleempervaiz87894 жыл бұрын
@@jomontanee At the most you can call it Socialism but not communism. Before touching communism, the former USSR was dismembered. In China, there is neither communism nor Socialism. First of all, make your concepts clear and then comment.
@callous213 жыл бұрын
Simply redistributing the wealth without creating wealth will simply make everyone poor. How do we create wealth and how do we enable the poor to create wealth