How does it feel Rengar? Doesn't feel good to be One-Shot does it. | Caitlyn Mid

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I guess cats like cupcakes
Cait: 0:00
Copyright Song Removed (Audio could be scuffed): 20:29
Cait: 24:52
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@Anonymous20789 Ай бұрын
i like the underwater audio asmr thanks
@CaptainHeavyNuts Ай бұрын
Was this close to ordering new headphones
@IdkwhymynamecantjustbeCody Ай бұрын
I thought my headphones were broken, thank god lmao
@noobgoestrapping5084 Ай бұрын
@@IdkwhymynamecantjustbeCodyI thought the same until I saw the section was titled "audio might be scuffed" lol.
@EmptyD0ll Ай бұрын
i read as underwear audio asmr, time to ruin my search history
@NushiSama Ай бұрын
Lol ty I thought my TV died for a sec lol
@virgiluv_ Ай бұрын
Thousands of adcs die everyday to the hands of rengar oneshots but we finally got revenge
@derisgaming9773 Ай бұрын
the guy that said he "I bush my teeth" is somewhat correct. The reason a brush like a Toothbrush is called a Brush, is because it is a densely pack group of fibers. Like a Brush of Grass.
@hoaxygen Ай бұрын
@anshnanavati Ай бұрын
who gave this pine marten a sniper rifle?
@user-zr9hu3tf1y Ай бұрын
What if he plays Warwick mid again? What are you people gonna say then?? "Whoaaaa who gave the pine martin furry paws???" What will you do when your joke is in shambles
@camyron Ай бұрын
"Thats why i dont play Caitlyn mid anymore" he said, playing Caitlyn mid.
@Bndias13 Ай бұрын
16:38 If you are interested in learning about dental hygiene, brushing your teeth creates microporosities in which the fluoride from toothpaste helps restore. Moreover, the use of your teeth, as well as the food you eat, wears down your enamel, leaving microporosities anyway. To conclude my simple explanation, brushing your teeth is very important.
@kaplield4565 Ай бұрын
When I used to gamble a lot, I'd always tip 10% of my winnings to staff.
@asliceofkai5006 Ай бұрын
I was thinking 10% as well, so $1,000 to my friend.
@irisrain5171 Ай бұрын
About the lottery ticket question: After maybe dead puppies, lottery tickets are the worst gifts you can give to someone, as they are worth nothing 99.9999% of the time but you are still supposed to be thankful for the gift for the full price the fool paid for his attempt to get you interested into gambling. If the sun rises on the west and the 0 cent gift turns out to be worth shit, you don't give him shit or apply the same 99.9999% idiot tax he subjected you with. If you gift somebody a horrible gift and it turns out it was better than you yourself thought, that is on you and you alone.
@user-zr9hu3tf1y Ай бұрын
People have said that a few times in the comments and it dies make a lot of sense. But Ive had people give me an actual gift *and* a lottery ticket at the same time, what about then?
@irisrain5171 Ай бұрын
@@user-zr9hu3tf1y I wouldn't be bothered if I got a regular gift and a lottery ticket. I would think they made a poor decision with the lottery ticket, but they still spent the time and effort and most likely thought well about what to gift me before buying the other gift. I would keep the lottery ticket around, obviously, but I would cherish the other gift more. Considering how much lottery tickets cost, you can get a good secondary gift to go along with your other one with that money. Like sweets they like, a bouquet of flowers, a drawing/sketch you did, even a nice looking container of some sort with moss, a flower and a few good looking stones - my mother loves those and it costs basically nothing but an hour or two of your time. Things said, the chances that the lottery ticket actually is a winning one are minuscule. You are more likely to be hit by lightning or be killed by a vending machine than to win big in a lottery. But should you be the chosen one, would you be happy? Chances are, your lottery winnings would ruin your life, with fake friends, fake advisers, distant family members, all kinds of people trying to get their share. You have to live in constant fear from robbery even by your loved ones, as money can bring out the worst in people, leading to broken families, loss of social contacts and even suicide and murder following large lottery winnings. I would rather get those smaller, cheap but heartfelt gifts I mentioned. Things said, if I got a heartfelt gift and a lottery ticket to go along with it, I would be far more willing to share the resulting fortune following a lottery win. They made a bad decision with their money, but it is theirs, and they still thought of me and spend their precious time to chose and decorate that other gift for me.
@quintile9705 Ай бұрын
Thank you pekin! I am now going to start vaping as I didn’t know it was healthy!
@danielszekeres8003 Ай бұрын
Brand take damage for the first time 9:13
@nobodynobody5396 Ай бұрын
Pekin I want you to know I was just kidding about reporting this to PETA. I am a dog person anyways.
@Zach-sx8cm 25 күн бұрын
lmfaoooo your chat is on one! when you said "he whips out a gun and says give it to me now" someone said "i dont negotiate with terrorists"!! lmfao
@mathijsfrank9268 Ай бұрын
I would not give the person who bought me a lottery ticket for my birthday any money if they would ask for it. Either they bought something completely worthless (very likely) or they expect to get money in return. That's not a gift that's a bet. Unless you specifically asked for it.
@user-zr9hu3tf1y Ай бұрын
Counterpoint tho, Ive had people give me an actual gift that i appreciated, *and* a lottery ticket at the same time, what about then?
@Kiki-bean Ай бұрын
Yeah, I'd buy them a lottery ticket in return, and they can have their gamble.
@aheahe7943 Ай бұрын
@@user-zr9hu3tf1y still no. if I ask you for 20 bucks while patting you on the shoulder, is that really gonna make you more likely to give me the 20 bucks? just means you're gullible and easily persuaded. how much does the "gift" you really appreciated cost? it could've been 50 bucks they were giving you and taking a gamble that you'd win 500 million on the lottery. now you're giving them half just because you appreciated the gift? a gift is a gift, if they gave you a lottery ticket and you win, there's no obligation for you to share. just like when someone gifts you a pair of socks, they can't then ask for one of the socks since they gave it to you.
@user-zr9hu3tf1y 29 күн бұрын
​​​@@aheahe7943 i feel like there are some pretty major flaws in your comparisons there. Ignore the shoulder pat and just focus on comparing me giving you $20 with sharing lottery money with someone who gave me the ticket. On the one hand, youre simply asking me for $20, which I already had, with no thanks to your actions at all? Like you didnt do a single thing for me to end up having that money? So then youre comparing that with me sharing some lottery money, which I had $0 of, except partially in part thanks due to the person giving me a ticket? Do you see the flaw in your comparison there? It can be argued, even if you personally disagree with it, that they contributed to me having the lottery money. Like, I 100% do not have a chance to win that money if they dont buy me the ticket. But you're just taking $20 from me, which I 100% already had. Now the flaw with the other part of the comparison. You mentioned the shoulder pat and the me getting a single sock, and you picked those examples because you assume most people, me and yourself included, wouldn't value them very much, to the point they basically dont count as receiving a gift. So how are you comparing that to the gift that someone did give me, that I literally told you *I do value*? Lol you basically said "yeah, I know they gave you a gift you cared about, but what if they gave you a gift you *didnt care about*?" So Im like ok, I guess you decided to bring up a basically unrelated scenario? So I'm saying I got a gift I care about, that's the baseline, the bare minimum outcome. If I get $0 from the lottery ticket, I still got the gift I like. If I win and I share some money, then any amount I have left over is a bonus, on top of having an actively good gift (that again, I actually value, unlike a shoulder pat or a sock).
@aheahe7943 29 күн бұрын
@@user-zr9hu3tf1y I used shoulder pats and socks as a general baseline because I do not know you as a person and the idea of receiving a normal gift AND a lottery ticket on top, to me, sounds like a cheap copout. like they gave you an average or low value gift and are throwing in the lottery ticket as a "but what if?!" You're free to interpret the shoulder pat or socks as anything you want, the point is that in this scenario, someone gifts you a lottery ticket. You win. Are you sharing the money? You're saying "yes" because you've received lottery tickets as gifts before, along with a gift you DID appreciate. Implying you didn't really apperciate the lottery ticket. UNLESS it won, then obviously you'll appreciate it a lot more. That's called a bribe, they're bribing you with a sense of obligation. No matter what it is, a gift is a gift. Morally, you are not obligated to share a gift with the person who gave it to you. No matter what it is. They gave it to you, as a gift. It's yours. If you choose to share it, that's fine, that's your decision. But you don't have to. But you should understand the gambler's mind. Which is what people, who play the lottery, are. Gamblers. Many gamblers, after going on a loss streak, will rely on others to continue the gamble for them. Go to any casino in Vegas and you'll hear stories of people winning it big but they weren't the ones who threw the dice or made the call. Waitresses, strangers, friends, even pets, gamblers will hand over the keys to their "fortune" to them because there is a fundamental belief in the concept of Luck as a resource and if they feel theirs is spent, they'll use others. Did you know in Gacha games like Genshin Impact, there's a practice in the community where you let someone, who you believe to have more luck than you, log in to your account and gamble YOUR money? Streamers call it Viewer Pulls. Viewers will willingly give away their password to a streamer they trust to log in to their account and spend their money, because the viewer believes they have better luck as a streamer than they do as a normal player. Someone buying you a lottery ticket sounds like a gambler having the waitress roll their dice or a viewer having the streamers roll their pulls, you're simply a proxy for their addiction and on the off chance you win, you're obligated to give your winnings to them, even if it's only half; though with the gacha it's more of a trade, the streamer gets free content (because gambling and pulling for characters is "hype" content in the gacha community) and the viewer gets a bit of fame among the chatters, increasing their social status within the streams, and the "streamer luck" of potentially winning big for their account. Do you know how many companies or ideas have been sold for thousands of dollars just to become worth billions a few years later? Basically every major company in existence today. Hell, the Witcher series' rights to be made into a video game were sold for $10,000 to CD Projekt Red back in the 90s, and now the Witcher series is worth millions. Of course the author came back around and tried to sue for more money, which he lost and CDPR, if I remember right, STILL generously gave him more money, not as much as he was asking for, and the dude is still jaded about it. (which is supposedly why he sold the tv show rights to netflix and netflix didn't use the video games as a reference because they literally couldn't, they had no deal with CDPR. which is also why in stark comparison, netflix DID make a deal with CDPR for Cyperpunk 2077 and the netflix anime became actual canon in the video game and it's future lore) Point is, even if you were to share with them, there's been a history of people suing for the full lottery winnings on the basis of "well I bought the ticket" and they've all lost because "but you gave it to them". Again, if you want to share, that's fine. Just say that. You don't need to add that you received a gift you appreciated and that's why you think you should share, that's called a bribe. That's called being manipulated.
@ChuckCannon Ай бұрын
gr8 c8 m8
@AlexiSonic 25 күн бұрын
29:55 Biggest rofl I had in a while. That game was so satisfying, he Cait/Jix ults sync and the Rengar oneshots were excellent!
@AnimePlusUltrah Ай бұрын
I'd atleast buy them a lottery ticket. Thinking about it though, a 10k lottery ticket would still only be like 6-7k ish because of taxes. So half still wouldn't be 5k anyway, maybe give em 1k max.
@tristanridley1601 Ай бұрын
Buying them a lottery ticket back is totally the right answer! I had never thought of that.
@secretkittycommittee Ай бұрын
much love
@bladeworxgg Ай бұрын
Pekin went full Woof on this one.
@Theos-ne7nv Ай бұрын
I admire your restraint when using first strike. I have this bad habit of actually wanting to use the runes i take, so seeing you just never procking first strike for like 4 minutes in a row early game is truly impressive. Well played, mesmerizing challenger gameplay
@TheJobibaer Ай бұрын
In my country gifting a friend (not related to me) would be heavily taxed. You have around 5000 Bucks free, the rest is taxed with 30% I think. Well. If a friend made me 100.000 I guess all drinks on me from now on. But I would probably not gift them money, if they didn't need it.
@tristanridley1601 Ай бұрын
Lottery tickets are what selfish people gove as gifts. If they lose it counts as a gift. If they win they probably share and at least will be generous.
@beatnikz565 Ай бұрын
Ahhh yes that “friend” who gets you a gift for your birthday, tries to guilt trip you to give it back and proceeds to threaten your life..
@Mast3rH3r0 Ай бұрын
the amount of missed canons in this game probably set a new record for you xdd
@lizzfrmhon Ай бұрын
29:56 what in the baby Jesus was that?!?!
@Cr4yn0r Ай бұрын
At 10:45 - how come Rengar was visible in the brush, what revealed him?
@Zach-sx8cm 25 күн бұрын
my favorite response: "id buy him a ticket too" X'D
@chompercarz Ай бұрын
When I win anything, from a gift or not, no one ever knows. If I was asked to do it in front of them, I'd just say I'll do it later. If I win, I'll use the money how I like. Telling people just invites greed and envy
@neonrage93 Ай бұрын
pekin really making a choose your own adventure and then railroading it
@VivalaVasudeva Ай бұрын
29:53 that's what we are here for.
@morganmaher1 Ай бұрын
id be very down for more cait videos!
@harqiel Ай бұрын
To the guy who would give their friend half of the money from the lottery win, because they would expect the same…. I wish I had that kind of optimism in people
@KoiNamiOnly Ай бұрын
so weird not seeing a team flaming each other
@A1phaz0ne Ай бұрын
Do you have any thoughts on how Riot could fix Smolder? After playing him a lot myself (Since he released), I swear Smolder feels like he's actually straight up just a Mage/AD Caster. So the crit direction they keep pushing him towards feels contradictory to his kit. I kinda wish they'd just let him be a mage lol. He wants to spam abilities 24/7 with no real incentives to auto attack like actual ADCs.
@klynt5392 Ай бұрын
Shorter Q casting time and being an auto reset would help it (like Ezreal's Q). But honestly he's just horribly designed
@parksantiago3511 Ай бұрын
what a FUCK was that shot
@Lucasfly Ай бұрын
Kitty bonked
@quick10draw Ай бұрын
For the lottery question, I'd tell him the government took half already, and he should settle for a quarter.
@JihoonLee-cx3zx Ай бұрын
How is it possible that I have not seen Pekin vape a single time during the stream? I am a nicotine addict and I constantly vape everywhere I go
@letrions Ай бұрын
Prob the same reason he said he never shaved his beard.
@Frott68 Ай бұрын
Ffs i hope you are joking about not brushing your teeth bro!!! I m a dentist and trust me it s not taking enamel of your teeth! If you are using a bad toothpast it can be damaging though.
@doommaker4000 Ай бұрын
Just admit you have stocks in big paste smh
@Frott68 Ай бұрын
@@doommaker4000 lol i would love to haha
@victor99ization1 Ай бұрын
What would be a bad toothpaste?
@Frott68 Ай бұрын
@victor99ization1 in general, everything that promises you that it ll make your teeth white.. because it scratch the enamel, but the enamel is mot growing back.
@authenticbaguette6673 Ай бұрын
6:28 PSA to anyone who took this statement seriously: VAPING IS SUPER F(MEOW)ING BAD FOR YOU DON'T DO IT
@erikkalman7438 Ай бұрын
Stop spreading misinformation on the internet. Vape is hella healthy and also cool. Cool kids vape. If you wanna be cool, you should vape!
@authenticbaguette6673 Ай бұрын
@@erikkalman7438 If this is a joke, then it's in poor taste. Please refrain. Nicotine addiction is no joking matter.
@erikkalman7438 Ай бұрын
@@authenticbaguette6673 you are just as dense as you are uncool.
@Iamthecrazyone 28 күн бұрын
@@authenticbaguette6673 Nicotine, in small doses, actually has beneficial effects. The major issue is that tobacco products, where people usually get it, are really really bad for you. Vaping does not have tobacco, which is where most of the things that are really bad for you come from. It can also come without nicotine. All that said, anything you inhale that isn't just normal air isn't gonna be great. Is it a better alternative to smoking? 100% Should you start vaping just for the hell of it? No, that's dumb. Will people do so anyway? Yes, because that's what people do.
@authenticbaguette6673 28 күн бұрын
@@Iamthecrazyone Allow me, I'm not being disrespectful, just correcting your info: Nicotine is a harmful substance. Nicotine itself is a major contributing factor in heart, as it has been proven to cause the arteries to constrict thus causing higher blood pressure, putting more strain on the heart, and increasing the likelihood of arterial thrombosis. Most of the "really bad things" (aside from nicotine) that are associated with smoking are: -cyanide, amonia, arsenic, and tar among other problematic compounds in traditional paper cigarettes. -Heavy metals, toxins, herbicides, glycerin (which can and does promote fungal infestation in the lungs), flavouring... even when excluding nicotine, the list of ingredients on your average vape is truly a thing of horror if you bother to look closer at it. A product that is being studied and that I think is the... least destructive nicotine product right now is heets (also known as heat not burn). That said, DON'T SMOKE IF YOU CAN HELP IT.
@shiah Ай бұрын
All hail the algorithm!
@indigorune Ай бұрын
liking this video before i watch because its cait mid. don't disappoint me.
@pekinwoof2 Ай бұрын
Well, did the video disappoint?
@indigorune Ай бұрын
@@pekinwoof2 i fell asleep before i could finish it. Will reevaluate this afternoon.
@indigorune Ай бұрын
@@pekinwoof2 alright. the single headshot auto on rengar was great. more caitlyn mid please :3
@Ryucopasetic 19 күн бұрын
Im gluten intolerant and craved grilled cheese. So, I put cheetos in tomato soup and I gotta say, it's really not that bad
@gravelor78 Ай бұрын
what happened to the audio
@ramen8130 Ай бұрын
13:50 wtf is this nautilus hook????
@jossland1628 Ай бұрын
Daily reminder- Warmog's Ornn is the gigabeast of gigabeasts.
@arbicula6617 Ай бұрын
@kristofferhagen4242 Ай бұрын
lmao that Rengar's name is urethra greg
@testermonkey2304 Ай бұрын
Who gave zigzagoon a gun?
@ichigoamv1473 Ай бұрын
If they my friend they knew the moment they gave x to me they weren’t getting ANYTHING back I used to square up to my mother as a baby when she’d try to take away empty bottles from me the friend doesn’t have good chances
@8bit_bitz Ай бұрын
Depends of the person i wouldnt give more than 10%
@AzuriumOfficial Ай бұрын
nah but why does Cait passive crit?
@philipproach6905 Ай бұрын
my question to you is: if you bought the ticket for your friend and he won 10k would you expect him to split the money with you or would you think that you gave him a gift and its his to do with as he wishes? If you expect something in return then it wasnt a gift. If you want something from the winnings then your not a real friend. At the same time if your friend doesnt at least take you out drinking to celebrate then hes not a real friend.
@tangahkoncek6841 Ай бұрын
Of course when you're winning lottery handed by your friend you give them, what they want 90%? Take it. The chance of it of happening is abysmal enough that friendly celebration of it is already good happening in your life. Of course it also depend on your neighborhood when your term of friend is one that steal from one another, then do what you need to survive mates
@botondcsaji2160 Ай бұрын
29:52 the part u looking for.
@jahmive Ай бұрын
you should use that expresion for thumbnail lol
@lathamwoodman5939 Ай бұрын
I gotta admit, Pekín stream music rots my mind
@knuckle8582 Ай бұрын
the cait game that i asked
@drishya_ro8452 Ай бұрын
They probably asked for cait mid cause her W is getting like turbo nerfed soon.
@jcrc1 Ай бұрын
If my friend found out about the money, then I’d give him a bit. I would try and not tell anyone about winning anything, though
@Weirdaman Ай бұрын
We'd get wasted on my tab.
@shieldgenerator7 Ай бұрын
16:38 dentists would disagree...
@knutter Ай бұрын
My grandma puts cheese it'z on her ice cream...
@mhz90718 Ай бұрын
Honestly, inviting a lottery-ticket--gifting "friend" to your birthday party says a lot more about your inability to get rid of people that bring you down in life (AKA Coping). You should spend all the lotto winnings on therapy.
@CycleMantis Ай бұрын
comment bot is thinking...
@alexiscarvajal4304 Ай бұрын
if i got money from a ticket a friend gave me i would give him like 30%, seems fine to me
@shieldgenerator7 Ай бұрын
i hate getting one shot by cait
@Pectakesdubs Ай бұрын
Why dont u upload these games to the main channel?
@thesage6721 Ай бұрын
Cause main channel is a commentary channel where you can learn from the best or just see him get smashed.
@BlueFireDudester Ай бұрын
as a brand main, watching enemy brand lane was so cringe
@Chowderr2raw Ай бұрын
Give ur friend the money that it cost to buy the ticket 😂
@MiloThatch420 Ай бұрын
I get 10k from a scratch ticket I got for my birthday? Depends who gave it to me. Is it my mom? Nah. I’d take her out for dinner BFF? I’d give them half for sure. No matter if it was 10k or 5k WE won. We come up together. High tide rises all ships.
@Dillonminer Ай бұрын
no it was a birthday gift, I'll buy him dinner or some shit but he's not getting it
@TurntBucket Ай бұрын
I would not give money to someone that got me a lottery ticket as a gift. What are they gonna give me the 99.99% chance it is completely worthless? They just gave me garbage as a gift. So in the rare case it's not garbage I am keeping everything.
@Marc79999 Ай бұрын
If it's a birthday gift (a gift was expected) I agree. Imagine all your other friends that gave you thoughtful gifts see you reward that garbage gift with 5k. Next year you should expect to be given only lottery tickets. However, if the gift was not expected (it's not any celebration or I didn't give a gift because we are not close enough) then I would say giving half is fine. I think it's something commonly done when someone else gives you money to gamble.
@TurntBucket Ай бұрын
@@Marc79999 I assumed gift meant it was expected. If a friend gave me a lottery ticket randomly I wouldn't call it a gift. I would just say a friend gave me a lottery ticket. In that case, yeah giving them some is fine. Idk if I would do half, but some is fine. If the friend wanted half, they could have just kept all the lottery tickets then give me money in the case that they win. Also, If you just reject every lottery ticket given to you then should the person that tried to give it to you give you half if they win? You technically gave them the lottery ticket by refusing when they tried to give it to you.
@user-zr9hu3tf1y Ай бұрын
People have said that a few times in the comments and it does make some sense imo. But Ive had people give me an actual gift *and* a lottery ticket at the same time, what about then?
@TurntBucket Ай бұрын
@@user-zr9hu3tf1y that's more acceptable to give them some money imo, but I don't think you are ever obligated to give them some. It's totally your choice and not giving them some of the gift they gave to you doesn't make you bad. I would give them some in that case tho.
@IdkwhymynamecantjustbeCody Ай бұрын
Aigh tayl you hwat
@TempRawr Ай бұрын
Prob give my buddy half of that lottery win. I mean I ain't greedy it was lucky and my buddy brought me that luck. 50bucks or the big multimillion win. It's money. Through tbh if I won anything over 2million I'm hiring a god damn security team and black ops marketing team to erase me from public record
@richardjreidii Ай бұрын
I’m going to split that 10,000 with my buddy.
@Zackapo Ай бұрын
@yveltalsea Ай бұрын
can i pet that dog?
@tangahkoncek6841 Ай бұрын
Can I pet that dog?
@christianjuarez5967 Ай бұрын
If I won money in the lottery I'd tier 3 sub to Pekin
@markthelark00 Ай бұрын
Look at me
@A1phaz0ne Ай бұрын
If my friend bought me the ticket, I feel its only fair that I gave them 50%, honestly. 10k? I would still have 5k when ultimately, I could have nothing because I wouldn't have bought a ticket regardless. This kind of situation has a few outcomes. You don't give any to your friend, you have now lost a friend. Give too little to your friend and you potentially lose a friend. Give half to your friend and the bond between you and said friend becomes stronger while also getting to enjoy having that extra 5k you otherwise wouldn't have had. Personally, if they are your friend, I don't see why you wouldn't give at least 40% (4000) to your friend in this instance. Losing a good friend isn't worth 10k in today's economy.
@Oznerock Ай бұрын
Eh they gave you a lottery ticket instead of a real gift
@destinedtogame Ай бұрын
$1,000 easy
@icy.7165 Ай бұрын
first :D
@pekinwoof2 Ай бұрын
It's been 4 minutes and ur the only comment. I don't know if anyone else is coming.
@shemsuhor8763 Ай бұрын
Only 3 comments in 8 minutes, Pekinwood fell off.
@OcramJC Ай бұрын
​@@pekinwoof2We're here, we're just shy
@thomas-cr4vy Ай бұрын
@@pekinwoof2 i came
@icy.7165 Ай бұрын
@@pekinwoof2 if there r no more pekin watchers in the world then i am dead.
@Jacob-vy5wz Ай бұрын
all this guy does is lie !!
@guardiandai_ Ай бұрын
You're a fake challenger cuz you haven't played Anivia mid...Day 33 pt 2
I'm 1HP? Nah, I just dash 3 times. Akali is so balanced!
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