How Does Ramana Maharshi’s Enlightenment Help You?

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Rupert Spira

Rupert Spira

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@yanakord1078 11 ай бұрын
And one starts to feel a deeper connection with people (not mentioning the nature). I don't know how to exactly describe it, but even strangers appear to communicate eagerly, with interest, feeling free to express themselves. And our dialogues can be short, but full of warmth. And I feel joy of sharing my openess and love❤ Rupert❤
@LennySchoenbach 11 ай бұрын
I feel you 🥰🙏🏼
@simonhitchenk9 11 ай бұрын
I think others intuit the inner peace within you, and react accordingly
@wattaura7621 11 ай бұрын
I think that if the teachings either worked or were applied diligently (not sure which is typically lacking), the spirit of comments would be noticable. Although I don't doubt that something could be mildly working like milder temperament. I can hear smiles over the phone. 😊
@anagha.aniruddha16 11 ай бұрын
Pranam Rupert Sir🙏🏻 What a wonderful explanation of spirituality! 🌹
@katebeatham333 4 ай бұрын
Brilliant! Thank you so much. Love and blessings to everyone.💗🙏
@johnsiegfried 11 ай бұрын
what a wonderful clear explanation. thank you Rupert
@malabuha 11 ай бұрын
This was by far the clearest that Rupert have ever explained so far, to me at least.. Back in the late 90s before I set on this journey to explore the spirit, i randomly came across an internet page, i dont think YT was even up, i definitely didn't know about it, anyway, there was an excercise to sort of guide you to find out who you are. It was based on eliminating the obvious who you are not. I think it had like 6 steps, at the end of the exercise it asked, "now look for yourself as if you were looking for your reading glasses" and i found that i definitely am that which is aware. I thought i failed the excercise because even that I never thought about it before, it was the most obvious thing...which i felt like it was a common knowledge. So almost 30 years later i am still entertaining this same intrigue, wondering why and at the same time knowing that it is consciousness that wants to know itself. It already is what it is, but now it has a chance to marvel its own creation, marvel itself
@benhudson4014 11 ай бұрын
Words while wonderful can entrap the mind shhhhhĥhhuuuuussshhh
@TheMLMGold 11 ай бұрын
Yeah it's an energetic shift not an intellectual one based on words
@benhudson4014 11 ай бұрын
@@TheMLMGold mmmmmmmmmmnnñnnnñ
@srinisargadatta 11 ай бұрын
Enlightening and crystal clear explanation, pure joy and happiness is available but am I ready? Million thanks and Namaste to you Rupert❤🙏🙏🙏
@kderules 11 ай бұрын
I don't believe happiness all the time is possible. Not identifying with the person is.
@GeertMeertens 11 ай бұрын
@@kderules That is just a belief. Try it. Do the work that is necessary.
@Misslotusification 11 ай бұрын
Especially since it's suffering that allows us to be compassionate and grow.@@kderules
@hazelr992 11 ай бұрын
Wow. The peace that passeth all understanding.
@fireflies775 11 ай бұрын
Oh man, that was such an crazy good explanation! Amazing!
@tomekjaglinski2123 11 ай бұрын
Thank You
@anuzaseidl9473 11 ай бұрын
I am light of consciousness thank you. My body is vast consciousness
@emsacful 11 ай бұрын
Brilliant explanation!
@Anurag-Baveja 6 ай бұрын
@wattaura7621 11 ай бұрын
Okay, since it's pass the G U R U play time 😬, The interpretations by 'Robert Adams' can only enhance ones experience of this. 💙 💫
@wattaura7621 11 ай бұрын
@@OO-GONE From my perspective the point is, not to make one. Just point. I probably could have added more space. G. U. R. U. (gee you are you) In all fairness, both Robert & Rupert (R&R 😎), tell the sheep to just reside in the silence, but since they some b.s. (book sales). At the end of the day, I have fun with it. 😊 ...and I honor any others perspective. Growth & Change are also viable.
@jmseipp 11 ай бұрын
It might be easier to grasp if you said ‘veiled by the content of the mind’ instead of ‘the content of experience.’ That sounds pretty confusing, vague, to most people including me! Keep it simple.
@ayeam5822 11 ай бұрын
ENLIGHTENMENT needs to be changed to RECOGNITION of AUTHENTICITY. We are ALREADY LIT....... albeit the luminosity can be perceived. We must UNWRAP, we must LET GO and EMPTY our-SELF from that which we ARE.
@ayeam5822 11 ай бұрын
@meisterhouse9747 Yes, THAT is what's important. 🙂🙏
@ronhenshall4784 11 ай бұрын
Beautiful /\ :) xxx
@sunisagotirat1332 11 ай бұрын
@Anti79Hero 11 ай бұрын
It’s always the bloody French isn’t it
@hallonsara 11 ай бұрын
That is how I experience it at this stage; in the foreground is still som turmoil but "behind " me there is peace. Love to hear him explain it like that.
@keithoyoung34 11 ай бұрын
@meisterhouse9747Don’t be an ass
@brandon6577 11 ай бұрын
@meisterhouse9747what a weird and disgusting thing to say on such an innocent comment.
@Andrewbliss44 11 ай бұрын
Exactly! We ARE Happiness. It’s an inborn and innate property of ours which gets veiled by the chaotic external life. We just have to reawaken it in ourselves, rekindle it, become Aware of it. We ARE a Fountain of Bliss already!
@AProperPaddyORourke 11 ай бұрын
Rupert can easily put a smile on my face
@SuperBermondsey 11 ай бұрын
Om Namo Baghavate Sri Arunachala Ramanaya
@levlevin182 11 ай бұрын
😮 it's natural to be happy
@wattaura7621 11 ай бұрын
@luis55ful 11 ай бұрын
Good question, such great answer. Thanks Rupert.❤
@josefeijoo7415 11 ай бұрын
Rupert gracias por compartir tu conocimiento, en este momento tu charla hizo un CLICK dentro de mi¡¡¡¡¡ y poco a poco esta VERDAD,ESTE AMOR,ESTA ENERGIA ME CUBRE COMPLETAMENTE,GRACIAS¡¡¡¡
@MattyLiam333 11 ай бұрын
Elegant, so very true. That is exactly how it happened for me. Love you Rupert. ❤
@JP-tq7ni 11 ай бұрын
Me too
@sigurdlynne 11 ай бұрын
Hello Rupert. I would love to hear you talk about Sri Anandamayi Ma. 🙋‍♂️ sigurd
@Misslotusification 11 ай бұрын
This man is a true blessing.
@PippiBarbieri 11 ай бұрын
Presence of awareness comes a unified field of truth, love and beauty that is shared with others
@shivsivaram9872 11 ай бұрын
Namo Ramanaya 🌹🙏🌺
@stephenkaake7016 11 ай бұрын
I was granted enlightenment, God was speaking to me for 6 months, I thought I was the next God man, its nothing like anyone can imagine, I cannot solve my own problems so I sit and wait for someone to care
@pilargarcia6724 11 ай бұрын
Muchísimas gracias!!!❤🙏❤️💜💙🤍
@jefferyjimson8574 11 ай бұрын
Non-dualism is that there is just everything. There is nothing individual from everything. So a distinction can be made between say, a table and a chair, but without that distinction being made there isn’t one and so when there is no distinction being made between say a table and everything else, then there is just everything as a whole, or wholeness. Non-dualism doesn’t say that everything is then one as in everything being one ‘thing’ - it just says there is not two/ no differentiation between two things leaving just everything but then not necessarily that everything is then interconnected or one, although personally I do see it that way. Physics says that before something appears it exists as the potential to appear as what it appears as but also the potential to appear as every other way it can appear but the potential does not consist of anything nor is it located anywhere - it is one with all potential free from space and time (non-local). And even though we perceive the potential which makes it seem as though it’s something specific that can be identified as being distinct from everything or other aspects of what the potential is appearing as, as soon as it’s not being perceived its again potential that is one with all potential but even though it’s perceived it is still the potential and is still one with all potential. And so the table and the chair are the potential that is everything. Just as ‘we’ are the potential but the identification of calling it I, me, we, us etc. only happens as we do so, otherwise it is not being referred to as anything and is just as it is as all potential which is everything - there is just everything/ wholeness. The ocean appearing to be drops but all the drops are the ocean, there is only the ocean.
@1rocknroy 11 ай бұрын
@meisterhouse9747 Having a bad day?
@jefferyjimson8574 11 ай бұрын
​@meisterhouse9747 Im not sure that would be the case for everyone but your welcome to share your opinion.
@Aed-Adlan 11 ай бұрын
Non-dualism is boring. The Quran is inspired in some way or form by God. Religion is Truth. On Truth, Prayer is given by God, and encouraged by Him. Ay, it is totally inspired by God. And God Himself tells you when to pray, how, and what to pray for. And it happens, it works, namely, prayers given to God and Heard by Him does become reality, as evidenced and seen countless times. Chanting, recitation of Scriptures, praising God in some form or another... all works and is Truth. Religious - God - Consciousness is equally True or Truer than non-duality. God is the Greatest.
@jefferyjimson8574 11 ай бұрын
@@Aed-Adlan Non-duality is just saying there is everything as a whole which includes God.
@Aed-Adlan 11 ай бұрын
@@jefferyjimson8574God is the Greatest. He is Single, One, Absolute. Not a whole nor things. He is no-thing, Nothing, Totally Fomless God is NOT a whole.
@clauden1198 11 ай бұрын
Ma Andamai as well, a few years ago I was captured by her serenity, her way to share peace and happiness with ALL, and her Indian brothers in particular. Thank you Rupert.
@seeinghuman 10 ай бұрын
Is would be the King that recognizes his real nature is that of John. Awareness is aware of the knowledge / recognition - so it can not be "John" that has the knowledge. He "is" awareness, but the recognition is the Kings. What's special about the "Kings Secret" - is that it's hidden in plain view. The Kings view.
@kkst3552 2 ай бұрын
Would my enlightenment help anybody but me if I died immediately after becoming enightened?
@MrTurboCat21 11 ай бұрын
Non duality is also an illusion when you think about the laws of creation regarding physics. Eg. Everything is vibrational right. Vibrations are fundamentally the simple physics, of 'the very same singularity' moving 'back and forth' at verious speeds. ie. When the god particle is at a lower vibrational frequency, we notice the separation of duality more. ie. The fundamental nature of 'repulsion and attraction'. Which is really what duality is. But this common idea of duality, is regarding ourselves as being separate of creation. Yet Ultimately we are not separate, and that is also an illusion. ie. We are still that law of 'repulsion and attraction', always. It's just that when the frequency increases in vibration, the particle is moving back and forth so quickly, that it appears as one. Therefore still an illusion, that we are just 'attraction' to ourselves. Ultimately, we are 'always' that one particle, no matter what frequency it's resonating at. But our natural state, is always 'attraction and repulsion'. ie. Neither here nore there. Which would explain the anomoly of creation and why we have so much trouble living together under the same roof for long, and being friends for long. It's just the laws of physics and the way creation works😜. Which is like a dualistic nature in fundamental 'effect'. I understand that us humans like to see life in simple 'black or white' form. ie. One thing or the other. Up or down. Good or bad, valid or invalid etc. But I'm sad to say that, God has not been able to create dualism in any other way, except for merely lowering it's vibrational frequency. There is 'no' other trick going on. Eg. The law of repulsion and dislike, did not come from love and oneness. It was always there. As we are 'not' meant to like life that much, or get attached as company etc. We truly are some other bizarre anomaly, that is like 'friend and foe' at the same time. The higher spirit world is like a hazy fog. We can see into it, but not through it. It's more opaque in that regards of being clear an obvious, yet still a sense of non attachment and privacy. Our life on Earth, is more like muddy or clear, hate or love. As it is humans that like to make life into either a love or hate category. Eg. Hate is like a muddy situation, of extreme repulsion, where we cannot understand what's going on due to the conflict and confusion. Whereas with love on Earth, ppl become so attached emotionally and physically, intimately, that we feel so naked and intruded on with our privacy. Therefore, both qualities of love and hate, cause heavy negative, lower vibrational consequences. Because it's either all one way or the other. Eg. Light or dark with our ideas. The whole 'love or hate' separation idea. But when our frequency increases, it's like a quicker state of 'love/hate/love/hate.....etc', instead of the much slower and rugged 'love or hate/love or hate' confliction and friction. Which is the direct result of validating one state as superior to the other, and the other as inferior. In this later state, ppl form separate opposing groups, with heavy feelings and walls up. A huge ordeal and protest is made. Whereas when we live at a higher frequency, ppl are less in separate groups, but more light, care free, whimsical etc. From a distance it appears that we are all getting along together much more nicely. But it's really just the illusion of 'repulsion and attraction' at work much more quickly. Ultimately, we are 'always' alone still. People wonder why! why! why! they just cannot seem to find love, love life, love themselves, get others to love back, and feel love together etc. That is why! Because it's 'always' the law of vibration, 'repulsion and attraction' at work. The whole substance of creation is, like some weird artificial clay, without any built-in meaning and purpose, with which we can make appear into animated stories, then put ourselves onto that stage setting, into that story roleplay for a short while. Such as this fake simulation concept of 'the matrix', so many like to entertain the idea of, that relates so uncannily to our own life. Because creation truly is just like that. So it's understandable why the ignorant being created with sensory feelings and intelligence, wishes to search for something authentic and meaningful. Such as with this idea of love, divinity and idealism. Which is only an ongoing mission that is all in vain, destined for disaster, whether something material is acquired or not. Because it's against the grain of who we truly are as spirits. What is real and authentic, is the immediate experience of this moment, and the way in which that original, meaningless madness, is being played out randomly. Whatever meaning we like to give this chaos of creation and it's flurry of reactive activity and emotions, is all an extra addition, we 'make up', with the limited freewill we have at our disposal. Those actions and emotions being merely a reactive conditioning of this world, expected of us in the game of life. That 'does not' make them authentic acts and emotions, even if they can often feel authentic and have that effect of authenticity. It just makes us very good actors, responding to how we were conditioned, that's all. We humans create the effect of the love and hate 'dualism', as if separate qualities. By this fanticiful idea of life being either 'hate' if not 'love', with 'love' being the ultimate goal, that being opposite to hate. In reality, creation is always one with both qualities of love and hate, like a tag team affair. That affair can be felt much more turbulent, painful and violent etc, or much more subtle and silent, depending on the vibrational frequency we are resonating at. Ultimately, we are not meant to like life much, or ourselves, to be attached as friends and lovers etc. We are meant to accept our true lonely existence, and the madness of it all. Because as soon as we invalidate one part of the madness, no matter how disturbing and wrong it seems, we automatically pick a fight of conflict with ourselves in retaliation. We thus 'must' truly accept all of creation as being equally valid parts of the whole. That is what living as oneness truly is. Even though we cannot ever escape being in oneness. We nevertheless create that 'effect' of separation with our conditioned attitudes to life. So it's ultimately the attitude that is all that needs to change, and not creation which is already oneness, experiencing many different qualities of it's potential to express vibrationally.
@geespar1 11 ай бұрын
Thank you
@Liyah-encyclopedia333 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Rupert❤
@jackelinebadu9580 11 ай бұрын
Gratidão Infinita 😀🕉️💜🙏
@danieleslava115 11 ай бұрын
yep body is the same as the density. beyond space/time and time/space i am .
@odysodys1098 11 ай бұрын
The All That Is loves to play hide and seek.
@Irongaint 11 ай бұрын
I know all these teachings from spira, ramana, nisargadatta etc, my only struggle is dealing with the egos of bad people, I live in a bad neighbourhood and it's hard to be nice and accept these people for who they are because some of them are rapists, child molesters. It's so hard
@1rocknroy 11 ай бұрын
@kumulsfan8090 I want to respond. I had a similar situation in a 'bad neighborhood'. The way I escaped was to change my thoughts in a general way, not specific to those bad people. I just thought a lot of spiritual thoughts and prayers etc. Soon I was not around those types so much. [It's an inside job 😇]
@rajpoonia1941 11 ай бұрын
Observer is observed !
@Prashant-cw3ir 11 ай бұрын
Who is this “I” that knows?
@1rocknroy 11 ай бұрын
@@Prashant-cw3ir Consciousness?
@ankurrupani 4 ай бұрын
Oh no
@Servant_of_1111 11 ай бұрын
WOW 😮 🙏🙏🙏
@kiranmysore6890 11 ай бұрын
@widipermono854 11 ай бұрын
@christinatodd3912 11 ай бұрын
Beautifully expressed. Thank you. Love gratitude peace.💛
@VeganWithAraygun 11 ай бұрын
I recall accounts of the same phenomenon with Johnathan Winters, with more than one of his made up characters. Supposedly during a period of time his psychiatrist was on standby during his performances because he'd get locked in for a while fully immersed with the mannerisms, voice, accents and speech patterns. If there's a name in the Psychiatric handbook for this behavior I'd like to know.
@hordebucket8971 11 ай бұрын
Maybe its the opposite maybe the ego desolves back into universal awearness with everything. Wholeness in other words.
@williamcitan 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Rupert ❤🙏 Thanks for reminding us of our true nature. It doesn’t just “sounds lovely”, as she said… so very much deeper than that
@unseekingseeker1359 11 ай бұрын
@rajanimurali5158 11 ай бұрын
Pranams rupert ji,please bless me guruji.
@DUST35 11 ай бұрын
Hi Rupert!
@mikelisteral7863 11 ай бұрын
i think he has an employee or a volunteer running this channel.
@shinji5967 11 ай бұрын
Tis true. But why do I find it hilarious!😂
@0effort 11 ай бұрын
@dave3076 11 ай бұрын
10/10. For one night only.
@tomsmith2361 11 ай бұрын
John is my brother 🎉😁
@bjk7797 11 ай бұрын
@mukeshdesai2862 11 ай бұрын
2:15 👏
@Kosakosmic 11 ай бұрын
Pretty poor lacking the return pathway to source or innocence and lacking Leela. He's a good guy but never delusion free as he couldn't decide the Leela given by cosmic world. He abode so he will birth again and again until he finishes. Enlightened ones are claimers of tao. Mostly they use knowledge bias and not their inner transmission. He was sick after transmission means, he failed because he used up his own ego and energy. He's good for a beginner to read but never a fully enlightened man. Even Buddha was never a complete one nor krishna. And you live in simulation
@xstucyedits7917 11 ай бұрын
you people just speak
@Kosakosmic 11 ай бұрын
@@xstucyedits7917 all of us, spoke, including Ramana. Can tao be spoken and told? If it's in you, it's in you, that is the truth. Can only experience and be in the direct knowing. No talks can take us anywhere. So saying. What you and others are looking for is not in the external but internal. So, all speakers say the same in one way or the other way, that is, I am not, neti, neti. Seek within, not through me nor ramana.
@xstucyedits7917 11 ай бұрын
@@Kosakosmic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Kosakosmic 11 ай бұрын
@@xstucyedits7917 smileys are Maya, period!
@xstucyedits7917 11 ай бұрын
@@Kosakosmic Now I agree with that!
@martingifford5415 11 ай бұрын
But Rupert didn't realise amrita nadi, so he is not qualified to talk about Ramana Maharshi. These gurus get so used to answering questions that they start to believe they know what they are talking about.
@JorisWeima 11 ай бұрын
How do you know / why do you believe so, if I may ask?
@martingifford5415 11 ай бұрын
​@@JorisWeima He never talks about amrita nadi. Also, the way he talks demonstrates it. He is narrowly focused on non-duality and he sticks to it even when his argument gets challenged, e.g. his general anaesthetic talk with Sam Harris. A true realiser is free to talk in many ways. They are free, not advaita robots.
@JorisWeima 11 ай бұрын
@@martingifford5415 do Enlightened sufi's ever talk about amrita nadi? Do Enlightened buddhists ever talk about Atman being Brahman etc? Do Enlightened Kabbalists ever talk about Dao? Etc. Etc. Etc. Yet theyre all enlightened. These are ALL analogies, metafores, techniques. There is no intellectual understanding of Enlightenment yet, therefore all we have is the narratives of the different traditions. Different types of explanations that all POINT in the same direction but dont exactly say the same thing. Theyre just methods. Rupert never talks about certain explanations either because he doesnt know of them or because he finds certain others better, JUST LIKE the gurus from the tradition(s) that mention Nadi's.
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