How Europe And The USA Compare | Americans React | Loners

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@educatednumpty71 2 ай бұрын
In a recent census in the UK, around 46% claim to hold a religious belief with only 4-5% attending services regularly, make of that what you will.
@grandetristesse2.060 2 ай бұрын
Soon the uk would be a Muslim country like Afghanistan and iran thanks to the 10 millions immigrants😂
@educatednumpty71 2 ай бұрын
@@grandetristesse2.060 Muslims move here so they can leave Islam without the threat of being killed. Why do you think that 2.5 million Muslims have moved here in the last 10 years but 1 Mosque closes every month?
@ethancantwell8549 2 ай бұрын
@@grandetristesse2.060 There are less than 4 million Muslims in the UK, so don't exaggerate.
@EmotionalLemonade Ай бұрын
@@grandetristesse2.060 the muslim population of the UK is 6.2% . The majority of the migrants into the UK for the last 10 years have not been Muslim.
@tubekulose 2 ай бұрын
Ankara is the capital of Turkey!!! 😮 3:08 What are you talking about? The mean distance between the earth and the sun is about 12,000 times the earth's own diameter. Do you really think the equator being this teeny bit closer to the sun than the poles has any influence on the weather whatsoever? 😂 No, it's just because of the earth's rotation axis and therefore the different amounts of exposure to the sunlight or let's say the sun's radiation: The equatorial regions face towards the sun every day around the year whereas, due to the tilt, the north pole faces even slightly away during the northern hemisphere's winter and the south pole during the southern hemisphere's winter. 🙂
@bastian6625 2 ай бұрын
True thing. I would maybe add that at the equator it's not just the exposure time, but also the angle of the radiation/light. Closer to the poles the light is arriving less direct and therefore spreads the same amount of energy over a much bigger surface.
@tubekulose 2 ай бұрын
@@bastian6625 You're right. I actually was about to include that as well but then I was too lazy to continue writing. 😁
@a4kata40 2 ай бұрын
Americans bro 😂😂. Greetings from Bulgaria
@tubekulose 2 ай бұрын
@@a4kata40 Sad but true. Greetings back from Austria! 🙂
@Vojtaniz01 Ай бұрын
The sunlight hours in the picture means when the sun is not behind clouds.
@emanuelezanon4262 Ай бұрын
I have a theory about the religion map. The reason why Europe is so much lower is not only that we are less religious, but also that we are more "skeptical" in general. So we are less likely to say we are CERTAIN of anything.
@georgecarlinismytribe 2 ай бұрын
:) The Sun is ~93 Million miles away.
@beldin2987 2 ай бұрын
The US is more or less still in the middle-ages when it comes to religion, and i still have problems to understand how a country, from that i thought for long time, is quite good educated, can still believe that these ancient fantasy stories are real. In the end religion is just another concept for those in charge, to make the masses do what they want you to do, and thats mostly work for them/be their slaves, give them everything you have and of course also fight for them in their wars. Which also is a thing i can't get, i mean how dumb must people be when they believe that they have "god on their side" on both sides of the war and so fighting the right fight ? If that god really exists he just must be an absolute asshole who has fun in seeing people torture and kill each other, or he just doesn't give a shit at all.
@Pidalin 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, as a Czech, I remember that my grand grandma was religious, but then I met some religious people when I was 12 and then another people when I was in high school. I am 32 now and I could count them with my fingers all those people I know they believe.
@miamonan9627 2 ай бұрын
I don’t personally know any people that I would call religious. I’ve met a few along the way, but they’re definitely the exception, rather than the norm in the UK, and the only times I’ve ever ventured into a church has been to attend Weddings, Christenings or Funerals.
@grandetristesse2.060 2 ай бұрын
Thats very sad. But dont worry the uk would be a religious country again, this time a Muslim one 😂
@LalaDepala_00 2 ай бұрын
​@@grandetristesse2.060 If the UK is a muslim country, according to your logic the U.S. is an African country.
@bengtolsson5436 2 ай бұрын
You are barely old enough to drive at 18. So at 16 in the US is completely crazy. And with the same education as in Europe, perhaps 1/3 of everyone in the US would have received a driver's license.
@thepurplesmurf 2 ай бұрын
The "living at home" thing has a lot to do with culture. In south EU it is not uncommon that 3 or 4 generations live under the same roof. Land and house are passed down the heritage line and there is not so much moving around involved. While from my understanding, in the USA it's almost a must to leave home when you hit 18 years old and start your own life, which often does not involve the own family.
@Pidalin 2 ай бұрын
Here in Czechia, it's not culture, everyone wants to leave as soon as possible and get rid of their annoying boomer agressive alcoholic parents, but becuase of our crazy housing crisis, it's pretty much impossible for young people under 30 to live alone, you always need at least some friends who live with you, you not at least 2, but more likely 3 salaries to pay rent of apartment and save some money.
@ikeettgaming 2 ай бұрын
beliving god exist at 100% is not religious its crazy ! In france kids can leave if they want they wont starve even with a part time job , but its also customary for some familly to take care of the old member of the familly and its cheaper to live in the familly house :)
@ilaril 2 ай бұрын
I once asked my dad why we don't seem to have the religious fanatics in Europe, that the US has. His answer? "Those are the people who left to America, as fact we should remember to thank the Brits always." 😂 So yeah, religious freedom works here. We don't have the problem with the "christian love".
@grandetristesse2.060 2 ай бұрын
What is even "religious fanatics" ... Anyways tell your dad he got things wrong. 1 they left for America/the new world for more opportunity but also because thier countries wanted them to repopulate those vast places. Not because they were "prosecuted" because of thier faith. Sure it happened but it wasn't the main reason. 2 living in Europe (most countries in it) is definitely better then any American state and you cant deny it. The golden age of the usa is lowkey GONE... 3 "we dont have a problem with the Christian love" and why would you? Christians are literally the most peaceful in the world. I dont see them doing jihad.
@grandetristesse2.060 2 ай бұрын
Being a Christian fantastic is better then being a Muslim or Hindu fanatics. And you obviously know why
@grandetristesse2.060 2 ай бұрын
At least Christian fanatics dont do jihad😂
@grandetristesse2.060 2 ай бұрын
"Religious freedom works here" yeah thats why jihad, 911,terrorist attacks happen
@grandetristesse2.060 2 ай бұрын
Religious freedom have been a thing in Europe since forever. The only fighting was in the 1500-1600s because of martin luther. And thats when the fight between Christian branches started but before it things were fine in medieval kingdoms and the Byzantine/roman empires
@p4olo537 24 күн бұрын
France changed the driving age this year, now it's 17 alone but you can start at 15 with an adult on the passenger seat.
@ronaldderooij1774 2 ай бұрын
It is much, much harder to get a driver's license in most European countries than in the most US states. No comparison.
@winterlinde5395 2 ай бұрын
Yearly hours of sunlight…🤔… weather?😊
@Gazer75 2 ай бұрын
Hours of sunlight basically depends on how much clouds, and with that rainfall, you get in the area. Not sure if those numbers also consider mountains blocking direct sunlight, but I doubt it looking at Norway.
@avitalsheva 2 ай бұрын
She is so bored .. it is so visible that she is not interested at all. Yawning during reaction.... Lets guys forget about making ractions
@SailorSayuri 2 ай бұрын
Buying tobacco and beer had always been authorized at 16 in Switzerland…. I know we’re a small country but damn, why aren’t we on the map with this statistic… 😅🤣
@clivegilbertson6542 2 ай бұрын
G'day Guys! Interesting to note that the map he used for human development shows Crimea as part of Russia not Ukraine...The rest of the maps are correct... Cheers!
@Finkele1 24 күн бұрын
and, 900 000 in Finland bc we have mandatory service.
@adamclark6756 2 ай бұрын
Almost to 10,000, so this run of videos has helped a lot with that.
@Pidalin 2 ай бұрын
In many of these comparisons, it's not clear if they compare whole Europe, or just EU countries, it's also complicated to put Russia somewhere since they occupy 2 continents and it's generally complicated to compare because Europe doesn't have any 100% borders that eveyone would acknowledge. We mostly agree that Europe ends somewhere in Ural mountains in Russia, but you can sometimes see that even countries like Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia are sometimes considered Europe, sometimes even part of Turkey is considered Europe, so it's complicated. Europe as an actual continent doesn't exist, Europe is just a cultural thing. BTW, driving age...I think they should increase it to 21, because I see how young people are getting totally useless and stupid because of using cars too soon and also they are fat because of that, they don't even know how to open door in train or how to get somewhere without car, people should start using cars already 100% adult and with some life experiences. The same with alcohol and smoking. I know everyone is buying it younger, there is always way how to get it, but 21 is a good age, when you start younger, you will get addicted more easily. In 21, you can be sure that the vast majority of people are already adult, while in 18, a lot of people are still more like kids. And here - 9:51 - they have wrong map, there is written GPD per capita, but map shows GDP nominal obviously. When they count even countries like Russia, then ofcourse, European GDP per capita is doing down because it's 150 milion people with very low GDP per capita.
@svealusmagi4165 Ай бұрын
Please react Jonna Jinton - Living with dark winter in Sweden Midnight sun and Polar night.
@module79l28 2 ай бұрын
Fun Fact: the General Knowledge guy is portuguese. 😉
@Finkele1 24 күн бұрын
why would you believe in some goat herders? They didn't even know where sun went after sunset. yea
@karabatsi 2 ай бұрын
@dyto2287 2 ай бұрын
Hours of sun big factor also is weather.
@kognak6640 Ай бұрын
It's only factor, an average cloudiness map would be inverse. Latitude doesn't have direct relation because every place on earth gets equal amount of daylight per year. Even the poles get ½ year, the sun is over horizon for 6 months straight, then 6 months below horizon. Between tropics you get around half and half per day.
@Finkele1 24 күн бұрын
by parents isn't it 14 in germany? to drink beer
@helenewei4232 2 ай бұрын
I Always find these types of comparisons so weird. You can't compare a country to a continent. Even the 50 states/ 50 country's argument lacks because a lot of the country have states too.
@HenrySimple 2 ай бұрын
*we* Europeans are rational, not "enlighted" -although we have a notion of compassion etc. Edit: like my grandma said: help yourself and god helps you" AND "the one who has the cross will bless himself first in case of crisis".
@Witchaven 2 ай бұрын
We've (Europe) has been around a bit longer, we've grown out of a fundamentalist belief in God. We've been around long enough to see the problems it causes, and have the maturity (to a certain degree) to accept other people have different beliefs and that it's ok. In relation to tobacco, in Ireland the age limit is currently 18, but there are talks about increasing it to 21.
@spetsig 2 ай бұрын
Also alot of the religious wierdos and ideas got exported to America and never came back.
@trevorlsheppard7906 2 ай бұрын
Hiya good vlog , Ankara is the capital city of Turkey ,the day length is more complicated because the Earth's axis has a tilt of 23 degrees this is a factor in the day length , in the UK at the moment the sun rises around 4 am and sets around 10 pm , sounds good doesn't it ,but down side is in winter the sun rises around 8 am and sets around 4pm ,not so good,the,❤❤.
@noefillon1749 2 ай бұрын
Yeah... but day length is totally linked to latitude and nothing else... and on average the day lasts 12 hours everywhere on the globe, lack of daytime during winter being exactly compensated during summer. This map is about weather : how much time isn't there a cloud between direct sunlight and the ground.
@trevorlsheppard7906 2 ай бұрын
@@noefillon1749your assertion is fallacious at the poles you'll find there is 24 hour daylight In summer ,in winter you'll find 24 hour nighttime,if don't believe me ask Google why m Norway known as " The Land of the Midnight Sun see what it says.
@hejdu00 24 күн бұрын
Have you ever considerd other religions? Especily in europe and my country where we are pagans.
@zorglub20770 2 ай бұрын
I thought Europe was more religious. Huh, In God we trust, swearing on the bible in court ...
@Witchaven 2 ай бұрын
Yup, so much for separation of church and state! Yes, before anyone comments, that isn't exactly what the 1st amendment says, but it's purpose is to promote freedom of religion. Having a state preferred religion, which the US does, is not promoting freedom of religion.
@AndreasLarsson-vo3om 2 ай бұрын
regarding the military.. the US spend 17.3% of GDP on healthcare in 2022 the OECD average was 9.2% of GDP in 2022 the US spends 3.5% of GDP on the military. if you got control of your healthcare costs and got them inline with the OECD average you would save 8.1% of GDP. this means that you could expand the military with 200% and still have money over. I think you need to get the politics under control and start working on making things better on the things you can agree is a problem, but yeah bit tricky to make that happen.
@xxklesx1 2 ай бұрын
The problem is not that the US healthcare system is bad because it is underfunded. It is that it is bad and expensive. No country in the world allows itself to be exploited by pharmaceutical companies like this. In Europe, a dose of insulin costs 15 dollars, in the US it can cost up to 1000 dollars, and production costs are just a few cents. In most cases, both are produced in India, where a dose of insulin costs 1 dollar. There is only one industrialized country in the world where diabetics die. And that is the USA.
@kenan6977 6 күн бұрын
@pekkakalevi2718 Күн бұрын
Ok vote trum. Bye
@warrenturner397 2 ай бұрын
This guy is rubbish
@FacelessJanus 2 ай бұрын
I find it problematic that he uses non European countries and not tell they are not European. Azerbaijan is definitely Asian not European !!! The furthest outline border is Istanbul Turkiye, where the city is actually split in a European part and an Asian part. (Azerbaijan is east of Turkiye, thus not European. Georgia and Armenia are also to the East and are thus Asian. This youtuber needs to check his geographical facts.) It depends on how you define religious. If it is simply based on believing in God, versus acting on that believe or as is more common in the US, we believe in God so long as we can do whatever the heck we want. The latter is the definition used by this youtuber, and is not a valid representation of the way Europe belives as that would be the former. And than numbers gets still screwed up, because Rome, uses a disfunctional method of calculating the numbers of people who are "Catholics". (I once lived in a predomiinantly Roman Catholic area, and was told that simply living in the area meant you were seen as being Catholic, which by any and all definitions I am extremely certainly NOT.)
@tubekulose 2 ай бұрын
I agree with your points. But, please: it's "Türkiye", not "Turkiye". Since your text is in English anyways you can chose between "Türkiye" and "Turkey". "Turkiye" however is a misspelling and would, if the word existed, result in a completely different pronunciation.
@FacelessJanus 2 ай бұрын
@@tubekulose I agree. However it does fit your YT name though, missing an R and should be spelled with a c, even if t is a wordplay than the k should still be a c ;) ;)
@tubekulose 2 ай бұрын
@@FacelessJanus Well, at least you identified it as a wordplay, which it is. However, my spelling is correct considering that I'm from Austria. The German word for "tuberculosis" is indeed "Tuberkulose". I just purposely dropped the "r". 🙂
@FacelessJanus 2 ай бұрын
@@tubekulose True, but just by a name and not knowing you were from Austria, I could not suggest German bein the base of the wordplay, thus my assumption that it was English. My bad here. Aber ist logo, weil Ich gar keine ahnung hatte ;)
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