Want more Generation Zero? Watch this playlist - kzbin.info/aero/PLp_Kl4YmiFgavX2tSX8cbNP80DasCaPrb Me and Zlam will also be doing a full playthrough of the complete game soon...
@stijnjanssens5713 күн бұрын
man i want to love this update, everything about it is really damn solid or even great, everything appart from the new island.. wich really feels unfinished in every way, no location names, bodies aren't lootable, very empty, just about no environmantal story telling, cool but confusing and anoying to traverse locations, no real loot to gain,.. such a missed oportunity sadly enough.
@TheBucket3 күн бұрын
Kinda agreeee
@vixr225 күн бұрын
The Illuminate are back.
@TheBucket5 күн бұрын
I know. Playing soon
@falloutfart99173 күн бұрын
@TheBucket Annnnnd they’re gone
@TheBucket3 күн бұрын
@@falloutfart9917 I know.... :(((((
@falloutfart99173 күн бұрын
@TheBucket Give it about a weed, 2 tops, and they’ll be back. Can’t let the hype train go that easily, we thought we beat the automatons and they came back fairly quickly. We also are getting dune buggies soon to after a major order.
@NisseHult1013 күн бұрын
A full play-through sounds fun!
@TheBucket3 күн бұрын
Yes sirrrrrr! Started already and it's been fun
@it2spooky4me794 күн бұрын
We built this Brick by Brick
@cptccman56654 күн бұрын
just going to say it I love this game but I'm both sad and disappointed by the ending sad with the fact GZ is over and disappointed because the end was just... Meh (also your gonna love the new EXP AI-76)