How "God" is Used to DECEIVE the Whole World! Wake Up!!!

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Just a Word

Just a Word

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This teaching looks at how "God" is being used to deceive the whole world. Did you ever stop to think where the name "God" came from? This is the name the world loves and it is interesting how much that name has drawn people away from and caused them to despise the Most High. This truth will really open up your mind to the realities of religion and this world as we know it.
2Co 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
2Co 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of HaMashiach, who is the image of Aluah, should shine unto them.
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@spiritofeli 4 ай бұрын
God/Gawd/Gad is the enemy of Yah יה Isaiah 65 :11 you are they who forsake my holy mountain and prepare Tables for גד (GD) and Mani/Meni/Money מני (MNY) Gad was considered the deity of Luck by our ancestors. In Sumeria it was El Lil/Ha Lil/Hellel חלל who was consider the pagan king of the elohim until Nebuchadnezzar had the dream and removed him and placed Gad/God as the king of the deities under the name Ba'El Marduk Prince of Babylon Then to Mazda Prince of Persia Then to Zeus prince of Grecia Then to Jupiter prince of Rome Then back to his sumerian name Gad/God Prince of this world.
@JustaWord 4 ай бұрын
This comment is so good, it had to be pinned. I forgot to include this info in the video, but you gave more info than I would have. Thanks!
@spiritofeli 4 ай бұрын
@@JustaWord Much love and respect to you family.
@kefabenysraal7687 4 ай бұрын
That's right, from the demon Gadre'el, pronounced Godre'el!
@wcequestrian Ай бұрын
Yahuah is calling his remnant home . Take heed Yasharal
@azgal7794 Ай бұрын
@golde4unyc729 4 ай бұрын
Such a spectacular teaching.
@paulinewallace4456 4 ай бұрын
Well said my brother shalom
@revam360 4 ай бұрын
So good I listened twice! Wow it makes clear sense if we actually consider all the pieces to the puzzle! Thank you for sharing this profound understanding…from a humble gentile.
@Sci-Fi_Fan296 4 ай бұрын
Shabbat shalum Yasharel 🙌🏾
@YudyannYah 4 ай бұрын
Shabbat shalum
@Marigoldize 4 ай бұрын
Blessings Yasharal!
@John14-15 4 ай бұрын
Shabbat Shalom family of the Most High
@TshepiMoalusi 4 ай бұрын
Shabbat Shalom family
@mikenorw13 4 ай бұрын
Shabbat Shalom
@sistahcc793 Ай бұрын
Shalom brother C, thank you for this lesson. Always on point. However, to your point that the place they call “Jerusalem” not being desolate, wasn’t it Canaan’s Land that was promised? That’s even mentioned in the song “Go Down Moses”. So are they perpetrating that “Jerusalem” is Canaan’s Land?
@andrewselassie1424 4 ай бұрын
Great works bredren been following and really refreshing and enlightening information on a wide range of Biblical teachings and who is our King Jacob??? Blessings
@JJ-et4pm 4 ай бұрын
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is king. Forever and ever. Amen.
@JustaWord 4 ай бұрын
Did you watch the video? YAHUAH, the Qadosh One of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is no "God." "God is an idol called Fortune, the God of luck. Dig into Isaiah 65:11. It is there as "that troop."
@JJ-et4pm 4 ай бұрын
@JustaWord You should take your own advice and read that verse. The God of Abraham is the one true living God, he was then, and will be forever. That same God is the trinity Father, spirit and Son so he's also Jesus. The Lord our savior.
@JJ-et4pm 4 ай бұрын
@@JustaWord What you say is Unholy and of Satan.
@JJ-et4pm 4 ай бұрын
​@JustaWord Unless your only saying the name "God" shouldnt be used and instead Yehweh?
@dot98 4 ай бұрын
@@JJ-et4pmif you look through Enoch you will see satans name is revealed as gadriel. The a in the ancient abaryt(Hebrew) is pronounced as the AH sound. Meaning satans name is pronounced gawd-ra-el making god a shorten version of his name. The name god should NOT be associated with the all mighty creator YAHUAH
@sistahcc793 Ай бұрын
Here too is why Yahuah chose the seed of Yaqub. . . the promise was given to Abraham, to his seed (Genesis 15:13) because . . . “For I know him (Abraham) that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of Yahuah, to do justice and judgment; that Yahuah may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.” Genesis 18:19 (KJV) HalleluYah! “Train up a child (Yasharal) in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
@ZeldaVandermerwe-c3b 4 ай бұрын
The Funk and Wagnalls dictionary defines humanism and this should make anyone with a conscious think especially those who work for human resources The word Humanism it says "A religious movement, emphasizing faith in man instead of belief in the super natural, in the United States it has arisen from uniteriasm " (welcome to the United church and the United Nations)" it is spreading to the liberal religious groups. Humanism a name applied to the literary movement at the close of the middle ages towards the revival of the pagan learning of classical antiquity. The humanists divided into two divergent schools of which sought to be ingrafted on the classical learning of the tree of Christianity while the other endevour to revive the literature of the classical antiquity and pagan spirit of the ancient heathen cults. Humanitarianism affirm the humanity and holy deny the divinity of Christ, believe in the perfectability of man or profess the religion of humanity. In modern usage philanthropic people are called by the name". That is pretty direct, so when we find organisations like the world health organization you will find that philanthropic people like Bill Gates would be part of that. And when you are on that broad and spacious road to the devil and distruction will bill you at the gate because it is a toll road. All those that who seek the National treasure, but do you know what that natural treasure really is ? He is storing the concept of legal value and looking after it for all those who tax and control it under a legal state debtor surname of paganism for those who deny the divinity of Christ. There are only two elective paths and when we look at it, would there be profit in nature, would there be any concept of value, banks, ATMs, bitcoins, cyber currencies, silver and gold. Does anything in nature have this going on ? And when we really look at Gods word it shows up in Gods word at Mathew 6 verse 24 and clearly states that no man can serve two masters, for either you will hate the one and love the other , or you will hold the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon (money). And because the legal state surname is associated with the purpose of gain, Mammon, debt, monetary accumulation legal title it certainly does not have anything to do with what is pure and natural, and because it does not exist in nature it would only come into the realm of fiction, so it should not surprise us that the father of the lie would come up with the father of the lie legal surname to identify all those of an uncovenanted nation, those who know not the true God (see definition of surname). And would place it over head, right overhead of a child and the child's God given Christian name below right at the time of birth without consent, basically placing a judgement note implying that the child has not accepted free grace and that the child will assurety sin when the turn 18 at the age of election (To either Serve God or Mammon) and opt for being an adult in Adultery (etymology of adult---Adultery hired servant wages) to serve mammon due to a lack of knowledge. And as bible scripture reads "My people will perish due to a lack of knowledge" and one of the best synonyms for knowledge is literacy. How many people would have entered all their time, all their energies into serving a false God, versus serving the true God and his appointed anointed son who have provided you with free grace ?. Nothing to do with debt, getting up in the morning to figure out how to pay the fuel prices, the food prices, how to thwart which was once natural with no cost that is now accosted under a name that identifies you as someone not of his creation. We are now part of a horrible hell.(why we avoid the word hello) and when we look up the word hell in black's law dictionary version 4th edition it says " The name formally given to a place under the x checker chamber, where the kings debtors were confined" The x checker chamber was like a revenue system of how they menovered those they used as pawns to assurety debt and title (pro verbs 11 verse 15). of a persona for the benefit of the king or queen or the crown, and so this is how the game is played. Picture yourself on a chess board, with the king the queen and the knight and the row of pawns and picture all the surnames and picture them as gen tiles, because they are just tiles and they walk all over them because of their lack of knowledge, and right now we are in the scenario of being in a lack of knowledge and hopefully coming to knowledge. There is very little time left, but we have the power of God, we need to build the muscle 💪 of faith because it has become extremely lethargic being contaminated with bad food, bad air, bad water but especially bad knowledge, all combined to make us a very sick persona, we need to take off the mask and start to walk in this truth and be prepared that we will stand for this with the power of God almighty.
@revam360 4 ай бұрын
Wow!deep and thoughtful comments. The attack from the evil one is from all sides. Thankfully, the Most High is speaking to some of us, and we hear His voice, “and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.“ Isaiah 30:21 we are walking while there is still some light, but gross darkness is coming. And when there is “time no more” or “no more delay” then will be the point when he that is filthy, let him be filthy still and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still.
@ZeldaVandermerwe-c3b 4 ай бұрын
@@revam360 aaahhh someone who takes good note of the older testament, most do not comprehend that it is the foundation to comprehending the newer testaments. I really think that if you are interested I suggest you look into Christian remedy in law. But do you know that just by being in the legal construct that we are serving another god before Yhwh? Idol worship is now Corporations if you know Ezekiel. However there is a way out.
@YahandYouMinistries Ай бұрын
I love your guys teachings very thorough and edifying. But I was curious do you guys only believe that color of the skin has to do with the tribes of Yasharal? I believe the Most High has revealed to me which tribes I am from and Yahuah woke me up back in 2021 after six years of lawless living and being lost in the world. I came from a Christian background and then left that to be in the world but I did not return to it. Yah showed me His truth and still is continuing to do so. Praise Yahuah our Aluah. Shaluam
@JustaWord Ай бұрын
@@YahandYouMinistries Israelites are known by the curses. Only a fool would think that the color of one's skin is equivalent to salvation. But one would be equally lacking wisdom if one doesn't see that the people who went under the curses are primarily the black and brown people of this world. That saying, mingling of the seed will also change the color of some Israelites. But did that white, Indian or Chinese person escape the curses? Chances are they are not Yasharal. Also, remember that the pedigree (lineage) is through the seed of the father.
@YahandYouMinistries Ай бұрын
@@JustaWord I appreciate your answer Tudah Rabah
@kefabenysraal7687 4 ай бұрын
Great title akh, yes, it is the 'God delusion'. You are correct God has been skillfully used by Satan to establish his supersessionist doctrine (replacement theology) of Christianity, Judaism and Islam! Father showed you in a dream, he showed me through torah, D'barim (Deutronomy) 4: 19; Jubilees 15: 31 - 32 and in the nabi YeshaYahu 46: 5 If that is not bad enough, the mastema caused his disciples to bring the Most High down to the level of his sons. How? They removed the Most High's name (YahWah/YahuWah) and his title Aloah/Alohim - all is his/he owns everything. Al Shaddai the Almighty One. They gave him the title of his sons, Eloah/Elohim - mighty ones/judges/rulers, 1:42:50 the first of whom is the Son born to us, YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 9: 6, the same who he anointed more highly than his brothers, Tehillim (Psalms) 45: 7. It is to the title Eloah/Elohim that they have added the title God, as shown in YeshaYahu 9: 6 where the Son is called 'mighty God.' They know God - one that must be invoked. God, named for the demon Gadre'el, in Hinduism Hutam / God who they say is Krishna the same in Greek, is Christos. But as you have correctly stated, they do not know the Almighty Alohim of Abraham, Yitschak and Ya'akob
@meekville4122 4 ай бұрын
Research etymology of religion only then will you see the deception behind it
@kefabenysraal7687 4 ай бұрын
Where is this fellowship based?
@sunofuniversedaud3561 4 ай бұрын
This is talking about the mind not the flesh itself
@jahmeekomarquiseakamr.war-3082 4 ай бұрын
When the Son of Adamah called man returns it will be like the days of Lot... remember during the Trans Atlantic slave trade years...we our complexion of anscestors was Illiterate for many years...and taught other colonial languages...and in that language their culture of beliefs of all that knew...their origin was the Delphi oracles dieties...of Carthage and Athens...the shaggy goat prophecy of Daniel chapter 8 foreseen and foretold of this...and Ptolemy dynasties Chi Rho prefix Chreston to Constantine i there yet for many years... Isaiah Chapter 45 verse 19 but the hand of Moshe foretold based on Dueteromony Chapter 18 verse 15...the scribes of Esau who took over re writing our sacred scriptures is Ezekiel Chapter 13 the Most High is not the Author of Confusion...this is where Zues their diety by cunning re writings to decieve..Go-g...Ma-go-g....see the G and the o?...we the israelites would know the specific emphasis our original letters alone had .. this is why the Bible from the land Biblios.. term taken from...that's near Tyre in those days but is why codes .. codexes.. many versions of the re writes... Origen, Socrates, Aristotle Shakespeare...all took their turns.. many more..had to be deciphered the Most High had to raise up those are are able...and bring out the little scroll of the book of Revelations...the flying Scroll of Zechariah the letter j derived from dZ in Greek origin of their language... many were tricked into saying j-ews...dZ-ews and Iseous..many israelites taught this in mystery Babylon... Revelations Chapter 12 tho .. after Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 1 wake up...the deceiver of the whole world 🌎...was cast out...when q child was born and gripped the Iron Rod... Malachi Chapter 3 Malachi Chapter 4
@JustaWord 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this inciteful, thought provoking comment, ach.
@jahmeekomarquiseakamr.war-3082 4 ай бұрын
@@JustaWord respect for my big brothers who been putting in work and study to show themselves approved all Praise to the Most High and His Son Yah
@robertpundsack1363 4 ай бұрын
As a believer. God's truth is the only real truth. Will some corrupt God's truth to their agenda yes. That can be said against Islam Hinduism Buddhism. As well. Corrupt men can corrupt. However one who hears receives, lives God's truth. Would never deceive another. Meaning true believers will not be decievers by fake doctrines preachers
@JustaWord 4 ай бұрын
"God" is a deception. God (Gawd) is Satan (Gadreel) who deceived Chuah (Eve) in the garden. It tells us also in Isa 65:11. Look at the meaning of "that troop." It is Gad/Gawd who is Gadreel and worshipped as "Fortune" or "Chance," the God of luck. Please wake up and understand Job 9:24.
@robertpundsack1363 4 ай бұрын
@@JustaWord You certainly do not know God. In Isaiah 65:11. God's warning the Jews how they turned from God to worship false god's. Since your misinterpreting God's words. What is so alarming to you the word troop . The God I know and worship. Is the creater of all. The only true God. Job 9:24 we know in the latter years, mankind will be decided by wicked people. If know God, it won't affect your faith. We pull through by the salvation of Jesus. After just alittle , could tell, you don't know God's truth. Yes God is real, He's no evil dude deceiving. In your mind set, who is God . Real christians know our God is the real holy word
@JustaWord 4 ай бұрын
@@robertpundsack1363 I am sorry that this understanding has eluded you. Your response shows it. So I will not argue with you, as it will be futile. All the best, and Shalom.
@robertpundsack1363 4 ай бұрын
@@JustaWord that's it, you can't. because of your mis interpretation of God's truth. Have a nice
@JustaWord 4 ай бұрын
@@robertpundsack1363 Really? I just don't argue scripture with people who have made up their minds and speak arrogantly. It is a waste of time. On our website, I did a 2 post series on God from several years ago. Forr anyone interested, here are the links giving details of the God deception. Also did a KZbin video on it from back then. Video: Articles:
@Arcticstar69 4 ай бұрын
Not like this.
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