Fantastic video Sigurd! Fascinating subject. I also believe that achieving the right balance in music and sound design within the horror genre is exceptionally challenging. Your discussion suggests that the objective of horror sound design and music might align with the concept of "the uncanny valley," analogous to its visual counterpart. It seems that the essence of creating these auditory experiences lies in crafting source sounds that hover on the edge of reality - sufficiently grounded to be recognizable yet sufficiently processed/altered to evoke a sense of the otherworldly.
@sigurdthemusicdude10 ай бұрын
Thanks a bunch man! - You nailed it. I have experienced multiple times on different projects, that everytime I record my own samples, or create my own weird instruments. It just gives it that extra “something”. That “something” just isn’t present when I go through for example a software synthesizer. Funny thing also is that rven though you start to process your “real” samples, through digital means. It still keeps that… “Something”.
@RickAbbott7610 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this dude, awesome stuff!
@sigurdthemusicdude10 ай бұрын
Thanks man! Glad you dig it
@MusicalWizardryMarcoIannello10 ай бұрын
100%! I absolutely love doing horror music, despite not liking horror games at all (yes, call me a "softie" 😅 ). The best part is that there really are no rules when one creates horror music, anything can be made to work and works and it is just so refreshing and beautiful
@sigurdthemusicdude10 ай бұрын
Yeeees exactly!
@PeterTMusic10 ай бұрын
Great video Sigurd! Keep it up man, always interesting to hear your perspective on these things 🤙