anyone who says its 'just hair' is lying out of their ass, hair is a massive part of people's identity. I'm just happy i'm a guy, we can go bald and get away with it by growing a beard
@autumnqueen61156 жыл бұрын
Steampunk Smilodon to me hair just hair you could get a wig if you want and if you can't afford expensive ones you could get cheap ones and use hacks to make it look real. I have damage my hair for dying to much. So I am thing of shaving my head and wear wigs instead
@beepboop95196 жыл бұрын
Steampunk Smilodon hell im scared to lose my hair even bein male not going to lie, I can’t grow a beard smh
@CuteMeSizzle6 жыл бұрын
Steampunk Smilodon this shit is so true! Once your hair starts falling out or you ruin it so much you realise how much it helps with your appearance
@machibieber966 жыл бұрын
Tiara Tod hair is just hair to people who have the privilege of growing it, but to people who have conditions like Shannon, hair is a big deal.
@nouki0000016 жыл бұрын
I think this very true for a lot of people but there are people who don’t care about their hair. I was (mis)diagnosed with alopecia when I was emotionally going trough a really tough time and my mother cried when she heard. I was almost disgusted when I saw her cry because it seemed so unimportant to me.
@METravers6 жыл бұрын
Why can’t people make more meaningful content like this. Seems like everything has to be clickbait cause people just want money I honestly appreciate this kind of content.
@HeyThereImShannon6 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this a ton, Matt! Much love :)
@Soul000wave6 жыл бұрын
i agree so muuuch ughh shes so real ill always appreciate that about shannon, you can tell the only difference between her old videos and her new ones are growth and not superficiality
@johnny-wv9kd6 жыл бұрын
I havent watched you since 2015 but Im glad you’re doing better. positivity can defeat disease
@HeyThereImShannon6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for coming back! 😌💕 much love!
@catrina39094 жыл бұрын
Mannnn I wish stress was easy to deal with. Scary what it does. Lol 😅
@RitzMalheur6 жыл бұрын
I miss you talking and that trademarked background music... Miss you, Shannon, stay strong, stay beautiful, stay smiling ;w;
@emilyelkins69445 жыл бұрын
I have shaved my hair twice. To me it is "Just Hair" BUT that is because I know it will grow back. When I shaved it I did so with the thought "If I hate it I'll just grow it back out". If I were to lose my hair and not have it able to grow back I wouldn't be able to say "Oh it's just hair".
@danielleblakeman70666 жыл бұрын
I have Trichotillomania, which is very different from what you have. BUT I did relate to many things you had said. "It's just hair" Is such an aggravating thing to hear as well as the pain that comes along with bald spots and having people look. You are very strong. Thank you.
@tayybrigg6 жыл бұрын
carole blakeman same, but I pull my lashes and it’s annoying
@elisecode22126 жыл бұрын
same, but i don't pull out whole hairs, i pick them off partway, so i don't have bald spots (and it doesn't hurt my head, just my fingers) but it gets super uneven and short. i flip around wearing wigs, extensions, and nothing. like right now i have a wig, i recently got my real hair cut in like a pixie cut so i can't pull, and it looks fine, no one would know i had trich or anything, but it's not fine for me, i just want long hair again, so i wear the wig. but then when people comment on "my hair", even if it's a compliment (i like colours too), i get stressed and i never know whether to tell them it's not mine. plus i usually pull from the wigs/extensions, so even though it doesn't affect my hair, it still drives me crazy. anyway, good luck.
@danielleblakeman70666 жыл бұрын
Hey girl! I totally understand!! It is REALLY hard! I've been dealing with trich for 5 years!! My head was half bald once. I've cut my hair super short too! But my hair is SO long now, it does get better as the time goes by. If you ever want to talk about it with someone who gets it, I am always here!
@elisecode22126 жыл бұрын
@@danielleblakeman7066 thanks, i've had it for almost as long, my pull-free record being 15 months (i only count my real hair). as my hair grows, it gets easier to pull, so more tempting, but also, being out of the habit (while it was too short to pull) tends to make the urges less frequent/strong, it's weird. usually at some point an urge gets the best of me and i relapse and start the whole process (pull until it's unbearable and unattractive-->cut + wig-->extensions) again. i hate it. the only time i'm happy is when my real hair is pull-free and has been long enough to be, well, long enough so i like wearing it as it is and therefore have no fake hair to wear or pull either. that's where i'm tryna be.
@KIWIKIMI145 жыл бұрын
carole blakeman I also have this and I pull my lashes and eyebrows. Life isn’t far but it’s all we got I guess.
@orionisx59846 жыл бұрын
“Green is my natural colour” ffs. 😂 Ily
@scabeater69715 жыл бұрын
Seeing this comment next to a Gumi pfp makes this so much better
@Ivy-og5xd5 жыл бұрын
HushLittleHeart profile picture checks out
@BannerThePonyboxer6 жыл бұрын
I feel like shaving your head as a choice is completely different to either losing your hair or shaving it for the reason you did. I've shaved my head before, I've been bald. But it was choice. Now I'm losing my hair in patches and it's really hard to deal with. I didn't give shaving it a second thought originally, but now if I had to shave it because I am losing it I would be distraught. So happy for you that your hair has come back in after all this time, it really does look amazing!
@JustJune276 жыл бұрын
I can't believe how much you have changed over the years! You look so amazing and I'm so proud! 💚💚
@ToriMorii6 жыл бұрын
I don’t have alopecia, but as someone with a chronic autoimmune disorder, I still really appreciated this. I fortunately have all my hair haha, so I can’t take any literal advice from this, but it’s still encouraging to see how other people have dealt with their autoimmune disorders. I’m still learning how to deal with mine. There’s been a lot of ups and downs (currently experiencing a “down” unfortunately), so this is something I honestly really needed to see, believe it or not. Thank you Shannon 💚
@Korsi_5 жыл бұрын
I've got alopecia areata just like Shannon, was diagnosed around my 23 birthday about 2 years ago, and it definitely is a process learning how to deal with it. There was more than one occasion where I had a full blown breakdown because of it. It has taken me quite awhile to come to terms with, and theres still days where it gets me a bit down, but it has certainly gotten easier. I think it's only natural that there's still some difficult days when you're dealing with something that's so long lasting. You definitely aren't alone in the struggle, even if the disorders are different. We all just gotta keep fighting back against our bodies lol
@shra66505 жыл бұрын
Same here girl
@MsShana88064 жыл бұрын
What's funny?
@luxxexterior6 жыл бұрын
I worked in a salon and one of the stylists purposely burned my hair off because she didn’t like me. I lost a bunch of hair and it depressed me so much. So yes, I believe what you say about hair being part of women’s identity and the stats about it being similar to losing a limb
@cultureshock9166 жыл бұрын
Whoa that’s terrible... I hope she got charged/fired for that.
@luxxexterior6 жыл бұрын
Definitely going to try and get it marked against her license with the Board of Cosmetology. Though part of me is somewhat grateful she did it because I cut my hair really short to get rid of the damage and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I have never been so confident🤷🏻♀️
@Ghostiesarah6 жыл бұрын
Chloe Eskridge I hope she loses her license that’s so upsetting and immature! I work in a salon and I’ve never heard of that happening. Very unprofessional
@luxxexterior6 жыл бұрын
Sarah Shea She wasn’t very professional herself, hence why her books tend to not be filled. My hair is much better now. It was a learning experience
@alexandran.51976 жыл бұрын
@@luxxexterior even if you feel confident (I'M PROUD OF YOU FOR THAT THO ❤️) and you made the best out of a bad situation, you can't let the girl that ruined your hair get away with what she's done. Immature and unprofessional people like that shouldn't be even let to work in a job that mainly consists of dealing with other people.
@JexxBlack6 жыл бұрын
It’s not “just hair”, especially for those who can’t grow it easily naturally. I mean, I’d shave my head and not care too much, but that’s because it’s a CHOICE. Most women can’t say that which is just the reality we live in - whether it’s a choice or not. I’m just so happy for you. Your hair looks so good and you seem so much happier. Stay strong and positive💚
@zoemae36386 жыл бұрын
Jexx Black PREACH I lose my hair so easily because of my alopecia and i freak when I find a new spot because my hair is the longest it’s been since I found out I have this disease and sucks
@JexxBlack6 жыл бұрын
Zoe Mae I truly hope your hair continues to grow. I do not have alopecia, so I cannot really sympathize, but I understand. Just know no matter what, you’re still a beautiful person. Stay positive and keep up with a routine as best you can
@rebekka68475 жыл бұрын
I have alopecia areata universalis and have no hair on my whole body.
@alexbby0246 жыл бұрын
I always thought it was just hair, until I had a mental break down and shaved it, then i realized how much I needed my hair to have a good self body image, It is not just hair!!!
@chocolate43765 жыл бұрын
XxBrookiexX I did the exact same thing and feel the exact same way. I was seriously suicidal for months, I really wasn’t expecting it to make me insecure, and still get anxiety when my hair is shorter than I want it to be
@tehya33676 жыл бұрын
Wow, I’ve been watching you for years and honestly your hair has never looked better, I hope the growth only continues for you!
@HeyThereImShannon6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Tehya!
@sarahn.22966 жыл бұрын
I'm getting 'Clueless' vibes from that shirt
@singingfan5 жыл бұрын
Sarah N. And loving it! 😍😍😍
@keishlyvega036 жыл бұрын
I’m so happy for you! I also have alopecia and I’ve made so much progress with my hair and it feels great!
@HeyThereImShannon6 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Keishly! Your hair in your photo looks AMAZING!!
@angrydoomkitty6 жыл бұрын
I understand how important hair is and the struggles of hair loss. I have severe psoriasis on my scalp and the scabbing and scarring can cover areas and prevent hair from growing in those areas. Also stress caused me to lose hair in chunks for a bit. Though even with medical help and being careful, my hair still has a few bald spots, my hair is thin, my scalp is sore/itchy at times. But I love my long (to my standards), colorful, soft hair.
@RippingBones6 жыл бұрын
I feel you! I also have scalp psoriasis and due to my borderline disorder, I started skin picking. Which means, I picked the flakes everytime I was stressed. I had to shave my whole head, because you could see my scalp spots where I picked. I've been able to let it grow for about 100 days now without picking, and my hair has grown about 6cm. Some spots have grown back the hair, some spots didn't.
@angrydoomkitty6 жыл бұрын
@@RippingBones yeah I understand the struggle with picking it, though I'm worse picking at the psoriasis on my eyebrows. It's never easy. I'm happy that your hair is coming back as much as it can. I know its difficult, but you will get there
@singingfan5 жыл бұрын
angrydoomkitty I have psoriasis too! You’re not alone ❤️ Thankfully using the ketoconazole shampoo helps a bit with the itching and calming down the scaling for a day or two. What do you find helps you?
@Spf605 жыл бұрын
Girl I remember in your i regret shaving my head video you looked so down and depressed amd now you are so happyy
@valeriesherren85556 жыл бұрын
Years ago when I was in high school and struggled with hiding my spots and feeling like I was the only with this infliction, I found you. It’s hard a world of difference in making me not feel alone. I found a fb group that supports and shares and without you and them I could never be the person I am today. I thank you for that and for sharing
@MiaangelMiami6 жыл бұрын
Shannon I’ve been watching for so long and I’m so happy to see how much you’ve grown as a person, you’ve always been so vibrant and honest and we need a lot more youtubers like you. Stay amazing!!! We love you!!!
@yasmindanny72806 жыл бұрын
When I was in the 6th grade there was a girl that had gone though what you have but she left school till 8th grade because she was bullied i am happy you have been sharing this
@theforgottencompanion6 жыл бұрын
once you go green you never truly go back My hair has been green for the last 3-4 years and I will most likely never get rid of it cause I love it so fucking much
@cs.50526 жыл бұрын
MY QUEEN❤️ I'm so proud of how far you've come! I've been suscribed since you had around 300.000, and you've proved to be such an inspiring beautiful human, love you lots and keep taking care of yourself💕💕💕
@maddieyeung48156 жыл бұрын
I have followed you for so long and followed your hair journey and I loved how happy you were in this video and that you are taking the time to tell everyone about alopecia and letting us know more. You are awesome
@kelseyguertin68056 жыл бұрын
@WaddlingPotato26 жыл бұрын
For someone who has been along with you for many many years, I'm so proud of you. Not for growing your hair back, but for being so strong. I remember the awkward faces youd make about your hair to now you're like hey this is a spot! I love you I'm so proud of you shan 💗💗💗
@cnoeway96324 жыл бұрын
Stay as healthy as you can. You're beautiful whether your hair is full or not. Immune disorders affect so much with people's health. A friend of mine deals with several issues related to having an autoimmune disease. Your struggle, and your sharing with others is such a positive and uplifting thing to do for others to help others understand, and healing for yourself. Some people are ignorant in assumptions sometimes. Keep your head held high & stay strong.
@capric0rpse6 жыл бұрын
Aww. I wanted to give you a hug when you started talking about the emotional impact it's had on you.
@yanetamezcua23736 жыл бұрын
I’m so proud of you Shannon. I’ve been here ever since you were in MDE and seeing you grow was a really an honor to see you grow
@danyjopprincesahermosa5826 жыл бұрын
Omggg can't believe how much u change Shannon I'm happy for you girl love you stay strong
@coldbrewedbat6 жыл бұрын
I've been watching for years and I usually don't comment, but having seen you on this journey, I'm really glad your hair has come back and you're happier now. 💛
@bronwyn-tylergibbs33266 жыл бұрын
So glad that you don’t let this control your life. Your such a beautiful person and you deserve the world❤️
@kaitlinsymonds62656 жыл бұрын
Hi Shannon! I have alopecia too, and have for well over a decade (i was diagnosed with areata at 13 and am now 27). I am so, so grateful that I found your youtube channel. It's so wonderful to have found someone else that understands the same struggle I have. I havent found anything besides the shots that work for me, so I have given up. Seeing you gives me hope that one day I can be "normal". Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you for being you.
@Cynniebunny6 жыл бұрын
Omg; Im so happy for you; you've made amazing fucking progress; i remember watching the video where you did shave your head and i legit cried while watching it- just because of all the emotion that was in the video.. but now you're glowing and smiling. Im so so happy that you're happy with the progress you've made and we're all standing in your corner through thick and thin; at least i am
@eva51936 жыл бұрын
You are so brave for sharing what some would find a really personal or embarrassing topic. You’re amazing! 😘
@paigeronald38136 жыл бұрын
you are so strong. its been amazing to watch you grow these past years
@nadiaandrade73055 жыл бұрын
holy shit. i remember when you posted you shaving your head. I’m so fuckin happy for you. Through all that insane journey here you are and I’m proud of you!!!
@caitlyn38054 жыл бұрын
I remember watching your original videos on this when I was 15, now I am 20 and my boyfriend is suffering from alopecia which the doctors think is becoming universalis. I’m glad to hear that you are doing better
@sobetkiicristina85725 жыл бұрын
I saw the video in which you shaved your head because of the shots. But seeing you finally made it, growing your hair back and not having to take so many shots to maintain it, I think it's amazing, and I am happy for you :*
@Trollldoll5 жыл бұрын
i had to shave my whole head in may and it was super hard, stoked to see someone else shine some light on the condition
@Chrisseruss5 жыл бұрын
You've been through a lot but you're obviously much stronger than any of the bullshit thrown your way. I know one day more treatments will become available and I know all your fans are super proud of your journey 💚
@Chrisseruss5 жыл бұрын
Also your hair does look bomb af and you seem genuinely happy with it which made me smile!
@jennjeffs48936 жыл бұрын
Many Many years ago, Women kept their hair VERY LONG, Cutting it was seen as a "sin" or done for punishment, they wore it plaited or pulled up when they got married... So from all that came the phrase..... "A woman's hair is her crowning glory" I think thats why womens hair has become SOOO important.
@harbingersev-oh-wohne5 жыл бұрын
It's also biological
@makayla83065 жыл бұрын
In my church and school they teach the girls shouldn't cut their hair.
@antoniowashington61485 жыл бұрын
It's been awhile since I haven't heard from you due to your alopecia loss of your hair, but I'm glad that you got your hair back and bless that your fighting this hair system and your looking beautifully marvelous Shannon. Keep up the good work, I will continue to keep you in prayers. You stay strong Shannon. You're looking pretty good and very confident.
@zoemae36386 жыл бұрын
This makes me feel so much better I suffer from alopecia also and only found out I have this horrible disease two years ago, and it’s rough losing the thickest hair anyone has seen to it being so thin, and having random spots and the shots are so annoying and certain spots hurt so bad, but seeing this helps a lot 💖
@hannrosec80896 жыл бұрын
I love you so much Shannon! I’m so proud of how far you have come since I started watching a few years ago!! Keep rocking it girl!!!!
@coltonshaw12946 жыл бұрын
It makes me happy how happy you are about your hair. Love you and your music
@skeetthyreet41886 жыл бұрын
Recently I have struggled with a lot of hair loss so this was a great video to see because I have been watching you for years and I never really related to you more than I do currently.
@jacivirgo6 жыл бұрын
Even before watching this video, shannon I want you to know youve opened my eyes to this so much, and I thank you
@t_m_4206 жыл бұрын
You look amazing as always Shannon! Keep living your best life!
@emilyflores66826 жыл бұрын
Omg I stopped watching you for a while and this popped up on my feed and I honestly was about to shed a tear. I’m so proud of you Shannon, I love you so much 😭❤️
@sharkie.mp46 жыл бұрын
SHANNON!!! i love you and i’m so happy that you’re happy!!! i absolutely love you and i can’t wait for more new pollution music and more videos!!! take your time!!! love you!!!
@urkaleee52606 жыл бұрын
Dude I remeber going through my scene phase so many years ago and watching your vids, you still rock!
@sydneyharding96316 жыл бұрын
I've watched your videos for years. Your hair story is the reason why I found you. I have trichotillomania and I've had it for about ten years and still to this day no one in my family understands. Actually no one to be honest. I'm the only one who seems to understand myself. I have hair extensions but my scalp is very minimal and I have to put color spray in it. Idk if it'll ever get better but I hope so But your videos have always been such an inspiration. Love you and your videos Shannon!! 💛💛
@kawaiimooncharms5 жыл бұрын
You’re beautiful with and without hair, I just wanted to tell you that. I’m very happy/excited for you that you were able to grow it back.💚💙💚
@ladyworpledinker5 жыл бұрын
I actually ended up watching this because I'm considering shaving my head. I have known that I would like to do so at least once in my life for years and right now it is starting to feel like the time for me to do it. I do agree about the statement "it's just hair" and the fact that hair can be a huge part of one's identity. It's so unfair for anyone to say such a thing to someone with a condition like yours if they themselves haven't dealt with the loss of their own hair unwillingly. It's one of those things I hear and am both surprised and not that anyone would do such a thing. People try to be well intentioned far too often and instead end up being ignorant and insensitive. I'm happy for you that you've gotten your hair back like you have and I hope you continue to have great success with it!
@Leahjojoe6 жыл бұрын
I’ve been watching you for so long. But besides the point...... I love you so much. Stay strong baby girl!!!!
@dannyt36685 жыл бұрын
This video was what I needed. I'm going through the hair loss and everyone says I'm crazy, which is making me feel worse, and I keep it to myself. If society wouldn't be assholes about balding women it wouldn't be so bad. Thank you for the video and honesty.
@emmabelden10586 жыл бұрын
I love this kind of content! I was recently diagnosed with Ushers Syndrome, which is another condition that doesn't get any media attention. It makes you lose your hearing and eyesight so learning about other conditions is really interesting to me. Thank you for sharing your journey
@DemRandomPeeps6 жыл бұрын
Missed this music 💚 and just you're genuine raw feelings so happy to see you thriving and its crazy that i used to enjoy watching you dye you hair crazy colours and now you are doing so well for yourself!! Keep doing what your doing and i wish you nothing but the best in the future 😙💕
@brendawoods94846 жыл бұрын
So happy with how happy you are right now with your hair ❤ love your green💚💚💚
@caitlynwithay69356 жыл бұрын
Stay strong! I’m sure that with the things we have these days you will find a really good treatment for this! No matter what you still look amazing anyway I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this it’s never fair. It will get better. So many people are going through this too. Proud of you x
@bluefang976 жыл бұрын
Really happy you're doing good and your happy and cant wait to see you continue on everythin with your journey
@LucyIsSoUncool6 жыл бұрын
YES GIRL we needed another one of these from you🥳💗 u look stunning btw!!! Lots of love xxx
@HeyThereImShannon6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Lucy for the kindness! 💕
@rayvenmartinez89736 жыл бұрын
You look amazing Shannon:) your whole demeanor has changed over the last two years. I'm so happy for you and I love you
@singingfan5 жыл бұрын
I have scalp plaque psoriasis and dermatitis which has caused me to have bunch of hair loss. Thank you for sharing your story. ❤️
@terahhansen6 жыл бұрын
I am so so happy for you Shannon, you look beautiful and happy and that's all we want for you is to be happy! :) much love!
@teensupreme6 жыл бұрын
So happy you have at least most of your hair back. I remember when you has shave your hair off. It was the most emotional video ever. -virtual hugs-
@sarrahbroadhurst71776 жыл бұрын
I honestly cry when I watch every hair video of yours... I love my hair and your so f***ing strong for doing what you do. I'm so sorry you have to go through this, but your amazing!!! 💕💕💕
@amymaree57176 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so brave and sharing been watching you for a few years now and love the updates stay strong and stay true to yourself x
@frontbutt10216 жыл бұрын
I haven’t watched you in a couple years ahhh 😬 missed you ah you’re so different but so beautiful and I love how you’ve changed (: although you were always a pleasant person and still are. I love how you always talked about your own life & minded your own business without being narcissistic.
@noellegray14436 жыл бұрын
I’ve been following you since before my freshman year Shannon I’m graduating this year and you’ve come a long way and I love your content and I’m very proud of you keep up the good work ❤️
@Tehya20_6 жыл бұрын
you have come so far, and i'm so proud of you .
@bryan1234836 жыл бұрын
One day, long before i began growing out my hair, I went to get my hair cut. The hairdresser showed me that I had a quarter sized circle of hair missing on the back of my head. Luckily I have really thick hair so I hadn't noticed. I was diagnosed with alopecia after this. I have a messed up immune system in general so I'm prone to auto immune diseases. After getting that diagnosis, you never know if it will come back, how bad it will be if it does. It's really stressful for sure.... You are a really strong person. I will be sending you good vibes and I so hope you continue to have success with your treatment and you are able to stay on the needed medication.
@akashabrown6946 жыл бұрын
I've been watching your videos since the beginning! I think I actually cried when you uploaded after your break.😂 but you're incredibly strong and I think you're such an amazing person... You've helped me stay strong and know things do get better. Thank you
@artemisdevotee7136 жыл бұрын
cant believe ive been here for 4 years! Love u shannon
@JustJordansArt6 жыл бұрын
You’re so strong Shannon! proud of you!
@streetyouth36896 жыл бұрын
Good for you Shannon!! You look beautiful as always, I once shaved my head cause I didn’t want to depend On my hair to make me feel somewhat better about myself after doing it I felt worse, my confidence went to none, that would be a year ago in April/May now that it’s almost your length I’m feeling better, my hair was very dead and damaged from my lack of knowledge about bleach, but now after learning about it all I won’t make the mistake again, so I truly believe what you said about the studies is true, you’ve came such a long way, I’ve been watching you since before my digital escape and it’s great how much you’ve grew, keep going!!💙
@binaluvr6 жыл бұрын
You have always rocked your hair and made it look great in every stage. Very inspirational. ❤️
@chaycevictoriabonchu59706 жыл бұрын
I shave my head once a year. Completely. I think that some people see themselves as having identity by having hair, but I don’t. But I’m happy you are happy with your hair.
@whyme166 жыл бұрын
I think what you do with your hair shows your personality more than anything else.
@morganrhodes1596 жыл бұрын
I’ve been watching you on n off for years I’m really happy you got your hair back 💕
@emmadotchuk5706 жыл бұрын
I love this video so much Shan and I love you! I’ve been watching your videos for a long ass time and I remember when you shaved your head and just wanting to reach out and hug you, because like you said any woman who has ever said to you “it’s just hair” then shave your head. I couldn’t imagine going through that, and your hair looks so amazing! Thank you for being so raw and real about this 🖤🖤🖤
@Snowwhitequeen236 жыл бұрын
Aww Shannon I'm so happy for you! Green really is your color 💖
@emilytyner6615 жыл бұрын
Dear god I lost my old KZbin account with all my subscriptions on it and I totally forgot how long it has been since I’ve watched Shannon ahhhh years of my life with this lady god so glad I found her again gotta catch up 💕👏🏼 like back when mde was still together
@MegaMagicGoat6 жыл бұрын
This video was super interesting, it was great get the medical perspective. I'm so glad that the treatments you're having are working for you, your hair looks great 😊
@bluebe42016 жыл бұрын
I’m very happy for you!!! Thanks for this video. By the way I love the yellow and green color combo. You look stunning as always 🐸🌲🌿🌻🍋🍯
@bryna35345 жыл бұрын
@samanthajones68925 жыл бұрын
I myself have alopecia Areata. And I hate getting the spots. I currently have two stops on the top of my head. First spot I found was at the nape of my neck. Because of you I’m finally going to dye my hair again and it’s been so long and been so afraid to. Thank you so much
@amberisnotcool58026 жыл бұрын
man I remember finally cutting my hair short because you did all that time ago before even shaving your head because my hair doesn't grow very much on the sides of my face, only on the back and front of it and now yours is long and mines still short lmao but it's so cool that you regained most of it. it suits you so well but you also rocked a buzzcut
@cydneymulally53376 жыл бұрын
Ive shaved my haur before, multiple times when I was just done with my hair, amd I loved it but I can agree with you fullheartedly, your hair and the way you wear it play a big part in your ability to express yourself. Even though i loved my bald head, it was by choice, I cant even imagine it hoing against my will, you are a very strong person :) and your hair looks great
@aota11785 жыл бұрын
God Bless you. I gave up the fight and I am completely bald. It’s was rough at first but I have peace now.
@Angel-xe2tl5 жыл бұрын
WOW!! I remember that video. My aunt has Alopecia as a side effect of one of her medications for chronic illnesses. That growth is crazy!!
@jennjeffs48936 жыл бұрын
I'm sure you hear this all the time but.............. YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!! My boss had his first grandchild a year ago and he was diagnosed with alopecia... He's a boy so its not a big deal (yet)
@chelseablue96606 жыл бұрын
Subscribed! I have alopecia areata as well! It give me hope you’ve grown your hair back. I just recently started losing my hair 2 years ago. I’m finally going to the doctor for it on Tuesday! I’m excited/nervous to see what they say. Thank for your video beautiful! 💚
@zoemae36386 жыл бұрын
Chelsea Blue it will be okay I promise! The worst thing that could happen is getting the shots! My mom rushed me to the doctor after finding my balding spots! I promise it will be okay 💘
@desireedoubleyou6 жыл бұрын
@amandaweaver59646 жыл бұрын
Yeah herbal remedies can work on some problems but for someone with an immune disease it just doesn’t work. I loose my hair due to stress and it just comes out in clumps in the shower. And medication does work along with medical advice. I’m so glad your happy and confident with your current hair much love 💚
@JuSt_JeSs_2226 жыл бұрын
Girl I completely get the whole “hair is important to woman” thing. I got really sick in July and had to be hospitalized. Long story short, in a procedure I had to have, one of the male nurses TAPED ALL MY HAIR TO THE BACK OF MY NECK WITH MEDICAL GRADE SURGICAL TAPE! oh my god, I died. I was so upset. When the female nurses were trying to get it out, they were crying with me bc it broke my long hair clean off at the neck. I was devastated. When I was finally allowed to leave my house after the illness was over, I had to cut it to the nape of my neck in a bob. I hadn’t had that short of hair since I was 14. I’m 37 now. I cried for dayyyys. My hair helped me feel confident comforting and pretty. It’s been 3 and 1/2 months now and it’s finally getting to my shoulders. It’s healthy and no damage. I just miss it every day. I wish I could kick the man who taped my hair like that. I loathe him. You’re hair looks great and you’re gorgeous as always💚💚
@Korsi_5 жыл бұрын
I got diagnosed with Alopecia right around my 23rd birthday almost 2 years ago. I had 2 spots on my head, and 2 in my beard that grew to the point that i didn't really have one anymore. I'm a guy, but I have chest long hair that I spent years growing out, so the diagnosis and the patches absolutely devastated me. Even as a guy, it was life changing for me, I think anybody who really puts effort and care into their hair becomes attached to it. I did the injections for months on end, probably did em for about a year and a half straight and then had a break before getting a few more months worth, also had the little "dents" in my head and initially freaked the fuck out. I just got cleared to stop doing them once again as of October, my head hair is entirely back (though where the spots are the hair is still quite a bit shorter, and no dents!) and i have my beard hair back, though the patches that were affected are still white/blonde and haven't gotten the dark color back yet. I'm just about to turn 25 and half of my beard is light blonde/white lol. I found your channel shortly after my diagnosis and found a bit of solace in finding someone who was dealing with the same shit. I appreciate your update and mentioning what's worked for you, as I still very closely monitor my hair (as im sure anybody with this disorder does) and like knowing of other things to potentially try other than just getting needles in my head and face every damn month in the case that my hair starts falling out again. The shots aren't fun, I know your pain, the anger and everything. We just gotta keep fighting ourselves lol. I also found out Keanu Reeves has Alopecia Areata, so we're just 1 step closer to being John Wick now hahah
@mel-ky7fm6 жыл бұрын
I love to see how much you've grown! I think I remember you mentioning you were on accutane once. Could you do a video on how that was for you?
@samyellow926 жыл бұрын
You are beautiful and courageous. When you shaved your head I thought it was very brave. I agree about the hair identity thing. My hair makes me feel confident. And without it, I wouldn't feel myself. Love you and keeping rocking.