How I Improved My VO2 Max in 60 Days 🤯

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@pquirk99 10 ай бұрын
At 71, my VO2 Max is 49 (the gauge has a maximum of 50 for my age). It's up from 46 in Jan-Mar. I've done structured training for two 10Ks and two half-marathons this year. I'm about to start training for a marathon in April and expect that I can push it a bit higher. I'm running further than 99% of male Garmin users in my age cohort and my endurance score (6170) is in the elite range . I didn't start running until the pandemic. Garmin race predictor says I can do the marathon in 3:59:43 😂😂 It's never too late to start.
@bfkeats 10 ай бұрын
That’s a pretty good number in your 40s, let alone 79s . Well done!
@pquirk99 10 ай бұрын
@@bfkeats Thank you!
@katqh 10 ай бұрын
Wow that’s super impressive, amazing achievements
@sugonmaballs 10 ай бұрын
Amazing effort man! Having done a marathon last month, my Garmin predicted a 3:30 time for me, but I ran a 3:51 and there's absolutely no way I could have shaved 20 mins off that in my current condition, lol. So I think that predictor is pretty optimistic, at least for the longer events.
@mishalw210 10 ай бұрын
My vo2max is 37, I am 36y old😮
@terrywbreedlove 4 ай бұрын
My VO2 Max was 21.2 after a couple months hiking and walking 5 or 6 miles four or five times a week it is now 22.9. With improving weather I plan to start jogging and wind sprints to improve it further. This after a bad TBI with resulting Brain surgery. And about 4 years just trying to learn to walk again. Also gaining so much weight being unable to move more than three hours a day. I feel great and excited to keep this going. 60 years old and feeling younger everyday.
@barneycoelho263 4 ай бұрын
Great job! Very inspiring!😊
@Flat-Five 10 ай бұрын
Started running a little over a year ago and currently just running to get fit but also improve a 5K time, not for a race, I just run by myself. 23mins 23 to beat, going for 22 mins 30. I'm doing 3 sessions a week, fast intervals, long run (long for me at least) and an easy run. The running channel actually has been a great source of motivation!
@DrProfX 10 ай бұрын
Awesome!! Keep it up! I see sub-20 in your future!👍
@phehibs 10 ай бұрын
Do a park run, will change everything. Did for me.
@Flat-Five 10 ай бұрын
@@phehibs yes I have thought about trying that at some point
@phehibs 10 ай бұрын
@@Flat-Five That's how it all changes for me, times down, practice runs faster and meet some amazing people.
@Flat-Five 10 ай бұрын
@@DrProfX maybe a way down the road! Feels hard to imagine being able to sustain that sort of pace at the moment though.
@dylanburns9381 10 ай бұрын
I'm 27, started running in January and managed my first sub-30 minute 5k in March (it was very painful!). Whittled this down to 21:08 as of mid-October by running 3+ times per week every week except for 2 weeks of injury. Yesterday I did my first half-marathon and got 01:41:56, including a 21:50 5k somewhere after the 14k point! I've now just signed up for the Krakow marathon in Poland (next April). I've got myself a training plan that is 15 weeks long and starts on January 8th. I'm aiming for 3:30-3:45. Current goal is try and get a sub-20 parkrun before the end of the year (putting my trust in Dulwich!) and also get a sub-43 10k in Battersea on Dec 20th (I've never raced a 10k, my "pb" is 45:xx set during yesterday's half). But my other top goals are to get more friends into running (mostly through the promise of post-parkrun brunches) and re-connect with old friends through running.
@BianchiLuke87 10 ай бұрын
Based off that you can definitely hit sub 20min 5k now
@opemipoogunkola7405 10 ай бұрын
Well done!
@fer23bsas 6 ай бұрын
Excelentes proyectos
@mazzae6084 4 ай бұрын
What were your sessions when running 3x a week
@bobbycheese22 5 күн бұрын
Hello from Krakow!! I'll see you in April ;)
@BurlyBeardedRunner 10 ай бұрын
I'm finishing a training plan for a 5k which I'll run on November 23rd. Hoping to break 30 minutes for the first time in 10 years or so. After that, I'll goal into a half marathon plan for my first half in late February.
@yakan01 10 ай бұрын
I’m also hoping to break 30mins at some point. It’s crazy to see others are worried about breaking 20!
@POH12 10 ай бұрын
I’m 47 and have been running since my early teens. My VO2max has been a very consistent 48-49 in the three years since I’ve had a Garmin capable of calculating it. I generally do one half a year with a couple road and trail 10ks for fun. I’ve accepted that my PRs are behind me, but have been frustrated that even as I incorporate more varied training into the mix, my VO2max has stubbornly refused to budge.
@DrProfX 10 ай бұрын
Your PRs are not necessarily behind you in your late 40s - I suppose it would depend on what your fastest times were, but general population can keep improving well into the 50s…
@ivobondptbe 10 ай бұрын
Damn my VO2 max is 48, for being 29 and 85kg that seems pretty unfit atm 😢
@MrStarfishPrime 10 ай бұрын
There are physiological limits. Each body is different. Don't get obsessed with increasing the value, especially at 48 where the body has already peaked
@davidsamwell7010 9 ай бұрын
@@DrProfXI agree!! I was 48 last year and got PB in 10km. It’s all about where you start from and how you train. I did loads of Zone 2 with strength sessions at home and made a massive difference 😀
@SeminarioMAE 6 ай бұрын
bro do intervals
@klaasswiers4029 10 ай бұрын
VO2max 46; 59 years old, started running just over two years ago ( after a life long of football, volleybal and field hockey - now only running.) Ran a dozen of halfs, now training for my first full marathon Rotterdam in April. Hope to finish just under four hrs. Taking my time to prepare and you’re never too old 😉 Can’t wait ! 🏃🤞
@kevindoherty01 10 ай бұрын
That is a massive improvement!! My VO2 max is gradually increasing. It is now at 58 and my age is 60. This is from my Garmin watch
@UTubeSL 10 ай бұрын
That's a fantastic score! Great for you 👏
@kevindoherty01 10 ай бұрын
@@UTubeSL .. thankyou🙂
@TonyFarrall 10 ай бұрын
My VO2 max drops when I run at a slow pace, it's very frustarting. It goes up when I run intervals or a parkrun or a race. It was 63 but currently fluctuates between 59 and 60 depending on when I run too.
@fijalko269 10 ай бұрын
Imagine getting frustrated over silly number roughly estimated by the algorithm. It's the race results that really matter and vo2 max is just a hint what your current fitness level is.
@genesisint1 10 ай бұрын
I am a 53 year old male who just got back into running in the summer of 2022. I had my VO2 max tested in a lab last month for the first time and it is 54.4. This was to get my base line for the program I have signed up with which will include strength training and diet. I hope to be starting it any day now. I am currently training for a fast 800/1500/mile. Thank you for your videos. They are informative and enjoyable.
@adamcampbell-smith5488 10 ай бұрын
Never looked at my VO2 max but apparently it's 44, up from 41 6 months ago. With a current max effort of a half marathon I've set myself a stretching goal of completing a 50k in 8 months 🥴
@andrewhammonds4907 10 ай бұрын
I’ve been running more seriously for 3 years now going from 3:33 to 3:13 in the marathon and down to 19:14 in the 5km. At 46 yo, my Garmin VO2 has sat on about 51 for about a year. It just doesn’t seem to move. I don’t expect it to change much as I head towards sub 3 hrs.
@ceschenrik 10 ай бұрын
my little brother who is a professional cyclist has an vo2 max of 82 and he "only" runs a 3k in 11:13 which in my opinion show that it does not mean THAT much to performance.
@tysonreesmusic 10 ай бұрын
Question for Andy: Hi mate, how is it that you’re able to maintain such a high level of fitness whilst seemingly not training all that much? Just going off comments you’ve made in past videos that is. I mean, I’m sure a v02 max of 60 is pretty low by your standards, but to us mere mortals that is a dream! Do you attribute it to things like muscle memory, genetics, body type and do you think all the training you did while competing somehow…. Lasts? It’s just amazing to me that you can run just 3 times a week and somehow increase that number even more! I’m running 5-6 and feel like I’m just treading water at v02 52 haha.
@Maochan81 10 ай бұрын
I love the data on the watch, it motivates me :) Beginning of the year my vo2max was 46, a month ago it was 58. As soon as i started running every second day in august, vo2max kept climbing up. THen i got covid and now i'm back to 55 after 2 weeks off. Going for the 1st run after an illness, seeing the low numbers and feeling like sh!t during the run might be depressing, but somehow i get motivated again and again.
@Draw2quit Ай бұрын
I started running again after a long break 3 months ago. According to my Garmin, my VO2 max at the age of 47 was 39. Three months and 275km later and my VO2 max is hovering around 51.
@FroisonControl Ай бұрын
36 at age 31, hoping to recreate your success, I'm about a week into consistently running.
@gheywood1 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely love the Suggest Workouts on the Garmin. I have a few events set in the calendar (I have a 5km on the 29th of November, and then have two half marathons in for next year), and find it incredibly motivating to see the suggested runs, and then see my expected finish times come down over time.
@stevejt1000 10 ай бұрын
I'm 63 and according to my Garmin 245 my VO2 max is 63 which is clearly very high for my age. I have run most of my life and still run decent times for my age, ran a 74 min 10 mile race on a hilly course yesterday and I'm about 15lbs over race weight at the moment.
@classicalchad 6 ай бұрын
your vo2 max is higher than the top1 percent of 20-22 year olds
@dimitar297 Ай бұрын
Got a 245 too and my predicted racetimes are way faster than my reality, 10% faster than my PRs.
@Dani-hg6jb 3 күн бұрын
Yea tech teached itself to lie last year buddy
@rjmclean1979 10 ай бұрын
Age 43, vo2max 53, 10k pb this year, 39mins, currently gearing up to traing for a marathon in around 3hr 15 mins
@christopherhart1847 10 ай бұрын
I just completed my first marathon back on October 29th in Washington DC running the Marine Corps marathon. Now I'm recovering from an ankle injury from the race so I can start prepping for my 10k in April. Going for a sub-40 time so definitely have some work to put in once I'm healed.
@Nick_Spacey_Fitness 10 ай бұрын
Im running the Space Coast Marathon which will be my 3rd marathon on the 26th November in Florida. Great to watch your journey Andy good luck in Valenica
@ImpatientTurtle 10 ай бұрын
Mine has gone from 48 - 50 in the last 4 weeks of half marathon training just following daily suggested work outs. The crazy part is I ran a 10k on October 8th, gave it everything I had and got 55:05. A few days ago I had a 16k run at race pace for my HM and did the 10k 1 second faster ( a pr is a pr). My heart rate for that 10k averaged 175, my average heart rate for the long run was only 158. The improvement is addictive! I've been running 5-6 days a week so I think it's just all the kilometeres I'm putting in.
@headstart.running 10 ай бұрын
Training for Tokyo Marathon in March and after months of not moving my VO2Max has just lifted from 53 to 54. I’d love to see it back up to 56 where it was 5 years ago when I PB’d, but have no idea whats gonna happen as I train through the evil hot humidity of Brisbane’s summer
@AlbertWeijers 10 ай бұрын
My Garmin gives me a vo2 max of 53, not bad at 54. Ran a marathon in 3 hours and 53 minutes recently.
@runningchannel 10 ай бұрын
@jamespeters5043 10 ай бұрын
I've been running for just over a year now (aged 42) and I got my Garmin at the beginning of this year - My VO2 max has risen from 44 to 52 over the course of this year. I run between 30 and 40km most weeks and I joined a running club in April and train with them twice a week, and so I have varied sessions. I like having a reference point for myself and the metrics on the Garmin are so useful to know where you are. I am doing my first marathon in April in Manchester and the training block feels less daunting than I think it would be had I not been doing what I have been doing this year, and things like the VO2 max figure creeping up slowly but surely are definite motivators that the training is having an impact :)
@dardevle 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the amazing info! I have moved my VO2max (Apple Watch) from 30 to 49.1 in the last 10 months. I'm running 45 miles a week now (first time runner and I'm 54 yrs old, started run walking hills at the beginning of the year) and have my first half marathon ever in two weeks. I put a lot of variety in my runs...slow, fast, hills, all of the above, no two days are alike. I have been able to a half-marathon training run with average 8:55 min miles. I watch my heart rate a lot, but I don't know how hard I should run for a half marathon. My heart rate for my 8:55 pace HM, ranged from 128 early to 150 in the last few miles. My goal was to maintain a sub 9 min pace and my HR went up as I went. My max HR is 177 according to watch. I feel like I can run faster but I'm not sure what heart rate to target for 13 miles.
@kierenkd 10 ай бұрын
Well done. Pacing takes practice. Generally quite uncomfortable for half -marathon as you will be just below threshold. Without practice, it's hard to hold that pace without blowing up. Your training plan should expose you to longer intervals to get you used to the feeling without accumulatimg too much fatigue.
@dardevle 10 ай бұрын
Thank you!!!@@kierenkd
@mario7501 2 ай бұрын
29 years old. Been a couch potato mostly for the last 5ish years. Been training serious again for around 3 months and my VO2max just crossed 50 after around 3 months of training. I'm training for a half marathon and managed to run the full 21kms the first time today. Feels great to see those improvements every week!
@OneStarVic 10 ай бұрын
I’ve started my fitness journey because my Apple Watch was bullying me about my abysmal VO2 score of 26 😅😭
@chrisinstasis7986 10 ай бұрын
My vO2 max has barely changed since May this year. Even though all the other metrics have. I run about 3 times as mamy miles per week since and my 1/2 has dropped from 2hr6 to 1hr54. My 5k is down from 25 to just under 22m. My vO2 score(Garmin) has increased by literally 1 😂. I'm not upset since I can see and feel all the improvements, but it is odd!
@Ouga_Official 10 ай бұрын
I am at 44 but inching my up very slowly… my dream is to get to 50
@grantwallace1882 2 ай бұрын
I have only recently got a Garmin Forerunner 55. A very impressive bit of kit. It has changed my running. I am now undertaking a structured plan. I don't race, so have never felt the need for training. I am 50 and my VO2 Max is currently 49.
@pappamea4750 Ай бұрын
@@grantwallace1882 It’s amazing, it changed my running as well!
@IK99999 5 ай бұрын
Oskar Svendsen, retired norwegian cyclist, has the highest tested Vo2 Max of 97,5. That's high!
@arthurwiering 4 ай бұрын
I was about to search for that hahah
@arthurwiering 4 ай бұрын
I was about to search for that hahah
@mancitypreston 8 ай бұрын
I have just got a Garmin and was oblivious to what VO2 Max meant. I am overweight but considered myself reasonably fit hiking circa 4 times per week between 10-15 miles each time. I am shocked the device told me my score is 34 which is considered poor. Needless to say I have watch just about every video on you tube on this topic. I am still mystified how my score can be so poor considering my level of activity. I am assuming I need to do more high intensity activity and loose weight to get the score to improve.
@rickgoesfaster 7 ай бұрын
I'm 46 and started running just over a year ago and in that time my VO2 max has improved from 39 to 47, mostly through consistent training. I just finished my first marathon a few weeks ago with a time of 3:39... which was a bit higher than my predicted best time (Sub 3:30) due to the heat... it was a crazy 39 degrees that day! I really noticed in the last month of training leading up to the marathon how much my HR was dropping whilst my pace was improving. I was able to do long runs at around 4:45 min/km whilst maintaining sub 145 HR without issues, where as 6 months ago that pace would easily push me past my limit. My current goal is a sub 20 parkrun, but I think I'll get there this winter, with a bit of flexibility training especially my hips. I'm also hoping to run another marathon in the winter, where the temperature doesn't have such a massive impact on my time.
@oldmanoutdoors6382 10 ай бұрын
I’m getting ready for a half marathon after having a heart attack almost 3 years ago. My VO2 max went from 39 to 44 in just under a year since I started running and getting a garmin watch
@markjuba1606 10 ай бұрын
Having turned 50 earlier this year, I signed up for my first marathon which like Andy, will be in Valencia. after 18 months of serious injury (knee) followed by surgery and then a slew of minor niggles which forced me to get fit via cycling, I'm now into 14 weeks of a 16-week programme and through consistency and trusting the 'process', I'm feeling fitter than I have in years and am hoping to run under 3 hours, but in a dream world under 2:50. Hope to bump into you there Andy, good luck!
@drdhruvjain 10 ай бұрын
@mark congrats on an amazing comeback from injury. Just a quick question. What was the cycling programme you followed and did the fitness gains translate to running ? Am getting into cycling with bad weather and have a marathon in Feb. wondering if sticking to it for a month will translate into running fitness ?
@drdhruvjain 10 ай бұрын
@mark congrats on an amazing comeback from injury. Just a quick question. What was the cycling programme you followed and did the fitness gains translate to running ? Am getting into cycling with bad weather and have a marathon in Feb. wondering if sticking to it for a month will translate into running fitness ?
@markjuba1606 10 ай бұрын
I started out with 2 mins on a static bike with no resistance, 1 day off, 5 mins, 1 day off 10 mins etc, increasing duration and introduced resistance until I was able to cycle up to 70/80 miles in 4-6 hours on the road within 4 months as part of 100 -120 miles per week. It wasn't a particular progam - just me building carefully and enjoying being outdoors on my bike 3 or 4 times per week and getting my fitness back. However, truth be told, it didn't ever really compare to running; it was different but fun and a good way to strengthen without the concern of any impact. When I started running again (after the period of cycling), it was the same process - 10 mins easy, 1 day off, 15 mins eat etc, etc. after 4 weeks of this, I started my marathon program. Good luck! @@drdhruvjain
@drdhruvjain 10 ай бұрын
@@markjuba1606 thanks for the tips and insight mark. Much appreciated !!
@drdhruvjain 9 ай бұрын
@markjuba1606. Hi mark. How was Valencia for you? Where can I connect with you ??
@chrishull8707 17 күн бұрын
One slight quibble I had with this video is the VO2max pace. VO2max pace will be around 7-8 minute race pace. For elite athletes, this will be 3K race pace. VO2max intervals are supposed to be hard, that is what makes them so effective.
@cocozhang7179 8 күн бұрын
I was injured in July, and my vo2 max is dropping due to lacking of exercises😢
@splitted6767 5 ай бұрын
I'm 28 my vo2max is 35, jogging only twice a week, 3days for calisthenic workout such as pullup, pushup variations, my body shape is great, but my vo2max is bellow avarage
@piotrlankof2624 10 ай бұрын
Hello Andy, I am an amateur runner and I’ve been wondering why my VO2 score (46) is constant for about 4 months of training? Training was quite fruitful- I’ve improved my 5k from 28 to 22 minutes in 6 months period. Is it ok to improve overall results while VO2 is still on the same level?
@kevdavies01 10 ай бұрын
I'd be really interested in more details of your training plan as due to old injuries and age (53) my body can only tolerate 3 runs a week. There's very little out there in terms of 3 day a week marathon plans and I'm looking to do my first marathon next year. Thanks
@pquirk99 9 ай бұрын
I did my 10K and half-marathon training almost exclusively on an outdoor track (rubberized) to reduce the impact on my joints. (I'm 71.) It also provides a reproducible environment for comparing performance week over week. Once a week I do a social run at night on very hilly roads with a group that meets at a brewery. Despite the track providing no hill practice, my performance on the social hill run has been incredibly strong. The months of zone 2 running combined with speed drills has prepared my body for the toughest hills. I haven't had an injury since I started running, and I credit the track for that. Being retired, I can manage 5-6 runs per week (including a weekly parkrun.) I'll keep using the track for my marathon training.
@modernkennnern 2 ай бұрын
I'm 25, and my VO2 Max is only 39 :/ That said, it has increased from 37-38 in the last month. This is according to my Garmin Venu 3S.
@greatleapforwards 10 ай бұрын
I am 48 and it has been a torrid year with injuries and covid. My VO2 was 59 for cologne this time last year and despite doing a decent enough time for Edinburgh this year my VO2 has hovered around 55/56 after injury in March (and a repeat injury again in July). Starting training for boston in April now and hope to get it back up to 59 at least
@wood7315 10 ай бұрын
Hello Just by curiosity considering her recent performances, what is Sarah's VO2max ?
@livegreatalways 10 ай бұрын
Andy's VO2MAX should be at least 68. I'm nearing 50 years old at VO2MAX 62 but I can only run 40 mins 10k, 1:30 Half. Using FR955.
@emcartersf 2 ай бұрын
The most important component of my v02 max report (treadmill) was the amount of calories I burn at different heart rates (total, fat, carbs). This has been very useful for me as it has guided my nutrition for longer bike rides (4-5 hours). Once I understood how many carbs I was burned per hour, I can plan around how much to intake and feel great during and after a ride. Just curious if you get this level of granular level with a wearable. Interestingly, my Oura ring v02 Max was exactly what my real v02 max was (within one point), but again, I don't get the calorie breakdown. That for me is worth testing say 2x per year for that data, assuming I am training consistently and want to see my improvement.
@ImamotoTieme Ай бұрын
My VO2 Max was 56 couple weeks ago and I have been training very hard for Berlin and a week ago it dropped to 54. would it be possible due the lack of sleep?
@dansmith4018 10 ай бұрын
First, Andy needs a new watch. I couldn't get past the big scratch every time the watch was shown in the video. Second, What is Tom's VO2 Max? I identify more with Tom than Andy lol Third, My VO2 Max is poor (sorry Tom) and barely improving. Do I need more faster runs, longer runs or just need to lose weight? I do all my running as intervals but the intervals are getting up to 4-6/1s. Dan from Nova Scotia, Canada (for Rick)
@nortonkelly8460 4 ай бұрын
In my early 20's I could do 5k's at sub 20, now twice the age and almost twice the weight lol, my 5k's became twice as long, and my garmen was telling me my fitness age was mid 50's when i'm 47, , as a result I started running consistently, a 5k, which I do intervals of 4 on 3 off, a 10k which has quickly become comparable to my improved 5k pace, and either a long bike ride 20mile plus, or another interval session, my vo2 has increase by over 10%, fitness age has dropped 20 years, and I'm close to my 10k best just 2 minutes off and consistently sub 30's 5k which is a 6 min improvement for what I've done over last 10 years, I managed these improvements in about 5 weeks, small targets, now looking for consistent sub 28 min 5k's, then i'll aim for sub 26 minutes, i'll be very happy with sub 25 min, and now I believe I can do it, for me it was all about effort and volume, once a week just isn't enough, and not going intense enough when also not going often enough also doesn't help, I read all the comments in below, good to see so many ppl motivated and enjoying running and what they are getting from it
@nortonkelly8460 3 ай бұрын
I just want my fitness to improve, my fitness age was older than I am by about 8 years and my vo2max poor, started running 3x pw about 2 month ago and now my fitness age is 10yrs younger and my vo2 max is apparently top 35% in my age, which is a slight drop from peak 2 weeks ago, I'm approaching 50 but I really want to drop my fitness age even more, I still think I'm pretty slow even though my times have improved
@NatrajChaturvedi 8 ай бұрын
I'm no athlete. I'm running decent distances for the first time in my life now at 39 but my Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 keeps showing me a very worrying VO2 Max number which is 32 even tho i can now jog 5, 6 kms for the first time in my life. My pace stays around 9.30 per km. Is that VO2 max figure accurate? How do i improve it beyond 40? P.S I'm a longtime smoker too. Working on quitting it.
@runningchannel 8 ай бұрын
Quitting smoking will have a positive effect on your VO2 max and your training, also variation will help. What does your training look like at the moment?
@NatrajChaturvedi 8 ай бұрын
​@@runningchannel Thanks for your reply. Currently, I run a 50 - 60 minute jog once a week at the pace I stated above and then I try to do a 20 - 30 minute jog once or twice again in the week at a slightly increased pace, just above 8 km/hr. Also do weight training 3 days. Running, I started from about 6 months, exercising overall from 1.5 years but my VO2 max refuses to improve as per my galaxy watch which is why I am worried. Anyways gonna get my hemoglobin checked and quit smoking as you suggested. Hopefully it will help.
@JohanSmalls 7 ай бұрын
My Vo2 max was at 60 when I ran my first and only marathon in September 2022. I ran like 220k a month back then.... right now, I'm only running 80-100k a month and sadly, after a winter with two cold related breaks of three weeks eacht, I am - as of March 2024 at 49. I don't plan on doing another marathon anytime soon, but I want to go back to a Vo2 max of 55-60. How long would you think will it take?
@mad_incognito 10 ай бұрын
After a disappointing marathon in June this year I did a 17 week 10k training plan and my VO2Max increased slowly. With it I was able to smash both my 10k and Half Marathon PBs. So in my training for my next marathon I will continue doing interval, threshold etc sessions to push my lactic threshold while still doing a lot of miles.
@kozakhanda 2 ай бұрын
45yo my vo2max been stuck on 46. i run long, intervals, sprints, 5ks but it isn't increasing. it was 49 last year 😅
@jasminejames8579 10 ай бұрын
Increased my aV02 max to 47 in July and it’s not budged since. I was training for my first marathon though so maybe not doing as much of the higher intensity runs. I’ve just started training for a faster 5km though so I’m hoping the interval sessions start showing results!
@bprolifik 10 ай бұрын
Which Garmin model is that because my Instinct 2 solar doesn’t have lactate threshold. Maybe I need to upgrade……I was looking at lactate meters but that $200-299 would probably be better spent on upgrading my watch.
@RaoBlackWellizedArman 10 ай бұрын
Yeah but NO! Maybe you've just been losing weight which can explain all your imrpovements. Some people may claim that as a positive change (because they think loosing weight is a good thing regardless), but I would disagree!
@andrewrintoul-p8u 8 ай бұрын
I’m 54, I did my first marathon in October (3:41). I’m training for Brighton for a time of 3:30. My VO2max is 51 and hasn’t moved for a year. How can I push it up?
@bayonictx8305 8 ай бұрын
Started running 6 months ago. I am huge person 2m high. Shitty Vo2max. No improve at all. Did 20k already
@stephenyipck 8 ай бұрын
Training for 10K under 1hour. Currently I can do 5K in 28mins but I can't seem to push hard for long... any tips?
@Dillonryan1991 5 ай бұрын
Just quit smoking and drinking and got into running last year. Did a lab test and it said v02 max of 80 but watch says 77. Maybe the smoking has helped strenghten my lungs??
@tHa1Rune 5 ай бұрын
My VO2 max is apparently 41 according to my Garmin. Im 28. I started running a few months ago and it hasnt improved. I used to be a natural bodybuilder when i was young and i burned out and became sedentary for a few years. Will i ever be able to get my VO2 to a superior level again?
@nevertooldforwanderlust 9 ай бұрын
Hoping you can help me. I bought my garnin watch just over two months ago and trying hard to understand a lot of the info it produces. Every day I get a suggestion for training which I don't understand as showen below Threshold 19: @ 17:10km 39;00 Please explain what this traslates to in english.
@praneethabeysinghe506 7 ай бұрын
I am 62 years I live in Srilanka. I ve been running for now almost 40years I used to run on the road for almost 25 years I run at a speed of 10k per hour but now I confide myself to run on the Treadmill these days the humidity levels are over 85% it's been very hard to achieve my target I ve reduced the speed to 9.5 k still I am struggling to do 1 hour what would be my VO 2 max?
@laneystain 10 ай бұрын
My VO² Max has increased from 50 to 54 across the 13 weeks I've been training for the marathon. I can definitely feel that when I'm out running, now much more comfortable at a pace quicker than marathon goal pace for a sustained period of time.
@bullaaron Ай бұрын
I have been trying to get over 50. Started at 42 been stuck at around 49 for awhile.
@maksynyt 7 ай бұрын
Started couple of weeks ago training program from Garmin. Goal is to run 5k on triathlon sprint faster than before. Vo2max for running has been 55 and for cycling 57. Now as the training program started and those first exercises have been so easy zero2 that now my running vo2max is 54 and going down. Garmin tells after all runs that this was not useful for my fitness. Would like to follow the program but it feels like I need to go and run some faster ones for my own. But I have decided to wait that Jeff starts to add some difficulty quite soon. Or do I just restart program and set faster goal as race is held at June 8th?
@Wings_nut 10 ай бұрын
I just had my VO2 max tested at my local Dexafit. I scored superior for a 40 yo. BTW, I'm 61 yo.
@skycrafts5140 4 ай бұрын
I did a half marathon in Valencia, yeas ago. Beautiful city, mostly flat....but it was hot!! 🌞🌞
@kylekermgard 7 ай бұрын
I don't know why my garmin app doesn't show the same metrics (like power) under lactate threshold I have a 955 forerunner.
@MartinEngelbrecht-ey3rl 10 ай бұрын
I am not very technical, 10 k, with say 1 k sprint, followed by a 1 k jog. That's as technical I can get.
@AP-kl3qe 10 ай бұрын
What Model of garmin watch do you use? And what features should I look out for when choosing a garmin running watch if I also want it to measure my lactate threshold?
@runningchannel 10 ай бұрын
It’s the forerunner 965
@PureAwesomeMess 10 ай бұрын
My watch5 pro tells me I have VO2 max of 36.. I've been running for 2 years.
@robinpettersson7596 2 ай бұрын
23 male, 59 VO2max. Started running 6 months ago
@davidmcnae 10 ай бұрын
Is that a crack or scratch? I currently have the Fenix 7 but really want to upgrade to the Epix 2... Is it weaker?
@franciswinrow8348 10 ай бұрын
I had no monitor because my neck was getting pins and needles due to playing rugby. I decided to stop playing rugby so need help to get back exercising run weights etc
@YuckiDude 10 ай бұрын
You got dis
@chrismia2402 15 күн бұрын
Great advert for Garmin as I struggle to find these readings on my Suunto …
@ryanharvey2579 2 ай бұрын
I am training for my first sprint triathlon in october and my VO2 is terrible (38)
@HeyItsFlum 10 ай бұрын
I often see my score dip when I've been on holiday! Is a V02 score is a better way of measuring progress do you think?
@tharangaabeyseela Ай бұрын
Whats the name of that orange colour book ? The ultra mindset?
@monkeyx17 Ай бұрын
my vo2 max hasnt changed since march. i cant seem to improve it at all despite what they told me when i got my vo2 max done
@MarkoCoomo 10 ай бұрын
Ramping up first few weeks of (London) marathon training and VO2 max is flat at 41 so far (49, large, male). First time I've had a swanky watch, so interested to see how it goes.
@larryaugsburger8452 10 ай бұрын
I’m 55 and saw 41 this past summer, but am currently stuck at 40. I wonder what running must be like for these guys with 50 or 60!
@juliamarinescu6627 8 ай бұрын
I share your wonder. I am 47, female with a VO2max of 37 and after watching 8:12 this video a bit depressed 😅 In a VO2Max chart which I have in a book the 60 is already out of the graph as of belonging to teenager elite level
@Tawttitude 10 ай бұрын
Training for a 20 miler on March 1, 2024. Furthest run so far is 25K.
@la7668 6 ай бұрын
What garnish do you have ? I have used Apple Watch and ready to upgrade to a garmin
@RossKempOnYourMum01 10 ай бұрын
A lactate threshold of 3:49/km 🤣🤣🤣. That's mental.
@MartinEngelbrecht-ey3rl 10 ай бұрын
Awesome well done extremely interesting. 👏
@FroisonControl Ай бұрын
my garmin says im dying, my vo2 max is so low...36 at age 31.
@lazzaboyman8003 10 ай бұрын
I’m 58 with a VO2 max of 53, I’m training for a 10k in January and the Brighton marathon in April.
@rjmclean1979 10 ай бұрын
What time are you aiming for?
@Fraser365 10 ай бұрын
Andy vs Ben Parkes - Who will win at Valencia?
@NitinJaiswal-ic9fs Ай бұрын
I am 35. My VO2 Max is 33. How to increase it
@Les.GoRunning 10 ай бұрын
Which Garmin watch are you using on this video?
@PrayEndureLove 10 ай бұрын
Hi Andy, i started running this year. I am 38 years old and an x-smoker. My vo2 max was 28.7 and now its 37.3. I can bearly finish a 10k without feeling completely drained. Please advise how can i improve it. I would love to do a marathon by fall 2024.
@UTubeSL 10 ай бұрын
Amazing improvement!
@TheLazar990 10 ай бұрын
I'd say you are already on a great track, that increase is big! Just be consistent and those lungs will clear up 🙂 I'm also ex-smoker, was overweight, 6 months running, went from barely been able to run 2-3 km in May to placing 112 out of 500 participants in a hill trail 10k race this Sunday (48 min time) and finishing 4 half-marathons. Consistency is the only key. After a while it gets in your blood and nothing can stop you.
@fieryinferno88 10 ай бұрын
I just want to echo the other commenter. I quit smoking and started running just over 2 years ago. I could barely run 5k and it was a often a mental battle to not stop. I was running 5km in almost 35 min. I had no real structure for a long time just run 3-4 time a week and 2-3 weight lifting sessions a week. I just very slowly increased my milage adding a km here or there to runs. Did a half marathon recently in 1:36:01 and followed a plan for that, but it just takes time. I'm also in construction so my body was used to being on my feet all day. I would also say you have to walk a bit of a line of ignoring your body and pushing yourself and also listening to your body when you need to rest.
@CR-ew9gl 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for that great info, what model Garmin do you use?
@runningchannel 10 ай бұрын
It’s the Forerunner 965!
@chimbeschicristian1595 10 ай бұрын
What Garmin watch model are you using?
@runningchannel 10 ай бұрын
The Garmin Forerunner 965 🙌🏻
@applerunner1184 10 ай бұрын
Nice video. Which model Garmin watch do you use?
@runningchannel 10 ай бұрын
The Garmin Forerunner 965 🙌🏻
@bikerdude6119 10 ай бұрын
Mine is at 57 , we'll that's what my garmin says
@rossbooth9268 10 ай бұрын
I locked in Rotterdam Marathon for next April a few weeks ago... I'm super excited to hear Kiptum is going to be running, although I don't expect to challenge him for the lead! I ran Leeds as my first marathon last year in 3.58 (although plagued by injury in my final 6 weeks of training on a hilly course). So, I've set an ambitious target of 3.30 for this and I have been doing some 'pre-training' over the last few weeks before the 16 week countdown begins
@jamesdrury6627 10 ай бұрын
Hi, I ran both Manchester and Leeds this year. I did 3:27 in Manchester but 3:42 in Leeds because it was hilly like you say but also hot. So you will deff be quite a bit quicker in Rotterdam. So good luck 👍
@rossbooth9268 10 ай бұрын
@@jamesdrury6627 Cheers pal! Yeah the heat caught me off guard somewhat on the day... This extra pre-christmas training should help too, making sure to keep my top speed high by pushing for some 5k PBs
@JakeRichardsong 4 ай бұрын
Why do so many commenters write about THEMSELVES in the comments, instead of about the video?
@runningchannel 4 ай бұрын
😂 It's ok, we like knowing about what everyone's getting up to
@VRietySociety 10 ай бұрын
Preping for 21km knysna half-marathon. trying to go from 2h18m to under 1h30m over the course of a year. With the shorter term goal being to hit sub 1h40min before march next year.😅😅😅
@andreistoian2096 8 ай бұрын
Which Garmin is the one thst tipare wearing?
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