How I would Improve War Thunder in 2025

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Dawg IV Life

Dawg IV Life

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@deadlegionnaire2410 8 күн бұрын
I want them to show how many people have selected each spawn at the beginning of the game. Also, if 70% of your team selects spawn A, then all of the people who selected “auto” should be spawned at B to try to balance the field.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
That would be a good suggestion. I would not want it to lock people out of that spawn but just a suggestion to spawn the other spawn would be nice.
@Ittna 7 күн бұрын
​@@DawgIVLifeJust showing how many people spawn at each spawn would be nice, I'm always bummed when I accidentally select the spawn with 80% of people because It's just a game of luck.
@russman3787 8 күн бұрын
Something I would really like to see is a rework to the profile and medal system. Medals in war thunder are lame, since most of them are just "how much have you nolifed X nation?". I like how world of tanks has medals that actually represent a unique and challenging achievement, like Kolobanov's medal or the Raider medal.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
I think that would be cool maybe a new tab for medals that is based on challenges like nukes, Heavy metal heros, Heros of the sky etc. The more challenging medals to get per game.
@russman3787 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife Exactly. I don't care how many battles I've won on Stalingrad, that's just a measure of how long you've played the game. It's not an achievement.
@bossgunny4203 7 күн бұрын
To add on to this I would like to see some medals that you can get without taking 7 months to try to earn them. I mean even the military has basically participation medals. Not that I'm advocating participatory trophies I'm just saying that you know getting 300 kills takes a while. Maybe something along the lines of getting a medal for winning your first 25 battles or getting a medal for finishing in the top five like x amount of times
@johnroscoe2406 7 күн бұрын
Most medals take a RIDICULOUS amount of time to earn. Like some requirements are just outlandishly high.
@thickachu4001 4 күн бұрын
Nah WoT medal requirements are outlandishly luck based for like 25% of them
@jamesminter70 7 күн бұрын
Former air simulator player turned to ground RB. My main change that I think would be so huge is make CAS significantly harder to spawn. The fact I can be 2 minutes into a match and enemy or ally can already have a plane spawned is insane.
@myleswilliams2229 8 күн бұрын
I want them to make sim more rewarding. I think it’s dumb that RB is more efficient a grind than sim. Also I think they should make the grind equal across all modes. A good game in ground doesn’t generate as much RP as a good game in air. Lastly make new objectives for ARB. It’s essentially TDM every battle a high tier which is repetitive and boring😊
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
The useful actions system was put into sim because of the botting and PVE lobbies.
@Inguizo23 8 күн бұрын
Realistic Air there's nothing to do except you can spawn again in the same match. Basically it takes you 9+ minutes to get to the middle of the map, and if you die it's over, play another game and try your luck again.
@myleswilliams2229 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife yeah I understand that but it doesn’t help. It just punishes those people who were enjoying the game as intended
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
@@myleswilliams2229 The only solution is to not allow people to create there own games and match make the same as other gamemodes then maybe they can go back to the old reward system, but even right now during events people use Sim for easy event XP.
@osztrak 7 күн бұрын
​@@DawgIVLifeNo, that's the thinking problem of you content creator. The solution isn't to break the game more. The solution is to let this fucking anti cheat go and replace it with a good anti cheat system. There are plenty of pvp games out there which handle it with cheaters very well.
@IceMarsoc77 8 күн бұрын
The Historical PVE mode you mentioned.... i would love to see WW mode repurposed to that..
@ToshioThunder 8 күн бұрын
@6:00 Rewards for shooting down planes should be enhanced by the spawn point cost of the ordinance they spawned with. Add an Anti-CAS award to notify the player of this accomplishment. Anti-CAS: Down an enemy aircraft that spawned with secondary ordinance
@british_history_guy 8 күн бұрын
One of the most important things is STOP FUCKING UP THE MAPS gaijin and also gaijin please Mabey play the game before an update
@funwithmagnus8570 8 күн бұрын
I'd also like to be able to click drive vehicle at the hanger and hop in it right there, drive up to the firing positions at the range. One can be left open. That's where you could add that feature you mentioned and you can spawn a target vehicle at whatever range and orientation on that firing range
@PiPi00001 8 күн бұрын
Just add more maps and make it available more for every br and make it bigger so every vehicle can be usable Getting spammed seversk, ardenes and Normandy from low to top tier is such a fuqqing joke
@AlRizz187 7 күн бұрын
there is a reason some maps are br specific it didnt use to be like that
@wanoumars 7 күн бұрын
The only valid suggestions are the ones that come with maximum profit for Gaijin. Youre welcome.
@zeemeister4846 7 күн бұрын
If it fcks up their income your suggestions goes to the bin. Doesn't matter how good your suggestion is.
@ootb-builds 7 күн бұрын
LIMIT THE CAS IN GROUND MODE or CREATE A GROUND-ONLY MODE! CAS should be heavily limited in freaking GROUND matches. I hate it when the match becomes flooded by PLANES when you're supposed to play TANKS.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
then ARCADE is IDEAL FOR YOU. Limited number of planes in air at the same time, limit on how many planes can be in the sky, and you need to do well to be offered the chance to spawn in a plane! perfect for you. have you tried looking at the menu for more than 5 seconds?
@ootb-builds 6 күн бұрын
@@petrkdn8224 That's the problem, I've been playing in ARCADE since I've started and CAS got worse, like in most matches, especially if we are losing, there will be like three to 6 waves of CAS, and each of them will be just a few seconds apart per wave!
@Real_Claudy_Focan 3 күн бұрын
Remove SP gains from air assets in GFRB. Simple. As. That.
@JorvikBerserkir 7 күн бұрын
I'd add big maps for top tier ground, absolutely fed up of all the cod maps and only getting the same few maps over and over and over again
@zxXEROTSxz Күн бұрын
many people just ban or dislike the big maps thus everyone has to play the small cluster fuck maps. IMO would be nice to have way more of the actually big maps.
@theBrid-gv8je 8 күн бұрын
The customizing tanks thing would be horrible for actually identifying which tank it actually is, that's already an issue new players have to struggle with because there's so many so I don't see why you'd add more to the challenge of learning all the tanks you can face at your battle rating. I also imagine it would be bushes and black decals 2.0 for people trying to make their tanks look like a dead tank or part of the greenery. It's a cool idea but people would ruin it
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
That is true you could have a settings you can select if you want to see other players customization. Decals decorators would still be on but the extras like removing side skrits would be a client side only unless you turn it on.
@bruman182 7 күн бұрын
Maybe a TRUE ground mode would be nice too.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
well then we should also remove all ground targets from air battles ..but then people would be complaing bombers and strike aircraft have nothing to use their ordenance for.
@bruman182 6 күн бұрын
@@petrkdn8224 There is no argument there until they add infantrymen which are the whole reason the vehicles exist. But it’s a video game and they get to choose how it works. So I’d like to not get killed by some loser who just needs to press spacebar once. I’m willing to wait in longer queues to have no CAS abusers.
@Malignant88 8 күн бұрын
You know what would be nice, an indicator in the spawn menu of how many vehicles of each type are on the battlefield so you don't come out with CAS like 80% of the team.
@DerriStudios6969 8 күн бұрын
I 100% agree on this.
@funwithmagnus8570 8 күн бұрын
I'd like to see dynamic spawns instead of chopping up maps to mitigate spawn camping. If someone is killed within the spawn or the enemy gets close enough then that would trigger a battle space extension for the team being camped and put a random spawn further back from the starting ones in what was the red space or even the adjacent side of the map.
@cocoadesu2918 8 күн бұрын
makes it harder to come back and recap points if its moved further back
@funwithmagnus8570 8 күн бұрын
@@cocoadesu2918 yeah that's why I think an adjacent spawn on the flanks of the map might work better. Or ticket bleed rates can also be dynamic depending on how many people are even left on the team getting camped
@PedroCosta-po5nu 7 күн бұрын
My suggestion for the war stories mode is that it should work like the individual missions (you needing x amount of a rank to unlock it) and it having tiers of difficulty, and if you're able to clear it on the hardest you get a historical vehicle (obviously, like, it has to be in sim mode for such a reward), and I think that will work better than the pages of history since it's not just a complete x amount of points grindfest, you'll actually need to have skill in different areas (eagle day mission as a example of a challenge)
@Inguizo23 8 күн бұрын
WT turned into a game that they cannot make a huge change or a least several changes. Any change can make the players quit. I disagre with the gaijin policies but on the other hand I understand them. Some changes are personal, others the community asks for, but it is difficult for a company to change something that is working
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
Pretty much why the saying "If its not broke don't fix it" is a very popular one. Change is always met with a ton of unknowns.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
this is it. the game is very big, regularly gets 150k+ concurrent players and reaches 200k+ on events, for many years now (since pandemic). The game is very good and has a very diverse playerbase. Doing ANYTHING will always have people who disagree, as is in real life. The game is just too big (in player numbers)
@ToshioThunder 8 күн бұрын
@4:00 I think it would be fair to indicate what class of vehicle enemies are in on the scoreboard menu. I can see why they haven't shown the specific vehicle enemies are in for RB matches in the past.
@ToshioThunder 8 күн бұрын
There could also be a summary of vehicles by class for each team above the minimap. Plane symbol, tank symbol and spaa symbol with number active on each team.
@Firewordien 4 күн бұрын
I really hope for some much much improved ranges on SAM systems against helicopters.
@gentlefush8020 8 күн бұрын
Wait 2024 is almost over?! 😅😭
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
Almost holiday season again. crazy how much time flies
@thatpolishcow6680 8 күн бұрын
Crew loading animations on open tops. Would be cool i think
@PhantomofPhreedom 7 күн бұрын
Gj really put the MISS in missiles (SACLOS) in WT. After the nerf, they were never the same.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
go play armored warfare if you want super extremly accurate ATGMs... this is just realistic. there is literally footage from iraq i think, where (POV from ATGM operator view) they were shooting at a car goin straight on a road, at idk 2-3km and they missed. MISSED a straight going car. You are denying the actual capabilities of missiles. And also not all semi auto (mouse aimed) were "nerfed" Those which have thrust vectoring (insane manuverability) still perform extremly well, such as the Striker and Swingfire.
@PhantomofPhreedom 6 күн бұрын
@@petrkdn8224 So repairing a tank's entire barrel in 20 seconds is realistic? Also ATGMs IRL do not need to hit all of the crew in order for the tank to be abandoned. They just need to hit it to actually do damage.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
@PhantomofPhreedom well if tanks had realistic repairs , simple tracks would take hours. We have to make it playable. And the ATGM changes still have the ATGMS very playable (skill issue on your part) , but I would definitely be happy if repair times were to be doubled or tripled (at the same time also lower ticket bleed for all actions and lengthen matches)
@PhantomofPhreedom 5 күн бұрын
@@petrkdn8224 Yea I agree. 6 ATGMS to kill a stationary target is not luck at all. Defiantly skill issue. Why would I ever take out an ATGM over APFSDS??? Nobody would, even before the nerf. So why nerf them into the ground? There are some things that cannot be nerfed without the entire game to be changed in the name of realism, or the nerfed entity will be just pointless. Have you ever tried TOWs before??? I know some Russian missiles still work because they got unholy amounts of penetration, but the TOWs are unusable. I mean, if you want realism, lets add stun to WT. You can go on and on but ATGMs ARE NOT FUN. War isn't fun, but WT is supposed to be fun. If we add mines and drones to the game for "realism" the game would be hell, like war. I have played 700 matches with TOWs (after nerf) and will probably not ever play a single match again with them, because they are just pointless.
@Real_Claudy_Focan 3 күн бұрын
My simple and greatest thing to change for GFRB ; *no more SP gains when you're in planes/helos !* I've seen some getting nukes without putting a tank on the ground ! (me)
@cybronichuman 7 күн бұрын
Like many others, I would really love to see the Ground Only mode for RB or at least a mode with a similar cas mechanics like in AB, where everyone gets a chance to jump into default cas vehicles and it's quite balanced. Seriously, if someone has enough time, effort and money to grind both ground and air parallelly or they just buy planes to complete their "perfect line up" I don't blame them - they do their stuff. I, on the other hand, have neither time nor intent to grind both ground and air and to invest my money into planes which I wouldn't want to use anyways 'cause I'm playing this game because of the ground forces only.
@crabhater9373 6 күн бұрын
Here would be my list of changes. Each match should tell you what br it is. Naval matchmaking should be split between blue water and coastal. You can bring coastal boats into blue water but you can't bring blue water into coastal. Add a proper helicopter game mode and make utility helicopters actually useful. Clean up the rough edges on some of the air rb maps, some spots look terrible. Increase spawn point costs for all types of cas in ground rb. Bring back old event vehicles in some way that isn't frustrating for players. Bring back GE wagers. Add a bonus for players that take the time to spade an entire tier of vehicles. Rework bombers. Add the AC-130.
@georgeszweden9497 7 күн бұрын
Good suggestions, i would add: Rebalance naval (american destroyers are filthy OP at basically entry level (4.3-5.0)), and have people actually see all their presets, the game allows 18 i believe but you cant see more than 13, make it two layer or something.
@sarodorethedragon9865 Күн бұрын
16:30 This man literary just came up with “single missions”
@FallenOwl-ts5ez 6 күн бұрын
I just want Gaijin to do something about people one death quitting it’s really frustrating when you go to win a game but half of your team quits the match after the first 5 minutes
@zxXEROTSxz Күн бұрын
so longer q times, that would most likely do the trick
@IrishFoxHound 4 күн бұрын
Something I would like to see in WT is more stats for vehicles ie, kill assists, critical hits, and how many caps, should be very easy to include oh and weather effects in game.. more than what is already ingame
@junyutan2172 7 күн бұрын
Air rb main: they gotta add more objectives man. Hell even just add more of what already exists. Some of the newer maps with mlrs and tank platoons around is a nice step but bases too and air targets like maybe awacs or tankers that are objectives to take out or have actual use for players
@House_of_Schmidt 8 күн бұрын
Air RB EC and/or a revamp of the PVE modes. Assault modes are pathetic and heli PVE is void of things to do. Warthunders gameplay is EXTREMELY stale.
@Iden_in_the_Rain 6 күн бұрын
What I’d change: 1. Triple or quadruple ground battle rewards 2. Make bombers usable again 3. Fix the blatant problems with top tier MBTs (Abrams, Leclerc, Ariete, etc.) 4. Add pantsir and Su-25SM3 equivalents to all nations 5. Make the P-47 usable in air battles
@viniciussccz 2 күн бұрын
4x is far too much imo, the rewards are very good for people who can consistently get a good amount of kills every game, for people that arent very good and cant get a good amount of kills every game the rewards are AWFUL
@zxXEROTSxz Күн бұрын
@@viniciussccz and they used to be even worse if you didn't win
@tm6263 6 күн бұрын
One little feedback about the better rewards of counter CAS vehicles like pantsir are just very strong to counter these, surely this would be abused with sure vehicles.
@aaronunterseher1627 7 күн бұрын
You suggested a battle buddy system But attached to it should be a proper group finder You can que yourself at the hanger to join x nation with x br with x number of people in a squad with a decent quality ingame voice system It would add a social aspect to the game for sure If you have a toxic person, there should be a report button that will prevent you from re squading with them, and after 10 reports in sort secession should block them from using the feature for a period of time
@AlRizz187 7 күн бұрын
a simialr system is supposedly in the works by gaijin but havent heard much
@nielsbekkers8283 7 күн бұрын
Nukes can be annoying to both enemies and friendlies. If someone on your side is getting some serious kills that person can spawn in a nuke quite fast, leaving the rest of their team to just suck up the pathetic RP and SL gain from such a match. As a (for the most part) F2P player that stuff is realy infuriating when normal rewards are already meagre and I just want to progress on the tree. That said, team killing is not a good thing either.
@Vergertsev 7 күн бұрын
Thing I'd like to see is event rework and way to earn older event vehicles. All events aren't friendly to casual players. Too little time to earn all the points, also the point amount is too high. Either lowered requirement or complete new system. Still sad that I had no chance at getting Patria.
@mattdriesenga4770 7 күн бұрын
I would like the option of selecting a new CAS loadout when returning to the airfield when playing ground RB. That, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD give the US a decent AA at 6.3 / 6.7!
@thepolishnz 7 күн бұрын
Cas could be countered by a timer. Many battles wouldnt always have cas over the battle immediately they need to be called in so that could be an idea.
@pyetrosouza8364 8 күн бұрын
15:50 I like that, ok is most cus i am brazilian and want some brazil skins but imagine can get a GE skin or even a low tier premiun or like a tipe of bonus for that plane or tank etc
@JTJSSG 7 күн бұрын
Things I want to see as someone who plays mostly ground/naval - new game modes, a defensive map position would be fun, like a game mode where you have like 4mins?, to entrench and set up positions - increased SP for planes with big bombs 1000LB and more -scouting nerf, stupid two scouts and two assists can get me an arrado with 3 500lb bombs - limit planes with large bombs, 1.0-6.7(2 strike planes), 7.7-11.0(3 strike aircraft), and 11.7(5+) -have requirements for premiums(mainly GE premiums), at least lvl 50 for any rank 6/7 premium, I am sick of seeing lvl 13s in high tier matches and evaporating - Cycle events between all nations I saw a lot of videos about the American t90 and it’s not fair nor fun to just get a vehicle for the same nation, if your nation gets a vehicle then it should be at least 3 events before you can get another one, Sweden has like one? Event vehicle. - Encourage people to play new nations, it’s really, really bland seeing nothing added to your TT For this, I don’t really know how but my suggestion is, for every rank in a minor nation you have fully unlocked, you get a small RP bonus across all nations, rank 1-5 on each minor nation grants a 2% bonus and 6-8 grants 4% more RP so in total of completing a tech tree is like 22% more RP on all TTs, would be very minor but better then nothing for RP gain That’s for ground, now naval - Reduce capture distances because how do you expect 6.3-7.0 ships which are all BBs and slow to capture points?, oh I basically have to get the coastal fleet to just win -more game modes, ah I sure love kill ships in circle or kill ships at 11km Make like escorts convoy, escort missions(like escort carrier) -Add funnily enough, PvE for naval, the stock grind on some ship are pain and also you don’t know how to shoot them, sure you got the test drive but usually your shooting at moving targets so a PvE mode would be able to give you increased RP for t1/2 mods, and you can also practice firing new guns I have ranted enough, have a good day
@sleepylab4761 8 күн бұрын
For spaa, i would like to see the rewards for an air kill be increased by threefold. Next, i would like to see an event vic that is an aa we dont get a lot of those. Then last give gun aa proxy shells instead of ap rounds.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
Historically most gun AA never had proxy shells. 40mm proxy was not a huge thing till around the 70s
@sleepylab4761 8 күн бұрын
​@DawgIVLife at this point, I don't think it really matters to much about historical accuracy. The m274 "SGT York" and the vek 40 had the proxy shells and was very effective. Then the snail took it away because it was to op for the cas players. ( idk if that last part is true but it sure feels like it)
@connor22abrams4 3 күн бұрын
When changing portions of a map, let the community vote on it rather than just doing it.
@WerWeiss 6 күн бұрын
I really wish for a PVE ground attack game mode for attacker aircraft similar to the Heli PVE but with much more targets.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
there is sim, easy to find matches where there are under 5 enemies on the enemy team (still extremly low amount because of how large the maps are) and you can ground pount all day, AI tanks, AI spaa, Bases, airfields, ships, convoys
@D4NY0NL1N3 7 күн бұрын
I want to see Two changes. First I would love for the game to tell you the BR bracket you fall in when loading onto a match for slexample on the loading screen it would display the map and mission and under parenthesis the lowest BR and the Highest BR in the match. Secondly i would love for objectives to provide higher rewards then destroying player vehicles that way more people would play to win and not camp kills
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
you can already tell which BR range you are by checking SP costs.
@D4NY0NL1N3 6 күн бұрын
​@petrkdn8224 yeah i know but having gaijing actually put that would help new players understand it better
@JackTheNoober 7 күн бұрын
Better maps, less broken OP fast as fuck small vehicles that flank the entire map in 30s and start spawn camping, better spawn protections and less CAS spawn and no more herp derb howitzers that one shot everything.
@samphardtake 7 күн бұрын
I would like to see a full scare war mode.. the one that includes planes,ships and tanks.. fighting on a single big map,with multiple capture points etc. It would be a huge event and it would include historical battles like Iwo Jima,normandy or.. whatever just.. game is too repetitive right now.
@ToshioThunder 8 күн бұрын
@15:00 WWM was my reason for starting a squadron. We had some good times, but the meta gaming and exploits by players doused the fun. I remember getting steamrolled by people exploiting helicopter infantry lifts, and that's exactly when I decided I was done trying to win. After that, I only engaged enough to unlock the vehicles. I think the commander aspect needs to be managed by AI for any kind of balance to be possible. Call of Duty had something like that, as I recall. Much simpler, but anything more can be unfairly gamed.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
It was very fun to play with TECES during WWM but yea the same thing happened to us during that helicopter rushing. As a commander it was more beneficial for us not to start games just so we could keep abusing the helicopter. So the 60-100 people who shown up expecting to play where very mad some games where ending without being able to play a single match.
@MEATOGRE 3 күн бұрын
I would like a rehaul of the current anti-cheat. That's it, maybe some more bug fixing, I cant tell you how frustrating the current "silent engines" bug has been.
@rkkastarshina3989 7 күн бұрын
I think gaijin should add much much larger maps, I'm speaking of several kilometers long and wide, as a new gamemode. Especially for toptier the current maps are wayyy to small with laser rangefinder and hypersonic shells
@robinsteeden7466 7 күн бұрын
Revert everything back to 2019 or so. Maybe keep some of the new maps. Almost every change they've made has been bad. The sound is worse, volumetric is often screwy. Lately they've been making more and more of the maps inaccessible, I assume to promote head to head fights and reduce tactical options for smarter players
@luksonplayzzz8242 5 күн бұрын
About the world war mode you talked about there are 2 other game modes that you suggested in the game dynamic campaign and single missions and they are pve mode and you can also play with others i find this game modes fun but the rewards are atrocious like only 100sp per mission and to play these modes you have to have certain planes unlocked for different nations for exaple you can only play Missions with US planes if you have the US tree researched and plus this modes are only limites to planes so no tank batteles overall i think these modes are good but gaijin is just not utilising them correctly because it is a pretty good change of pace if you get tired from playing the same game modes over and over again (P.S its my first time sharing a opinion online and i hope i portrayed what i wanted so way well)
@flamosgaming5175 8 күн бұрын
They can add more crew voices i mean like stressed out crewmen or they can react more emotionally when crew member is KO, like in GHPC expand israel by tier 3 (for example add m4 sherman with czech heavy MG instead of 50. There is photo of it i think) it would be copypaste but hey we have china
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
Just a personal thing for me but I turned off the crew voices they where quite annoying for me at least, I think its fine though they have sound mods which can change those crew sounds. Also having tier 3 Israel isn't going to make that tech tree better. Should have been a American sub tree.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
not sure, if that voice system was added it would need to be upped from PG12, which would hurt on accessability
@comensee2461 7 күн бұрын
I would like to see the UI updated and modernized.
@revan22 7 күн бұрын
The thing I want to see the most is more big maps at mid and top tier. Usually maps are just a big brawl of tanks always at the same point, getting creative for flanks (actual flanks not just driving to ennemy spawn) is kinda useless and undoable. Red desert is for me one of the best map at top tier because of range, yet I barely ever see it. CAS also needs to be much more expensive to spawn, especially at top tier, entire teams get rolled by a single CAS should that team not have a state of the art last level SPAA or fighter. Even with the FlaRakPz(10.3), bringing it at 11.7 is useless except against sometimes UAVs and rushing helis. Otherwise smart CAS players can just keep out of range of your 8km range missile and destroy you.
@joy_gantic 6 күн бұрын
We need more game modes for GRB and ARB
@Camarocar1 8 күн бұрын
My idea was to make BR's go up and down depending on the research modifications? I don't have an example other then a stock vehicle at 6.0 could be go to 6.3 if it gets some really good modification like lots of add-on armor?(I can see how this might sound dumb)
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
It could be a thing but they would have to limit it to when you get a vehicle spaded it no longer can go down in BR by removing mods.
@Camarocar1 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife Ya, but who knows gaijin is gaijin....
@V3ry_Ep1c 7 күн бұрын
As somebody who was been playing for around 2ish yrs now something I'd like to suggest (its a pretty big change i would say) is removing repair cost, or making it way lower atleast since i have so many vehicles I've unlocked that i cannot afford to use or buy since i don't have enough SL. I dont play the game 24/7 so yeah idk Its a pretty big change but i think it would help players who haven't been playing for 4+ years and are still researching a ton of vehicles
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
if you dont play the game 24/7 then disable automatic repair, the tanks will repair when you are away, lowering their repair cost over time, eventually freely repairing themselves
@osztrak 7 күн бұрын
This game has two huge issues why its so frustrating as a ground player view. Maps and balance, balance in every case, tanks of nations, economy, etc... Nobody realize that when they implement a economy update to increase RP, they will decrease slowly the rp in every small patch they making which arent mentioned in changelog. Then where is the balance that one nation get 6 top tier premiums which arent way below thei supposed br and where the balance that same nation got a SPAA with 20KM and close counter guns and the others get only rocket vehicles which cant do anything against aircraft in close quaters. And second the maps, for top tier they wayyy to small. Yeah for those who want to sword fight each other 10 times a day should so that, but alot of players dont want seversk the whole day. Especially a lot of vehicles suffers from this small maps. Mephisto, amx13 hot, sk105, light tanks in general, TD's in general, helis cant do much unless u r in the ka52. Then ground sim br brackets type74E against T90A, ZTZ99 III, these are one of the major problems why WT getting frustrating so quickly.
@redtsar 7 күн бұрын
I love playing anti CAS in my BI in GRB, I'll get an ace and a guy who got 0 kills, some assists and 4 deaths will have more points than me It's depressing, idk how they messed it up so badly. Being punished for saving teammates from CAS is so lame
@AlRizz187 7 күн бұрын
anti cas is the most enjoyable playstyle in grb rn. its funny since its supposed to be ground rb
@redtsar 7 күн бұрын
@@AlRizz187 oh, 100%, it's more fun to me than "Air RB"
@AlRizz187 7 күн бұрын
@redtsar oh yeah. Altough air rb can be fun sometimes but rn im not enjoying 8.0 to 10.0 there is so many broken meta vehicles
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
points =/= reward
@pyetrosouza8364 8 күн бұрын
I would like a good remake in economi, like get bonus for multiple kills like you get 2 kills now the kill number 3 will have a 25% sl booster and the number 4 50% something like that (apart from what we kind have) Now more for planes, i think bombers and fighters need to change, for fighter tere need to be a bonus for air to air player kill, most guys bomb the way to top tier cus bombing is more eficient, so give bonus for using a fighter for kill a enemy plane, and like give bonus for using a bomber for take out a base (more on that later) bonus for a strike plane do grownd kills like that And for bombers the way that they work is bad, what you need more base like targets or a single target with a infinit life that tikets down wend you hit it, and make bombers spawn close to the base. Now airfield camping, i dont like the way that the airfield AAs work they need to have a rework, reduce the range, presigion etc and ad a limited time you can stay on AA range and if you stay tere to long you is removed from the game And just for end pls gaijin remove team kill is very uselles for the guy how get team kill on porpuses and for the guy who do in by acident Tanks
@mattcooper6591 6 күн бұрын
Helicopters should not be able to spawn at the start of a match. It should be how you earn CAS now but the cost can be either the same or lower.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
okay, if you are getting killed by some unguided rockets thats really a skill issue. People complain about having to use HEATFS at top tier, and those rounds have like rooughly 450-550mm penetration. Rockets on helicopters are smaller diameter and have even less pen, at around 300-400. If you really struggle with ggetting killed by that, big skill issue
@mattcooper6591 6 күн бұрын
@@petrkdn8224 I hit a nerve huh? I usually bring an SPAA at the start but this is just a suggestion bro. Calm down.
@ilikesnow7074 7 күн бұрын
More gamemodes, pls. Do a conventional only gamemode. Maybe everyone would spawn in with mediums and kill their ways to super heavies instead of nukes. They could also do a ground game mode and rename current ground as mixed. Stop adding fucking autocannons. Fix the US SPAA line and fill gaps in the other trees instead of just Russia. Fix volumetric and it's crap. Fix ghost shells. Fix ammo not exploding for no reason. Fix the maps. Fix the game in general, I guess.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
"Maybe everyone would spawn in with mediums and kill their ways to super heavies" there is like 3 nations with superheavy tanks... what will you do with nations which have none?
@Real_Claudy_Focan 3 күн бұрын
SPAA arent "paying" well because it is abused ! People use their SPAAG as "autocanon" TD's, why ? Because they get access to AP(APDS) belts !
@_556ms 8 күн бұрын
world war could also be entirely reimagined into historical matchmaking. historical sides and battle ratings on the respective maps would be very fun and probably get quite a lot of players
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
Historical matchmaking was already kinda of a thing in WWM it didn't work at all and made 1 side was the meta side and no one wanted to play the other side.
@rkkastarshina3989 7 күн бұрын
have fun with PzII's and III's facing a team of early KV-1's and T-34's
@AlRizz187 7 күн бұрын
or have fun fighting m60s in a t34
@bruce_invincible 7 күн бұрын
Hey Dawg will you post your suggestions to Gaijin?
@vethenoir 8 күн бұрын
the ability to actually choose which maps you want and don't want to queue up for. this one addition would singlehandedly spare everyone in the community so much frustration it's not even funny. and I'm aware that this is an unrealistic, and admittedly hefty request for gaijin, one that probably won't ever be realized considering how they've refused to increase the map ban limit for years now despite the playerbase's calls to do so. but it doesn't hurt to dream..
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
The main issue is queue times, Everyone has different maps they like and dislike, you would rarely find a game where all 32 people like the same maps to get games. The 1 map ban and the like and dislike system already makes repeating maps very common which some people also don't like.
@vethenoir 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife I'm not sure if this would affect the queue times for more popular maps, considering how massive of a playercount war thunder has. it'd mainly take a hit on maps few liked or played in the first place ((pradesh, ardennes)). but still, i personally would rather have longer queue times and the repetitive maps over having to play something that I simply don't want to.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
@@vethenoir Game design in general demands you have the lowest amount of downtime possible in a game or it gives people a chance to go find something else to do.
@mrbeast85 7 күн бұрын
Something which I think is actually on the road map, although I don't think its as developed as my idea, is new gun sights. I think Gaijin are simply going to implement a 'modern' reticule that can be used in appropriate tanks, rather than the slightly crappy crosshair we currently have. I would like to see at least 3 different gunsight reticule set ups be available for each nation in game. So this would be an early reticule (say WWII era), a mid reticule (50s/60s/70s) and a modern one (80s+). They wouldn't have to be totally accurate to the vehicle or an historical example but a generic reticule that is inspired by the real thing, maybe combining some elements from several but gives a feel for say Cold War British sights. I think this would not only be an improvement on the dated crosshair we have now, but would add a little immersion and character to the game without the trouble of down loading a custom sight. Of course the crosshair would be retained if you hated a particular sight style.
@DawgIVLife 7 күн бұрын
You are able to make the reticle pretty much the way you want to in the custom sight.
@BatteryAcid777 7 күн бұрын
I’d love to see a customisable hud and maybe a redesign of the goofy ahh circle thingy in the bottom left corner
@RAPTOR-dm2oo 8 күн бұрын
I just want the tigre Bretagne for France to have the jumbo and the tiger in the same lineup
@ShadoWolf9339 7 күн бұрын
A way to port war thunder live and the Gaijin market to console would make my day
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
this is impossible as no game on any consoles allows you to modify the game with 3rd parties. You would have to actually lobby for this to the actual makers of consoles (Sony, Microsoft)
@alexpayne2662 2 күн бұрын
fix the shitty maps for ground, make air RB battles more unique instead of aerial TDM, increase rp / sl / sp from plane kills in SPAA
@JamesEarlCash 8 күн бұрын
I'm afraid they don't care that much to introduce new things or repair the major flaws of the game as long as they make a lot of dough on selling premium vehicles. Which is sad that War Thunder became such a product. And all those "Gacha" like lotteries and other shit. Please...
@orestisvas7277 8 күн бұрын
I would really love to see new game modes and something that Ryan berry said is to have a close range and a long range button for ground, expanding on that for simulator i would like that there would be less HUD like HIT/KILL CAM, kill feed and maybe something as having to open different menus to access some info like your vehicles damage or map. Sounds also as you said need some work, i recently downloaded a sound mod for the first time and playing with that makes the game a lot more immersive. Bottom line better Quality of life for ground RB and more immersion in sim, both need new game modes and better maps Game mode idea: Capture and advance. One team has one minute to set defenses on a strategic position, if captured by the enemy they have to fall back to a second, third or how many you want, you win/ loose by preventing capture/ capturing all positions within set time
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
Immersion is one of those things I think should be left to the user. Why I think sound mods and custom sights is a cool thing, The problem with having a close range and a long range map option is extra queues war thunder has to worry about. Ground already has the night mode queue, adding more to separate more players is something you can do only a limited amount of times before people start seeing longer queue times, I think the fix for that is more map bans not adding more queues.
@orestisvas7277 7 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife i have seen people be ok with longer ques for example on that ground only mode proposed during the boycott, that's why i would suggest that, otherwise if it adds 8 minute ques it would not be good
@senpaiwasfound3185 8 күн бұрын
Tbh you should be in charge of the gajjin headquarters btw early
@lt.lettuce2023 8 күн бұрын
Hell no lol
@CoolLink-Zelda 8 күн бұрын
Even a rotten corpse could do a better job than the current Gaijin people
@pAceMakerTM 7 күн бұрын
CAS is cancer. I want a game mode where CAS is excluded.
@mg307 8 күн бұрын
Good Maps and new game modes
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
What would be a good game mode? Cause every time they try a new one its either disliked or heavily one sided.
@twitteryloki4415 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLifesome sort of dynamic caps or a protect a moving objective while being attacked, literally anything but the same 1 or 3 caps and the rare battle game mode that not many people like.
@russman3787 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife I rather liked the asymmetrical design of the Battle of the Atlantic event. I liked that each team had different objectives and the incorporation of a new and dynamic win condition in the form of the convoy.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
@@twitteryloki4415 so like hard point from COD? WT would be way to slow even with MBTS for a game mode like that, it would be RNG for which ever team was closest to the next hardpoint location, defending is way easier then attacking in War Thunder, would just be a new gamemode that is a mess to balance and play.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
@@russman3787 The only problem with asymmetrical game modes is that people like winning or doing well, For example the guardian angel event when it had Me-262s no one wanted to play the B-17s and the P51s. The submarine event, America was clearly the best, even if you did everything right in a sub they would still find you and destroy you with the sonar plus the PBYS had no counter in the air. Asymmetrical gamemodes can be done but they have to be on somewhat of a fair playing field or you will have situations where people will not play the losing side.
@PeekCandy 7 күн бұрын
Can we just fix the ticket system? I cannot count how many times I have been on a team that is clearly on an epic come back where we are holding and defending two out of three objectives solidly and yet we end up losing. It steals so many great moments. I have been on the winning end of this situation as well and it cheapens the experience.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
just because you hold the objective doesnt mean you should win. Because this would only make the game more P2W because players who buy more additional crew slots will greatly benefit over those who dont. They can just "suicide" rush the cap zone and if they die, spawn more, but a player with small amount of crew slots cant do that. so kills are definetly a valid way to win a match.
@PeekCandy 6 күн бұрын
@@petrkdn8224 you're not understanding. If you haven't earned enough SP in game you're back to the garage. But if for example you've ewrned enough to respawn or even in some cases haven't yet died and your team holds two out of three objectives how can the game determine you've lost? The main goal is holding objectives. How do you lose when you're winning at the over all point of the game?
@adrian_ricky619 7 күн бұрын
Add helicopters to air sim
@propiggaming921 Күн бұрын
Me begging for the me262 HG3:
@Subreon 7 күн бұрын
i have suggestions for many other parts of the game: 1. remove airfield captures entirely. not just from air ab. just, entirely. nobody likes them and the game spams the hell out of them. however, capturing an airfield as a side objective is ok, like in a ground match for closer spawns, that'd be cool. 2. more like and dislike map markers. so you could tell the game, don't give me ALL of this type of map or game mode 3. add an option to create a mini 3rd person camera view when looking through a scope, and vice versa. this way it's like you actually have multiple people in your tank looking at different stuff. so you can see your outside and where a shot came from, and you can use the scope without dedicating the whole screen to it for quick CQC snap shots. (cuz 3rd person aiming just feels really funky and uncomfy, but driving around obstacles in sniper mode sucks) 4. add a setting adjuster balance mechanic. where if you're aiming at someone who has grass and surface layer on, you get it too, so you can't shoot at someone with a clear line of site over a hill while that other person behind another hill has to peek out far enough to be above all that stuff. 5. add physical artillery batteries to attack for planes or even player arty tanks that can aim that far. if they're all taken out, nobody can use arty anymore. conversely, make arty much more deadly. faster response, more shots, bigger shells, faster reload. conversely conversely, add anti arty defense measures like a CIWS or similar system on cap points which will shoot at any incoming shells for whoever owns the cap. (this system can also be destroyed, but can also be repaired by close enough players on the cap) 6. PTFO!!! play the fucking objective incentives. gaijin is an EXTREMELY PVP focused company. much like every greedy company, that's because other players provide far more challenge than ai, and thus, drive sales to get better equipment to fight them with. but, it also makes for very hollow gameplay. it'd be a lot more fun if the game felt more like an actual war. more ai targets, side objectives, mix of vehicles, etc. ai units and other objectives should give an EQUAL reward to player kills. INCLUDING IN PVE AND SINGLE MISSION MODES. (same for crossout since this is such a huge point) 7. consider slightly reducing the amount of mission score grinding needed for event vehicles. or extending the time to do it. 45000 mission score in 48 hours is insane. punishes anybody with responsibilities and lives. i get it, most of your money comes from grind skipping or buying a single vehicle for 60+ dollars, but like, come on. at least make it someone reasonable, aka realistically achievable for someone working a full time job if they do nothing else with their free time other than play this game. 8. add more cover for small naval maps. many maps have it where big ships can instantly see and shoot into small boat spawn areas, and they often don't even have anywhere to run and hide because there's just no cover anywhere, so they basically just spawn directly into a turkey shoot. 9. now that there's a lot more naval vehicles, there's no need to have 2 separate branches for them. coastal and bluewater should merge into one naval tech tree, with coastal boats now taking up all of rank 1 and 2, while the best ones with big enough weapons to actually do some damage are up in tier 3 where some of the worst destroyers are. and then from rank iv and onward is all bluewater ships. this would also make coastal boats a lot quicker to spade through. cuz that's my main mission in wt, spade everything. and boyyyyyyyyyyy are the coastal boats a massive slog in the later half. they're all pretty much the same with maybe 1 or 2 different machine guns for anti air, and they just get slower and slower as they get bigger or don't even have torps, meaning you can't race small boats for cap points, and you essentially have pea shooters to fight proper ships. meaning it can take several dozens of matches to even unlock 1 part. for example, i'm on the PT-812 right now. it's "rank iv" costs like 300k sl and takes 266k rp to spade it. actual fucking insanity. AND THERE'S A DOZEN MORE AFTER IT. no. coastal boats need to be able to be blitzed through like tanks and planes of rank 1 and 2 because they ARE rank 1 and 2. 10. friend vehicle rental. like you said with trying to get new friends to play with you, which in itself is a near impossible task, which really sucks because wt like any game is wayyyyyyyyy better with friends. i have something to add to it. most of the trouble, like you said is in which vehicles you each have. i say, friends can let each other use any vehicle they've unlocked while they're in a squad together and that vehicle's loaner is online. and that vehicle is set up for the friend however the loaner has it for example, you have a sherman. you got every upgrade for it except the brakes or tracks. and when you go to battle with it, you have it set to bring out 16 aphe shells. so that's how your friend gets the vehicle. exactly like that. including the crew. and whatever rp and sl your friend earns with that vehicle goes to you and you can decide whether or not to let it go to the vehicle or to your universal rp. also, you can't make changes to the vehicle or use it yourself until your friend returns it by leaving the squad or exiting the game. while your friend is using a rental however, they can still level up their profile and complete tasks/missions/achievements/etc with it. 11. bonus. this is most obviously way too complex to be added without a major overhaul. in addition to your customization idea of painting or removing certain parts and such, compress all similar vehicles into 1 vehicle and adjust its br in accordance to what it has installed. for example. all the shermans and panzers. just swap out the gun system or engines, add tech, protection, etc instead of making the slightest change its whole entire different vehicle. this would also have the advantage of not allowing players to just spam the best of 1 type of vehicle, and force them to diversify their lineups. 12. bonus. same reason as above. better physics. real, proper, destruction, and interaction. buildings can be driven through, turrets swing freely to gravity and momentum if their turret ring is broken, barrels have collision which can break stuff or be broken by stuff, tracks dynamically break instead of having a set destroyed model, planes don't stop on a dime and turn into a frisbee with zero forward speed when a part of the wing or control surface is shot off, vehicles damage each other with crashes, etc. make the game feel more dynamic and wild. chaotic. like an actual war zone. like the legendary fun physics of gta iv. woo!
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
for point number 4 its a really bad sugestion? if there are 2 players next to each other, one has grass in tank sight on and one doesnt, how does the game tell knows which one you are aiming at? so these 2 could be part of a squad, and when you are looking at them as an enemy, your view is obstructed, but one of the guys who has the tank grass view set to off, he could see you perfectly clear, giving YOU , the enemy, a great disadvantage.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
for point 5, thats not a good idea. ww2 arty has range of about 12km, and even if you put them closer, that would be roughly in the area where planes spawn, so you could spawnkill planes spawning, which will be unaware you are behind them. this is already an issue in current ground battles, where some players stay behind enemy plane spawn and camp. this would further encourage it because there will be MORE targets to do so. and modern arty can go 30km with standart ammo and above 50km range with special ammo
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
for 6, what do you consider "playign the objective" ? capping the zone? because i personally also consider playing the objective, destroying enemy tanks (PVP as you said) ,because those enemies can CAP the zone (objective), and cant do so when they are dead. Neither can they kill my teammates which can go for the objective as well, when they are dead. So PVP IS PLAYING THE OBJECTIVE.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
for point 7, if it were to be made realistically achievable for everyone including those who have a job, to grind the 45k (or less as you suggested) point event vehicles, (btw 45k is reserved for high br vehicles, latest F14 IRIAF, 12.7 plane, essentially top tier plane). then basically every player would now have a TOP TIER PLANE, JUST BY PLAYING THE GAME FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME... that would severly break the games balance...
@Subreon 6 күн бұрын
@@petrkdn8224 i already thought about that. conclusion being that it'll be a very uncommon occurrence and worth implementing for the majority of players who abuse low settings on their own instead of not implementing it for the ones who will abuse teaming and sitting right next each other to do it.
@boomknight1015 8 күн бұрын
Pure fighters and frontline bombers(+100 over fighters) should be 400 at start, then go down to 200 at 10 mins Cas should be 800 at start, then go down to 300 by 15 mins in. Also -50 off first plane, per ground vehicle death. This will make Fighters and bombers more accessible , some what early on. or worse players get a chance to bring fighters, so Cas won't get free runs all day.
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
CAS is 790 sp depending on the plane (and its loadout) at the start of the match, Buccaneer S2B can be 790 SP to spawn in fulldowntier
@EasonX404 6 күн бұрын
add ranked battles with rewards
@thickachu4001 4 күн бұрын
I just dont understand why the cant just go to a shooting range, record the sound and clean the sound. Plus there are so many videos of tanks firing their main guns that they could grab and clean the sound to use in game
@DawgIVLife 4 күн бұрын
The way sound works in WT impacts performance, why if you download a sound mod and go into naval for example with all of the SPAA it starts lagging the game and might even crash. So they have to make sound work for the game which means they can’t always use real sounds
@FuriousIdea 8 күн бұрын
I just want the BI-1 moved to 7.7
@Lndmk227 6 күн бұрын
Fix APCR. At least make it a worthwhile round.
@TheMagicalWizardPyro 8 күн бұрын
They need to put some actual effort into improving the naval gamemode.
@methias1990 7 күн бұрын
Russia and Germany can no longer be on the same team undo all the nerfs to the American tech tree
@DropdeadGamingLive 8 күн бұрын
complete maps overhaul.
@Just-My-Clips 8 күн бұрын
3D camos like WoT
@edwinbaezjr.945 8 күн бұрын
It would be nice to talk to your team. We can have better situation awareness when playing.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
There is a reason why Voice chat isn't enabled for teams.
@orestisvas7277 8 күн бұрын
That would become a CoD lobby very fast, still you could get some funny moments
@johnroscoe2406 7 күн бұрын
I don't want to hear a bunch of toxic Russians screaming obscenities.
@erikkuthan4988 7 күн бұрын
in top tier i got 8 air kills (no drones) and 7-8k rp :|
@silence4114 7 күн бұрын
Bro is living in the future 💀
@bencarmine3032 8 күн бұрын
Rework soviet survivability in top tier and or buff brits in top tier. Soviet tanks are to safe/to survivable to thw extent its not ffing lose to fun playing againt soviets esp as brits... soviets beat brits at everything except getting killed. Soviets are faster, more durable, have better shels, some crazy options across the board in top tier. Brits are purposfully kept the worst big nation in top tier. But if only one of these go through i would like to see russian tanks loose some of that magic survivability
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
Leopards are still the dominate meta right now.
@bencarmine3032 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife that maybe treu but i have less difficulty facing those as its more consistant. With soviets i have to aim much better. Random bounces or just making orange breaches or autoloaders after direct hits.
@sturm8115 8 күн бұрын
soviet tanks arent the most broken vehicles in top tier and brit tanks are bad irl too so I dont get the point
@bencarmine3032 8 күн бұрын
@@sturm8115 they are not so bad as portrayed in the game. T80s etc and leos are not good irl as portrayed in game. This irl has nothing to do with game balance. Making a nation just bad cuz people think irl they are bad. If they it like this then russia should be a lot worse in game. As how many tanks they are loosing even vs 30 or 20 years old western tanks...
@sturm8115 8 күн бұрын
@@bencarmine3032 I get you but t80 or leo actually fought against vehicles of modern age unlike chally that has its entire rep from tanking some rpgs. Also wt isnt dead on accurate as some people tend to think. Even 80 year old documented vehicles are mostly portrayed wrong. So sadly you dont have a solution that will fix that.
@W2rL0ck 8 күн бұрын
plz buff abram
@alpha-0874 8 күн бұрын
RB EC (with EC-style respawns) for air. People have been begging for it for the past ~7 years.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
Would you take air RB EC if it came with the same useful actions system that simulator has to stop botting and PVE lobbies?
@SteelxWolf 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLifegameplay matters more than rewards at this point.
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
@@SteelxWolf eh rewards still matter to a ton of people. Time spent vs reward in simulator is why I personally quit playing the mode. Use to be a good place to spade the non meta jets now its got the useful actions system.
@SteelxWolf 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife sim lacks nametags, people do less because they spend so much time looking for targets. You would see a sizable difference on top of a simpler control mode obviously. I dont see a difference between time spent in EC and time spent queuing, spawning, flying straight, and dying for the majority of players anyways. Most bomb truck in ARB already.
@alpha-0874 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife Yes, absolutely. So long as the matches last longer than 5 minutes, I would be happy. They could take it a step further and have some fake AWACS system to help with spotting.
@DTXShadows 8 күн бұрын
you already know gaijin isn't gonna do any of this because they know best and player feedback is overrated
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
They do listen to feedback, you just have to go at this with realistic expectations not everything will be implemented but at the same time suggestions give them ideas to work on.
@DTXShadows 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife it's very rare for them to use feedback given by the players
@DawgIVLife 8 күн бұрын
@@DTXShadows its also pretty rare for the players to give good feedback. You have a ton of ideas that just won't work for war thunder, but there is a ton of player suggested feedback that does get passed and implemented into the game.
@DTXShadows 8 күн бұрын
@@DawgIVLife true but gaijin doesn't seem to be caring about good ideas recently, and the good ideas that they do care about have been implemented so poorly it's insane
@KillerSniper55 7 күн бұрын
1) when it comes to CAS I think it’s fine as is but we need to incentivize rewards for playing CAP or SPAA. 2) Gaijin needs to break up the tech tree in order to allow new players to skip the early vehicles if they don’t have interest in it. It would also allow matchmaking to be split in to “eras” so we don’t see Cold War vehicles up against WW2 vehicles. 3) RB EC is a must. If not the official mode just make it a separate category like what simulator battles are. Historical battles should be involved in that with the missions but with more restrictions than there are now. Let’s say it’s Bodenplatte, during the Second World War. You would be able to start with the BF-109 G-14 but you can get enough SPs to spawn the 262. Or if it was Korea you would start with P-51Hs and then unlock the F-80 and then eventually unlock the F-86.
@DawgIVLife 7 күн бұрын
#2 would kill the early tiers of the game and also they already pretty much put a barrier between 6.7 and 8.0 where you will see the 105mm L7s with HEAT FS. Its just made 7.0-8.0 terrible to play.
@Sturmi320 5 күн бұрын
Could gaijin just make the max br for gound 13.7
@TheBlu04 6 күн бұрын
Remove all of the P2W bs and make the game more enjoyable for people who aren't able to match the skill of greater players
@petrkdn8224 6 күн бұрын
define "p2w" ... anything you can pay for? dont think we need to remove every single tank in the game (paying for RP progress)
@TheBlu04 6 күн бұрын
@@petrkdn8224 by P2W, I mean put all the vehicles under Premium up for people to buy with the in-game currency without draining their wallets, making the game more F2P than what it's "described" to be in advertisements, that way they can grind for those vehicles without consequence of reality coming down on them, such as debt
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