How I Would Learn League of Legends (If I Could Start Over)

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Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

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@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
Now's the BEST TIME to Join us with SEASON 13 STARTING!: 👈👈👈👈👈👈
@chillbro2275 Жыл бұрын
I just signed up at skill capped. I have been wanting to for a a while, And today was the day.
@shogun0810 Жыл бұрын
Fear not the man who practiced 10,000 kicks, but the man who practiced one kick 10,000 times.
@CellarDoor-rt8tt Жыл бұрын
- Bruce Lee
@timothyalarcon9184 Жыл бұрын
-Lee Sin
@nathanmills375 Жыл бұрын
so zennitsu ? lol
@Aken0o Жыл бұрын
@mohmmed1665 Жыл бұрын
@@nathanmills375 baasically yes lollll
@hytalePvP Жыл бұрын
I feel like this video is probably the most important one on your channel 2:25 1. Play 1 champion 4:00 2. Master your champion 5:17 3. Play most popular champions of your role 1-3 times each 7:20 4. if you are unsure choose the aggressive option (limit testing) 8:40 5. League is about Gold and stats 9:55 6. Make actions based on probability and value 13:52 7. Take smaller fights instead of bigger ones for high impact 15:08 8. Focus on one early little thing to improve till high mastery 17:42 9. Be conscious of what you do all the time 19:46 10. Recap
@xO_ADX_Ox Жыл бұрын
Thanks bro
@Mikael_Ore Жыл бұрын
@Hifi809 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for putting this summary together! Below are some notes that were taken for my friends playing on the JP server. 2:25 1. Play 1 champion ▼基本・その1:1人のチャンプに絞ろう。 → ゲームプレイをできるだけ一様にすることで、基礎(所謂マクロ)に集中できるようにする。 4:00 2. Master your champion ▼基本・その2:1人のチャンプを極めよう。 → まずは選んだチャンプのリプレイを見て、自分の思考過程に対して疑問をし、その質問を書いておこう。(例:ここのタワーまでプッシュしたが、プッシュすべきなのか。そこでは戦ってHPをトレードすべきなのか。そもそも対ダリウスはどうしたら良いか。)次のステップとして、同じチャンプのプロや上手い人のプレイ・配信VODを見て、それぞれの質問の答えを見出す。こうすると、上手い人だけ見ても何を吸収したら良いか、もしくは自分の課題点が分かっても自分で答えまで辿り着くまで時間かかり過ぎるという問題を解消できる。 上記を実践し、ある程度進んだら、コンボも良い、カイティングも良い、CSも良い、マップ意識も良い、マッスルメモリーも良い感じになって、その時点で改善のペース・ランクアップ速度のリターン減少の壁に当たるはず。ここで(自分のチャンプに対し)敵の考え方に移転しよう。 5:17 3. Play most popular champions of your role 1-3 times each ▼基本・その3:自身のロール内に、上記のようなプロセスを他のチャンプに拡張してみよう → また、1人のチャンプをマスターしたことで、新しいチャンプに拡張する際、どのような質問をすればいいのかがわかり、より効率的つ効果的になった。この過程で、自分のチャンプと他のチャンプの弱点、強み、ウィン・コンディション(勝利条件)を理解することができるようになる。これで、マッチアップごとの知識も身につけることが可能。例えば、アーリメインとしてのあなたがフィズを遊ぶと、両チャンプのウェーブクリア能力の差を実感することができる。このように、各マッチアップの中それぞれのチャンプのウィン・コンディションと弱みを理解した上にゲームプランを立てる。 ここでもしかして全てのチャンプに対して同じような時間を投入しないといけないと思うかもしれないが、ご心配は入りません。これらのマッチアップは、あなたの脳がグルーピングしてアークタイプ知識として推定してくれるでしょう。例として、ガリオとフェイトは両方ウェーブクリアしてから他のレーンを影響したい【ローミングチャンプ】だ。サイラス、アカリとゼドはレーン内でのプレイスタイルが近い。また、全てのチャンプを一人ずつ見なくても良いです。まずは1人のチャンプをマスターするのように、各アークタイプの人気チャンプをまず理解しれから広げていけば良い。このように、プレイしてみるか敵の考え方を深堀することで、マッチアップ知識を効率的に向上できる。 7:20 4. If you are unsure choose the aggressive option (limit testing) ▼中級・その4:迷ったら思い切ってリスク高いオプションを取って、攻めよう → 受け身になりすぎていることは、上達できないプレイヤーに最も多く見られる問題だろう。実験精神が足りない。常時にリスク低いプレイをすると、自分及び自分のチャンプのポテンシャルをテストすること(リミット・テスティング)ができない。今ってトレード(HP交換)すべきかなと質問したら、そうすれば良い。結果によって、このチャンプに対し、こういうタイミングでトレードすべきかどうかの勉強になれる。リスク低いプレイをすると、そのような勉強は永遠にできないし、その質問の答えもないのままで。 ですので、プレイする際には自分の不明点に対して意識的になろう。ローミングすべきか、どのレーンをガンクすべきか、リコールすべきか、目の前のゲームを勝つためよりも、良いプレイヤーになるのに勉強するために攻める選択肢を選ぼう。その学びは今後全てのゲームのためになるので、仮にそれで目の前の試合を負けても良い。 8:40 5. League is about Gold and stats ▼中級・その5:LOLはゴールドと数値のゲームだ LOLの中心はキル数でもオブジェクティブ数(タワー、ドラゴンなど)でもない、お金とキャラクター数値だ。 全ての数値(AP、ADなど)は該当するゴールドバリューがあります。この表(動画内)のように、全てのアイテムは対等するゴールドとゴールド換算率があり、逆に、チャンプがレベルアップする際に高くなるHPなどものゴールド価値で表すことも可能。 つまり、ゴールドと数値の関係性がこのゲームの全てをできているのだ。 この理解を得るあなたは悟りが開くのだろう。なぜならば、試合ごとに最適でやるべき事としては、1分あたりのゴールド獲得量(つまり、チャンプの数値)を最大化することだ。 倒されたことの問題がまさにここだ。生き返るまでゴールドを稼ぐことができず、敵の方がキルから得たゴールドプラスその間に自由にゴールドを稼げてギャップをつけることだ。 9:55 6. Make actions based on probability and value ▼中級・その6:期待値の考え方を理解し、相対的な正解を導こう → また、ただただリスクの高くて、対等する獲得可能ゴールドが低いプレイをするのが二番手の問題だろう。これが経済学で機会損失だと言うものだ。一つの選択をすると、他の選択をすることができなくなることだ。同じ概念がポーカー競技では期待値と言う。簡単な例を見よう(動画内)。 実際の試合はもちろんもっと複雑だし、絶対的な正解よりも確率の高さの違いになるが、このような基礎理解があれば、自分の良いと悪い意思決定を見極めることができるだどう。常に数字的な計算をしろうではなく(それはおかしいだろう)、ローミングするかプレートを取るかのような選択肢を正解・不正解と捉えて検討するではなく、成功確率と獲得できるゴールド値について考えよう。改めて申し上げるが、きっちりの計算も要らない。相対的にどの選択肢の方がベストが分かるまで分析すれば良い。 13:52 7. Take smaller fights instead of bigger ones for high impact ▼中級・その7:大きいファイトより、小さいファイトを優先しよう → 1対1だと、あなたはその場にいるメンバーの100%になっているが、2対2で50%で、5対5なら20%しかコントロールできない。チームゲームでありつつ、不確定要素が高い時はやはりどうしても一貫した成果を期待できない。80%であるチームが失敗したら、終わりってなってしまう。同様に、人数の優位性をつけることの大切さが分かれる。ですので、人数の優位性を生み出せるマップの回転(ローテーション)、ローミングとガンクは強力なものだ。 15:08 8. Focus on one early little thing to improve till high mastery ▼中級・その8:早い段階から小さなことを1つずつ積み重ね、高い習得度を目指す → ブルース・リーがおっしゃる通り、「私が恐れるのは、1万種類の蹴りを1度ずつ練習したヤツではない。たった1つの蹴りを1万回練習したヤツだ。」自分のリプレイを見て1つの課題まで絞ろう。 17:42 9. Be conscious of what you do all the time ▼中級・その9:自分の行動を常に意識しよう → このゲームはRTSという、絶え間なくのリアル・タイム・戦略(Real Time Stragety)ゲームだ。誰が最も安定した意思決定とゲームプレイ実行ができるマラソンなのだ。自動運転のような意識になった時はは絶対に気づいてほしい。そして、常に、常に、今の状況は何んだ(味方・敵JGの位置、レーンの位置など)、それを基づいて自分は今何をしようとしているかについて意識して自分に問いましょう。それは数秒に一回か、出来るだけ高い頻度で行ってください。
@BellaGem Жыл бұрын
thank you :D
@RC-1290 Жыл бұрын
1. Play 1 Champion 3. Player 5 Champions 4. Play aggressively 6. Don't die Summary: Don't expect to have fun
@alexanderromero9701 Жыл бұрын
This video turned in to a life advice overall
@kattkatt6961 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it's a video kinda on how to learn stuff. Super useful and generally applicable once you remove league specific stuff.
@tjmoon1857 Жыл бұрын
@douwemusic Жыл бұрын
@@tjmoon1857 it's called 'exposure therapy'
@zypA13510 Жыл бұрын
Except, you don't play to "win" in life. I mean, if we have to compare, life is like your first and only game where you don't know what the game's win condition is, or if the game even judge you in the end. So you find your own objectives, but unlike a game, there is no authoritative definition of winning.
@L_3.0 Жыл бұрын
@alfrogiguess Жыл бұрын
"If you set a goal to die less, you'll immediately see results" Ahhh yes yes I see what I was doing wrong, I just have to decide to not die
@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
Don't do me like that 😂
@douwemusic Жыл бұрын
It sounds funny but it's also Rekkles' advice to improve. Make it a personal goal to die as little as possible throughout laning or the whole game. Playing with that mindset really changes perspective on how you approach almost all situations in-game
@MrBubblecake Жыл бұрын
You would think it’s common sense but anybody that’s actually played LoL know a majority of players literally don’t know how to stop feeding. I’d take a player that plays too safe on my team over a player that plays too aggressive any day.
@lindsayb1244 Жыл бұрын
Well he also said choose the more aggressive play which would make you die more
@Circurose Жыл бұрын
@@MrBubblecake Getting ganked nonstop and no wards, *surprised face why do i keep feeding???*
@prnmeds Жыл бұрын
I feel like we are in parallel universes. I started playing preseason1, and quit after season 2! I started a family, got a degree (didn’t buy crypto) but all roads lead back to the rift and I’m now slumming it in Bronze!
@IronBrutzler Жыл бұрын
Haha same. Played the Beta i really did not get why someone would play LoL over the Dota Mod for WC3. Got back in S4 because all my Friends played it, still found it meh and now looking for a game that i can master in small steps.
@prnmeds Жыл бұрын
@@IronBrutzler update: Silver 2 now!
@IronBrutzler Жыл бұрын
@@prnmeds Nice one. Next season you will hit Emerald with that Pace
@prnmeds Жыл бұрын
@@IronBrutzler just need to not tilt queue/try new champs in ranked XD
@danielvelez2281 Жыл бұрын
Lolol I started playing after I just got my degree xD but now all my friends don’t play as much anymore so I solo q ranked. I’m Plat 1 but def wish I played sooner to experience full party queues with my friends in college / high school lol
@tristan6773 Жыл бұрын
11:45 is the most informative part of this video for me. the things about xG is really important but if you suck so bad at farming that you only get half the minions.. it’s a bigger issue than if you decide wrongly on whether or not to go to a fight.
@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
A good point and emphasizes how getting better at farming makes a big difference.
@TjSwoll Жыл бұрын
@@skillcapped show me a single player with cs over 95%. That 100% chance to get all minions math is plain silly
@kynnethic8437 Жыл бұрын
@@TjSwoll It's not just that; the oversimplification in this example can easily mislead new players, as it ignores one of the core aspects of the game - macro consideration. One doesn't just consider the gold of the wave vs the gold for a kill, there's also the fact that if your jungler dies he falls behind and your team loses the dragon/pressure for other objectives, exp gained/lost etc. While the idea was probably to not drown a new player with too much info, this approach can instead lead to bigger problems in the learning process.
@TjSwoll Жыл бұрын
@@kynnethic8437 no doubt. I have a whole comment about that as well. This "simplified" example only teaches players to believe their actions don't heavily affect the team as a whole. A critical failing point in many players, new or otherwise.
@magical11 Жыл бұрын
@@kynnethic8437 But if you fall behind, you become less impactful. So overall the decision is still whether or not you gain anything out of going. If you can't even save your jungler, why bother?
@randomman1412 Жыл бұрын
While I get that league is a complex game, I’m still astounded by how little instruction youre given in tutorials. I feel like if anyone has any hope to improve they have to watch online tutorials just to learn the basics and i find it maddening.
@TamWam_ 9 ай бұрын
I didnt even play the tutorial 💀 i started yesterday
@decoyz. 8 ай бұрын
i don’t even know basics about the shop or even how to learn what diff abilities and stuff do bc it legit didn’t show me anything, had to get some advice from a friend who also only played a little
@Blobfischhunter 6 ай бұрын
Thissss...i have no idea how to improve on the moste basic things like the shopsystem
@Mister_Doodles Жыл бұрын
I think the worst part about this is limit testing feels horrible. Your teammates flame you and it can feel frustrating. And you can’t limit test in bot games because they don’t play like people
@deloreigames8641 Жыл бұрын
Totally. This is a great advice for assertive people, but for a lot of introverts this will probably be the worst advice possible. Sure, you won't know the answer to the question, but your mental won't be that damaged so that you just stop playing
@icthiolavarunt5363 Жыл бұрын
Just go into an normal and mute the whole team, that should fix it. And limit testing does not mean run it down mid, just playing how you normally would but at every decision go aggressive
@deloreigames8641 Жыл бұрын
@@icthiolavarunt5363 Muting is also taxing, because then you get stress because maybe they did actually called out the gank and you were muted and that's your fault then. For people with social anxiety, is damned if you do, damned if you dont
@growtocycle6992 3 ай бұрын
​@@deloreigames8641mute doesn't cancel ping though??
@Souxz Жыл бұрын
I don't know WHO said this idea in your guys's team and who wrote the script for this video, YOU GUYS DESERVE A RAISE. (or more sales depending on who you are)
@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
Screenshotted and sent to boss man 😉
@vt_near Жыл бұрын
And then it was Chat GPT all along..
@chuckt8246 Жыл бұрын
This was a really great video! It's like therapy...just hearing someone else state the obvious is sometimes the best way to understand it in your own head. The part that really helps me the most (as a support main) is to start with too aggressive and scale back rather than start passive and scale up. Just see what you can get away with! (that's not my mindset at all). Thanks for taking the time to explain it clearly!
@raphaelnej8387 Жыл бұрын
It took me 100 games fully focused on learning 3 waves crash to be confident on it. And it got me really far. Before that I had no idea slow pushing was that strong.
@far2ez539 Жыл бұрын
If I have one problem with this, it's the argument that people SHOULDN'T play every champion if they're serious about improving. I have a full-time job and have also reached the pinnacle of ranks across a huge variety of games -- GM in Overwatch, Global Elite in CSGO, Legend in HS as a casual, Gladiator in WoW, and much more -- and I would say the single biggest thing that separates the casuals from the serious are people who are willing to learn everything there is to know. You aren't getting Gladiator in WoW if you don't know how long a frostbolt cast time is or how to play around a Rogue's Blind or anything else. And while WoW has (11-12?) heroes nowadays (haven't played in years) compared to League's 160+ champs, WoW heroes have like 30-50+ skills VS League champs having like 5 things to know. You don't need to be a nolife tryhard to put 5 games in with every single champion. 5 games * 160 champions is 800 games. If you're serious about improving, 3 games per day will take you 1.5 hours per day and take less than a year. This might sound hardcore, but only for the patty flippers among us. If you practice a piano every day for 1.5 hours for a full year you woud still be considered a beginner. And that's just a hobby for the vast majority of people. You can pull this off even if you're a parent working a full-time job. Straight-up: if you have enough time to play League and care about improving enough to watch KZbin videos about it, you have enough time to do it. And if you either don't care enough or don't have the time for it, then these tips (and all others) are useless for you. Skill-capped or any other site can't get you results. Nothing wrong with just playing the game for fun, but if you actually want to improve then put on your combat boots.
@NoXterium Жыл бұрын
Imo it's even more important not to think about what you gain by roaming, but what the enemy will lose, because you can never make sure to actually get the kills in the first place.
@pentapandamusic Жыл бұрын
The concepts and mathematical models here are the essence of a lot of competitive gaming, and even sports
@DonGregers Жыл бұрын
This is the optimal guide for how to fast learn and perform in the game. I like the toughts with 10 years in the game myself. However the games is noramlly played for fun with friends, learning the game mode, champs and just have fun before people optimize to learn and improve. So there is "how it normally goes" and then the this is fun i wanna invest more into the game mode :)
@nicklas4379 Жыл бұрын
The concept of estimating the gold value of each action is really interesting, but i think the explanation lacks of one important consideration: the gold that is granted to teammates/denied from enemies. E. g. helping the jungler in the first example might not give me a lot of gold, but if I can at least prevent my own jungler from dying, thats a lot of gold denied for the enemy team. Besides my jungler has more time to take down the jungle camps and get gold on his own. On my opinion, you have to always consider the expected value for the whole team, not just one player.
@Purpless_ON Жыл бұрын
I went from Bronze to Gold on focusing on my own gold 100% of the time, and then helping my team after I was rich. Granted Gold isn't very high and I don't know if that's optimal anymore, but in LoL the poor aren't very useful. The mid and jungle with 1,000 gold each will never beat theenemy jungler that has 5,000 gold.
@theoforestier8766 Жыл бұрын
@@Purpless_ON That's part of the basics to make sure you don't fall behind and focus on your gold generation 👍 It's important to have in mind, but it has limits. For example, a utility support couldn't say the same : can't CS, has to let kills/shutdown bounties, lose XP while roaming, but has access to cheap items as a counterpart. An early-game jungler (hello Lee Sin) may decide to let as many kills as possible because he doesn't scale as well as his allies. A tank top (hello Ornn) would likely not benefit as much from 300g as his mid/jungler would, and be satisfied with the 150g of an assist while denying the enemy laner one creep wave. Of course, it depends a lot on the draft and how the game evolves; League is about adapting anyway. Congrats for reaching Gold btw.
@theoforestier8766 Жыл бұрын
Yep. Letting a kill so your team gets kill + assist is a good classic example (300 => 450 = +50% gold for the team!). Hence the Graves ultimate at 17:11 : some would say "he tried to KS!", but as Kassadin, I would be happy to feed my Graves jungle in early. As you mention too, gold difference is important, like a toplaner happy to tradekill in a 1v1 dive to deny 2/3 waves of creeps.
@WizToma Жыл бұрын
12:05 I've think it is import to also consider the 150 assist gold Lilia gets, if you kill the hecarim, this raises the team gold outcome to 135 instead of 90 which is more then 125. And yes you shouldn't trust your soloq teammates too much, but sometimes you might want to consider the total value for your team, not just the value you gain.
@zz1000zz Жыл бұрын
The value of a kill in a situation like this is a lot more than the gold you get. Getting your Lilia gold, or possibly just saving her life, has value. Taking an enemy champ off the map has value (by denying the enemy value). It's good to consider things like that, but as he said, the example was a gross oversimplification for demonstration purposes.
@BLKCLVR Жыл бұрын
They also didn't account for the XP gain from killing the minions, which essentially has a gold value as well. There's a lot of factors and it's very simplified.
@kennobody Жыл бұрын
Well here's the thing - he made it a point that it's not calculating the exact numbers and percentages, but making the consistent reasonable likely gold-efficient choice. We can take it further and say that if you stay on the wave you get guaranteed 125 gold and so does ryze. so that's 125 - 125 = 0. But hecarim is guaranteed a kill, so let's say that's -300. That's guaranteed -300 for your team. But if you go you get the assist as you say 450, while ryze gets 125 guaranteed. So that's 325. But wait a sec, what if in the fight, hecarim gets the kill on lilia anyway. Then it's only +25 gold. But then what if ryze joins? Could be you double kill with no deaths, or one death or you get double killed or you lose 2 to 1, all of which affect the net gold income. The point is that's far too much to calculate in the moment. Focusing more simply on gold you might get plus gold you lose is a way of simplifying it. Even then, no one expects you to calculate the full amount - just that one decision is about double the gold, is there more than 50% chance of it going well. Basically take the stable pay off and only take the risk if there's a big pay off and it's likely to work out. Unless you're the rain man, getting bogged down in the numbers isn't that helpful.
@felixaubert7322 Жыл бұрын
In most cases you shouldn't though. 150 gold on Lillia, or more xp from the wave for yourself. Which has the higher probability of letting you carry your game?
@felixaubert7322 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention the fact that Lillia might even take the kill, yielding you even less gold.
@xzekko6620 Жыл бұрын
This guy's videos are 99% of the value of this channel.
@anthonysim3550 Жыл бұрын
One mistake I commonly made was that I was constantly greedy to kill low health enemy champions escaping where there is absolutely no vision, only to end up being baited by the enemy team and getting killed. It’s still better to miss a kill opportunity and survive than dying.
@0kieD0kiee Жыл бұрын
I’m a brand new player and I’ve only just started to learn this lesson…it’s so frustrating to see an enemy escape right before you kill them, but it’s worse to get killed yourself chasing after them…ugh but it’s so tempting when you know if you can just get ooooone more hit in 😅
@anthonysim3550 Жыл бұрын
Indeed, don’t overchase someone when you have no clue where the others are. Dying costs more than missing a kill opportunity.
@ZeusScoon Жыл бұрын
I literally embarked on this, “play 100 games on 1 champion” journey in October… results have been mixed, but my headspace by game 40 to view the game and just “do” the champion (Xayah), was so much clearer… so glad I’m a skill capped subscriber, and will be continuing my climb this season 😊
@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
Awesome to hear. Yeah, like most things in life, everything comes slower than expected, but just trust the process and you'll see results!
@thearchivalist8179 Жыл бұрын
I like how the advice is both: "Play aggressive to limit test!" Followed by "Stay and farm the wave!"
@far2ez539 Жыл бұрын
TBH all of the advice around farming waves VS ganking is well-intentioned but the examples are VERY poor. Helping your teammates isn't just a prophylactic measure to stop them from tilting, but so much more. For example, if you save your Jungler but don't land a kill, you didn't gain 300g but you also deprived an enemy of 300g, you might force them to back depriving them of more gold, you might enable your Jungler to survive and get more gold, and you might get back to your lane in time to only lose 40g of the 125g up for grabs. The real argument there was "Evaluate whether doing something is worth the opportunity cost" which is true. I've ESPECIALLY seen this of Junglers who would wait in botlane for 45+ seconds to secure a gank only to find them lv9 when the enemy Jungler was lv12. The opportunity cost of waiting botlane so long grossly outweighed the gains from securing the gank. To that effect, the video was correct. However, giving such simplistic examples (even NOTING they were simplistic) actually undercut the point the video was making altogether.
@peterhanf8217 Жыл бұрын
I don't think theres a 100% chance im getting those 6 minions
@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
Genuinely gave me a good laugh 😂
@0kieD0kiee Жыл бұрын
I’m a brand new player, I just started playing less than a month ago, and am still learning in bot games. Still, this is so incredibly helpful, and validating! I’ve been limit testing without knowing that’s what it was called, and at first I thought maybe I was just playing poorly, but I also feel like I learn a lot when I run into the fray. Thanks for this really informative video
@el_sad_catto Жыл бұрын
Learning League of Legends was fun. Getting good at League of Legends is a fulltime job with no weekends off.
@rustygray5058 Жыл бұрын
12:00 I know you said it's a simplification, not an exact calculation, and I get that. But you really should count the denial of 300 gold to the enemy as well as the gain of 300 gold from the potential 2v1 on this roam.
@TjSwoll Жыл бұрын
So many comments on this and no reply.
@hermconfirm7368 Жыл бұрын
absolutely amazing video. well structered, thought idea & clear. thank you!
@fabiosantos5492 12 күн бұрын
just watched 10 of your videos this week, so far 10 wins 2 lost games !!!! and I did not even buy your course yet... the best content I've seen so far on KZbin for LOL.
@JPili1 6 ай бұрын
This should be essential viewing for any League player. Explains the very essence of what makes the best the very best, and lays out what the path towards being among them looks like. Your best video by far, guys.
@otakarlichnovsky3051 Жыл бұрын
This man had too much time to play to acheive the heighest ranks in so many games❤
@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
You're not wrong...
@williamdiamant457 Жыл бұрын
I guess, but by putting so much time into something he (probably) enjoyed doing, he was able to make a career out of it so I'd say he's doing pretty alright.
@troulis2220 Жыл бұрын
@@skillcapped you should try to learn forex or index day trading with your discipline, you will have become a profitable trader in about 12 - 17 months, and with the prop firms like FTMO that are already there you will make very good money consistently.
@jongahimer5338 Жыл бұрын
The added benefit of kills is that it deprives the enemy team of the opportunity to gain resources, and ensures a number advantage in subsequential fights. Finally someone else that gets it.
@dancingkirby3591 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video. I enjoyed every part of this lesson.
@ProfessorLuxi Жыл бұрын
10:40: right answer is.. Lux get the assist (lux Ult) and the midlane gold..
@Nightwalk444 7 ай бұрын
2:57 not true. APM in StarCraft is mostly just warmup for when you get into those couple very high intensity situations where you need to do stuff fast. It's easy to climb to Master with just 120 APM.
@FetusFight Жыл бұрын
“Play aggressive, see if you win the trade.” Two sentences later: “stop dying, make sure you die as little as possible”
@macnico9987 11 ай бұрын
Limit testing is by far the most important tool for getting good. Great tips overall. 10/10 game theory for LOL/MOBAs
@nathanwright5172 Жыл бұрын
The expected value calculation was interesting but are we only calculating our gold or team gold? If team gold is something worth considering would it not change the outcome? E.g., the junglers are fighting over the crab in the river. There's a 30% chance of getting a kill + crab + assist. That bumps it up to (300 + 70 + 174 ) * 0.3 = 164 gold. Not to mention the value of vision which would potentially deny gold to the enemy.
@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
I wanted to keep it simple for the first calculation, but expected value can get quite complicated and deep as you factor in many additional things such as team gold.
@flowsephstalin2894 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention that in that example, chances of dying while farming mid lane are fairly low compared to trying to get a kill roaming. Worst case for farming mid is 0 gold because you missed all your CS. Worst case for roaming is dying, no kills or assists, and missing at least one wave on death timer. No idea how that math factors in, but seems like considering chances of suffering worst case scenario for each option is probably an equally valuable thought process as calculating success rate and return for each scenario. Perhaps favor worst case calculations when you’re ahead and don’t want to throw a lead, otherwise favor best case?
@douwemusic Жыл бұрын
@@flowsephstalin2894 That's what good players do all the time! Playing safer when they have a lead/bounty, and taking risks when they're behind since it could be the only way to swing the match
@aqaridot Жыл бұрын
i feel like chess and league is actually alike, the early game is all theoretically correct book moves you can just learn, the middle game is basically always completely different which is all true for both so far, and by the end game usually one team ends up worse off meaning the end is also likely going to be simple like the early game
@KaboosOnX1 6 ай бұрын
Long story short if you’re an adult with family, friends, and a full time job. League just isn’t built for you.
@stone_est19xx50 Ай бұрын
Why not?
@benjaminstiles 19 күн бұрын
If you wanna be competent within the year at least.
@yourlittlemeowreen58 Жыл бұрын
im a bit confused since one of the tips is to die less while the other one is to take the risk all the time
@Mehrshadie Жыл бұрын
i love how he pointed on a thing that all of us in all of our life situation never notice , Learning How TO LEARN or become better !
@theoforestier8766 Жыл бұрын
Great mindset + practical advice. I'm saving this one to rewatch later 👍
@FabianFeld-i7v 2 ай бұрын
Don‘t forget to add the fact, that improving at different things at the same time (mind, body, social, etc.) your are making much more progress in each than just concentrating on one thing. For example: I didn‘t understand a thing in mathematics I needeed to know soon, but after doing 10 push ups I got a flash of inspiration and suddenly understood it.
@elderjoker- Жыл бұрын
You cant describe with words how valuable this video is. Thank you.
@dangerouslyhandsomebtsjin Жыл бұрын
SKILLCAPPED: "1st tip: play aggressive 2nd tip: play safe"
@windwatcher460 Жыл бұрын
I always get so much pushback from other experienced players when I suggest new players stick with one champ they like to focus other aspects of the game. Glad to see I'm not alone in that thought process
@carljohnson5292 Жыл бұрын
Its bad advice, sure you can do that till you know tour champ and a bit about laning, but fundamentally you need to know how to fight against your matchup, and the best way to do that is know the champion youre fighting against. You learn alot of fundamentals if you cannot rely on your champ mastery and also broaden your game knowledge that way.
@windwatcher460 Жыл бұрын
@@carljohnson5292 I understand where you are coming from, but I disagree with your conclusion. I think a player needs to have a certain level of mastery of their champion before they can begin focusing on things like wave management, jungle tracking, and macro play. There is merit to what you are saying about playing other champions to learn how to beat them, but I think there are more important aspects of the game to master than matchups for new players.
@wheresmyshield176 Жыл бұрын
The concept of limit testing seems like a slap in the face when it comes to this game. You only get one shot to "limit test" at level 1, 2, 3, etc, and when you lose that "limit test" you know the chances of you losing the next "limit test" is greater. You must wait another obnoxious amount of time before you can simulate the "limit test" again in similar conditions (but not similar because you're facing a different Champ, which takes another heaping amount of knowledge being pulled put of nowhere, while managing to relive the "limit test" of last game, avoiding death at level 4, till you realize you'll just die at your level 5 "limit test"...... it's a really shitty rabbit hole to limit test down when everyone else knows the limit.
@Postermaestro Жыл бұрын
limit testing is key for mechanics/micro, but I have a hard time toning it back.. And constantly evaluating opportunity cost is how you learn macro. And "everything matters and nothing is equal" is such an insanely good quote.
@far2ez539 Жыл бұрын
IME, limit testing leads to spidey senses. You develop an innate sense of "Nah this is too spooky, I'm out" I.e., if you limit test appropriately, you never end up needing consciously to 'tone it back' later on. You will always limit test, it's just that your limits will slowly adjust downward as your spidey senses tell you something is TOO reckless. You'll find yourself seeing risky plays and thinking of them like "Naw fam I go hard but that's TOO hard"
@Postermaestro Жыл бұрын
@@far2ez539 yeah you have to allow yourself to fail to improve. That applies to learning in general ofc
@mr6462 Жыл бұрын
@@PostermaestroWell said
@CellarDoor-rt8tt Жыл бұрын
@10:19 “expected value” is a term in math. Poker uses it, but it is and always has been a mathematical term. This is like saying “gif” is a Reddit term. Sure Reddit uses gifs, but it’s a file format that’s used everywhere. It’s weird to say it as if it’s limited to just Reddit
@WillowBixie 9 ай бұрын
im just about to start trying to get into league , thank you this really helped. take my time, understand and ask friends some questions . . great video.
@jishblaster 10 ай бұрын
i think you might also add that as you take bigger fights with more players. the opportunity cost for your entire team increases for every team mate not farming their respective lanes or pushing objectives. this has a compounding effect with the increased risks associated with bigger fights.
@bentired9058 Жыл бұрын
13:42 at a certain point do also need to keep in mind potential gold prevented from the enemy team If you go bot get two kills and save your two teammates Wouldn’t that then be around 1200 gold swing in your teams direction
@emayteetea Жыл бұрын
5:30 charm was nasty
@johnyprigioni859 4 ай бұрын
As a KZbin gaming guides geek I have to say, this guide is incredibly detailed and I absolutely love this almost scientific complexed approach to explaining stuff. Great video, like and subscribe from me.
@Playboipete Жыл бұрын
this is one of the best league learning videos on yt. and iv seen them all.
@Goofy_Clown 5 ай бұрын
The way you explain this made it useable for more than just league of legends
@jamiebruner8463 Жыл бұрын
14:15 Black Alistar looks so dope
@_TheLegendaryT_ 11 ай бұрын
4:53 how to review? Do you have to screen record your game or is there a better way?
@catscratch4939 8 ай бұрын
look at the replay
@zakmaklak Жыл бұрын
16:36 idk how later on but one of the first think you learn playing chess is literaly first 3-4 moves . have you heard about gambits?
@yipyomorgan4380 Жыл бұрын
"Just don't die" dude that's insane advice! Tysm
@22dunix3 3 ай бұрын
I do not play league, I love the way information is ambiguous and general enough to be applied to other games and that's exactly what i was looking for ❤
@jfisher164 Жыл бұрын
You literally say “play aggressively” then, two seconds later you say, “don’t die so much.” 😂
@TraktorTarzan Жыл бұрын
one problem with reviewing replays for beginners is that they dont have the knowledge base to properly analyze their gameplay. and therefore is a timeloss cause its less time spent playing, building that knowledge base. Its essentially like someone starting to lift weights, then reviewing their own technique on the lifts. they will have almost no clue whats wrong, or what to look for. reviewing video is a great tool if you know enough for it to be helpful, but otherwise it will hinder you love the channel though, probably the best learning channel for league ive seen
@Fogarasi_Bálint Жыл бұрын
I like this new styled guide video :D
@Kamishi845 Жыл бұрын
I think the example of Lux vs Ryze mid is also a bit misleading because Ryze will always have prio over Lux because his wave clear is just so superior to hers, so even if she decides to rotate over, Ryze will get there first and there is nothing Lux can do about it. Ergo, the best decision for Lux in this situation is to stay mid because there's nothing else she can do it about it and real error is on Lillia to try to gain river control when she is low health when her mid laner is in a bad matchup that her mid just can't get prio over (if both Ryze and Lux play perfectly).
@fianfee1247 Жыл бұрын
THIS GUIDE PRETTY USEFULL. I quit league since 4 years ago.. When garena take over lol in Singapore, there is so much bug, boring, late update, feels like hell... Thats why im quiting lol, and player wild rift, easily achieve challenger. Now since riot take league back, i'm comeback and guess what, my last rank is diamond, and now im iron and my skill WAY MORE WORST THAN ACTUAL IRON :( losing muscle memory, cant place ward correctly, not buying red ward, jungle items dont have ward anymore... So much change. And my signature hero is shaco, in my first game i really doing bad. On my third game my skills Slowakia coming back and i start tricking with AP shaco.. And i love it. If u comeback player, watch this video to improve your game experience faster.
@easymedia91 Жыл бұрын
Great video! For me if I could start over, it would be to first login to the league webpage, go to the account settings and delete the account:)
@rk13567 Жыл бұрын
This is hella good advice, y'all are the goat improvement channel
@michelveit8238 Жыл бұрын
Me: sees junglers fight in river "Well if I stay here I have 100% chance to get 125 gold, if I help my jungler I have 30% chance to get 300 gold, so thats 95 expected so I should just keep farming" Also me: proceeds to miss 3 out of 6 last hits Unlucky
@Basichamp Жыл бұрын
Great content this time. Outstanding video :) !!
@martingaspar8364 Жыл бұрын
3:08 if I was in that game i would write a ticket for that Rengar
@tubiflex27 10 сағат бұрын
I'm not a League player, but this video was amazingly insightful for my language learning journey.
@muramasaYT Жыл бұрын
7:42 by going to aggressive I get death threats by my smurfing team mates
@nemo30days 8 ай бұрын
Nice video :-) Expected Value comes from mathematics and is indeed used across all of decision theory, from Poker, to economics, to project planning, to clever uses in games like here (and indeed in the field of Game Theory itself). Remember to add in the cost in "time" to your calculations and estimates (i.e. running across the map is a cost in and of itself), and keep enjoying Maths ! Kind rgds, a maths and game theory PhD about to embark on my own LoL journey.
@datgoy5509 Жыл бұрын
12:08 if you consider assist gold for lilia the play becomes better than farming.
@martonnagy8939 9 ай бұрын
12:25 As a new player coming form Overwatch, shouldn't you also calculate the opportunity cost of having your jungeler alive/the enemy dead? Wouldn't your team farm more gold if you saved your jungeler and the enemy misses out on gold by having their teammate dead? And after the kills happen you would have a player advantage, which you could abuse to multiply your gold, like having an uncontested gank (i think it is the right term for when the jungeler flanks a lane creating a player advantage), which denies even more potential gold from the enemy, ant gives your team exponentially more, and gives you snowball value for the entire game potentially?
@Cadaver01 Жыл бұрын
Awesome vid, ty for the content
@kingdohe Жыл бұрын
I feel like this video is by far one of the most resourceful videos for league of legends of all time, he's dropping the whole summary of how league operates and if you want to be the best player in the world and achieve faker levels of achievement then watch and understand this video and become the greatest player of all time ehh or i could be overhyping lol
@Ginnetix Жыл бұрын
I did this without noticing back in season 7. It was my goal to go from gold to diamond. I OTP nami from G4 to P4 and plateaued. I then switched to Thresh and mastered him. Went from P4 to D4 using Thresh. xP
@Reduxem Жыл бұрын
You can't tell me to limit test and then turn around and say that I shouldn't take risky plays
@JCDay Жыл бұрын
the biggest tip would be, just playing and learning while playing the game, thats what I usually do. You will lose some and win some and do good or bad but atleast you are slowly learning.
@RocoPwnage Жыл бұрын
One of the best videos on the channel tbh
@hella-yeet5441 Жыл бұрын
i have been obsessed with league of legends and the lore for over a year now. i have read everything on the universe and consumed all media. I am playing the game for first time today, i do not expect it to go very well.
@fiftydabs5114 Жыл бұрын
How did it go lol
@hella-yeet5441 Жыл бұрын
@@fiftydabs5114 i got told to get cancer twice lol
@itzi2496 Жыл бұрын
@@hella-yeet5441 how is the game?
@Paracelsuskey Жыл бұрын
Are you still playing? How much have you improved?
@hella-yeet5441 11 ай бұрын
@@Paracelsuskey yes i am still playing. i have become a really good jungler kindred. having the lore of the game forefront in my mind when playing has made it such a fun experience. however, the community is challenging and it's hard to progress around negative people.
@Mevilar 4 ай бұрын
Dude got good at getting good.. Respect.
@d4eepfried939 Жыл бұрын
This is the most useful guide to any guide I have ever watched, I will be sure to buy a subscription to your website if I have any extra money for it.
@xMetixYT Жыл бұрын
I like pointing out that Masters in SC2 is top ~4%. There could be confusion that it's a really really high rank because of comparison to League Master tier but it's closer to plat 4 in terms of percentile.
@djj54 Жыл бұрын
I usually feel these type of videos are kind of hacky with surface level stuff. But im legit telling you this video will make me subscribe to you guys. Great stuff that’s all true. Every league player should get this when they start the game.
@mekelius 6 ай бұрын
I agree to most things said here, but also have a counterpoint. Limit testing while you are at low elo can create bad habits since people can't punish you properly. That's how we got all those inting yasuos, they sometimes steamroll lane due to dumb opponents and get the expectation that that's how it always goes. I agree you should do some limit testing, but take any positive results with a grain of salt.
@syru2894 6 ай бұрын
I am currently downloading LoL. This video actually gets me more hooked on the game with every minute.
@Masi154 18 күн бұрын
how is it going?
@H.Collector Жыл бұрын
How do you stick to only 1 champ when sometimes others will take your champ, your champ is banned or you are drafted in a role where your champ doesn't work? Would it not be better to stick to 2 champs so you have another option when one isn't available?
@shortsismakingmybrainrot Жыл бұрын
Yes I was confused by this one was well. Like what if all the champs you know get taken or if the team comp would be terribly unbalanced (eg, if there were no supports or junglers or mid-laners, just tanks and adc). Would you find a team on discord or something to game with to make sure that doesn't happen? I was thinking of just learning a few in different roles so I could switch as needed, but that might be really inefficient 😅
@emayteetea Жыл бұрын
Problems/Questions I had with this 11:00 no it's not 300 gold it's 600 hundred because your also saving your teammate Isn't saying avoid dying because it generates least amount of gold contradictory to saying limit test I get 1 tricking makes you improve and climb faster but then you get severely burnt out so then you sacrifice fun for lp, I had a problem where I was like I wanna play league but fuck I don't wanna have to play illaoi again and then I just didn't play and quit for like a month This is so off topic and I know you say often but I'm pretty sure often you are taught openings first ❤️
@syrnias2270 7 ай бұрын
I find the "dont be passive, always be aggressive to answer your questions" and the "set a goal to die less" quite a bit conflicting 😅
@botbadger Жыл бұрын
Video starts at 2:30
@Postermaestro Жыл бұрын
okay the website plug was smooth in this one I have to admit
@randysangarr Жыл бұрын
i really enjoyed the way you talked about ur accomplishments lol
@jonathanfleming7345 2 ай бұрын
Question on looking for botlane gameplay. How much of the matchup should be the same between my replays and the high elo player's? Of course it's nearly impossible to find the exact same matchup, but for instance would it be better to find one where they have the same lane partner as you? Or where the enemy duo is the same?
@khele2k Ай бұрын
Lol getting to the highest rank in five different games is quite the difficult accomplishment, but the opportunity cost (as he mentions several times) is pretty sad. This is a cautionary tale for all those pre-teens and teenagers out there on what not to do. Luckily, this guy does have drive and discipline in spades, so he has also succeeded in creating content as well, yet another endeavor that has a miniscule success rate. The alternative (failure) is enormous. Seriously you can end up struggling the rest of your life playing endless video games rather than creating a life for yourselves.
@alexchau1908 Жыл бұрын
When you do the expected value calculation how do you account for recalling and buying vs fighting. Additionally how do you think about risk vs reward? A lot of my games go from 7-0 to 8-4 because ive choosen to back when i could have maybe stayed or didnt back when i should have
@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
The answer to this question is very situational and based on the champion, rank, role, and playstyle. However, I'll do my best to generalize it. As you get more kills you want to take less risks as both the risk is increased due to the gold they'll gain from your shutdown, but also the reward is less as once you're far enough ahead additional gold no longer becomes as valuable. This is because your total gold is higher and thus the gold a kill contributes is proportionally less. A specific example would be you're already one shotting people so more damage items won't have much value. On top of this, most League games consist of capitalizing on opponent's mistakes and minimizing your own rather than trying to edge out very small advantages with high risk. For this reason, if you're in a situation where there's no clear big mistake the opponent is making to capitalize on, it's often better to go for the safe option(recalling and spending gold) so that you don't make the big mistake and just wait for the next big mistake the opponent makes. Another way of viewing this, is the enemy makes such poor expected value calculations that you just need to avoid making big ones yourself and you'll win in the long run.
@Ilios204 Жыл бұрын
amazing guide really help full thank you very much
@Freddddyyy Жыл бұрын
On the expacted value thing. You could even take in the gold your enemy's get when you or your teammate die and the extra waves or camps you could loose. That is somewhat the reason why the euw challenger yi otp Senerias would tell you to only take +80% plays. Because you loose just so much more then you could get, when ever you die...
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