Bro...I don't think anyone should spend on this event. Put your wallets away boys.
@horrellsheating28543 сағат бұрын
Why would you make a comment like this? When you splash the cash like it’s candy on a mobile video game.
@USAFAgaming2 сағат бұрын
@@horrellsheating2854's a joke. Learn to take one.
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
How should we know it’s a joke? It’s not like we know you personally
@VictorVictor-oq6dhСағат бұрын
What he is trying to say, is he can secure all them real event for us, all by himself, and also secure his spot at r1
@thanosstxr51 минут бұрын
@@bananamelon3721Because its clearly sarcasm, you dont have to know Usafa personally to know that he spends A LOT and I mean A LOT
@brobs04633 сағат бұрын
Whoever comes 1st in the realm event will either be a billionaire or homeless by the end of this event
@Johndoe56-e6f2 сағат бұрын
@Kuzuri183215 минут бұрын
Either way, divorced 😂
@stevenacosta81893 сағат бұрын
Can’t wait to see rank 4 onslaughts and deathless Thanos
@Alexander_the_Wise2 сағат бұрын
R4 Bullseye on the stun reflection polka dot node in AW
@OliverMCOC2 сағат бұрын
@@Alexander_the_Wiseironheart still takes in 40-50 sec😹
@LiveEditsLab38 минут бұрын
Onslaught will be my first R4 for sure
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching13 сағат бұрын
This is why my hype dipped when they said thronebreakers would get the same as valiants in these crystals. Kind of feels like Thronebreaker and Paragons are getting the best deals here.
@michaelb29985 минут бұрын
It’s like that every year in the banquet event. The best guarantee value was either Fourth of July or cyber weekend. It’s not based on progression.
@vladgogulancea3453 сағат бұрын
from the 630 T7 fragment i deduce for a full catalyst we will need 63k, so this will be 1%
@Lagacy3 сағат бұрын
nice we used different methods to arrive to the same answer
@Abspain1013 сағат бұрын
If magnus droped 125k for the first r5 6* 2 yrs ago i say its going to be that if not more for 1st for 2 generic r4 gems
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching13 сағат бұрын
Never underestimate the whales. They will go mad with these crystals.
@gregoryakorli85162 сағат бұрын
yep they keeping the servers alive
@Abspain1012 сағат бұрын
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching1 I see usafa is planning to drop 680k units and he is only aiming for top 4-30
@corruptedjeff7913 сағат бұрын
Wow this just made me lose whatever excitement I had for this event
@sigurdvarmdal13253 сағат бұрын
Yeah, this aint it Kabam, this aint it😂
@LagacyСағат бұрын
I need to learn to read better *glorious guardians* not “glorious games” for the realm sigs & awakening gem! My bad thanks to everyone who caught it
@hotbritain3 сағат бұрын
I won’t say anything else but I did expect more from this
@justinholland61323 сағат бұрын
I wished we get a 2-3 gem for doing all the solo rewards but these still excite me. Aslong as i get val from these rewards idc
@hotbritain3 сағат бұрын
Actually no like why am I spending 300 units for 1.5k 7* shards or 2 sig stones 😅
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
Yea the crystals are full of pitiful Kabam laughs
@mathiashansen2718Сағат бұрын
@@justinholland6132 and thats the problem in my opinion. The valiant or any other title, need to be based on skill lvl not Luck. Becoming valiant without clearing end game content and necro is just unfair.
@Mack.n62 сағат бұрын
This why I spend 80% of my units on cyber the rng just too crazy I like guaranteed stuff
@corbinosman79573 сағат бұрын
Notice it says “Glorious Guardians” and not “Glorious Games” for the sig stones and awakening gem, looks like the gem and stones will only be useable on the six Glorious Guardians that were reworked and not the current saga champs.
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching13 сағат бұрын
That's exactly what it is.
@deanb1679Сағат бұрын
That’s an L
@Normax_X3 сағат бұрын
19:41 im p sure glorious guardian means the 6 champ buffs, its not a saga gem, same with the stones, unless u awaken one of the 6 the sigs cant be used
@bencfc2 сағат бұрын
Yeah I agree
@ProudBharatiye55 минут бұрын
Ufasa be like - I am ready with my billion dollars bank account 😂
@maximusmathews98803 сағат бұрын
im really hoping that they change the point system for the realm event I only have 7k units and I really want that isophyene dupe
@dumass_043 сағат бұрын
Get ready for rank 4 serpent and bullseye
@LiveEditsLab39 минут бұрын
I have 40 of the SBC tokens ready to go and that’s just the beginning! Will be posting! Good luck everyone 🎉
@grimgamerxd3817Сағат бұрын
Damn I was hoping my 10k units would get me those t4 alpha for valiant but by the math I’m probably need around 15k 😢
@gfskingnickСағат бұрын
Ive saved about 5k units, dont think ill get many out of it tbh but i can see that kabam dont really care about us f2p players on that type of events
@Itachi-ub3zx2 сағат бұрын
What’s the point of being valiant if TB are getting the same rewards? Seems dumb…
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
Kabam’s got employees who are thronebreaker ig
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
They don’t want them to be left out
@UnbotheredAhmad2 сағат бұрын
You can’t see the T7 in your inventory because you don’t have any yet. It’ll show when you get fragments.
@originalmindset5278Сағат бұрын
Once AGAIN, Lagacy.... KaSCAM, NEVER FAILS! 💰💰💰
@digitaldialgaСағат бұрын
Cant believe the sinister tokens dont count as "buying" SBCs. My excitement for this event has just been killed
@Rangerdanger.786Сағат бұрын
Where can i find this website
@bryanstevens1ofnone8 минут бұрын
How much will the superior bc cost.??
@marcbielfeldt39163 сағат бұрын
Didn't they say that it's No more fillers? And now These crystals are Like 50% fillers, wow
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching12 сағат бұрын
No, they said they reduced filler from like 80-50% is how I remember it.
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
Well it’s basically the same cause meta has changed in the last year more than ever
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
Kabam should have known that but they are always one year behind
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
Cause last year these rewards would be beyond insane
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
This year it’s meh and good at best
@LordShane9942 минут бұрын
Hey lags sorry man asking a question that might have been asked already but just wondering are the trade in SBC that we get from those tickets, will they count as only opening a crystal or will they count as fully buying and opening because technically the tickets are currency as we used them to buy the crystals so it should count right?
@corbinosman795729 минут бұрын
@@LordShane99 ingame it shows that they will not count for purchase points, unfortunately. We will only get 100 points for each crystal.
@LordShane9922 минут бұрын
@corbinosman7957 cheers man. That sucks, I get it but it would have been a nice bump in the milestones 🤣
@AstonSP2 сағат бұрын
Do the unit bundles also have other items with it too, Like the Cyber weekend event. This is my first banquet don’t flame me
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching12 сағат бұрын
There will probably be something going on but it won't be as good as cyber deals. You'll just get some crystals with unit deals probably.
@AstonSP2 сағат бұрын
Okay, thx.
@AstonSP2 сағат бұрын
I’m paragon, I’m tryna get some good 7* material
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching12 сағат бұрын
@AstonSP yeah most of that stuff is in the milestones. If you can max out milestones and get most of the realm event rewards you'll easily get two R3s out of the event.
@edisonlaw9342 сағат бұрын
Can’t wait to fight a rank 4 Serpent
@valkorion11773 сағат бұрын
The glorious guardians items are juste for the 6 new 7 stars it’s different from the glorious games items I think ( sadly )
@salamininja60242 сағат бұрын
Seems like to me they held the banquet news bc they knew feed back for the rewards would be like wth? and would have complaints
@PudgyPedalPusher54 минут бұрын
T7 basics are 63k shards
@Jereamiah2 сағат бұрын
Hphopefulky they increase chance of 6 star nexus crystals in greater banquet crystals
@macsfn94222 сағат бұрын
Will there be any more ways to get tickets for that mr sinister bundle?? I have 94 💔💔💔 i accidentally missed some not sure when
@Supersaiyanprime2412 минут бұрын
10 from accolades event
@doomsday243 сағат бұрын
So, did they say exactly how we'll get DL Thanos?
@siddhip4220Сағат бұрын
will using the banquet crystal tokens count as buying the crystals or is that a unit only thing?
@LiveEditsLab36 минут бұрын
Will not count as buying
@br0spack5412 сағат бұрын
They should make serpent slayer as a title for accolades
@kevensteele8316Сағат бұрын
It’s definitely going to be over 60k fragments for a t7b
@jacobtizano38553 сағат бұрын
I’m glad the awakening gem shards are only 500 … I don’t want whales to be walking away with 5 gems for each class
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
Yea at least I will be happy not to pull that
@Dennishupez3 сағат бұрын
Let's goooooo🎉🎉
@prim3time7712 сағат бұрын
Just braceing myself to ban R4 7* in BG now. Onslaught, Bullseye, Serpent and Enchantress most likely.
@arra822 сағат бұрын
As Cavalier at 6.3 now I’m sad I’m missing out😢
@HomelanderShortz2 сағат бұрын
@brandonvera3946Сағат бұрын
Not missing much
@bananamelon372135 минут бұрын
@@arra82 for cavs this stuff would be insane
@pessimisticprofessorfarnsw32413 сағат бұрын
9:10 massive fricking cope lol.
@jaokimkappa70292 сағат бұрын
Okay but 6 star as a reward for 5% is not even a joke
@rowanrozendaal19172 сағат бұрын
I Understand for valiant players its pretty meh but i just got thronebreaker and holy am i excited!
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
Bro that’s why they should have a tiered solo event rewards milestones kinda like the anniversary milestones they had
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
The high players who spend a lot of time in the game shouldn’t get shafted like this
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
Grand banquet my ass
@bananamelon3721Сағат бұрын
They always manage to screw these big events up. So much anticipation to kick a freakin ball in your balls
@calumrobertson25613 сағат бұрын
Would be nice if they gave us drop rates
@bananamelon37212 сағат бұрын
They don’t want us to complain on the forums so they are saving it for Friday
@bananamelon37212 сағат бұрын
Then they will be off for Christmas and will be laughing at us summoners getting those pitiful frags for 300 units like we’re freakin cav players
@real_judge44213 сағат бұрын
As a newer player whos working towards cavalier rn, what are the chances of me obtaining a 7 star, realistically?
@LiveEditsLab35 минут бұрын
Zero for now keep grinding!
@endgamer55933 сағат бұрын
10 years of this game and they can’t even make it right. “Grand Banquet” my ass. Why is all that filler in there good lord!!?!?
@Mason-y1j9z3 сағат бұрын
I have 30k units I won’t have near enough for top 1-3 percent and not spending money should I focus on necro exploration or still go for banquet
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching13 сағат бұрын
30k units should probably be enough to get you in the top 3%. I have a hard time believing more than 3% of players have 30k units, that's kind of a lot.
@Mason-y1j9z3 сағат бұрын
@ well considering people will spend 50k real dollars just to get 1st I would assume other people would spend a little less than that and still surpass me by a long shot
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching13 сағат бұрын
@Mason-y1j9z yes, but that's not a lot of people. Those people are the top 1 or 2%.
@Mason-y1j9z3 сағат бұрын
@@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching1 the top three percent just isn’t worth 30k units
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching12 сағат бұрын
@Mason-y1j9z I'm just reacting to what you said lol. 🤷 You said you didn't have enough to get top 3% like that was what you wanted. If you don't, then this isn't really a problem then lol. Go do necro and save your units.
@hudsonnotti26642 сағат бұрын
When is the event exactly?
@Johndoe56-e6fСағат бұрын
@LiveEditsLab34 минут бұрын
December 20th- Jan 3rd
@YunisMosa2 сағат бұрын
Tbh I don’t like how theonebreakers are being treated same as someone who is paragon and higher bc paragon and especially valient is not easy to get
@ArunKumar-bp5lo2 сағат бұрын
atleast 7* nexus in realm milestone
@Goldtaker232 сағат бұрын
How many crystals do we need to open to complete the final solo milestone ? Im terrible at maths I cant work it out 🤣
@LiveEditsLab35 минут бұрын
15k units
@timking83522 сағат бұрын
No wonder kabam were so secretive this year, they knew this shit was ass😂
@oyelowolateef94982 сағат бұрын
Overall, Usafa will be having a great time 😅
@datmfingboii27897 минут бұрын
Rank 4 and it’s only been 2 years looks like we will be getting 8 stars in 2026 maybe beginning of 2027 might as well not invest in your 7 stars it’ll only be a short year till they become the second best reward
@mosesabulude694030 минут бұрын
spending 50k is insane, gimmie the money lemme use it🤣🤣🤣🤣
@kingkarami5883 сағат бұрын
The grand banquet is a better than cyber for sure
@Amisha2033 сағат бұрын
that individual reward are not Worth $50,000 thousand dollar is not a Joke.
@kingnaes85183 сағат бұрын
I bet it's 63000 t7b shards for 1 full t7b.... so like 1% lol 😆 😂
@saulavilaramirez20033 сағат бұрын
Omg baby
@jacksonlipsey31663 сағат бұрын
Is so dumb that tb get the same rewards as valiants in this 😂😂
@justinholland61323 сағат бұрын
I agree. Tbs should be with cavs The skill differences between tb and valiant are so far
@jacksonlipsey31663 сағат бұрын
@ even paragons lol
@spider-geddon60883 сағат бұрын
R4 prof x
@TripleHMCOCСағат бұрын
Eh..... its ok tho but im not all that hyped for it i personally think its lame AF that the first ever rank 4 in the game is going to come via wallet war, but hey if ppl want to spend 100-200k dollars on a mobile video game they can have it 😂im good with just hitting my milestones and chilling.
@archlifts9473 сағат бұрын
very bad event and rewards for f2p players tbh, and this shit cost so much units for such bad rewards
@justinholland61323 сағат бұрын
I got 16.7k units f2p and I only just started arena grinding last year and took many breaks and I coulda had way more. Yall jus want stuff handed to yall.
@corbinosman79573 сағат бұрын
F2P you can grind 6,000+ units per month, you can get enough units for everything in a few months if you work for them in advance.
@archlifts9473 сағат бұрын
@@justinholland6132 that has nothing to do with what I am saying bozo, you can get a lot more rewards by spamming units in content or other areas in the game compared to this and banquet event used to be better, also there is an anomral difference between the ranked and f2p rewards the rewards are azz for a valiant player for the amount of units they are asking
@archlifts9473 сағат бұрын
@@corbinosman7957 yes its just not fing worth it even if you do as a valiant I got 10k in 1 month
@justinholland61323 сағат бұрын
@@archlifts947 why do u need to do ranked? All you need is 9k for all the rewards. U can easily make 9k in the last 6-7 months for how much they be handing them out. Again just admit u want things handed to you. Also what progression are u? If u cav or tb u really shouldn't be complaining at all
@nemesislord48513 сағат бұрын
This event isn't it tbh. Just for the higher realm event not only do you have to rely on the community you also have to put in a metric ton of units. Just to get isophyene you need to spend 18k units which tbh just isn't worth it because it's not guaranteed to rich 4.2 billion
@nemesislord48513 сағат бұрын
Reach*. I get why high end players may but a low to mid tier valiant player it just isn't worth
@IamTheStormThatIsApproaching1Сағат бұрын
@@nemesislord4851 it's actually around 15k for Isophyne.
@datmfingboii2789Минут бұрын
Honestly this event becomes more of a joke every year it just kills the game and increases rewards so that if we don’t get a new chase reward every year in the banquet kabam will not make the sales they want so money and greed going to kill this game within the next 5 years I thought with 10 years we would start doing better but this is a joke what regular player has 10s of thousands of units to use in this 2 week event
@Alexander_the_WiseСағат бұрын
I have to say, Kabam really overhyped these rewards, considering how lame half of them are
@StairwaySlammer2 сағат бұрын
Disappointed. I'm a low end valiant and none of this stuff excites me that much with almost 20k units to spend. Can't imagine being endgame with so many r3's that you have to LOOK for champs worth ranking up
@maxogilvie14343 сағат бұрын
As a F2P valiant, even I’m disappointed with this event
@ProudBharatiye53 минут бұрын
100K dollars is equal to 85lakh ruppes (85,00,000)in India 😂! So basically whosoever will be spending that much will be a billionaire 😂 Edited: Though I will not spend a single penny on this game not even in any other game as well
@t.moorephotovideo98322 сағат бұрын
Every year this event is ass lol Any event that has this much RNG is never worth spending on. Just hit some milestones and call it a day
@ChuyMcfly2 сағат бұрын
So the “only 10% of the crystal being filler and the filler being usable” was just a lie. I was thinking well the filler at least gonna be full t4b/t3a/t4cc in different quantities let say 2, 5 or 10 in one pop but no we still got the pity fragments and that’s without noticing that 2 of the jackpots are 5% of a 7* awakening gem and 1% of a t7b I’m guessing but we all know that pity cats fragments and crystal shards gonna be like 90%, seems like they decide to put all the value in ranks rewards so it becomes whale fiesta. Bummer.
@corbinosman795725 минут бұрын
@@ChuyMcfly They never said 10%, on the livestream they said the filler would be 50%.
@Michael124Fan3 сағат бұрын
@Luminous523 сағат бұрын
@sandpaper6726 минут бұрын
The Grand Banquet of Suck.
@brandonvera3946Сағат бұрын
@Daddygram13 сағат бұрын
I like what they are doing with the realm event. Those are juicy rewards tbh. We'll be hoping on the whales to push us f2p 😂
@corbinosman795724 минут бұрын
@@Daddygram1 Even if they reach the higher milestones, you have to earn points too to qualify for the rewards.