How the Enlightenment Caused World War I (Enlightenment and the World Wars part 9)

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Historia Ecclesiastica

Historia Ecclesiastica

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@solidus1995 23 күн бұрын
As a conservative atheist who will not be raising my children as atheists, I would just like to submit my perspective. I was a raging liberal years ago when I identified that I was an atheist. Every radical and left wing trend I could find I subsequently attached myself to. It took me years to pull myself out of liberalism and I do blame atheism for contributing to my prior mentality which is why I consider it a dangerous idea and will not be teaching it to my children. I still submit that atheism is correct but it is something that must be taught in a very particular form otherwise it can become destructive to the natural state of humanity. At this time I'm a monarchist, I do not believe in our form of government nor do I necessarily believe that the modern understanding of "freedom" is a good or valid. Humans require community and we are currently totally atomized from each other in the name of social justice. Returning to what we have evolved for is the only way to have true freedom. The past couple hundred years have been a disaster for humans as we have thrown off thousands of years of human history and evolution for political propaganda.
@historiaecclesiastica 23 күн бұрын
I'm going to pin your comment because I think it can spark some fruitful discussion. I would also enjoy reading your thoughts on this other video in this series specifically about atheism vs. theism:
@dieselphiend 23 күн бұрын
If we are to subscribe to duality, freedom is literally, and figuratively, an aspect of its opposite. The trick, or truth, is to see it as a trinity.
@johnrevelation37 23 күн бұрын
Christian teaching includes "sanctification". It's a process.
@HeavyReign12 19 күн бұрын
I feel the same way, I am agnostic, but lean more atheist. I do not want people like me, I hate that I feel the way I do, but I do. I feel tainted, my thought patterns are a dead end. I think religion is a powerful belief that I'm simply not strong enough for. It is not shackles, it is a social technology that I wholeheartedly wish I could benefit from personally, but I wish to benefit in the company of others that can harness it.
@MrsYasha1984 19 күн бұрын
@HeavyReign12 My husband thought he was unable to have faith. Now he reentered the Catholic Church last june😊 My own conversion came out of the blue in 2021. And afterwards i had to explain this to my husband, who even as a child had no faith and was a life long atheist/agnostic. We mainly talked and talked. After a while he wanted what i have, but thought himself unable to believe. And it took 3years, but it turns out he is NOT unable to believe. What i would counsel to anyone in this situation: just come and see. If you want that peace that comes from Christ, just look into it. You don't have to believe what you don't know. Just look into the Gospels (i think Luke is easy to read), and look into the person of Jesus. Go to a sunday mass, just to see what is happening there. What is preached about? Do the teachings of Christ and the Church correlate with what you know would lead to a more stable society? Does it fit with your life experiences, but often in an unexpected way? Does the looking into these topics lead to more inner peace? If yes, just go into the direction of peace. You will end up where God wants you, and where you belong, if you just look and follow that peace. I will pray for all of you, that you all find true happiness! God bless you all!
@yolobuck2553 29 күн бұрын
You had me at "liberalism caused ww1"
@briancarroll1917 29 күн бұрын
Here here!
@RockerfellerRothchild1776 28 күн бұрын
Diff from the enlightenment which gave you whatever country you're living in.
@resurrectingand 28 күн бұрын
@user98344 28 күн бұрын
​@@RockerfellerRothchild1776 Yeah because the world was peaceful before 😂
@user-jm4kz5bg9f 27 күн бұрын
You had me at "Hello".
@user-of9cj5jd1l 27 күн бұрын
Pray for all people-from babies to childs, teenagers, adults, old people.Pray for all of them who are suffering from cancer.
@にこ-c7l 19 күн бұрын
Fine. Done, I did it.
@virtueleague2005 29 күн бұрын
I think a big influence of the enlightment on the war was the introduction of military draft for all young men. Especially with Levee en Masse by France during French revolution. Pope Leo XIII in 1894 seeing an arnament race between France and Germany said "We behold the condition of Europe. For many years past peace has been an appearance rather than a reality. Possessed with mutual suspicions, almost all the nations are vying with one another in equipping themselves with military armaments. Inex-perienced youths are removed from parental direction and control, to be thrown amid the dangers of the soldier’s life; robust young men are taken from agriculture or ennobling studies or trade or the arts to be put under arms. Hence the treasures of States are exhausted by the enormous expenditure, the national resources are frittered away, and private fortunes impaired and this, as it were, armed peace, which now prevails, cannot last much longer. Can this be the normal condition of human society?"
@matthewparlato5626 26 күн бұрын
Levee en Masse indeed...Napoleon's tool (besides gunnery insight)
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
I don't think the "draft" was, per se, an Enlightenment idea. The feudal system presumed that every able-bodied man should be able to take up arms to defend his land and support his lord (because the lord's job is to protect his people). The difference is the dissolution of feudal obligations based on justice and the creation of obligations based on "citizenship".
@matthewparlato5626 25 күн бұрын
@@aaronaukema1284 and I'd say you're unnecessarily splitting hairs. Honorable volunteering vs nonconsentual warring
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
@@matthewparlato5626 The original comment was that the "draft" was an enlightenment idea, and that led to larger forces, etc. The requirement of military service preceded the Enlightenment. You can't argue "the draft is an Enlightenment idea" when it is not. I grant that the Enlightenment changed concepts of private property and obligations to the state, but the Enlightenment did not start the draft. Some changes the Enlightenment made to the draft: enlistment/deployment was for "as long as necessary", not for the maximum of 6 months (under feudal law, that maximum was to ensure men could get their crops in); "drafts" could conscript more "eligible men", enlarging the forces, whereas feudal law ensured that newlyweds, older men, and roughly half of eligible men stayed home for look after things. Yes, the Enlightenment changed things for the worse, but the draft is not an Enlightenment conceptm
@matthewparlato5626 25 күн бұрын
@@aaronaukema1284 you've persuaded me. I hadn't paid enough attention to the "original comment" it seems. Articulated well, sir. Although, it precisely said "draft for* all* young*men*" But now I'm splitting hairs also. 🙏
@TheNuclearMantis Ай бұрын
Brother youre honestly going to be responsible for much of the formation of my children's world views. Thanks for your excellent work
@historiaecclesiastica 29 күн бұрын
Thank you for your gift - I am glad that you've found the historiography here helpful!
@solesurvivor7989 17 күн бұрын
Society as a whole was broadly Christian and most people fighting were Christians to say that liberalism or atheism or whatever caused World War I think is a bit of an oversimplification because it also ignores capitalism and its connections to organized religion as well which also led to the war
@historiaecclesiastica 17 күн бұрын
@@solesurvivor7989 This video and the next video talk a lot about capitalism. There is no evidence that organized religion caused World War I.
@solesurvivor7989 17 күн бұрын
@@historiaecclesiastica not directly it didn't but that's what I was saying I don't think anything directly caused World War I there were a lot of factors on all sides socio-political divide that caused it
@jeffreybrannen9465 28 күн бұрын
Fanciful Christian Alternative History (it took me about 30 minutes to figure out what I was listening to. ) Counterpoint: the moment the Church accepted the Devil’s bargain of political peace and worldly power with Constantine, the Enlightenment (and WWI) was inevitable. The Church and State are separate spheres of responsibility. The Medieval struggle between Pope and Emperor over who crowned whom was beyond foolish. The empty headed popes who ruled the Papal States and went to war denied their own responsibilities. The kings who sought to own and control the Church (who were largely successful-looking at you, France) contributed to the decline and near collapse of the Church. “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.” No man, Pope or King, is free from the siren song of money, sex, and power. Nations broke free from the Church as soon as they could. They would have eventually because the Medieval rot was too deep. It took the Reformation to generate the Counter-Reformation to clean that up. By that point, the mirror was already shattered. 😢
@jeffreybrannen9465 28 күн бұрын
Side bar: Mustard gas is the direct antecedent to chemotherapy. When doctors discovered that the gas only destroyed fast growing tissue, they theorized that it could be modified to attack tumors, which it did. Successfully treating cancer this way would take about 30 years, but chemical warfare lead to me surviving brain cancer. Go figure.
@thetwelfth9987 21 күн бұрын
I’m amazed how relevant and resonating the 1st commandment ‘Thou shall have no other gods before me’ is. It’s not referring to just casting aside Vishnu or Baal or Zeus, that’s the first layer of the message. Things can be gods, concepts can be gods, people can be gods. We made a bunch of shiny gods who will all rust one day and wonder why the world is such an evil place today.
@aisthpaoitht 14 күн бұрын
Catholics aren't immune. We make idols out of the Church institution and the liturgy.
@carbiv Ай бұрын
LETS GOOO. Man literally no topic could fire me up as much as the first world war and the horseshit enlightenment. Haven't even watched yet but thank you for making this.
@firstlast2762 29 күн бұрын
What “horseshit” enlightenment?
@raymond_sycamore 29 күн бұрын
The amount of people against enlightenment is terrifying. I like not dying and indoor plumbing.
@acrxsls1766 29 күн бұрын
​@@raymond_sycamore You can thank St. Benedict for those, not the Enlightenment.
@vinnyv949 29 күн бұрын
@@raymond_sycamoreyou act like scientific advancement wouldnt have taken place e without the enlightenment which is nonsense. Of course it would have been it would have been under the guidance of the Church. You know the celebration of mortal sin the plagues the West and co demons souls for all eternity? Also all the confusion and denial of objective reality? Thank the enlightenment. What are modern creature comforts in a temporal life if you lose your eternal soul? Liberalism has infected peoples brains so much it’s shocking.
@carbiv 29 күн бұрын
@@raymond_sycamore The enlightenment was about the loss of religion, not plumbing.
@Nom_AnorVSJedi 22 күн бұрын
But WW1 was caused by Christian monarchies, specifically the Catholic Austro-Hungarian empire when their royal heir was deleted by a Serbian orthodox Christian.
@lothar3610 17 күн бұрын
Not a small hats bankers from very powerful families by granting the great empires (both sides) massive loans for building enormous military industrial complexes and sponsoring the arms race?
@scoliosis9478 8 күн бұрын
those nations may have been nominally christian but I would say christian philosophy definitely was not the guiding force of their government and they were much more influenced by enlightenment ideals with increasingly secular state apparatuses. I would also say that of the major nations of ww1 Russia was the only one where the monarch could really be held responsible for the war, all the other monarchs had considerably limited powers that they had to balance with parliaments and ministers.
@Nom_AnorVSJedi 8 күн бұрын
@@lothar3610 huh? Seriously? So you’re blaming the money and the weapons and not the people who actually made the decisions to escalate into world war? Is there such as Free Will in your theology? Is there such a thing as personal responsibility in your religion?
@Nom_AnorVSJedi 8 күн бұрын
@@scoliosis9478 really? The Kaiser, the Czar, the British monarch were all heads of their national Christian Churches though. The German troops’ belt buckles had “Gott mit uns” emblazoned as their rallying cry. The national clergy of every country were enthusiastically supporting the War. Try to cope harder will ya?
@scoliosis9478 8 күн бұрын
@@Nom_AnorVSJedi They co-opted Christianity to support their worldview, they were not operating from their Christianity in their policies and were instead influenced as the video states by other ideologies. Wilhelm was Kaiser first, and Christian second so to speak. Doing what he felt necessary for his secular position first and using his spiritual office to assist those goals. Joe Biden is nominally a Catholic, but he doesn’t adhere to most of the churches teachings and has policies openly against them, so I would not describe his policies or his administration as being caused by his Catholicism in any meaningful way. Much the same as I would not attribute Christianity as a cause for WW1 even if the people involved called themselves Christians.
@user-of9cj5jd1l 28 күн бұрын
Pray for all people suffering from cancer
@dieselphiend 23 күн бұрын
Ever since I assimilated duality, and now recognize it as a trinity, I've believed The French "Enlightenment" (a darkening) was the worst thing to happen to our species in a very long time.
@user-of9cj5jd1l 27 күн бұрын
Today on my mother's phone I saw about a huge tragedy, but I could not read more about it.If there is a dead person or persons, pray for the soul or souls
@user-of9cj5jd1l 28 күн бұрын
Pray for the soul of a man named Nikolai Filipov who was shot Pray for the soul of a person who died because of the fires in Greece
@user-of9cj5jd1l 28 күн бұрын
The person is a woman.I heard from the news
@stephanottawa7890 28 күн бұрын
Hey, I like "Britannia rules the waves". We used to sing it in school. For us it meant that we would not back down and give up to evil in all its forms. That is how I took it. We did not think of making other people submit. As an island nation, we had to control the waves in order to reach out to all the colonies. It all seemed reasonable at the time. Maybe not so much now, but it is a different world. The only group that is suppose to have an empire now are the followers of the Mecca merchant.
@Fromer23 28 күн бұрын
Who told you he was a merchant? His first wife was. Caravan robber is a better label.
@stephanottawa7890 28 күн бұрын
@@Fromer23 Yes, you are right. I was trying to being cautious. The youtube police have already warned me twice of islamophobia, whatever that might be.
@davidmason4244 27 күн бұрын
​@@stephanottawa7890 A different kind of merchant.
@stephanottawa7890 27 күн бұрын
@@davidmason4244 Exactly!
@martinledermann1862 22 күн бұрын
USA is an empire in everything but the name. EU can also be argued to be a kind of an empire and the City of London is certainly a financial empire.
@nkoppa5332 19 күн бұрын
Now do how Catholicism led to liberalism
@stephanottawa7890 29 күн бұрын
23:00 I suppose the closest to a largely Catholic situation in war would be the Italians vs the Austro-Hungarians in WW 1. Both Italy and the Empire were largely Catholic countries. Was there any differences on this front as compared to the Western Front between the British and French vs the Germans? I have heard that there was not, but I could be wrong. I remember seeing photos that both the Italian army and the Austro-Hungarian army had Catholic chaplains and they held field masses. I remember seeing an ice altar built by the Italians while on their Alpine campaign against the Austrians. The Italians built a huge mountain top altar out of ice with an ice cross. It must have been very cold. Incidentally, many of the Austrian soldiers would have been Croats who are also largely Catholic. A now deceased friend of mine mentioned that his father had served in WW 1 in the Austrian army as a Croat and recalled that he had told him that they had a particularly large canon that the Italians feared. Possibly the Italians had also deadly weapons, but I do not know for sure.
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
Italy ceased to be "largely Catholic" when they abandoned their Catholic governments, conquered the papal states, and imposed a Masonic, Enlightened system on the newly consolidated Italian city-states. This was why Mussolini carved out the Vatican City state and gave it to the Pope: Italy was Catholic, and even if Mussolini wasn't, he wanted Catholicism to be the primary ideology of Italy.
@user-of9cj5jd1l 27 күн бұрын
Pray for a boy named Emil Dimitrov
@Eulogy466 16 күн бұрын
I think you need to stop using the internet for a while
@kennethanderson8827 18 күн бұрын
One more: I know most devout Catholics are no fans of Fred Nietzsche, however, if you read him with the discernment he demanded/commanded, you will find gems, like On the New Idol, from book one of Zarathustra. It thoroughly mocks state worship, and contains one of my favorite quotes of the last thirty odd years of my life: “praise be a little poverty”. MyFriendFred 1844-1900🦅🎶🐍
@SoghomonTehlerian1915 16 күн бұрын
"God is dead" Nietzsche 1883. "Nietzsche is dead" God 1900.
@user-of9cj5jd1l 26 күн бұрын
Pray for the souls of a woman and her daughter because they were killed
@blakemoon123 29 күн бұрын
Okay … maybe I jumped the gun. I wrote my first comment before seeing the whole video. Perhaps a Christian civilisation would have been properly ordered towards God in such a way as to avoid the worst of the evils of the 20th century.
@solesurvivor7989 17 күн бұрын
There were always many evils throughout history it is not a unique 20th century secular phenomena
@solesurvivor7989 17 күн бұрын
Christian civilization has caused a lot of destruction to humanity as well and has been responsible for a lot of evil and still is just as much if not more than secularism or the pagan religions
@mark4asp 29 күн бұрын
The Enlightenment did not cause World War I. 1. Imperialism caused it. 2. The Enlightenment ended with the French Revolution in 1789. WW1 began 125 years after the Enlightenment ended. The point of contention should be what caused Imperialism? How big a hand, if any, did Liberalism and the Enlightenment have in Imperialism?
@historiaecclesiastica 29 күн бұрын
You'll be excited for the next video. With that said, I wouldn't only put the blame on imperialism. This video articulates 6 causes, all of which have some connection with the 18th century Enlightenment.
@mark4asp 29 күн бұрын
@@historiaecclesiastica Not directly blaming imperialism. But it was the over-riding thing driving much foreign polict. Maybe the fallout from imperialism is closer to my meaning.
@shanebrown2009 26 күн бұрын
This seems to be a Leninist talking point. Now if you said Nationalism I would tend to agree
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
"Imperialism" in the context of the late 19th Century was the expansion of political control over areas for the purpose of expanding markets and collecting resources. Compare the Spanish Empire prior to the Protestant Revolution with the British Empire in the 1700s. The initial Spanish empire created self-sufficient colonies that only supported Spain with gold...which not the reason for establishing colonies. The British established their colonies precisely for wealth, then enacted laws that mandated the colonies buy British goods. Imperialism was the logic consequence of the "laissez faire " economic model of liberalism, and put European countries pitted against each other for resources and markets.
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
@@mark4asp Not correct. Imperialism grew, in large part, from hyper nationalism, as each nation viewed the size of their empire as a gauge of their superiority. This was exacerbated by the laissez-faire economics that Enlightenment philosophers promoted. Without the Enlightenment thoughts of laissez faire economics and hyper nationalism, you don't have Imperialism.
@TheCatholicRemedy 29 күн бұрын
Brother , you are the most informative youtuber . this is an amazing gem of an channel
@jagmichaelgilbert8523 28 күн бұрын
Someone please break down the religious wars that terrorized Europe in the previous age. Was any of it inter Catholic? Was it all protestant vs Catholic? What did the church do during it or what sins did the prelates commit that made it possible for the errors of protestantism to rise to mass killing.
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
@@jagmichaelgilbert8523 The principle thing to consider is that heresy was ALWAYS a capitol offense, equated with treason. This is because the king received his authority from God (not "Divine Right", which came later), and was confirmed by the Church. The Church had, a few times, deposed monarchs, so rejecting Divine and Catholic Faith was also rejecting the king, his responsibility to safeguard his people, and the source of his authority. Hence, Catholic kings undertook means to suppress and convert the heretics. Seeing as heretics are de facto outside the Church, and religious wars are fought between religious sects, no "religious wars" were between Catholics. HOWEVER, the Protestant Revolution created a situation where monarchs now had precedence to do what was in their best interest. Hence, in the 30 Years War (1618-1648) Catholic France assisted Catholic Austria...only to assist Protestant Germany near the end. Protestant Sweden supported Protestant Germany at first, only to support Catholic Austria at the end. The area with the most peace was the Low Countries, where Emperor Charles V and his son, King Philip II of Spain at first sought to suppress the heretics...but then allowed them independence, realizing that the loss of life was not worth it. The principle problem was the lack of Episcopal oversight prior to the Luther's revolt, which allowed clerical scandals, especially sins against the 6th and 9th Commandments, to be prevalent, and which eventually led the faithful to follow heretical clerics.
@jr8260 15 күн бұрын
People wage war as they always have and always will, catholic or not, as it turns out. Channels like these are ridiculous.
@zoomercatholics298 29 күн бұрын
This video should have 200,000 views
@vaultatropos116 24 күн бұрын
The majority of this is tradcath daydreaming. You could cut this down to 20 mintues to get the point across.
@platonismo 27 күн бұрын
I recommend you read 'Les pourquoi de la guerre mondiale' (The causes of the world war) volumes 1-3 by the Catholic priest Henri Delassus, where he addresses the topic from Protestantism to his own time, reaching the same conclusions as this video. He also wrote a book about American Freemasonry: 'L'américanisme et la conjuration antichrétienne' (Americanism and the anti-Christian plot).
@sengan2475 27 күн бұрын
Do these books have English translations?
@dutertefan 25 күн бұрын
Unfortunately books not compying with the narrative are seldom translated. Modern translation software with AI does a pretty good job.
@user-of9cj5jd1l 27 күн бұрын
Pray for all non Catholics
@にこ-c7l 19 күн бұрын
I prayed for all non Christians.
@Adventeuan 18 күн бұрын
Nice pope you have there! Endorsing sin, great 'Representative of God', stay excommunicated from the true church.
@user-of9cj5jd1l 17 күн бұрын
@@Adventeuan No
@Adventeuan 17 күн бұрын
@@user-of9cj5jd1l You can't just go 'nuh uh', the anathema will always stay in place until your collapse.
@にこ-c7l 17 күн бұрын
@@Adventeuan No.
@Dominic.Dybala 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for making this video series! I am a lot of people are learning a lot and I intend to watch the rest of your videos. A quick clarifying question. Do you mean to claim that Adam Smith's proposition that the "Invisible Hand" of self-interest allows us to produce more wealth than previously existed? Do you believe that the old Mercantile "zero-sum game" belief that a fixed amount of wealth exists and the more one person or nation has, the less another person or nation necessarily has? Or can we, like Adam Smith suggested, grow that pie? Now, I am not a materialist, so I don't think that GDP and comforts and conveniences are the most important thing, and so I do not necessarily hold with unchecked Free Market Capitalism. And I certainly recognize the interrelated problems with poor factory working conditions, famines, and the Revolutions of 1848. But history does seem to show that Smith was at least correct in his observations and propositions as to how to grow the "wealth of nations," yes? EDIT. Watching a few seconds on, you directly answer my question by saying that the Industrial Revolution in itself was not a bad thing, but just that it was atheistic and secular, unchecked by morality, and should have been subject to the Church, which I agree with, lol. Thanks again, and all the best!
@steveunger8249 14 күн бұрын
The "enlightenment" was actually the "endarkenment."
@ianweir3608 16 күн бұрын
You said the Industrial Revolution was a good thing because before the Industrial Revolution there was only 750 million people, whereas now there is over 8 billion... What? How is there being way less people bad thing? If there were suddenly 10x as many people living in your house, would you consider that a categorically good thing? The Industrial Revolution was an ominous milestone for mankind. People were forced to trade their ancient and traditional ways of living for polluted slums in big cities. The health and wealth of the average person fell through the floor as a result of the Industrial Revolution. How is the fact that there are now 7 billion people toiling away and hopelessness inherently a good thing?
@nigelralphmurphy2852 25 күн бұрын
This whole thing was insane. This guy is a loon. He's talking about a world that simply does not exist.
@mcul3474 21 күн бұрын
What is a woman?
@travis8895 13 күн бұрын
​@@mcul3474a woman? This is history youtube, we don't talk to women
@mcul3474 13 күн бұрын
@@travis8895 very true
@FreiherrVonLedigsberg 18 күн бұрын
What do you mean by liberalism? Modern Liberalism is not liberalism 100 years ago.
@supasf 13 күн бұрын
No one cares. Liberalism 100 years ago was what modern liberalism evolved out of. The ideology itself at its root is dumb and a net negative on society.
@levinb1 25 күн бұрын
12:00 Have to call you out for this slide in that you do not highlight the former Catholics who instrumentally changed the game of Science including Giodarno Bruno, Galileo, and Descartes his self-induced exile away from Catholic domains to the Dutch Republic and then Sweden. Descartes famously converted the Swedish Princess to Catholicism but he himself never returned to Catholic France for fear of his science being attacked via inquisition and certain clergy following Galileo’s conviction. You also have famous and faithful Blaise Pascal but left him out despite his most famous defense of believing in Christianity/God his Pascal’s Wager. Perhaps tho his problem was that his version of Catholicism, Jansenism, challenged the supremacy of the Pope on certain matters and that sect doesn’t exist anymore. The other Catholic titan you left out, Copernicus with his 1543 publication on Heliocentrism where modern science mostly originates from. The contradictions rooted in the very beginning of modern science.
@evanriddle1614 8 күн бұрын
Nitrate plants producing explosives were converted by the US government after WWII into fertilizer (ammonium nitrate) that increased crop yields worldwide then sold off to corporations. That's how large populations came about. This video presents but a brief outline from which volumes can be written. Thank you.
@stevencornett2038 10 күн бұрын
In reference to The Hague Convention mentioned in 24:27 and elsewhere, it’s interesting that modern liberals will say “you can’t legislate morality” when the morals are classical like in marriage and life issues. However, when it came to war the same enlightenment influenced people openly did just that. It tells one how selective and temporary the arguments for liberal ideas really are.
@Geferulf_TAS 15 күн бұрын
I wanted a discussion on real politik and geostrategum 100 years ago, not a lecture on how all of Europe must bow before the Papacy.
@historiaecclesiastica 15 күн бұрын
Bow before the papacy.
@Geferulf_TAS 15 күн бұрын
@@historiaecclesiastica I wipe my ass with photos of Francis.
@mlh3604 9 күн бұрын
Great job, really appreciate your integrating, natural hierarchical vision of human society and your clarity on virtue loss faults of our current age. The vision you draw is quite dominantly 'blue' (one-order oriented/ spiral dynamics) while I wonder which is the natural and healthy place, the 'child gone wild' break outs of orange and green meme identites can find their balance. Probably it's a new place in society that still has to be created.
@blakemoon123 29 күн бұрын
I think some of your broader points about the flaws of liberalism are largely true, but it’s a stretch to blame liberalism for the misuse of the technologies of the Industrial Revolution in the mass killing weapons of WW1. Wouldn’t a ‘Catholic science’ and a ‘Catholic Industrial Revolution’ have produced much the same weaponry? And in fact the Catholic Austro-Hungarian Empire did develop and use exactly the same kinds of weapons as the other powers.
@virtueleague2005 29 күн бұрын
Austria-Hungary was secularized by then and the deeply devout Emperor Charles I opposed use of chemical warfare( contrary to the popular myth) and worked with the Pope to get a peace treaty. Catholicism was critical of the rise of the centralized modern state as well as pan-nationalism.
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
Prior to Luther's satanic revolution, science was seen as a means to know God better, some could love and serve Him more. The introduction of the individual as the arbiter of truth meant that science could now be used for personal growth... It is only the disassociation of science and knowledge of God that causes such disastrous effects.
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
I actually wondered the same thing, mainly because numerous monarchs in the Middle Ages used crossbows, which the Church for I'd to be used in war. That was not universal, though
@ChrisAthanas 29 күн бұрын
Bottom of slides are still being cut off so we can’t read it 7:40
@flamesintheattic 27 күн бұрын
The enlightenment simply allowed the capitalist empires to drastically expand, resulting in global level inter-capitalist rivalries of the two world wars. They were all afraid of Germany, in particular, as they had most advanced and most educated populace of the 19th century. Russia and China tried hyper-speed industrialization to compete and it failed spectacularly. Britain lost a huge chunk of their global empire. America was the last capitalist standing for a long time, only due to the remoteness of their geography.
@sosaysthecaptain5580 29 күн бұрын
This is interesting, but wouldn’t these conditions just have created a huge incentive for countries to deconvert?
@にこ-c7l 19 күн бұрын
Just wait till people learn about rationalism and realise atheist dogmatic beliefs are just as silly as faith based beliefs one day when you look at yourself in the mirror you will realise you have been a silly billy all along.
@jimjohnson724 28 күн бұрын
Blame Imperial Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, their subjectivity led them to defeat in WWI and later Nazi Germany in WWII
@pauldavies5611 26 күн бұрын
@jimjohnson724 That’s exactly what the Treaty of Versailles did. And look at how that turned out. Aren’t you leaving out the repercussions of the Franco-Prussian War? Between 1871 and 1914 the French were itching for revenge against Germany and this also played a big part in why WWI happened.
@ShubhamMishrabro 19 күн бұрын
Treaty of Versailles didn't led to AH rise. Another person spouting fake news. Stab in the back and great depression of 1933 did. ​@@pauldavies5611
@paulgaskins7713 14 күн бұрын
28:24 I feel everyone should actually have to read wealth of nations. Granted I’m only half way through but the word greed and the phrase self interest hasn’t been used once so far.
@josephnason8770 29 күн бұрын
At 29:40 or so you used the word ' exasperated '. You should have used ' exacerbated '. But otherwise this series of videos is really something.
@Tintunabulation 7 күн бұрын
If being a believing Catholic is what prevents one from acting brutaly in war, were all brutal acts in WW1 done and ordered by non-Catholics? If not, does Catholic confession absolve all confessing Catholics from their guilt in the war? Does the Catholic God intervene in human affairs? Did God intervene in WW1?
@domovoi_0 15 күн бұрын
Great stuff. My title would be : how the babylonian origin khazarians who have now appropriated judaism caused most of our modern problems. Love and blessings!
@bakters 29 күн бұрын
WW1 was not a particularly deadly war. Since there were many more people alive at the time, the scale of the war became huge, so the absolute number of victims was also huge. However, the percentage of the population suffering was not out of ordinary for a prolonged, large scale conflict. It was actually quite mild. About 4-5% of the total pre-war population for France, Germany and Austria-Hungary. That's not much at all. Also, blaming scientific revolution for subjectivism seems weird. Concentrating on Bacon as the father of scientific revolution also seems weird, since he followed Copernicus and Galileo, who were Catholic. BTW - Newton was also Catholic, he just could not say so in public, but we have his writings on the matter. Edit: Re: Christian knights were restricted by a strict moral code. That is kinda true, but you had Christian Catholic fighting monks of the Teutonic Order, who literally genocided the whole population of Baltic Prussia. The Poles who ended up opposing the Teutonic Knights, were very much not nice to them at all too. None of them survived the battle of Grunwald. Neither the Teutonic Knights nor the Poles were ever condemned for their deeds.
@yolobuck2553 27 күн бұрын
@@bakters 20 million dead is a lot. 4-5% of a population is a lot. That means everyone knows someone. High number. Classical period had armies at 100s of thousands but once Christendom was created in Europe. Wars were relatively small scale between Christians. The size of the army and scale of the war doesn't ramp back up to numbers similar to the classical period until the industrialization
@bakters 27 күн бұрын
@@yolobuck2553 " *4-5% of a population is a lot.* " We, the Poles, lost 20% of the population during WW2 and about 30% during the Swedish Deluge in the XVIIth century. Entire areas were left practically depopulated due to Tatar raids, or Baltic Prussian raids, or Lithuanian raids. 3-5% is nothing in comparison, especially if they were pretty much only young men. The Soviet Union lost almost entire generation of men, yet it had very little impact on their ability to maintain the demographic or economic growth. " *Wars were relatively small scale between Christians.* " The 30 years war was small scale? The Deluge? The 100 years war? The Cossack revolt? " *size of the army* " The armies were smaller, because you could not feed a big army. But at the same time, since you could not feed them, they had to rely on loot in order to survive. There's a picture by Rembrandt of the Polish rider. He might have called it "the Polish raider". He was Lisowczyk. Paid by the loot, wherever he could grab it. Enemy or not, no matter. A small army can cause a lot of damage too.
@yolobuck2553 27 күн бұрын
@@bakters you are a slav. This makes sense now. Poland has lost a lot but that only means you lost a lot more.if anything you are diminishing it by saying 5% is insignificant. Very significant portion of a population. Eastern Europe slavs in particular have always been hit hard because of cultural and religious differences in a war
@yolobuck2553 27 күн бұрын
@@bakters sum it up. 4-5 significant population loss that disrupts society. 30% is horrific and apocalyptic for a society
@bakters 27 күн бұрын
@@yolobuck2553 " *apocalyptic for a society* " Welcome to Eastern Europe, it was the norm around here. Anyway, they did recover. The battle of Vienna happened after that.
@spanglestein66 14 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏻🇬🇧❤️
@sigurdholbarki8268 21 күн бұрын
On the scientific argument you omitted the fact that Newton committed his Principa as proof of the existence of God: Universal Laws require a Universal Law Maker. I think this might be a blind spot when thinking as a Roman Catholic rather than more broadly as a Christian (although an Anglican I am probably more Traditional and Orthodox than many of my Roman Catholic siblings) I also think you focussed on the warfare technology a little too much. In the 9th century advances in iron production made in monastic workshops led to the development of steely iron. It's not exactly like modern steel, but it does mean you can make swords and spears from one bar, rather than using the much more labour intensive pattern-welding technique. This led to the proliferation of swords on a scale not seen since the Roman Empire. The Church could equally have done this over the industrial revolution, in fact monasticism's aptitude in industry brought economic prosperity to the North of England in the Medieval Period. Christianity societies are more than capable of producing weapons of mass destruction, but they are more likely to use them wisely and with restraint. Last point to bear in mind, many arguments about the futility and incompetence of World War One are Socialist in origin, when you dig a bit deeper you realise how flimsy that narrative is in the ground. Having said that, the causes of the war were predominantly down to the Libs making the State their God. These are just critiques to hone what is a very good argument
@paulgaskins7713 14 күн бұрын
45:19 I think you’re partially incorrect here, I believe a nations happiness derives from its rights-of which the pursuit of happiness is a right-and these rights are derived from god
@SavageHenry777 13 күн бұрын
Oh who'da thunk it, here I thought it was the entangled system of secret alliances and the breakup of the Balkans, or you know any of the other common sense ideas I was taught, but makes so much more sense that people just weren't jesusing enough.
@justachannel8600 11 күн бұрын
This will be an interesting perspective but Descartes didn't plant the seed of doubt. It's quite the opposite actually, he starts with the premise of doubt but then quickly 'disproves' it, using God. I'm not really convinced. But anyway, either that initial doubt was a feeling he had or it was something he heard in his circle more than once. Just like Nietzsche he became famous for something he opposed.
@maryferrari-espressopressd7921 27 күн бұрын
Great series/channel, sharing as much as possible.
@andrewdinsmore5067 23 күн бұрын
I didn't have to be convinced. Great work. May God Bless.
@sigra4867 6 күн бұрын
Enlightement era didnt continue burning people at the stake for not believing the trinity and other small things.
@stephanottawa7890 28 күн бұрын
28:00 When did Europe stop being a Christian society? Where do you draw the line? If we look at an earlier form of mercantile society, say 14th century Florence, could we consider this Christian and thus early Christian capitalism? How did workers far in Florence? I do not know. However we do know that they fought wars as did all the other Italian states, including the Papal states, which could be argued to be not too Christian.
@thistledownz.2982 23 күн бұрын
My new favorite binge channel.
@damienpace7350 19 күн бұрын
The Spaniards when they conquered South America were pretty chivalrous
@isaaccespedes7097 26 күн бұрын
Excellent exposition! Is this written somewhere that can be read? And its sources and citations?
@historiaecclesiastica 25 күн бұрын
At this time, I'm sorry, no. Perhaps in the next year or so.
@nazarottto 28 күн бұрын
So glad I came across your channel (:
@marcoaslan 29 күн бұрын
The User Illusion , great book
@jamestregler1584 21 күн бұрын
Started with PRAYER 😇 !
@sahilhossain8204 21 күн бұрын
Lore of How the Enlightenment Caused World War I momentum 100
@secessionblog3189 24 күн бұрын
"Liberalism, atheism, and the enlightenment are intrinsically connected" True. Could have included the Protestant Reformations (Revolutions) as well, but I realize it is already a 50 min video...
@solesurvivor7989 17 күн бұрын
It's funny because even Catholic and Orthodox Christians in the first few centuries of Christendom were considered atheists by the pagans and many non-Catholics were also considered atheists even if they were Christian throughout history
@stefanionutalexandru6916 13 күн бұрын
This whole theory stops at the moment you think about the Spanish empire and the crusades. Not to mention countless other erounous faults in this reasoning that hinders a comprehensive analisis on why wars start and how to prevent them by a adressing those underlying issues before it's to late and create a better world in the future. This is more of a reasoning of how an iman from Iran would adress an issue rather than an actual objective debate of any sort.
@frederickanderson1860 25 күн бұрын
Historical narrative can be so complicated not as this post suggests. Religions of the 30 years war in Europe in 16th century is just as relative as this post.
@unhomme1737 28 күн бұрын
You and Pax Tube, gold medals for historic truth.
@solesurvivor7989 17 күн бұрын
@johnpaulgettelman86 16 күн бұрын
I would expect you to at least acknowledge the " barbaric" Catholic Christian attacks against Jews. You could have at least mentioned it.
@Btn1136 26 күн бұрын
Is there a way I can pay/donate without google getting a huge cut?
@jagmichaelgilbert8523 28 күн бұрын
Thanks for the awesome video
@dynamic9016 6 күн бұрын
@NN-bk5bb 29 күн бұрын
@historiaecclesiastica 29 күн бұрын
God bless you, thank you.
@Booer 14 күн бұрын
22:00 you have to be ridiculous to think that chivalry is going to quit war. Communism has a rigorous understanding of material necessity of war. The only way to stop. It is collective action through the kind of historical action we see in Christians. You have to understand holistically not in this instance pertaining to this particular era.
@user-of9cj5jd1l 26 күн бұрын
Pray for the soul of a 18 years old girl because she was strangled
@chrishendricks7362 4 күн бұрын
By atheism and the “enlightenment” did you mean nationalism and geopolitics? Why make this? How does this spread the Good Word in any meaningful way? Baffling but God Bless!
@jmvazquezjim 29 күн бұрын
❤❤ agreed
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
Food production was NOT an issue with the Industrial revolution. In the late 1600s ans early 1700s, there were great advancements in agricultural technology and practices that allowed for greater production with less manpower. This meant that farms required less workers to produce more food. This displacement of workers is where factories got their laborers from. In England, smaller homesteads were consolidated into large estate farms, producing more grains, feeding more people...and displacing millions of homesteaders in the process.
@historiaecclesiastica 25 күн бұрын
@@aaronaukema1284 I was referring to the number of crop failures in the 1840s as other parts of Europe industrialized.
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
@@historiaecclesiastica You said it was a result of the industrial revolution and a lack of farm laborers, but industrialization only happened when there are laborers that are needed to man the factories. The crop failures could be related to lack of workers in places that were, like Spain, feudal in nature and had Catholic ethos for a long time and then became industrialized, but in Germany, England, and parts of France, that was not the case, as those workers had been removed from the farms for over 100 years. Perhaps the better argument is that the radical shift from small, family-based farms to large farming operations made crop failures more pronounced and more devastating. That only happens when there is a shift in moral perspectives on social responsibilities (which stemmed from the Protestant Revolution). We are actually seeing the same thing now: as communities rely on large factory agricultural operations, sure food is cheap, but it is not healthy and the food supply is extremely fragile: one bad frost in, say California, negatively impacts the whole United States. Smaller, more localized operations don't have the same impact, so that same frost doesn't mean I don't get my lettuce.
@mikedearing6352 22 күн бұрын
Seems like Russia wanted war since they mobilized first. I think had Australia acted swiftly and attacked quickly the time diplomacy had could have been minimalized.
@lothar3610 17 күн бұрын
@manlikederek925 8 күн бұрын
Say what you will but the catholic church has served IT'S (not gods) interest many times before, so if it deemed chemical warfare in its interest it would've employeed it, especially against the Turks.
@yj9032 14 күн бұрын
Is this worth watching
@anselman3156 22 күн бұрын
What is the scientific reason for the ruff around Francis Bacon's neck? It suggests a slavish conformity to frivolous fashion rather than any commitment to reason..
@RejiThomas1 26 күн бұрын
Thanks......very important topic to talk on. ..nice explanation
@joetrader1942 11 күн бұрын
Your understanding of economics needs work. A lot of work. Your monasteries would be factories point came off as communism would work if we could get true socialism.
@historiaecclesiastica 11 күн бұрын
@joetrader1942 If 18th century monasteries still possessed the degree of wealth they did in the high middle ages, when they were engaged in as much wool and agricultural production as any feudal estate, there is no reason to think they would not have invested in manufacturing in a different time period with different a prevalent economic theory. Monasteries always showed flexibility to adapt to changing economic circumstances throughout the middle ages and there's no reason to think they wouldn't have if they had retained their social status across Europe in the 19th century.
@ravikumarkb8103 14 күн бұрын
What caused crusade
@KnowMore5 17 күн бұрын
I wonder what you think of the thirty years war. 🤔
@stephanottawa7890 28 күн бұрын
Talking about Germanness, I remembering being in a German class at university and a Swiss Protestant said that the industrialization could only have occurred in a Protestant society like England or the German north. The implication was that Catholics were either too lazy or not interested. The Catholics in the class did protest, but in favour of industrialization and stating that Catholics made for hard workers. Has anyone ever come across this idea that if Europe had remained totally Catholic, there would not have been an Industrial Revolution?
@001D51 28 күн бұрын
Not endorsing or refuting him, but take a look at Max Weber.
@stephanottawa7890 28 күн бұрын
@@001D51 Thanks, I read a bit of old Max in the original German, but it was beyond me. I understood the German, but not so much his theories.
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
I can summarize: Luther de-emphasized the necessity of the parish community (after all, no confession), so the need to stick together is diminished. Calvin taught that one's spiritual state was mirrored in their temporal state. There was also the concept of "idle hands are the devil's work", so productive (which meant profitable) work was emphasized. Further, Protestantism was unmoored from the moral teachings of the Church, and individuals had latitude to interpret things for themselves. Nowhere is this more evident than in the architectural differences between Protestant Low Countries and Catholic Spain. In the Low Countries, there were massive, lavish estates that emphasized wealth, whereas in Spain, there was an emphasis on possession of productive property for most people (notice I didn't say "ownership", but possession).
@stephanottawa7890 25 күн бұрын
@@aaronaukema1284 Are you sure? I wold say it was the opposite. The German Protestant areas, they emphasized the ownership of factories and businesses as a sign of wealth, but the burghers lives rather modestly. Nice houses, but not too palatial. Or did you mean something else?
@aaronaukema1284 25 күн бұрын
@@stephanottawa7890 The feudal system was based on a Catholic worldview, so in Catholic Spain, the feudal lords had responsibilities to those underneath them, which did not exist in Protestant areas. It took a very long time for the Industrial Revolution to impact Catholic countries, and part of the reason was the sense that even peasants had a claim to their land, based on Catholic social/economic principles. In Protestant areas, the concept of "private property" inferred an absolute right. In Catholic areas, "private property" was not absolute, as with every right comes responsibilities: the Catholic noble does not believe that legal ownership means he can kick out the families working his land (in general, and according to the principles long-held). He has a responsibility to allow them to meet their needs and protect return for a share of their produce. There is a reason why you saw landlords displace peasants from their homesteads in Protestant countries in the 1600s, not Catholic countries: that wasn't something a lord could, in justice, do. There was no need or motivation for mass-producing things in traditional Catholic and large. Of course, all that changes when the Judeo-Masonic cult takes over France in 1789, and the "Revolution" spreads to Spain, Germany, Italy, Austria, and Russia. It should be noted that the ideas of the Judeo-Masonic cult are seen most clearly and publicly in Protestant areas, where the Jesuits did not have a strong presence.
@Shevock 29 күн бұрын
1. Decartes was a theist. Right after using his meditation to prove himself, in a way that parallels Augustine's "I err therefore I am", si fallor sum. He then went on to prove the existence of a good and not devious God. 2. Capitalism is the result of atheism that was emergent in Hume, Smith, and other British philosophers.
@historiaecclesiastica 29 күн бұрын
@@Shevock To my knowledge, Descartes lived and died in the grace of the Church - regardless, his body of work sent Western philosophy in a regrettable direction.
@Im_No_Expert_72 18 күн бұрын
Fascinating. Thank you. 🙏☦️ (I'll ignore what you have to say about the Pope, as the Catholic church is Orthodox)😮😅 sorry...not sorry
@ianandrewjack 13 күн бұрын
Gott mit Uns, I think, was on their belt buckles.
@finnmacdiarmid3250 22 күн бұрын
Now this is an investigative claim!
@fare4900 21 күн бұрын
Solely for the prayer in the beginning @historiaecclesiastica Thumbs up and subscribed ✝Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ Let's pray that every catholic KZbinr will very soon do this, so we get 100's of thousands of additional prayers each day. Would be so easy ...
@MyRobertallen 28 күн бұрын
Circa 4:50: 'conscience'/''conscious'.
@gritch66 22 күн бұрын
If my grand grand father could here you, he wouldnt feel having fought for nothing because scripture is true
@kennethanderson8827 18 күн бұрын
Excellent presentation
@ZaShiesty Ай бұрын
Lets go
@simonjlkoreshoff3426 10 күн бұрын
Religion is necessary it would seem if you consider the Iranian religious prohibition against the acquisition of nuclear weapons - something other less religiously moored nations find unbelievable.
@BanditGaming479 20 күн бұрын
Interesting video but I don’t think enlightenment was possible under the Catholic Church of that time
@deanmcinerney2324 13 күн бұрын
Errr... what a contortion. It was the power dynamics that British and French colonial power and capital created. A steroid that animated German resentement... the killing of an Austrian monarch it wasnt the reason.. the entire edifice was exploding.
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