For the other side of the story check out our video on William Ruto:
@gerics5 ай бұрын
Facts and Thank You
@kasongo-wewe5 ай бұрын
@3amrafel4 ай бұрын
The IMF isn’t the issue, the issue is the leadership in the country. The IMF may lend billions to the government but, if the government doesn’t use that money appropriately in order to pay back the loans appropriately then the loan would have benefited the country
@AfricaReviewAnalysis4 ай бұрын
Good point. Sadly, as the video shows, the IMF is often complicit in bad governance and willfully overlooks corruption as long as its economic boxes are being ticked.
@3amrafel2 ай бұрын
@@AfricaReviewAnalysis That’s true but, I don’t see the Abiy government being anymore corrupt than the next western country and they have been using the funds appropriately so far.