How tiny rescued kitten grows up: from 0 day -78 days

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Let's Cat's Paraguay!

Let's Cat's Paraguay!

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@フフゥ 8 ай бұрын
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
Amém! 🙏🏻
@foxbluereaver7457 8 ай бұрын
First Kuma and Hachi, and now we have to say goodbye to Blanca and Alice too. You're doing an incredible job by taking care of all these cats, but I understand you have your hands full with so many. It's good that your neighbors are also willing to give a hand. Also, I'll pray for the dad's recovery. My best wishes for all of you-
@ElizabethGrindon 8 ай бұрын
I had tears rolling down my face when Blanca went to new owners. I can't believe how much I fell in love with that little cat! She was so tiny but had such spirit she wouldn't let anybody push her around! And she grew up, because of your loving care, to be such a beautiful cat! With much love from California, USA.
@gertthesquirt3924 8 ай бұрын
Me too. Bawled my eyes out. I also truly hope Blanca will be well and happy. I hope Alice, and the dad will be too
@samir.xanmuradov 8 ай бұрын
hope she will make an epic comeback. Seriously the new owners should bring her back to visit her old family from time to time .
@ElizabethGrindon 8 ай бұрын
@@gertthesquirt3924 I'm so happy to see that I'm not the only one who felt so deeply about little Blanca.
@russemerson4872 8 ай бұрын
@@gertthesquirt3924 Likewise.
@franziskam7285 8 ай бұрын
Who pushed her around?
@gundog39 8 ай бұрын
Blanca's journey has been so heart warming, seeing her go from being tiny and frail to beautiful and lively. I really hope she finds the same happiness in her new home. 😊❤
@loualcaraz6497 8 ай бұрын
You would think everyone would be happy for Blanca as she has found her forever home, but there’s also a sadness knowing that we’ll probably never see her again. Her videos were so heartwarming as we all witnessed her progression from a frail kitten to a beautiful young cat. I truly wish her the best life. If it’s at all possible, could you please keep us updated on her life. Thank you for caring for Blanca and letting us all in on it.
@johannaivanov6900 8 ай бұрын
Si, queremos saber lá rutina en la nueva casa de Blanca. Acompanho lá evolución de Blanca desde su rescate por la família tan amorosa y que ama eses angelitos. Yo adopté mi bebê cuando tenia casi lá misma edad de blanca, lá verdad lo vi nacer. Pero lo adopté definitivamente cuando tenia 1 mês. Todo iba muy bien, eramos muito felices con mi bebê "Nilo' era su nombre, cuando empezó a presentar problemas de salud., queda gripado, idas y venidas al vet, sanó. Lamentablemente tuvo nuevas recaídas y mejoras. Pasado un tiempo, empezó a tener convulsiones y, quedó internado. Lá notícia mas triste de mi vida, es que fui diagnosticado con PiF😭. Es una enfermidad que no hay cura, aunque existe un tratamiento con medicamento importado de EUA, es poco accesible debido al costo muy alto. Mi bebê se tornó una estrellita dia 19 de junio de 2023. Tengo bellos recuerdos compartillados juntos. Nilo, mi pequeño hijo de pelúcia, te amo para siempre, nos veremos nuevamente.❤🙏
@AlexK-nu9qj 8 ай бұрын
​@@johannaivanov6900співчуваю Вашій втраті. Так, в свій час Ви зустрінетесь з дитиною. А зараз живіть та пам'ятайте з любов'ю про нього кожну мить!❤
@adaradraven 8 ай бұрын
Hopefully everything goes well 🙏🙏
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@@johannaivanov6900tenho certeza que seu querido Nilo está em um bom lugar agora! Conheci um caso parecido e realmente o remédio é muito caro, e o tratamento difícil. As perdas fazem parte da vida e são difíceis. Te desejo tudo de bom e que Deus lhe proteja!
@CrazyLazyHazyDaisy 8 ай бұрын
Rescused you from working?? To be rescued, there should be an emergency. Using rescued' making you more$ money? What happened to adopted kitten??? You've heard of that??
@和代古郡 8 ай бұрын
@toratan 8 ай бұрын
@nekopunchp 8 ай бұрын
スーパーサンクスありがとうございます😊 ブランカもアリスも優しい方に引き取られて行ったので寂しいですが心配はないと思います。 ご心配ありがとうございます🙇 おかげさまで熱男さんは回復してきています👍 これからも見守って行っていただけたら嬉しいです🙇
@toratan 8 ай бұрын
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@user-mokuleia73 8 ай бұрын
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@nekopunchp 8 ай бұрын
いつもスーパーサンクスありがとうございます😊 猫たちの為に使わせて頂きます🙇
@ТатьянаШеманова-д7ш 8 ай бұрын
Молимся о здоровье Вашего папы, пусть выздоравливает и возвращается домой. Вам желаю терпения и сил, вы занимаетесь очень добрыми делами, будьте здоровы! ❤ Ваша семья это кошачьи ангелы, для обездоленных кошек. Помоги Вам, Господь! 🙏
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
Amém! 🙏🏻
@さくらっち-e4c 8 ай бұрын
パパ主さん、大変でしたね 早く良くなられますように ママさんもご自愛くださいね アリスが血の繋がらないブランカちゃんをなんの躊躇もなく受け入れたのを見て、尊くて涙が出そうになりました みんないなくなってしまったけど、温かい思い出はいつまでも残りますね🥲❤
@anitamenig 8 ай бұрын
,I never thought that I would attach myself to a kitten I only know from watching a video. Little Blanca has won my heart, and just like everyone else I am saddened beyond belief. I console myself by arguing that the children who found her, were her initial lifesavers. I think that she will be very loved and well taken care off. She really turned into the most beautiful little kitten girl. I just love her and miss her already. God bless all of you who took such great care of her and those continue doing so. 🤗😊🤗😊🤗😊
@MikeWalls7829 8 ай бұрын
I'm gonna miss Blanca so much, I think Mu will too, I hope she is as happy as can be in her new home ❤❤❤
@クルミ-t5i 8 ай бұрын
@CoThG 8 ай бұрын
God bless you for caring for all the kitties ❤❤❤❤❤
@cesarflorez2594 8 ай бұрын
Towa very gentle with Blanca and Mu as always very beautiful.
@山本カオリ-s1p 8 ай бұрын
ママさん、ブランカちゃんの子育てお疲れ様でした😊 ブランカちゃん、寂しいけどずっとのお家が見つかり良かったです。 ブランカちゃん、里親様と幸せに過ごしてくださいね💕
@nakamatsuu3412 8 ай бұрын
パパ主様、入院されたのとのこと、最後の最後でびっくりしました。お大事になさってください。 ママさんも、心労ありますよね。ご自愛くださいませ💐
@adamwilkinson3524 8 ай бұрын
Blanca won the hearts of the cats especially Mu and Towa, and us following with her personality and strong will ❤❤ She has grown and become healthy and I feel she will be well cared for 😊 The part of the video where Kumar, Hatchi and Blanca are asleep together is such a beautiful image. It seemed like it was one of their last moments together as a family before they went to their new homes.. That will be my favourite memory of them ❤❤ I love Alice and although she wasn’t featured as much, I can see she has the most calm and beautiful personality ❤❤ It is nice she is close by so you can visit her, I hope she has the best life I feel she really deserves it 😊😊 All the best to the dad, I hope for a full recovery and return to health as quick as possible, I’ll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers ❤❤
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@AMS7200 8 ай бұрын
Yes 😢She must be loved kindly and gently. Thank ❤you for taking such good care of her. ❤❤❤
@Helen-gh1pu 7 ай бұрын
Beautiful 😍
@JoyMorgan-xt3jb 8 ай бұрын
The beginning of this video is pleasant, because Hime looks comfortable. I know there were times when Hime was not comfortable nursing Blanca, so I am glad you have found another parent. And yes it's good to see Blanca healthy.
@augustbornone 2 ай бұрын
What do you mean by "there were times when Hime was not comfortable nursing Blanca"? You mean at 9:16 to 10:42?
@JoyMorgan-xt3jb 2 ай бұрын
@@augustbornone Yes, I agree with your time frame, thank you.
@augustbornone 2 ай бұрын
@@JoyMorgan-xt3jb You mean that reaction is not Hime getting angry at Blanca it's just Hime not getting comfortable with nursing Blanca?
@JoyMorgan-xt3jb 2 ай бұрын
@@augustbornone i can only say what i see. I didn't see Hime retaliate at Blanca. But i've not rewatched the whole video. Did she?
@augustbornone 2 ай бұрын
@@JoyMorgan-xt3jb Maybe it's just me, but regardless of that, Hime is such a sweet and great mother to Blanca. :)
@marymcquaid7291 8 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness what big ears Blanca has! Wishing her a life filled with happiness ❤️
@tedrobinson372 8 ай бұрын
Blanca has had such a tumultuous start. She was my favorite and pray she is happy in her new home. Will miss her!
@user-mokuleia73 8 ай бұрын
@masa-tz7jw 8 ай бұрын
ブチャカワで小さなブランカが大好きでいつも楽しく視聴していました。 ブランカ卒業おめでとう! パパさんの病状が快方に向かいますように🙏
@akmmt643 8 ай бұрын
はじめまして ブランカが大好きで いつも動画アップを楽しみにしていました ブランカに会えなくなるのが とても寂しいですが ブランカの幸せを願っています
@ppoppo6269 8 ай бұрын
お見舞い申し上げます。パパさんのご容態が、とても心配です 一日も早い、ご回復をお祈りしています。ママさんもお体にきをつけて下さい。 ブランカちゃんの成長記録とっても良かったです❤
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@小泉治子 8 ай бұрын
パパ主さんのご入院びっくりです。ママさん気が気では、ないですねえ ママさん無理は、しないで下さい。
@銀河-m8w 8 ай бұрын
ブランカもアリスママもきっと幸せに暮らしていけますように。 えっ?熱男さん、大丈夫ですか? ママさんも大変ですがご無理されませんように。
@gandamhiro1767 8 ай бұрын
@nekopunchp 8 ай бұрын
いつもスーパーサンクスありがとうございます😊 猫たちの為に使わせて頂きます🙇
@ピート1号-x7d 8 ай бұрын
パパ主様大丈夫でしょうか。お見舞い申し上げます。 ブランカは初めて登場した動画で里親が見つかるまでとおっしゃっていたのでいつか引き取られる日が来るんだろうなとは思ってました。 でもやっぱり、どんなふうに育つか見ていたかったですね。 そして大変な中アリスも無事に卒業とのことで、そこは少しほっといたしました。アリスもブランカも幸せになってください。 そしてこの状況での更なる子猫ですか。決してご無理だけはなさいませんよう。
@タンタン-q6o 8 ай бұрын
大変な中いつも素晴らしい動画を配信して下さりありがとうございます😊 パパ主様のご回復を心よりお祈りしています🙏 ママさんも兄主さんも大変でしょうがお身体ご自愛下さいますように❤️ ねこパンチ家のニャンズみんな大好きです❤ 毎日癒しをいただいて感謝しています🌈😸🙏❤️
@AMS7200 8 ай бұрын
Please make sure these kids know how to be kind to little Blanca. She needs to be handled gently and with much love. Please make sure these kids know that.😢😢I love her so much and will miss her so much. ❤❤❤❤She is so fragile and delicate. Just gorgeous 😻😻😻
@もふもふ-j1d 8 ай бұрын
@sunnyafternoonsky 8 ай бұрын
I hope Blanca is happy and safe❤ thank you all for taking care of her! You all are truly wonderful humans 😊
@barone8889 8 ай бұрын
It was fun while it lasted. Live long and prosper Bianca and young ones! Thank you for everything you did channel creators!
@user-leaf673 8 ай бұрын
小さかったブランカが、 今では立派な猫になっていて これが成長なんだなと感じました。 アリスとブランカまでも 卒業してしまい非常に寂しいです が、元気で居てくれれば それで良いと思っています!
@kayday323 8 ай бұрын
thank your for everything you did for Blanca and Alice ❤ I really hope dad gets better 😢😢 Muchas gracias por todo, nos hace muy feliz ❤
@augustbornone 2 ай бұрын
This was such a heartwarming video(well... minus Hime's reaction to Blanca from 9:16 to 10:42), I am so happy that Blanca is now healthy and has a new home.
@yuka-pun 8 ай бұрын
まずは主様のご主人様の早いご回復を心から願っております。 主様に保護して頂いたおかげでブランカちゃんもいっぱい愛情を惜しみなく受け、アリスちゃんが母猫のように、そしてクマちゃんハチちゃんが兄弟のように、ミュウくんがお兄ちゃんのように…くぅちゃんにはヤキモチかシャーと言われましたが、ヒメちゃんの深い母性と、他の先住猫さん達の受け入れ大勢と…みんな幸せだから、新入り猫ちゃんにも優しく接してくれるのでしょうね🥰  ご主人様が入院されて、ご近所さんがお声を掛けて下さるのは、主様ご家族様のお人柄のおかげですね。獣医さんも、とても親切で安心ですね。 主様、ありがとうございます✨ 新しい子猫の事が気になっていらっしゃると思いますが、子猫ちゃんはお世話が掛かるので、ご主人様の事も心配ですよね。心配事がたくさんあるので、どうか主様がお身体壊されませんよう、心から願っています。
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@のの子-c6p 8 ай бұрын
生きていると様々な出来事がありますよね。 皆が幸せでありますように。
@crabwalk7773 8 ай бұрын
👏👏👏. Prayers and well wishes for you, your family, and especially the dad who owns the cats. While we like your videos, please let your family be a priority right now. 💖💖💖💖
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
Exatamente! Assino embaixo! 👍🏻
@Firas5465 8 ай бұрын
Awww I love when they kitties were snuggling together at 57:34
@fy7807 8 ай бұрын
@manueldiaz6977 7 ай бұрын
Felicitaciones chicos por cuidar a ese bebe gato abandonado y darle cariño y proteccion.🐈❤🐈❤🍼❤🍼❤🍼❤🐈🐈🐈👍🏻🇪🇨🇪🇨🇪🇨🇪🇨Saludos desde Ecuador
@panda-kurikuri 8 ай бұрын
ブランカもアリスも新しい家で、どうかしあわせになってほしいです。 一生、かわいがってほしい。 また路頭に迷って1人ぼっちにならないでほしい。
@MyLifemywork-jn88gc 8 ай бұрын
Thanks Guys for saving cute kitten and Guys you are really beautiful angels 😇🙏🙏🙏🤗♥️💖🌹💕💪👍🥰💐
@theaccountant666 8 ай бұрын
it is sad seeing Blanca go. This was a very heartwarming story from the beginning. Thank you for all of this. Mu and uncle Towa have been doing great 🐈 You can't keep all the kittens that you nurture from birth/rescue, and it must be hard for you to let go. I hope Blanca has found her forever home. I am glad Alice also found a home. She was not featured as much but I think she will do well. if you could post once in a while updates how they are all doing... 😻
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@noreenconstantine4612 8 ай бұрын
I love Blanca. I watched this twice
@anapalenciavalero3618 8 ай бұрын
Ha sido precioso ver crecer a Blanca. Tenia tantas ganas de vivir. Es triste no verla más pero estará muy bien con los ñiños que la quieren mucho. Mi preferida era Alice tan buena y tranquila. Espero volverla a ver alguna vez más ja que esta muy cerca. Ha sido una historia muy bonita. Muchas gracias por los videos. Eres muy generosa❤❤
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@carinhall4508 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for giving Blanca the best chance at life. ❤
@DonnyStefan-t4v 8 ай бұрын
I was so happy to see this video!!! The first videos of Blanca I saw, she was very weak and her tummy was all bloated with worms. What a relief it is to know she made it and now has little humans to play with too! Thank you and God bless you for everything you do!!!❤❤❤
@yukarick9km2k 8 ай бұрын
パパさんママさんこんばんは😊 ブランカちゃん大きくなりましたね😊 アリスママやパパさんママさんそしてたくさんのお兄ちゃんお姉ちゃんからの愛情がブランカちゃんの命を守り成長させてくれたんですね😊 パパさんご入院されてるんですね最後の最後に知りました😢 ママさんパパさんのお体が良くなりますようにお祈りしています😢 そしてママさんのお体も心配です😢 どうかご無理なさらずにご自愛くださいませ😢 パパさんも心配してします😢 そしてブランカちゃんやアリスママヤマト君皆が心配してしまいます😢 だからどうかご無理なさぬようにご自身のお体もご自愛くださいませ😢 ブランカちゃんを見つけママさんに保護をお願いしてくれた子供君がブランカちゃんを引き取ってくださるんですね😊 ずっとのおうちが見つかったんですね😊 寂しくなりますがブランカちゃんが幸せに暮らしていくためのお家そして愛情たっぷりくれる優しい家族がいてくれるお家それはブランカちゃんの幸せな猫生を送っていける場所😊
@ドラム文子 8 ай бұрын
ママさん。❤❤❤ 大変だと思いますが、これからもたくさんの猫ちゃんが癒やしてくれますように願っています。🙏🙏🙏
@川崎りつこ 8 ай бұрын
@wesleyjunior4114 8 ай бұрын
Graças a Deus ela está linda a nossa bebezinha Blanca muito linda mesmo
@josemartin3607 8 ай бұрын
Tchau Blanca, que seja muito feliz com sua nova familia, adorei todos os videos em que ela apareceu, vou sentir saudades 😥
@jesig8111 7 ай бұрын
My heart I grew so attached to Blanca, Kuma and Hachi's journeys to see them all go is heartbreaking to know we won't get to see them grow into full adults but I'm happy they've all gone to great homes. Alice as well from not being quite sure how to be a momma to turning into a great one was beautiful to experience. Also, seeing her adopt and accept little Blanca with an open and loving heart treating her as if she birthed her as well 💞. Hope you can give us some updates.
@elevenoir1 8 ай бұрын
thank you for your videos!!!
@beatrizbarrera5572 8 ай бұрын
Felicidades es hermoso el trabajo que has hecho con Blanca es una gatita saludable fuerte y feliz, 😢😢 el momento donde los niños reciben a Blanca es tan dulce y tierno sean felices amen y cuiden mucho a Blanca, deseo que Alice también sea muy feliz en su nuevo hogar, gracias familia hermosa por todos los gatitos que han acogido quedará en sus hermosos recuerdos, saludos y bendiciones deseo que tu familia y tus gatitos sean saludables y fuertes ❤😊🐾💖💗🧡❤️🖤
@elegrace.39 8 ай бұрын
ブランカちゃんの大ファンだったので寂しくなりますが、元気で幸せでいてほしいです。クマ・ハチくんたちと仲良くアリスママのミルクを飲む姿、クゥちゃんにシャーされて、ママさんの手のなかに戻ってきちゃう様子が健気で愛しく、優しい気持ちになりました😊 ブランカちゃん、ママさん、有り難うございました🥰🤗
@arifuentes6931 8 ай бұрын
Oh dear Blanca, i hope to see you again😢. Even you were so tiny, you're a strong kittie. You're growing up, and you're so beautiful😊. Alice you're such a good mother cat, i hope you can addapt to your new home and family😊. I feel sad, but at the same time happy for Blanca and Alice. I hope to see them again✨️💗😺💗✨️
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@lorenapostel9125 8 ай бұрын
Alice ist eine gute Mama geworden und Mu ein sehr lieber großer Bruder. ❤❤❤
@HaikuFromKumo 8 ай бұрын
I will miss her a lot...😢❤❤❤
@白川和代-h2r 8 ай бұрын
ママさん 沢山の猫ちゃん達のお世話ありがとうございます…ママさんお身体に気をつけてお過ごしくださいね♪動画楽しみにしていますありがとう
@loriloristuff 8 ай бұрын
I am so sorry to hear about the stroke! Cats are easier than you think. I think Alice and Blanca will be fine, although Mu will miss Blanca I think. If you can take the new kitten, great; if you can't right now, please don't get down on yourself.
@KrzysztofK-u8b 8 ай бұрын
Jesteście dobrymi ludźmi. Dużo, dużo zdrowia.
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@shoko5950 8 ай бұрын
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
Agora entendi! Obrigado! Quem teve que ser hospitalizado foi o esposo da mamãe dos gatinhos! Aí realmente não é fácil ter que cuidar de tantos gatinhos e cuidar dos cuidados necessários com ele! Que Deus os ajude a superar essa situação!
@suaye7171 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing .
@mvmv436 8 ай бұрын
@kuzzz-s3t 8 ай бұрын
Как Бланка выросла, какая большая кошка уже! Спасибо, что спасли ее и дали ей жизнь, которую она заслуживает ❤
@franziskam7285 8 ай бұрын
This cute little guy at the very end 😀❤ What a surprise. I love to follow your journey. There is a lot going on. 😊
@jaz58107 8 ай бұрын
Aw im so glad Blanca got her forever home i hope she will be very happy & well looked after!! You cared for her beautifully, she looked so strong & healthy when she left. Im sure the children will cherish her forever! I'm so sad she's gone. Perhaps we can have an update from time to time? Ty so much for sharing her with us. Goodbye Blanca, you will be very missed x❤️🥰🌹
@yuk-k3752 8 ай бұрын
タイではありません。m(_ _)m
@east-j2l 8 ай бұрын
ブランカちゃん、アリスちゃんも巣だったのですね😌 アリスちゃんは終始穏やか😊 ブランカちゃん大きくなりましたね☺️ ご主人様の早期回復をお祈りしております☺️
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@ろく-k1t 8 ай бұрын
ブランカ推し泣く😭どうか幸せに💐 アリスもずっとのおうちができて、本当に良かった💕 そしてそして、ママさん❗任務完了お疲れ様でしたと終わりたかったですが、元気だしてくださいね😢パパ主さんが早く良くなりますように。
@amandawilcox5106 7 ай бұрын
Best wishes to Alice and her new family! Hello, Rio!
@iedateresinha5400 8 ай бұрын
Que triste despedir-se de Blanca e Alice! Espero que sejam cuidadas e amadas como foram com sua família.😢 Que todos fiquem saudáveis e que o pai da família se recupere totalmente!🙏
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
Amém! 🙏🏻
@Ірина-ю2х8ж 8 ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Thank you
@hiromama9168 8 ай бұрын
熱男さん、大丈夫ですか🙏早くよくなりますように🙏 ママさんも、大変ですが体調に気をつけて🙏
@anat99 8 ай бұрын
Blanquita es luchadora, tan pequeñita gracias a sus padres adoptivos crece preciocisima y sanita!
@lorenapostel9125 8 ай бұрын
Was für ein supi schönes Bild.....alle Drei schlafend im Spielzeug.❤❤❤
@山本久美子-q8x 8 ай бұрын
パパさん 早く良くなりますように😢
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@norikoandou 8 ай бұрын
ブランカちゃん  小さくてブチャかわいい頃から応援していました。大事に育てて下さり本当にありがとうございます。きっと美猫になると信じていました。ずっとのお家ができたのね!寂しいけど、それが一番いいことね。元気でいてね。
@ebitirie2n 8 ай бұрын
@travelmoretravelmore9963 7 ай бұрын
The video is full of caring love and happiness, thanks for sharing all this beautiful cats
@ソルトリバーchiba 8 ай бұрын
@ねこにこんばんは 8 ай бұрын
美猫さん♥️ 長生きしてね😃
@ang_mm 8 ай бұрын
Ohhhh avui tenim el desenllaç d'una història commovedora 😿Una gateta abandonada i indefensa, però amb moltes ganes de viure, troba la millor casa d'acollida, i pocs dies després, apareixen una mare dolça i uns germanets meravellosos per ajudar-la a créixer. Sense ells haria estat molt més difícil La Blanca és molt afortunada i continuarà siguent-t'ho. Final feliç per a la Blanca, que finalement ha crecut !!! T'enyorarem molt. I també a la dolça Alice, al tendre Kuma i a l'eixerit Hachi. Siguéu feliços, gatets! Molts ànims a la família Neku, i bona recuperació al pare. Esperem molts més videos
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
Que linda mensagem! 🥹❤️
@erikavilasboas9421 8 ай бұрын
Sentirei saudades dos gatinhos que foram para outros lares. Que sejam muito felizes. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@zloychel9775 8 ай бұрын
Папе здоровья💪 Пусть выздоравливает.
@Hasu-xk1wm 8 ай бұрын
Gracias! por haberle dado una oportunidad a la hermosa Blanca. Creció con cuidados, atención y mucho amor. No puedo, dejar de sentir tristeza, con la partida de Blanca a nuevo hogar (porque no sabremos de ella). Pero, estoy feliz, porque tendrá un hogar definitivo y con amor. La hermosa Alice (mí preferida )también tendrá también la oportunidad, de una vida llena de seguridad y amor. El amor que pones en cada uno de los gatos/as, traspasa cada video que compartes. Gracias, por tu gran corazón y a tu familia, también. Saludos para todos! desde ARGENTINA.
@samuka_smk 8 ай бұрын
@cesarflorez2594 8 ай бұрын
Wow!!!...all the cats grow very beautiful.Terra,Towa y Blanca.
@estelaortega2371 8 ай бұрын
oh que pena que ya no la veremos a Blanca, pero ella va a ser la reina en la casa a la que va, muchas gracias por sus cuidados, saludos
@猫邸001 8 ай бұрын
@buzzkillington1719 8 ай бұрын
Love your uploads Thank you kind cat lady ❤❤❤❤❤
@JohnShields-xx1yk 5 ай бұрын
I was worried about Blanca, didn't look to good, looks 100% better, thanks to you guys Huge hearts. Your videos brighten my day. Thank you.
@OnlyScienceRules 7 күн бұрын
All cats and innocent life forms deserve the best ❤
@MauroMeneguzzi 8 ай бұрын
Obrigado por cuidar deles ❤
@conceicaoduarte3059 8 ай бұрын
Lindo o trabalho que fizeram! Gostaria muito que Alice e Blanca seguissem com vocês. Mas rezo para que sejam muito felizes com suas novas famílias. Parabéns! Que sejam todos muito felizes! Muita força pra vocês e que possam continuar fazendo a diferença, acolhendo e protegendo esses seres tão maravilhosos! Gratidão ❤
@かえる-o7e 8 ай бұрын
ブランカー幸せに♬♪ ねこぱんち家のみんなのこと忘れないで♡♡♡
@muscat3990 8 ай бұрын
ブランカ 大きく健康的になりましたね 本当に良かったですね お別れは寂しいけれど ブランカもアリスも大切にされて、幸せになることと思います パパさんの回復を願うばかりです お大事にしてください
@Daya-Girl 8 ай бұрын
Melhoras para o senhor enfermo.🙏 Desejo o melhor para Alice, muita saúde e felicidade para ela e seus novos tutores!
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