Sister: you are very anointed by The Most High God to be such unique singer and song writer. Please focus on Jesus Christ alone. God Bless you my sister. Thank You Jesus
Melody, 很多年前在一场特会中偶遇你带敬拜时,我就忍不住跟同伴感慨说“this girl is so anointed!” 我想每一位真实的敬拜者都有他独属的能力去带下神的同在和心意,不只在于他们的嗓音有多好听或者多有技巧。支持你继续为神创作和歌唱!
@ray8guitar10 ай бұрын
And I totally agree with you that art is shaping the culture. And we are more shaped by culture than education. Hollywood and Disney is shaping our kid’s minds and their values. 師母 said something about it’s all about the person and the heart. If we truly believe worship isn’t just songs, then worship is anything we do. So if we’re performers, then doing a good job performing is our worship to our Creator. So is cooking, dancing, raising kids, working… etc. just sharing some thoughts because I’m very passionate about this subject
It’s The Work of God’s Spirit, which is not limited by time, by event nor by man! He moves beyond our understanding! We shall be teachable without grieving Him, but let Him pour out to those who serve Him! Praise the Lord
@chenyuzhi2610 ай бұрын
確實要讚美,Praise God Mercy and Grace 在這個世界,活在真理中,世人的話語,儘管正負面,正當或謬誤,讓我們學習, 漸進的成長。
@maryhuang636110 ай бұрын
Personal intimacy relationship with Jesus. We can hear and see that intimacy relationship between Jesus and Melody. Through her music. Through worship.
How God will use you and your music will be out of your imagination. Be Blessed
@ThomasHoi10 ай бұрын
As long as your music pleases God, nothing else matters. In fact, I will argue that your music is likely to reach someone unreachable! Your dad pointed out an important point. There are some young opera singers singing biblical Chinese opera to reach out to the older people in Hong Kong!
@estherchien121410 ай бұрын
Melody, just be yourself, proud of you. Auntie Esther in New Zealand 挺妳. I know I am not your real auntie but very proud of your efforts.
Worship is about coming closer to God and encountering Him. Different musical styles resonate with different people, which I believe pleases God. Has Melody ever produced any Chinese-style worship music? I quite like this genre of melody; it might spark something unique.🎉❤😊
I truly pray from my heart for your family to be blessed by The Most High God to have God’s Promised land, to reward your family with a beautiful house. In The Name of Jesus, Amen
@陳淑華-b4p10 ай бұрын
@jessicajia886010 ай бұрын
@DavinaTseng-ko4lx10 ай бұрын
@zxy607010 ай бұрын
@pamlau805010 ай бұрын
@maryhuang636110 ай бұрын
You can speak and sing in English so God Prepared big, wide stage for you to worship God worldwide. In The Name of Jesus, Amen
@verityc650410 ай бұрын
You can try both Christian and popular music with your talent. Singer/ musician Amy Grant started with Christian music and then moved on to popular music. You could be the next Amy Grant.
我是人,我知道我存在,我知道我自己喜歡、不喜歡哪些音樂,我也會去欣賞別人,看別人投入、開心是多麼美好的事。但是要知道是否神喜歡妳的音樂,必須先證明神存在,之後還要證明神的喜好。 如果說聖經是證明神的存在、神的喜好的證據或是方法。那就如妳說的,歌詞都是從聖經來的,神應該會喜悅。如果如此,為何還猶豫呢?是否是因為潛意識裡,知道自己並沒有辦法證明神的存在,神的特性?"能證明" 跟 "相信" 是不同的事。相信神的存在,但不能證明神的存在時,單單相信是無法說服、勉強別人也相信不能證明的,最後只能用影響、吸引的方式讓人相信。 認為聖經是真理的人,行事為人用聖經做標準,是否會給其他人帶來困擾呢?想想看,但是如果用 Psalm of Songs 裡面的經文來做音樂,說不定連世俗的人都會認為那太露骨了,怎麼可以拿來唱?如果是很血腥的經文,那也許和平愛好者會認為是很差的影響,也會抗議的。 有在念 Bible 的人應該都知道 Bible is rated R,兒童不宜的刊物,拿來唱的部份都是選擇性的。與其擔心音樂風格,其實更要擔心的是為何聖經內容不能都拿來唱。
@verityc650410 ай бұрын
到底神喜悅怎麼樣的音樂,喜悅怎麼樣的人?感覺大家都在猜,都很模糊不清,說不明白。其實也許應該問,神到底是誰?舊約裡的神,是主角,明顯的給人規則,而不按照規則,不按照祂所喜悅的,是會被罰的。而新約的神,把主角的位子讓給了人,變成接受人的一切。在這樣的背景之下,人創造出任何的風格的音樂,都有人欣賞、支持,都有人認為是神所喜悅,或是神不喜悅的。為何大家觀念不同?其實還是要回到,神到底是雖?人對神的觀點、認識不同,所以才會對神到底喜歡什麼有不同的觀點。 跳脫一神信仰的架構,有些人認為,不應該問 Who is God? 而是問 What is God? 如果神/創造主其實並沒用意思跟人建立所謂的關係,聖經記錄的其實是人相信是真的但並不是真的記錄,那其實人要如何創造藝術,又如何呢?為何要在宗教的架構呢?為何又要有宗教、世俗的對比呢?
一神信仰裡面,為何只有基督教 (Protestants but not Catholics) 那麼重視音樂敬拜?猶太教把聖經看的神聖,特別用手寫,又收藏好,在聚會裡拿出來念,信徒對於聖經感覺是熟悉的,但是沒看過他們有什麼宗教樂壇的偶像。伊斯蘭教看重禱告,一天五次,信徒對可蘭經感覺並不熟悉,也沒看過他們有什麼宗教樂壇的偶像。基督教聚會卻是以音樂為吸引,大多的人對聖經不熟,而且有很多基督教樂壇的偶像,吸引很多歌迷去參加演唱會。天主教最重視的應該是 communion。而天主教因為在音樂上沒有如此流行性的發展,流失了一些喜好 excitement 的年輕人。基督教因此 become more popular in the news despite the fact that Catholics account for the majority of the number of Christians. 如果說要敬拜,而聖經被認為是神的話,是了解神的管道,那猶太教的人應該算是最認識神的嗎?基督教算是最通俗,最貼近人的嗎?還是因為基督教是因為觀察出他們在這幾十年來的影響力降低,所以用音樂來挽回局面?
@maryhuang636110 ай бұрын
Did everyone like Jesus? Jesus be sold by one of His disciples,