How to Carry LFG Tanks as a HEALER in Mythic+

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Skill Capped WoW Mythic+ Guides

Skill Capped WoW Mythic+ Guides

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@paranoidmd7 Жыл бұрын
The most important video for the healer series would be, ironically, a video urging DPS and tank players to use their defensives properly, including damage reductions, health pots, healthstones, etc. during healing checks.
@luminous19 Жыл бұрын
But prior to that, the significance of interrupting / cc dangerous mobs.
@ramezshkifi Жыл бұрын
DPS have Def wtf are u on about😂
@boopsii Жыл бұрын
My favorite is when a pally or mage blocks or bubbles AFTER the damage goes out. Like dog you’re already 10% go and there’s no more damage coming. You’re good lmao. You missed the window
@Pr3ch3R Жыл бұрын
​@@boopsii yes yes 1000 Times yes. Hekin plebs
@belisarian6429 Жыл бұрын
@@luminous19 In my experience as tank is that if you want to carry a group it is important to save kick for important casts, like there are lot of casts that are just bolts of various kinds and are not that important to kick especially if targeting tank, however there are some devastating aoe casts that can wipe a group if they will go off, ones that come to mind are Underrot worm channel spells, their bolts are "nice to kick" but their channel is "have to kick".
@DeadSlugg Жыл бұрын
Best topic is how to combat the brain off panic that every healer knows. The moments when things go out of control and you're just sitting there in a panic, stunned as to what to do
@sarevokanchev9996 Жыл бұрын
Press all the buttons, save lives then scold the group for their stupidity. The healer didn't cause things to get out of control...unless they butt pulled.
@moelester5955 Жыл бұрын
Stop everything you do and find someone to put the blame on. Easy.
@skeliskull Жыл бұрын
It just takes practice and experience. Unfortunately hard to practice those oh shit moments so the only thing to do is experience them a lot until you just naturally know what to do. Also remember if shit hits the fan it’s usually a dps / tanks fault - if you keep everyone alive great! But it’s pretty much on everyone to do their best when that happens.
@JK-jw3po 8 ай бұрын
Think about what you will press before you get into shit. I always have a CD in the back of my head that I made out at the start of the pull. So when shit goes wrong, I know I will press this, so I don't have to decide when it's most likely already too late to decide.
@punklingyt Жыл бұрын
Honestly, these "How to play one class by analyzing another class" is great. Maybe a "How to Make Sure Your Healer Doesn't Hire a Hitman on You" for DPS and Tank players to teach what cooldowns to look out for on healers, know when they can be more aggro, know when they can hold stops and kicks on some casts since the healer has big heals ready, and when they should be fighting for their life with all their CD's because the healer is running on enough mana for 2 Flash Heals and a sidewalk magic act. Source: Maining healer, remembering being yelled at by a DPS who stood in swirls and died with their defensives and their interrupts all off cooldown before leaving the key. Truly remarkable
@JK-jw3po 8 ай бұрын
Lol those are my favorites.... "why did you let me die?" "Well, maybe because your 2 brain cells couldn't decide to go left or right out of the shit, so you dropped to 10% health in half a GCD while there was already ticking damage mechanic going on". That's like jumping off a cliff and then asking the ambulance, why they let the cliff hurt you...
@robotspartan9100 Жыл бұрын
I think a very good one to do would be for DPS players (and tanks), and how to play, and why, depending on the type of healer they have to best allow them to stay alive, and keep dealing more damage (gotta make it worth their while 😉) From my own experiences (and gripes): if they have an evoker, they need to consider their shorter range, and frontal healing spells if they have a druid, standing in efflo will increase their HPS on you by a decent amount (or even remove the need to heal you altogether) Same applies to shamans: stand in the healy circles! Paladins heal more the closer you are to them, and if you can't, they benifit from stacked groups due to beacon working with their mastery. Priests also benifit from stacked groups due to short range AOE CD's and mass dispel Monks benifit from lined up (or stacked) groups as it allows them to hit everyone with faeline stomp, which drastically increases their healing
@JonathasSucupira Жыл бұрын
I would like to see a video by the class that goes over the Cooldown management in some of the tough Tyrannical bosses, like the first boss in Brackenhide Gash Frenzy or Chrono-Lord from Uldaman. I've been healing 20s-21s as hpally and rshaman. I have to work very hard on those Tyrannical bosses, so I am not willing to try keys any higher than that.
@Xadros Жыл бұрын
just started to play a healer in m+ this week and this video is really helpfull!! :)
@Hagendazed Жыл бұрын
Would be greatly appreciated to see an in depth video about OmniCd and how to set it up properly. Especially the extra bars to track hard cc, raid cd, etc.. Thanks for the awesome content so far! Keep educating the M+ Community with those amazing videos ❤
@Waevform Жыл бұрын
I’m interested in this type of video too. I just started using omnicd and I’m struggling to separate the things I want to track into groups like defensive CDs, offensive CDs, and mass CC. OmniCD seems to want all the icons jumbled or loosely separated but I want to control what row they’re in and which side of the bar for each grouping
@SpudZookaL2G Жыл бұрын
The statement about monks weakness being physical DMG is incorrect. Between the massive amount of dodge and 50% stagger when spec/geared right, physical DMG isn't so much the issue between not getting hit and being able to purify the stagger off quite regularly, and give yourself a massive shield. The issue is magic as they only stagger a fraction of that. Once defuse magic is on CDs magic DMG can become unforgiving. Not to mention, brewmaster are kitting machines between ring of peace, transcendence, rolls/torpedo, tiger lust. They're underrated imo, mostly due to community perception I'd think.
@chevmaro5278 Жыл бұрын
Why don't you make a guide that tells the dps how to stay alive. Like Pots, Defensives, Cooldowns on critical boss fights. I am a healer and imo the dps players make a big difference.
@maikeljwt Жыл бұрын
I find healing +20 keys easier than +15. Since the people at +15 are often braindead
@Jat8003 Жыл бұрын
A video on healers bigger cooldowns explaining them and when to use them. I heal on both resto classes and a lot of the time forget to use CD’s or just hold on to them for “oh shit” moment where it might be too late, more so on the shaman than the Druid. Sadly like a lot of people comment here, a lot of dps and some tanks are just worried about their numbers instead of staying out of shit and just expect the healer to fix their mistakes while also expecting to handle affixes, do interrupts and do dps. Especially incorporeal and afflicted where healers can’t do them all every time they spawn.
@popojaga7312 Жыл бұрын
In a coffin
@69ricsko Жыл бұрын
@davidburlingame2421 Жыл бұрын
Recommend walking through a max-sustained healing rotation for heavy group-wide damage by class. Ex) Khajin the unyielding on Tyranical+20.
@aar021 Жыл бұрын
Addin RP to my frames for DK made a world of difference. Thank you, guys , another great video.
@_samb Жыл бұрын
Would be awesome to see a guide on the best tank/healer combos and synergies
@normannseils3936 10 ай бұрын
Any HOT healer + Monktank. any good external DR healer (Pala/Disc) with blood. Rest doesn’t really matter. protpala and restosham also not bad together since the ladder doesn’t have any ST externals
@ScreamMode1337 Жыл бұрын
I run brewmaster and do pretty well since I focus on it. I agree with the kiting part man if I got nothing I gotta keep moving. Really a shame that BM doesn't get a buff, at least a change to stagger mechanic.
@bku57 Жыл бұрын
just a side note on brews, at least pre-nerf they used to do a ton of damage, which in turn lets the healer focus on healing more and then celestial fortitude, which synergies extremely well with high crit healers (like rshams) or healers that tick a lot (like rdruids) I absolutely
@nicknames5141 Жыл бұрын
Defensives for dps or effective times to use HP stones/pots and how to interupt . As a healer it can mean quite a lot more incoming dmg if dps miss interupts like Stormcallers in FH, or if they let healing npcs free cast...or if they're just not interrupting.
@nicknames5141 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps going on the interrupts even a step further which adds you can stun and who stunning can be most effective on. 1GCD for 8+ seconds of stun which can be used to negate hard casts(or a whole pat with a shaman, DH, or monk)or in a dungeon like Neltharion's Lair on the Demolisher it can mean ignoring his transformation completely.
@Lahuiz Жыл бұрын
I'm main DK blood, if you played with BDK who were doing ping-pong, that's bcuz they were bad, i'm doing +24-25 and taking no damages, we got 7 Def CDs + 2 shields we're supposed to have 90% of the time, in higher keys it's only CD management & dps cycle, no need a lot of heal, i end my keys with like 5M heal from the healer easily
@normannseils3936 10 ай бұрын
You ping pong only on really hard content (12 stacks of EB flowers, big pulls in ToTT, huge bolster stacks and so on). In an average situation you rarely dip below 90% live on any given pull.
@caroqt Жыл бұрын
Where's the part of this video where we talk about tanks that kill their entire group with frontals? Happened yesterday in 23 NL, he kept moving the big hulk ad around and hit the group with fracture and piercing shards. He didn't know piercing shards follows the tank so he was trying to move out of it... At least not too much time was wasted on this key because he also decided to oneshot 2 dps with the frontal from the first boss at 40%.
@sarevokanchev9996 Жыл бұрын
Tank clearly took one too many hits to the head. Sounds like he also caught the DPS sleeping.
@Spyer201 Жыл бұрын
The best healer video would be boss fights, which bosses do more or less damage with the tanks, which bosses do you NEED to have CDs for and which ones just require basic healing
@Pr3ch3R Жыл бұрын
Maybe a dps guide for there defensivs. I See it every day. Dps Flame healers when they die but didnt even used a Single def. HOW TO SUPPORT THE HEALER .
@retrosushianartistwhoisper1432 Жыл бұрын
This also seems like it’ll help Augvoker lol
@SL4PSYM4XY Жыл бұрын
Good video. I play every tank in the game. My three favorite are prot pally, blood dk and guardian Druid. I mained prot warrior in S1 and quit maining prot warrior in S2. Prot warrior needs heals, guardian Druid needs some light healing, prot Paladin needs some light healing and blood dk doesn’t need a healer at all. It’s hilarious.
@ytano5782 Жыл бұрын
Class/Spec recommendations for mediocre groups would be nice. For players, who don‘t push beyond 20. In this groups you face a lot of unpredictable damage and doing dps is impossible.
@verch1712 Жыл бұрын
Great video, I just have one problem with it. at 0:53 the animation doesn't show a tank but an APC (armorded personal carrier), trust me, i'm a tank mechanic... funny enough that I play healer in wow
@skeliskull Жыл бұрын
As a prot warrior I love bringing low rated healers on my keys because i feel like its super easy to handle. Gives me an opportunity to use more of my cooldowns 😂. Most the time i won’t need all that much topping off and when i do there’s usually plenty of time to react to it because my mitigations will hold steady. Paladins & warriors are you friend if you’re new to healing. And just blame the tank if u mess up ;)
@adonayjire Жыл бұрын
thanks, this video helped a lot
@kc33burr Жыл бұрын
Lol. "We linked up with some of the top healers that don't have to deal with these types of tanks." Makes sense.
@josealejandrochavarriamadr713 Жыл бұрын
As a healer something that gets me all the time is general dungeon knowledge hahah. What to this dispel, and general CD management based on the dungeon. Like I’m not sure if in a given “oh shut” moment should I burn a cd or just keep it cus I might need it right after
@Dadbod2019 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see a set up for your ui you are showing. The one with the healbot on the left with what seems cooldowns or buffs on the left side
@Hagendazed Жыл бұрын
Hello There is tones of videos like this out there already Some of the ui you can see on their awesome videos are most of the time top tier player ui (sometimes you can get acces to it by subscribing to there twitch channel) Or personnaly I would recommand Quazii youtube channel explaining everything very smartly 👍💪😃
@Rawbeeasty Жыл бұрын
Love the video and great info! Makes me wanna really pay attention on their CDs. Also from from Ret to Holy it really depends on how experienced the DPS are too especially in high keys. Could i get your Plater profile? 🤣 *Edit* Nvm got it from your other video.
@stacygomez6243 Жыл бұрын
High production vids. Thanks
@masoudnazemiyan3901 Жыл бұрын
I love tanks who dosnt need healer at all ; it really help to healer do tons of aoe damage and finish the mythic faster
@paoloreginato Жыл бұрын
I would love to know how to get the most of the healer in the high keys, im currently a disc priest, but is been so hard to sustain hps above 20 keys that i even created a mage to play and just gonna retired the priest
@sarevokanchev9996 Жыл бұрын
Fire mage or delete.
@damnjans6786 Жыл бұрын
Do I need to buy subscription to play it or i Just need base game. Because I Just bought cd version of it and I am a little bit worried do j need subscription.
@TerryImportant Жыл бұрын
What name plate addon is that?
@Jonyi100 Жыл бұрын
i recently startetd to play as holy pala in m +. my score is near 1600 and getting more score is sometimes horrible. Most grps i play random in it are realy tashing like dps and tank´s dont use there cds and then they neraly get 1 hit dead. or soaking alle aoe and cleve dmg. arg ist like be a babysitter for babys
@mariusandre6400 Жыл бұрын
i want to see guided for resto druid
@robotspartan9100 Жыл бұрын
The most common things i tend to advise for new R.Druids : Keep efflorescence under the group as best you can, at all times. This will actually do the bulk of your healing over a dungeon if done right. Lifebloom is the most important HOT you have available. Keep this on two people at all times (usually yourself, and whoever has the least health) This also boosts efflo. More HOT's = exponentially more healing due to how mastery works. Remember, Druids "ramp" up their healing. This refers to putting many HOT's on people before the big damage event to benifit from their mastery. Never just spam regrowth, "ramp up" on the target first (usually lifebloom, then rejuv) to boost its power. Learn to trust your HOTs - you're not a priest or paladin, you wont top health bars right away. let your over time effects do their thing, or you will quickly run out of mana Honestly a full guide for resto druid would be a good thing to see, as its got a lot of weird interactions and quirks that i rarely see covered
@JonathasSucupira Жыл бұрын
What is the addon that is adding the tank's mitigation to the party frames?
@JonathasSucupira Жыл бұрын
Never mind, I just had to watch until the end of the video. BuffOverlay is what I was looking for.
@calamity0.o Жыл бұрын
Is that the stuff to the right? I think left is omniCD.
@JonathasSucupira Жыл бұрын
@@calamity0.o I was looking for BuffOverlay.
@Wraith3385 Жыл бұрын
Microsoft did a study, gold fish have a longer attention span than humans now. Thought Id throw that out there, that you actually gave bad players too much credit 😂
@kkarsten620 Жыл бұрын
As a healer, I like to play with "ElitismHelper" to see if it's my fault or if it was unnecessary damage that could be dodged.
@stuff12341 Жыл бұрын
If you have to heal DK frequently or (lets be honest) at all, you are in deep trouble. They are one of the class that are very good at keeping themself alive.
@jazmine922 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. My regular group's tank is a blood DK. I rarely need to pay attention to him, and primarily focus on healing the other four of us. About the only time he ever dies is when someone else in the group, including me, misses handling their mechanic. He knows how to play his class, which makes all the difference, regardless of what tank, dps or healer you bring.
@Lahuiz Жыл бұрын
I main BDK, it's 95% self healing, a BDK needs heals only when he's far from mobs or when he have a dot at the end of an aggro
@natemonster4465 Жыл бұрын
@@Lahuiz agreed. I can still do good damage especially now with this 10% buff to damage again its pretty much just healing my self. hell i be out healing healers most of the time
@Moonwired Жыл бұрын
“When a tank is being, (paraphrasing) “an idiot” Then it becomes your responsibility as a healer to compensate”, No it’s not, fock uff -the average m+ healer This attitude even from people who make guide videos for a living is why there are barely any healers playing the game right now, it is YOUR PERSONAL responsibility to mitigate and avoid ALL incoming damage. We healers are here to mitigate and restore health from predictable and scripted incoming damage patterns. Mistakes happen, and we’ll try to cover those best we can, but we CANNOT heal STUPID.
@TheAsmidir Жыл бұрын
@StevenBoston-k7p Жыл бұрын
Prot warriors are on of the most popular m+ tanks…… excuse me what?
@xsaber7 Жыл бұрын
Best channel.
@Kirigo_ Жыл бұрын
Im a 2,9k Healing Druid, gettting flamed by a 2,2k Hunter that i am boosted... Thats the Healer feeling :D
@kind2rethink Жыл бұрын
Yeah know that.. but honestly most boosted players are dps because they have 2 others in group which often carry their mistakes, missed interrupts and low dps.
@ranz1337 Жыл бұрын
I would say that dampen harm is also good to track for brewmaster tanks.
@nkrav7160 Жыл бұрын
I have to imagine that like me, a lot of healers have also been playing Augmentation Evoker instead which gives you a feeling of healing/supporting without even half the stress, reducing even more the amount of healers available for groups. Great design choice, Blizzard 😁
@goran77ish Жыл бұрын
Making a list for healers how to heal a tank and forgetting to say main tip healing a paladin? Paladins have word of glory and if played well knowing damage pattern they aim to have low hp then use it. Good paladin do not need a healer. Good paladin can also carry with off heals if needed (healer struggle or dead). So many times I healed myself and one or two DPS half trough boss fight because healer is dead and no bres. Granted it was up to 20 key but people taking tips from this video don't play beyond this range anyway. So, don't stress out as healer if paladin health goes low, it is by design.
@MrTincify Жыл бұрын
paladin being most popular? for the last week that i got home, only 2 i see are vdh and gdruid.. hm :D
@jimusa7482 Жыл бұрын
prot paladin is still arguably 1 of the best pug tanks because of utility
@MrTincify Жыл бұрын
@@jimusa7482 that's why we play holy paladin, to fill that gap so we can enjoy the meta tanks :p
@Hagendazed Жыл бұрын
They probably make the research and video before the meta heavily switched. To remember, lots of players are sheep who follow without even understanding. Noneed to be bear or Dh to time +25. Concerning +29 it's probably another story
@jshauns Жыл бұрын
I simply avoid DK's in +20's
@theroyalcam Жыл бұрын
good call
@alasdairmacleod Жыл бұрын
As a ProtPaladin (KeyKong-Executus), I’m always frustrated that the DPS get PI when haste is my baby. Give the PP a boost every now and then. You will put a smile on his face 🍆🥳
@teflaime Жыл бұрын
I would point out that tanks who pull reasonably get yelled at for going to slow - usually by the healer who starts pulling shit and gets mad when the tanks let them die.
@adamblyth9972 Жыл бұрын
Maybe in the 6+ keys you struggle with.
@papechoolo30 Жыл бұрын
Damage for healers
@jshauns Жыл бұрын
Tanking for DPS
@6240759 Жыл бұрын
Unga-Bunga's will still say NO!
@abadmanmike Жыл бұрын
There's already tons of guides on dungeons and classes. Not knocking this one. The problem is 80% of the people that play the game do not take the time to look at them or put any effort to be good. They want to get in a group, only hit dps buttons, never kick or use defensives. Probably dont even have them bound to keys as well. Then when they die, they blame it on someone else and say that their dps is top so their shit dont stink. How do you fix this because imo this is what is killing the game. I see it on so many streamers that im glad my ass does not do keys higher than 15. Complete shit show. Best time to have some fun is wait about 2 months into a season then queue up some 10-15 keys cause the chance of everyone being so overly geared mechanics are not an issue lol. Sad but true.
@lucadesanctis563 Жыл бұрын
Got a MW alt and holy shit M+ are brutal. Let's add the shiettiest community ever existed and u're not exactly incentivized to play Healers
@ALLdeyLONG Жыл бұрын
@dhanrajpawar1789 Жыл бұрын
blind dps tanks healers . i said blind coz in raid it mostly happen in dungeons little less . but this player literally stand in aoe damage taking consistent damage and dont want to follow tactics and keep taking damage. they want to get healed for whole time .this are the first who argues about healing . this dps/healer literally just keep key on dps/hps and dont play tactics and some tanks are funny they dont want to use there cooldowns🤣
@hildeboham1012 Жыл бұрын
👏 *Promo SM*
@YunaxEU Жыл бұрын
healing is nowhere near as hard as playing a tank in pugs
@nillywilly2176 Жыл бұрын
hard disagree on that one
@adamblyth9972 Жыл бұрын
I do both. You are wrong.
@YunaxEU Жыл бұрын
@@adamblyth9972 i also do both, you are also wrong
@saucythighs Жыл бұрын
13:44 What key level was this? I had a bit of trouble healing it in a +21 Tyrannical as a 436 Preservation, no bear.
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