10 days ago so you probably already did it...but I just went through this trying to diagnose a squeak and even with the diagram(I still think the one in the manual is wrong) it was a pain. Biggest tips 1. take good pictures of how it's routed. That will be much easier to reference. 2. When in doubt the flat side of the belt goes against the non ribbed pulleys. Just knowing that and working the belt on so all that matched up was easier. I started the belt on the left side as you are looking down into the engine bay on the alternator and then worked to the right. I used one of those auto plastic clip removal tools to give me the reach needed to push the belt on the rest of the way on the right side while loosening the auto tensioner.
@ericrivera219 Жыл бұрын
That low temperature thermostat is gunna give your problems the truck will send more fuel to get to desired temperature the OEM is set to the proper temperature
@dwproductions411 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tip 😃
@karencompton88099 ай бұрын
Watch video 3x not seeing anything regarding water pump. What to see were the water pump is on a 2017 titan xd deisel