Thank you so much. I'm one of those annoying women who has to know WHY this is the best way to do something. You explained it where it made good sense. Big freeze coming to Texas this weekend and last time the water froze at the wellhead, which is outside the well house with no protection. Being single and stubborn i tend to do everything myself, but I think i can manage a few bags of mulch and ive been wanting to try making faux boulders anyway. Lol not really, but i bet it'll be fun. And if I don't get it done I've got an old cooler that'll work turned upside down this time Thanks, what i figured would be difficult sounds pretty simple. Easier than fixing busted pipes anyway.
@BrittCHelmsSr Жыл бұрын
As a new owner of an exposed well that has to have a cover (previously had a 2" casing burried 4 feet under ground using a jet pump mounted n my pressure tank under my house), this is really good information to know. I need to get this on my "to do" list.
@cinderellatremaine51443 жыл бұрын
Wow! Well, this has happened to us twice in 12 years here in Texas. Now I understand why! Thank you!
@rumsiker Жыл бұрын
The best way to solve this is to drill the casing at the trench below freezing point depending where the will is , and install a pitless valve , you guys look up this part at well plumbing supply and see what it is , with a pitless valve adopter everything from pump to the house will be under ground, and if you are worried about water freezing from the ground to the inside of your utility room at the well casing just about 10 12 " below the pitless valve drill a hole about 1/4 " on the stem hose , if you are not going to use the water more then a day or so shut the pump and open your faucets, and drain your tank, now if this is your summer house you can go away without a worry.
@shane38782 жыл бұрын
50 yrs of living in Michigan. Never needed to cover a well. No one I know ever needed to cover a well. Granted our pipes exit the pump below grade.
@Checkthefineprint2 жыл бұрын
Frozen in North Carolina…do I not need to cover the blue tank and also the pump? Or is it just the 12 inch well that you see exposed?
@shontrellyoung2 жыл бұрын
Greetings, I am in Texas getting it hard right now. 1st experience with a well system. I insulated and just within the last couple hours placed a heat source. If my water is running, is it necessary to leave running to prevent anything from freezing?
@philipwidner2 жыл бұрын
Another Texan checking in with cold weather coming up. In last years freeze the pvc connected to the tank busted at all the elbows. Is it recommended to drain the system before a freeze? What’s the easiest way / will that require me to prime the system after draining the system? The well house is not insulated and exposed to the elements.. should I replace everything with Pex? The well is at a hunting cabin that gets used probably 12 weekends out of the year and we shut the power off to the whole thing when not in use. Thanks so much for all your detailed content!! Bought a new switch and pressure gauge (old one is busted) to install with recent intermittent water pressure issues on our OLD system. Will also double check the pressure within the tank
@h2omechanic2 жыл бұрын
There's no way to get a system 100% drained. Your best bet is to cover pipes with blankets and/or use little heater set on low in the pump house. Heat tape works well too. A system that is not in use is probably 4 times more likely to freeze up. But pex is a good idea, it wouldn't split like pvc
@philipwidner2 жыл бұрын
@@h2omechanic thanks so much for your response! Next time the PVC busts we'll be going all Pex. Take care
@chrisdelap2793 Жыл бұрын
What is the purpose of the boiler valve at the top of a well? Also can it be used for anything?
@nmccw3245 Жыл бұрын
A code requirement where he lives for testing the well water.
@sterlingcollins63074 жыл бұрын
So when I put a cover on my well like in this video doi not need to cover my reservoir tank sitting beside the well. I have been so busy I have t built a well house and now it’s suppose to get cold.
@leeweinstein93385 жыл бұрын
@mikeyanp5 жыл бұрын
My friend has a very deep well with jet pump. Since he installed it he has to set pressure @ 70 or it will not stay primed. Pressure falls to 20 or less and no water flow out. Is this ok? I hate setting psi that high especially because his cpvc is getting old in house
@h2omechanic5 жыл бұрын
Jet pumps are tough to set. You must make sure the tank is completely empty of water & set the air pressure 2psi below the switches "on" factory setting. Sounds like 70psi is high & possibly needs it so high to get the check valve to seat fully closed. It's cheaper to buy a 115v submersible pump & hang it on the 1" pipe the jet pump is using. I convert everyone I do bc the time you factor in parts & labor on a jet pump, & the headache it's cheaper & 10 times more reliable. I have a video showing the proper way to put 1 in as well.