April/PC - When will the extension be available for ARM64 chipsets?
@rachwalskimarcin Жыл бұрын
Another question. How secure is this? I work remotely. Working with a Visual Studio Code extension. Is it safe? Can I/Should I secure the sensitive data ex. credentials while I am connected via WiFi - if yes - how? Where to learn more on this field?
@NN-gy7xl3 ай бұрын
no longer available they got rid of bicep for vs
@rachwalskimarcin Жыл бұрын
Why should I use Bicep if I have a Azure Power Shell? The on pros is Bicep visualizer. Are there any other pros?
@AzureDevOps Жыл бұрын
The use of modules with Bicep is highly beneficial, especially to scale your environments. Azure PowerShell is awesome, but can get very unwieldy in larger environments. It also handles parallel runs easily and multiple dependencies much better. The visualisation of Bicep is another bonus. Sometimes it's all about personal preference, but most people find PowerShell can get a little out of control for larger environments
@EmanuellParedes10 ай бұрын
Seem biceps have a little similar terraform syntax