How To Defeat The SELF-SABOTAGING Mind Virus w/ Paul Levy

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Aubrey Marcus

Aubrey Marcus

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Why don’t you always act in your own best interest? What is this force of Resistance preventing you from achieving your dreams? What is behind our collective psychosis? In this gripping and revelatory podcast episode, we venture into the depths of our psyche to expose the Wetiko Mind Virus-The Devil by a different name. Renowned thinker and author, Paul Levy has spent a lifetime on Paul unveils the holographic elements encoded within this enigmatic force, challenging our perceptions of reality and awakening us to the hidden truths that shape our world. From the shadowy depths of our subconscious to the interconnected web of human consciousness, this episode transcends mere discussion-it's a battle cry that empowers us to confront the darkness within and reclaim our innate creative agency.
Get Paul Levy's new book: "Undreaming Wetiko"
Time Stamps:
00:00- Intro
1:24- Wetiko- The Devil- Anti-You | The Mind Virus
27:17- Paul’s Spiritual Awakening & The Problem Of The Father
40:07- The Light & The Dark & Holographically Encoded Evolution
58:40- Collective Madness & Psychosis
1:15:30- Awakening In The Dream & Quantum Physics
1:23:05- The Shaman Archetype & The Wounded Healer
1:47:30- Critical Mass, Global Awakening, Collective Myths
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Founder of Onnit and modern philosopher Aubrey Marcus asks the important questions: How do we find our purpose, wake up to who we truly are, have a few more laughs, and human being a little better?
The Aubrey Marcus Podcast brings in world-class guests from the fields of athletics, health, business, fitness, science, relationship and spirituality, and asks them to open up about the failures and successes that define their wisdom and character.
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@soyasibonnie 28 күн бұрын
I learned something of this in the book, Braiding Sweet Grass. Author Robin Wall Kimmer of the Potawatomi Nation has a chapter: "Defeating Windigo" She says, "Gratitude is a powerful antidote to Windigo psychosis. A deep awareness of the gifts of the earth and each other is medicine. The practice of gratitude lets us hear the badgering of marketers as the stomach grumbling of a Windigo..." (Great book. Totally recommended).
@debbiehill2781 28 күн бұрын
Love this book!! 🙏🏼
@persiamotorman 15 күн бұрын
Thanks for the recommendation!
@LukeWit 28 күн бұрын
As a young man, 21, I feel like my generation is almost taken control of the self sabotaging mind. How is it that my generation has turned to hook up culture, phone or any other addictions, porn, just a lot of self sabotaging behavior I see in all my friends and peers. I'm even more scared for the generation under me, at least I didn't live in a world full of this yet, now we have IPad kids. This constant stimulation is the perfect way to control us. Just feed our young minds, overstimulate us, become a zombie to the point where you feel like you can't think for yourself. The brain feels rotten. I love how weed is becoming legalized, but there's a danger in obviously using it unconsciously. Just give the people what they want so they can distract themselves even further. What led us down this dark path? The devil, the darkness is so prevalent in the world right now, but I have faith that soon the light will shine. At least I hope.
@KetoDoe 28 күн бұрын
We carry the torch
@megankwisdom 28 күн бұрын
I'm almost twice your age and I felt the same way about my generation when I was younger but yeah I think it's getting worse and I think your generation has it harder in a lot of ways. Add sports betting onto everything you said, which is EVERYWHERE now and getting people addicted. And of course the food which is addictive. Our culture is so toxic.
@coolbreeze5683 28 күн бұрын
People, in general, don't know how to be bored or how to experience discomfort. I remember when my nephews were still young. My brother and his wife raised them in a big, beautiful house and they had all the fun gadgets of the moment, they'd go on an overseas holiday every summer. When my oldest nephew graduated high school, I remember my brother telling him that he has to pick a high paying career path since he has to maintain or do better than the environment he was raised in. His saying that really bothered me. Their lifestyle is in the top 10% of what most people on this planet have. They've given their kids very little to look forward to or be excited for since they've been given everything they wanted since birth. I feel like we're doing this on a grand scale with social media. Giving kids as much access and dopamine hits as they want so they won't feel the lows. The lows are necessary in order to feel the highs. Once you run out of highs, what's next? Depression, anxiety and not much to look forward to. What if they suddenly lose access to what give them the highs? Same horrible result.
@FelipeArizola-mq1dz 28 күн бұрын
​@@megankwisdomI'm also in my mid 40s and I used to be within the music/media industry for 2 decades and yup the forces now are more mischievous and malignant.
@zejarra 28 күн бұрын
Incredible to hear a 21 years old speak like this already . I was 21 in 96’ and it would never have occurred to me to observe younger generations and wonder At how bad they have it , let alone my own Gen X . In the 90s and early 00s the internet was confined to home or work but now it goes everywhere with you so you rarely pull the plug . Good to see some young people still awake though . We are few but we can’t be shifted.
@spokenlogos8682 17 күн бұрын
Levy’s books on wetiko were revolutionary for me
@RyanZakMusic 9 күн бұрын
Same! His Quantum Revelation book is equally perspective-altering.
@arturo_cruz 14 күн бұрын
"The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World He Didn’t Exist" The devil exists in us all, whether its a malevolent being, in our DNA or as a methapor it definitely exsists.
@weshill222 28 күн бұрын
The world has felt heavy and dark for too long... I'm ready for the light warriors to unite!
@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 20 күн бұрын
Part II Introduction 1. Words will mean little now. ²We use them but as guides on which we do not now depend. ³For now we seek direct experience of truth alone. ⁴The lessons that remain are merely introductions to the times in which we leave the world of pain, and go to enter peace. ⁵Now we begin to reach the goal this course has set, and find the end toward which our practicing was always geared. 2. Now we attempt to let the exercise be merely a beginning. ²For we wait in quiet expectation for our God and Father. ³He has promised He will take the final step Himself. ⁴And we are sure His promises are kept. ⁵We have come far along the road, and now we wait for Him. ⁶We will continue spending time with Him each morning and at night, as long as makes us happy. ⁷We will not consider time a matter of duration now. ⁸We use as much as we will need for the result that we desire. ⁹Nor will we forget our hourly remembrance in between, calling to God when we have need of Him as we are tempted to forget our goal. 3. We will continue with a central thought for all the days to come, and we will use that thought to introduce our times of rest, and calm our minds at need. ²Yet we will not content ourselves with simple practicing in the remaining holy instants which conclude the year that we have given God. ³We say some simple words of welcome, and expect our Father to reveal Himself, as He has promised. ⁴We have called on Him, and He has promised that His Son will not remain unanswered when he calls His Name. 4. Now do we come to Him with but His Word upon our minds and hearts, and wait for Him to take the step to us that He has told us, through His Voice, He would not fail to take when we invited Him. ²He has not left His Son in all his madness, nor betrayed his trust in Him. ³Has not His faithfulness earned Him the invitation that He seeks to make us happy? ⁴We will offer it, and it will be accepted. ⁵So our times with Him will now be spent. ⁶We say the words of invitation that His Voice suggests, and then we wait for Him to come to us. 5. Now is the time of prophecy fulfilled. ²Now are all ancient promises upheld and fully kept. ³No step remains for time to separate from its accomplishment. ⁴For now we cannot fail. ⁵Sit silently and wait upon your Father. ⁶He has willed to come to you when you have recognized it is your will He do so. ⁷And you could have never come this far unless you saw, however dimly, that it is your will. 6. I am so close to you we cannot fail. ²Father, we give these holy times to You, in gratitude to Him Who taught us how to leave the world of sorrow in exchange for its replacement, given us by You. ³We look not backward now. ⁴We look ahead, and fix our eyes upon the journey’s end. ⁵Accept these little gifts of thanks from us, as through Christ’s vision we behold a world beyond the one we made, and take that world to be the full replacement of our own. 7. And now we wait in silence, unafraid and certain of Your coming. ²We have sought to find our way by following the Guide You sent to us. ³We did not know the way, but You did not forget us. ⁴And we know that You will not forget us now. ⁵We ask but that Your ancient promises be kept which are Your Will to keep. ⁶We will with You in asking this. ⁷The Father and the Son, Whose holy Will created all that is, can fail in nothing. ⁸In this certainty, we undertake these last few steps to You, and rest in confidence upon Your Love, which will not fail the Son who calls to You. 8. And so we start upon the final part of this one holy year, which we have spent together in the search for truth and God, Who is its one Creator. ²We have found the way He chose for us, and made the choice to follow it as He would have us go. ³His Hand has held us up. ⁴His Thoughts have lit the darkness of our minds. ⁵His Love has called to us unceasingly since time began. 9. We had a wish that God would fail to have the Son whom He created for Himself. ²We wanted God to change Himself, and be what we would make of Him. ³And we believed that our insane desires were the truth. ⁴Now we are glad that this is all undone, and we no longer think illusions true. ⁵The memory of God is shimmering across the wide horizons of our minds. ⁶A moment more, and it will rise again. ⁷A moment more, and we who are God’s Sons are safely home, where He would have us be. 10. Now is the need for practice almost done. ²For in this final section, we will come to understand that we need only call to God, and all temptations disappear. ³Instead of words, we need but feel His Love. ⁴Instead of prayers, we need but call His Name. ⁵Instead of judging, we need but be still and let all things be healed. ⁶We will accept the way God’s plan will end, as we received the way it started. ⁷Now it is complete. ⁸This year has brought us to eternity. 11. One further use for words we still retain. ²From time to time, instructions on a theme of special relevance will intersperse our daily lessons and the periods of wordless, deep experience which should come afterwards. ³These special thoughts should be reviewed each day, each one of them to be continued till the next is given you. ⁴They should be slowly read and thought about a little while, preceding one of the holy and blessed instants in the day. ⁵We give the first of these instructions now. A Course In Miracles
@elhamansariinspire 9 күн бұрын
@is_source0120 27 күн бұрын
A true master knows evil not by pointing fingers, but by giving credit to its actions and deeds. Very smart episode 😊
@annettecapps389 15 күн бұрын
Ya know...YT has NEVER sent me a notification when Aubrey uploads a video. (Yes, I'm set to 'ALL' ) Being censored is a badge of honor. They want your truth hidden. Thanks for your hard work, my Brother!
@Tenacious249 28 күн бұрын
Thank you Aubrey and Paul. Without community of my own, these talks give me great comfort and faith
@sherrilawrence662 21 күн бұрын
Me too❤
@evolvetravel1 20 күн бұрын
Don't worry, the Spiritual Directors are emerging
@Tenacious249 28 күн бұрын
“There is no private battle that is not insignificant” wow!! I have so many epic victories uploaded :) ✊
@machellecron5786 22 күн бұрын
I paused at 24:32 because my heart swelled and my eyes got watery. I love your dream so much! Thank you! Ok back to it…
@krishnaspikegrrl1088 21 күн бұрын
What an amazing conversation, so much gold in there. I need to watch it again! Thank you both!!
@mysticgardener2704 8 күн бұрын
So inspiring. As I walk this path alone I realize in listening to these conversations that I do have allies and others who understand. Thankyou
@holysadhu9226 28 күн бұрын
OMG - WETIKO & Paul Levy! Top job Marcus 👊🔥💕
@terrifacey 14 күн бұрын
This was a sheer delight & I witnessed Wetiko within myself & my best friend whilst listening to this over the last 2 days?! Thank you, Paul & Aubrey THANK YOU, the darkness is triggered by the light & vice versa! Transformative insightful, thank youuuuu
@milkchad9827 7 күн бұрын
You're gonna make it
@AmateoRa 28 күн бұрын
Wow so excited to see Paul Levy on here. Thank you for giving him a platform for such an important message. I started attending Paul's Awaken in the Dream Group when I was 22 years old. He's been a mentor, and amazing friend 15 years later.
@susanliebermann5721 16 күн бұрын
Paul's books are extraordinary!
@MauiMuse808 28 күн бұрын
I've been facing "evil" in my dreams since I was young. It use to be monsters chasing me etc. I would pretend to be dead or asleep...then I started flying away from them. So I've changed my response methods over time.... Lately, it's just an audible sound I hear, some other language that seems scary. Best dream yet, i created a ball of light within me and blasted it out. The sense of becoming it to overcome it was the vibe I felt. Since then, The most recent dream, the "evil" actually spoke a word I understood...which is a first. The word was CRYSTAL. There was no fear or response from me this time. Now just a deep curiosity after waking of Why the word crystal.... Such a cliffhanger. ❤ peace
@thevoidisshining 22 күн бұрын
Meditate on the reality of what the crystal ball is and does, and what it is not. It has no color, only reflects like a mirror. It flips the image it reflects upside down. It's an illusion. A circle/sphere. The great symbol for god/universe. And yet it is not, it is maya, illusion. A mirror, false. This is the truth of evil. It is a false mirror reflection but illusory and only playing off flipping the reality of god upside down. Etc.
@GratefulWarriorMom 7 күн бұрын
I used to have LOTS of dreams all the time where I used to fly. Or used to try to fly. I'd take a running jump and I was always running away from something bad. Many times I was just barely getting away. I used to have night dreams where I'd fly out of my body and look down from the ceiling and fly around. I also had dreams about what I believed was future events, like 9-11 when planes crashed the buildings and the last major dream was about a huge ship that I was on and it was like a big floating city with even planes landing on it. The person showing me around said it was a prison ship or was used as a prison ship. I was surprised and couldn't understand why I was on a prison ship. Also, a guy on deck was excited when he said that we'd finally get to go to shore but it was going to take 9 hours to get there because the ship was too big to get close, so we'd have to take smaller boats to get to the shore which was a new shore. I was told that the new shore was along the railroad tracks of the town that I grew up in. I lived in another state when I had the dream, but now I live in my home town which I never expected to move back to. Anyway, lots of my dreams included scenes from my hometown. In 2020 I started experiencing a tremendous awareness and awakened as so many people have talked about recently, but I haven't had those kinds of dreams anymore. I miss my flying dreams and wonder why my very impressive premonition type of dreams have stopped. My mind and spirit have grown so much and I have new perspectives on life, but I miss the great dreams. What happened?
@mattvaughn4828 27 күн бұрын
amazing interview. Levy's work is so crucial for our current times.
@NiklasHansen91 7 күн бұрын
this was one of the best podcast i ever listened to and ive listened to maybe a thousand. thank you for this gem :)
@gracekramer9077 7 сағат бұрын
Ive known for 35 years that my husband passed something dark to our 3 children. Ive seen animals, dark beings, insects and dreams of dark surgical procedures on my child… all showed up around them. My husband has passed but he left something behind…. Now I understand what it was. Thank you for sharing this important information.
@fionamarques6113 15 күн бұрын
24 mins into video I felt the compassion of embracing the demon and the man waking up very powerful about love and courage , the heroes journey 🙏 We seek thee and then it seeks me … Teresa Avila and Carl Jung spiritual Pilgrims super read 🙏🌸☘️
@LindsayElizabeth16 28 күн бұрын
Finally someone talking about Wetiko
@herzcompass 21 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for this wonderful and interesting interview in a relaxed atmosphere. it's a joy to listen to. I would like to add something, if it's ok: there is a big difference between "inner" demons that we can only overcome with acceptance and love, they are our shadow aspects...and real demons. Real demons are beings like us, they have a soul and a way of life. they are DEFINITELY in no way our mirrors or anything like that. They are absolutely real and among them there are neutral ones and also very malicious ones who, for example, downright hate people. I don't know where this naive view of demonic beings comes from (probably from the New Age) and claims that some kind of integration has to be carried out. As I said, there are 2 categories, perhaps we should differentiate them more precisely so that nothing gets confused. Nor is it true that demons cannot possess you if you are not receptive to them. Of course, resonance applies in general, a kind of cosmic law, but in order to override something like that, there is black magic and it is practiced far more often than you might think. But again, a wonderful conversation, thank you both very much❤
@rolamichael5488 14 күн бұрын
I have no idea how every experience you both shared seemed stupidly relatable and familiar to me..!! This will really help me surrender some more. Can not thank you enough for being the messangers saying to keep the faith. ❤
@southpawenterprisemusic7927 28 күн бұрын
Language is alive !! It’s the code to our story
@susanliebermann5721 15 күн бұрын
What a fantastic conversation! Vital!
@fionamarques6113 15 күн бұрын
Love Paul s books and alarm a one to one conversation. A modest compassionate man. Great work ahead of his time. The remedy is in the poison…
@andycollins358 28 күн бұрын
One remembers what one imagines, and imagines what one remembers.
@sleighridefishing9027 28 күн бұрын
I am so looking forward to this video!!!! Ive been having one hell of a time with my Anti Me lately.... from motivation to get anything done, to the chronic pain, in my spine and legs, that I deal with constantly due to injuries from Ice hockey and football and so much more. Thank you so much for everything you share with the world!
@christinelapierre5165 28 күн бұрын
Maybe check out pain free you with Dan Buglio. Even if you're not experiencing perceived danger pain (what he teaches), he explains how to change your response to chronic pain which has been very helpful to my own experience of chronic pain.
@nickmills8476 6 күн бұрын
This guy describes what some call the matrix or the machine, really well.
@skylerpelletier8233 28 күн бұрын
This is beautiful timing.
@FelipeArizola-mq1dz 28 күн бұрын
I love Marcus Aubrey's podcast because his guests have the modesty to simplify their terminology so a wider audience can grasp some of these ineffable (spiritual) experiences. For those dealing with intense issues which we don't have all the answer to, I've been dealing with weird psychological issues out of nowhere and as much as I dislike cliches, it did feel like "divine intervention" sometimes we click on a youtube video that will provide a stronger sense of hope and regeneration. I will share the 2 youtube videos that tremendously helped me this past week. 1. Andrew Huberman with Dr. Hollis which was just posted this Monday. I love Mondays by the way. And I'm a strong believer that the more we love something, the more we'll end up loving it more. Do cool or cute stuff and cooler or cuter stuff will pop up. 2. Robert L. Moore. Prayer, antidote and means of liberation from power of evil (Jungian Psychology). RIP Doc Moore, he said there something so amazing yet may sound repulsive at face value but he somewhat said that praying the rosary and masturbation are synonymous to each other (no pun intended). Lets just say I've become a stronger believer in prayers now. Sending all bucketloads of enthusiasm and inspiration. The better the momentum, the better the moments, the better the memories of our stories. Felipe "Auriel" Arizola
@patwest1925 7 күн бұрын
Thank you both!
@BFW1337 27 күн бұрын
The preview for this episode was so fire! Best work yet team Aubrey!!! Love everything you guys put out! Keep up this amazing work ❤❤❤
@gentl3men108 27 күн бұрын
As usual incredibly synchronistic and timely. Thank you for your work, love and appreciate you. Sending love and blessings to all reading this, we can pull through
@aumyourskin4557 28 күн бұрын
This was such an amazing interview. Thank you ❤
@joshbozz 28 күн бұрын
As above so below,as below so above. We are most definitely co-creating this reality expanding source. With one of the ultimate trophies just confirming reality through quantum relativity.
@TVZMusic 28 күн бұрын
very calming and reassuring talk. thank you
@sammycakes8721 28 күн бұрын
Thank you brother team and soul family✨️🙏 🤍 I was definitely curious about this my friends, now im ready to be mind blown and I feel informed enough to continue my healing journey! I love diving deep into the depths of meaning, understanding, and loving🤍🙏✨️ greatful for yall
@mariaangelesmorenojimenez6117 27 күн бұрын
So appreciate this conversation🙏🙏
@monikasabat1333 26 күн бұрын
Very interesting and liberating perspective. Definitely will check Paul’s Levy work! Thanks a lot!
@Kamsou. 26 күн бұрын
so fascinating. thank you so much for this epic and overwhelming podcast. THANK YOU FOR NAMING IT.
@Melissima2000 27 күн бұрын
Inspiring! Exactly what I needed to hear ❤
@janicevick9088 12 күн бұрын
I loved that. What a great conversation. Thank you
@anderskristensen7479 28 күн бұрын
Thank you both ❤️
@janwinkowski3519 28 күн бұрын
Thanks Aubrey and Paul for the message and verbalising my internal processes🙏
@morgan6468 26 күн бұрын
My kind of conversation 👌
@efficientrealities960 9 күн бұрын
Amazing content ⚡️Thank you Aubrey
@AlignandProsperCoach 20 күн бұрын
This is such a great episode!
@alexchamizo7935 25 күн бұрын
So grateful for Paul and for his work. I’m honored and grateful to be in his dream groups 💙 lovely ppl in there
@FlowerWater999 28 күн бұрын
Thankyou for sharing.🧚
@47steezaz73 27 күн бұрын
Really good info guys thanks for sharing!
@treysmythstunes 21 күн бұрын
Thank you both so much - for most of this conversation was like thoughts and talks I have had within myself - and even on my channel. I have loved and shared a little bit of the Buddha and Toltec ways I've learned along with my modern gnostic views. The really awakening souls are often so beyond the labels - yet, as a fellow spiritual student friend said, "it's all the same at the higher levels of awareness" (to the shamans and the yogis.) Wetiko, - the issue, yes! Funny how in the old pre-European days here - they had a term for the Demiurgic, Archon voices that - humans have to "duke it out with," - until they _finally_ realize the voices are NOT their real self! Thank you also to the Alphabet Algo Rhythm - for reciprocating some of my gifts here (I have given from right on my Astro cartographical Chiron line,) and again, great articulation of some key truths here. Many Blessings
@socrabtree1 25 күн бұрын
Great episode thank you!
@catpollins 28 күн бұрын
This was great thanks
@nourishwholeness4449 27 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@cdn1588 22 күн бұрын
Speaking of changing the coding of our language. I'd love if we stopped using "right!" To emphasize everything and anything. I understand why we do it, it's a filler word but also, it implies that what we are saying is the truth and that it's obvious while also implying that the listener understands. Which also gets the listener to go "riiiiight..." as well to prove they got it even if they didn't. This could also possibly be my own projection of course, but I am starting to perceive this more and more in conversations. And of course now I notice it all the time 😂
@southpawenterprisemusic7927 28 күн бұрын
Amazing show
@slowecoliving 15 күн бұрын
Yes Paul ❤❤🙏💫
@angelcandelaria6728 28 күн бұрын
THANK YOU! Gracias!
@user-rc2xs5ti2w 25 күн бұрын
“There is a war against the consciousness.” - Paul Levy
@hawkarae 28 күн бұрын
Embracing our "demons" is peace on earth. ❤
@septembersun13 26 күн бұрын
I can’t make this podcast up how it is affirming and re affirming all that I have been thinking ESPECIALLY the becoming lucid in the dream part!!!! 🤯🤯🤯💥💥💥💗💗💗
@yeshazion4098 9 күн бұрын
@emilysnyder4857 3 күн бұрын
@55:55 I would like to hear Paul Levy discuss how he reads the account of Yeshua's temptation in the wilderness and the conversation had with Satan and the deeper meanings of the testing. If you have him again I would like to hear his interpretation of those texts because it does mark the beginning of his ministry.
@JenniferRCook 28 күн бұрын
Most excellent ♥Oodles of love ♥
@InfiniteBird 20 күн бұрын
@alexpro8846 5 күн бұрын
Alot of things they talk about here is mentioned in Ken Wilbers book The spectrum of consciousness
@smsalsa1 23 күн бұрын
David Icke talked about this many years ago
@Vshamann336 10 күн бұрын
41:44 well, our self-awareness is basically us being able to argue with ourselves. So it makes sense what you said. Marcus
@kaleysymons7448 16 күн бұрын
Mind opening ❤
@laurelann9235 28 күн бұрын
Conciousness dictates reality ❤❤❤❤❤
@greendholia5206 15 күн бұрын
Oh very kewl
@BillyRoss-ju4tf 19 күн бұрын
I battle with mental health. Or my shadow. So could you pray for me?
@veritas2222 2 күн бұрын
Paul, could your dramatic awakening have been, or at least included a kundalini experience? I’ve heard them described the same way, and remember being told that many spiritual aspirants are in psych wards and heavily drugged because of a misdiagnosis of “psychotic break” when they were simply undergoing a kundalini experience.
@JenMarco 3 күн бұрын
What he’s talking about regarding his dad is what I’m going through with mine
@GaiusAsiniusPollio1 8 сағат бұрын
Redeem on
@PNortRyan 5 күн бұрын
I feel like built up areas suffer from it a lot…especially on a Friday evening. Just go out in your car during rush hour, immerse yourself among the herd, it’s very fun to observe. Beeping and shouting and blaming you for a silly mistake they made. The noisy neighbours who slam their doors like it’s an addiction even though they’ve been informed multiple times about how it affects your mental health. Fuck em
@vektheartist 28 күн бұрын
That point made Aubrey made about it being common in fiction to have the troupe of someone free the “possessed” person with love-my mind automatically went to “A Wrinkle In Time”. Also Aubrey with that demon hunting dream with a samurai sword…can we MAKE that movie??!!🤣🤣🤣
@QueenCityFam 28 күн бұрын
Soul Fam=Sangha(Satsang) Ome Wrld One Nation
@PaulDennerz 24 күн бұрын
Does anyone know which book of Jungs they were talking about when talking about objectifying the shadow/wetiko and creating separateness with it? Would love to hear of more of Jungs techniques for dealing with that
@nickmills8476 6 күн бұрын
The way he talks about quantum physics seems like the failure of reductionism. Which leads to a collapse of dualism. The antidote.
@andrewmorgan5092 26 күн бұрын
All I can say Aubrey …. Is wow wow wow🙏❤️🌈🦋
@danlemmon2739 28 күн бұрын
I have been doing internal family systems in deep inquiry with my many “parts” of myself. I have noticed a more open awareness to knowing what parts are showing up. Also after many ayahuasca ceremonies and recently an intense iboga ceremony. The medicine was telling me the solution is in your gut. I am convinced that the micobiome plays a huge role in our connection to how the brain functions. My next experiment is to try fecal microbiota transplants along side Chinese medicine to help with nurturing this disconnected piece I feel is collectively responsible for the toxic world we find ourselves in.
@jamesrobinson3182 14 күн бұрын
Interesting. Is this an insight that developed from your Ayahuasca and Iboga experiences?
@danlemmon2739 14 күн бұрын
@@jamesrobinson3182 yes every time it was telling me this message.
@annacichocka7734 25 күн бұрын
20:44 omg that's exactly it !
@discodan6172 28 күн бұрын
I love Aubrey and I appreciate much of his personal input, but sometimes I do wish I could hear a bit more of what the guest has to say!
@analinagarcia 28 күн бұрын
Funny, I was thinking that in one of the podcasts I listened to most recently haha. I still enjoy them but yes, I agree with that part.
@spiralsun1 3 күн бұрын
Loved this-definitely understand this. You helped me stay the course, not feel as alone. Want to say hi. 👋 ❤I have been writing about how humans HAVE to have something to challenge us to evolve for years... I am now a demonslayer. 😂❤👍🏻 But I completely disagree on the competition thing. That varies by the person. 😊We all have different ways of seeing: if you are autistic and transgender it’s WAY different. Just wanted to point that out. Some people do not thrive at all on competition. I saw it in competitive runners. I literally cannot be motivated by competition. It has the OPPOSITE effect on me. I am extremely high in psychological trait “agreeableness” though. People think I am crazy but I am 95th percentile in mental stability. Find a different theory… 😂👍🏻
@UncleSaulsa 11 күн бұрын
Insanity.. this whole time I thought all my bad thoughts about myself were in fact myself. But they were not. Absolutely not. I was tricked the whole time. I have renamed myself, I have given a name and appearance to this wetiko, and now I can stop giving this ugly thing my soul unknowingly. Love to all you! Thanks to Aubrey and Paul. Changed my whole way of thinking about myself and how to heal.
@fionamarques6113 15 күн бұрын
Great conversation
@123sanoon 10 күн бұрын
What a lengthy video. Could somebody sum it up and say the exact way to defeat that witiko? Thanks 🙏
@chelseathomas9890 28 күн бұрын
I think in Buddhism they simply call it Greed Hate and Ignorance. Wonderful content. Thank you!
@KReneeNYC 28 күн бұрын
@belzy02belindah28 28 күн бұрын
I came across knowledge of Wetiko when Red Ice Radio hosted Paul perhaps in 2015 and was so eye opening! And witnessing peoples behaviour in the plandemic, it’s has made people even more fearful so more food for the evil spirits! When you’re awake to this it’s hard to not feel a bit of an outcast. Not that I care always been that way lol
@fionamarques6113 15 күн бұрын
Yes it’s now like who let the dogs out as far as spirits / entities are concerned… I have been seeking union with the Divine for 25 yrs and now facilitate the clearing of these. It includes bringing the person back to themselves so they reconnect with Source
@vivianluca8486 3 күн бұрын
@janwinkowski3519 28 күн бұрын
@laviniaasofiei9054 16 күн бұрын
Why hasn't it reached 3mills views yet? There are k mills sabotaging their potential and here is the answer.
@Andrea-Rose 25 күн бұрын
@AngelinaNancy 27 күн бұрын
Pauls voice is so young sounding
@aniazaitseva2205 28 күн бұрын
If dark force is serving the light, it seems like the destructions will never come to an end. The purposeful destructions. Isn’t it succumbing to that evil and letting him be inside of one? If there would be no evil, noone would have to even separate himself from it and realize that this is evil. I don’t know how Buddha was attacked by Mara, but i think it just didnt want him to be enlightened and perceive whatever comes with enlightenment… it’s like when you are walking somewhere, for example climbing a mountain for exploring it, and someone is catching your leg and hangs on it whole time, just slowing you down if not making you fall and roll downwards potentially breaking your neck 🤷‍♀️ and then, if Buddha was enlightened thanks to Mara, i guess everyone should just worship dark force and beg “please enlighten me”… and the darkness would go: “sorry, i’m dark, i can just torture and you can continue begging me…” and then when darkness goes insane from all those beggers it goes: “probably there is some light within you, just focus on that” 😄
@Vshamann336 10 күн бұрын
5:54 narcissism and an unhealthy unbalanced egotism leading to absolute sociopathic abusive behavior stemmed from the simplest insecurities of a child to get over, yet a great deal of our society has not???? Just to be a little softer on everybody, we're all going through this me included. But it's often you're seeing where somebody was successful enough that they never needed to address an immaturity of their inner being..... Then there 50 years old trying to fill an endless void hurting everybody by doing so.... I actually feel bad for some of those people. That's pretty much exactly what's wrong with our world. Actually it is exactly what's wrong. He's really hitting the nail on the head. And well just the introduction. I heard before this episode had already done that with an automatic hammer lmao
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