Thank you for your kind words, more amazing Tutorials are coming!
@sutadoraliveАй бұрын
I like your videos. Thank you very much.
@chankulovskiАй бұрын
@@sutadoralive I'm really glad to read this, THANK YOU!
@nullhakunamatatabyte80422 ай бұрын
I am following your lessons both on Udemy and here, you are creating very helpful content, thank you. I need help with something. I am making a game where the ground shrinks over time. Is it better to create this ground by spawning it as a material or by changing the scale of the ground over time? I would appreciate it if you could help. I hope I have explained it clearly.
@chankulovski2 ай бұрын
Hi, thanks for buying the Course and for your supportive words! You've explained perfectly well :) If you want to spawn it as a Material and shrink it, do you have objects on the ground that will need to fall off? I'm asking because, you can shrink the Material, but the Mesh will be the same size. Also, it's important to know how "heavy" your Material is. I would go with the Ground-Shrink overtime, I believe it will have better performance. The difference shouldn't be big anyway, so feel free to go with the Ground-Shrink.
@andrzejmikolajczyk95612 ай бұрын
Didn't know about this node. Very useful! Thanks! BTW, in which situations We CAN use "delay" node?
@chankulovski2 ай бұрын
@@andrzejmikolajczyk9561 You are welcome! I'm super happy you find this useful :) more great Tutorials are coming!
@chankulovski2 ай бұрын
Never. Don't use Delay nodes. Delay and Timer nodes are having the sam functionality. The only difference is in the optimization, Delays are not optimized, Timers are optimized. Also, it takes a few minutes of extra work to create Timers, but the code is optimized with them, but creating Delay takes just a few seconds, but the code is NOT optimized. Please always optimize your code, you will thank me later :)
@nevfelemrecicek2 ай бұрын
it's very useful for making ammo mechanic
@chankulovski2 ай бұрын
My exact thoughts! :D You can add a Boolean to prevent the gun from firing while reloading as well. Very powerful node! :)