This is one of the best straightforward videos I have ever seen. Thank you for making this video.
@A.T.TrailWorks Жыл бұрын
Right on! Glad you found it helpful. Thanks for watching and subscribing!
@matthewrkeefe9 ай бұрын
Thanks! I've worked on bikes here and there as a bike sales person, but you made that demo so clear, especially in a world where replacement is king.
@A.T.TrailWorks9 ай бұрын
I agree, I'm not a huge fan of wasting things either. I'm also not into over charging people, when I could do this and bring something back around. It really takes just a few seconds to try and a few dabs of lube isn't going to make you bankrupt. Build trust with customers on the small stuff and they'll bring you their bikes for the big stuff and/or buy their next bike from you.
@EverettWilson6 ай бұрын
God, I love efficiency tips from professionals. Thanks!
@A.T.TrailWorks6 ай бұрын
Happy to help!
@tehphoebus2 жыл бұрын
Thank you.i wish I had found this video a few months ago. I can't get the cable to activate at all now. 😳
@A.T.TrailWorks2 жыл бұрын
You're welcome. I probably do this 2-3 times a year but I don't really keep track to be honest. I just do it when I notice things getting hesitant. In Asia I did this more frequently because of the moisture and heat.
@TebzGo Жыл бұрын
Excellent video. Totally helpful and to the point.
@drumdover Жыл бұрын
Straight forward and to the point! My trail bike has recently started getting sluggish when upshifting. Do I need to use a certain type of lube/oil or could chain lube work? Also, what is the brand of your green bike stand you have? Do you recommend it? Thanks!
@A.T.TrailWorks Жыл бұрын
I use 3-in-1 Oil for cables and to clean chains as well. You can find it just about anywhere from hardware stores to Dollar stores (if you’re in the states). I usually lube the chain with a wet condition type lube like White Lightning, it adds a waxy film that wicks away moisture and keeps things from sticking to the chain. The green bike is a Sirius (4th generation) made by Pipedream Cycles out of the UK. I’m almost positive there are less than 5 in the whole US (& I have 2 of them). CroMoly All Mountain hardtail that can run 27+ or 29” tires. It has aggressive geometry but still climbs really well. It came out in 2014 and was way ahead of it’s time.
@A.T.TrailWorks Жыл бұрын
That could also be a cable tension issue. Try the lube trick first and if that doesn’t change anything then you can add tension to the cable at the shifter. I should probably make a video on how to do that now that I mention it. Too complicated for text only.
@drumdover Жыл бұрын
@@A.T.TrailWorks this is awesome, thanks so much for all of the tips!!! And your stand, where did you get that? I am in the states as well.
@A.T.TrailWorks Жыл бұрын
@@drumdover that was a Christmas Gift from my wife. I think it’s from Bikehand on Amazon. Not sure what she paid but I’ve had it for years and use it often.
@drumdover Жыл бұрын
@@A.T.TrailWorks sweet! I've seen that one! Might go that route. Thanks again for all of the tips!
@Qlicky Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great tip dude!
@A.T.TrailWorks Жыл бұрын
I always try this before replacing cables or housing and I also do it after I replace cables and housing.
@mikewraps Жыл бұрын
2:37 I moved the pedals while the cable housings were out of the braze-on cable stops and now I can’t get them back in. I tried manually moving the chain up and pulling back the detailer but I can’t get one of them back in. Any tips on getting them back in?
@A.T.TrailWorks Жыл бұрын
If you have a little wiggle room on your cable tension screws you can turn those (righty tight takes the tension off) at the shifter and derailleur. Make sure you have it shifted into the highest gear (smallest cog which means no tension on the cable). If that doesn’t work you’ll have to loosen the bolt/screw that holds cable onto the derailleur and get the housing back into place. Then you’ll have to readjust the tension to get it shifting crisp again (I have a video on that as well).
@EJ-V8Bikes Жыл бұрын
Thanks for a very helpful video!!
@A.T.TrailWorks Жыл бұрын
Glad you found it useful!
@alexmartinez-wp2oh Жыл бұрын
What happens if a piece of cable gets stripped like 2 strands of it ? I did that on accident anything to worry about or insignificant you'd say?
@A.T.TrailWorks Жыл бұрын
If 100% of the cable is crimped onto the derailleur and it's frayed after the bolt then you should be fine. Mine was broken off for a year or so... that's why you can't see it on the Pipedream in this video, haha. You won't be able to route it through the housing if you ever undo it and you'll need to replace it at that point.
@alexmartinez-wp2oh Жыл бұрын
@A.T.TrailWorks I had undone it so n tightened it to hard and was using the wrong pliers at first so after you remove it your saying you can't put it back on there if it's frayed ?
@A.T.TrailWorks9 ай бұрын
Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, you'll have a hard time getting it back through the housing.
@HungryPanda32878 ай бұрын
great video brother, exactly what I was looking for! :D
@A.T.TrailWorks8 ай бұрын
Glad I could help!
@mikediazong2 күн бұрын
can i use a chain lube instead?
@A.T.TrailWorks2 күн бұрын
Yep. Anything but WD-40.
@SKNZ27272 жыл бұрын
Nice Pipedream, great lube cheat too.
@A.T.TrailWorks2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! It’s an absolute blast to ride. I got a few more tricks up my sleeve that could be potential videos in the future. Glad you liked it!