Hi, it's tolerated. It does not give you any edge over your opponent like a cheat would, nor is it condemned by the support. It only modifies graphic display on your computer only. I actually asked the support about some of these settings, they were totally fine with it (see nsa38.casimages.com/img/2016/12/19/161219092406114799.png for more information - read from bottom to top)
@TheArydaa8 жыл бұрын
mmh, it's dated from 2015, i will ask the french support about that, i came back here after for telling you if it's already good or not.
@Dracooooooooooooo8 жыл бұрын
Aryda pas de souci ! Ça correspond au moment où ils ont release des nouvelles directives concernant la modification des fichiers (ça avait fait tabac sur le forum et sur fb si tu suivais un peu), je doute que la politique ait évolué depuis mais ça coûte rien de demander - en revanche, sois spécifique dans ta demande sinon ils vont te sortir la réponse bateau "pas de modification client" en pensant que tu parles des .pak ^^