How to Know when you should TRY Veteran/Harder Content in ESO (2021)

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Adam Lutz

Adam Lutz

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@Adam_Lutz 3 жыл бұрын
What type of endgame content have you not tried?
@n1all175 3 жыл бұрын
trials and ive only done a few vet dungeons
@windrook1046 3 жыл бұрын
Vet Solo Arenas! I like to play in a small group:)
@Mol10Sol 3 жыл бұрын
All of it I'm level 49 on my first character
@mander097 3 жыл бұрын
Vet solo area
@BurntToastMan 3 жыл бұрын
Only ever done basegame vet dungeons. I dont know how to get my dps up high enough to do more difficult stuff.
@OpticalGreen 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with eso and other mmos is that they just toss everyone into an instance and expect people to help and talk to each other to complete the dungeon. I reality, veteran players rush to the end, while new players get confused and try to keep up without even understanding what's going on. Not to mention every dungeon has a quest and some cool lore in it that is wasted. A solution to this would be a story mode for each dungeon that allows new players to get aquatinted with it and finish it solo or with friends, and only after that jump in norma or vet.
@ohapplesauce Жыл бұрын
I like this idea. It could be like a public dungeon where it’s still difficult, but not impossible for a solo story run and then switch to the four-man dungeon content.
@lanesplitter5685 2 жыл бұрын
6:28 gets you to the meat of the vid if you're just looking for the suggested requirements.
@gizmo1383 3 жыл бұрын
I've been playing this game since 2016 and I'm still not ready for this content.
@bastardwhoreson 3 жыл бұрын
git gud
@CYNC33 3 жыл бұрын
I feel the same way at times 😂
@Adam_Lutz 3 жыл бұрын
Hey you got this!
@gizmo1383 3 жыл бұрын
@@bastardwhoreson very helpful 👌, you've proved my point. This game is full of people like you makes the game and community look bad!!
@bastardwhoreson 3 жыл бұрын
@@gizmo1383 riiight and what response are you expecting?
@Madkingstoe 2 жыл бұрын
My wife and I started playing ESO a few weeks ago and while we've been enjoying it for the most part, we're getting a bit bored because the game is so easy. I even tried to just stand still and let the mob attack me and my regen was higher than the damage they were doing. I came here looking to find out whether it would get any better, but it sounds like we may have to wait until endgame before things scale up. Thanks for the video!
@UnknownUser-in1hd 2 жыл бұрын
Yea normal questing is stupidly easy, but everything besides that like Solo Arenas, Vet-Dungeons or Hardmode Trials can be insanily difficult lol
@Skydron Жыл бұрын
@@UnknownUser-in1hd I think I need to point this out to a gaming buddy of mine. He tried ESO but said he's quitting because the game is "too boring"... which usually means that he doesn't find it engaging enough.
@brandoncrabtree6632 5 ай бұрын
​@@UnknownUser-in1hd Yeah, you need to grind for months to have a chance, it takes months before you'll be able to find fair challenging content.
@amac0190 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think this was mentioned - but find yourself a guild! You can practice lots of harder content in guilds that will be impossible to attempt via pug. Even some vet DLC dungeons are hard to pug but doable. Many guilds do "learning" runs to teach new players mechanics in certain dungeons and trials and it becomes a safe place to fail and learn your build and how to improve it. Many experienced players will also give you tips on how to improve, what gear to use, skills, addons, etc. Highly recommend!
@Adam_Lutz 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@evangreenacre3172 3 жыл бұрын
you frequently mentioned DPS checks as you went thier tiers, but never really listed any values, until the final tier. What are suggested DPSs for some of the lower tiers?
@fenfire3824 3 жыл бұрын
In my experience i totally agree. Most people told me "you cant do veteran, your cp is too low". But then i just tried because i wanted to make my own experience with it. And it was sooooo easy. First i wasnt cp 300 so i did only the non dlc veteran dungeons and most oft them are a piece of cake. Then i became cp 300 and the dlc dungeons are much more difficult BUT they are all very well doable, if you know what to do. Once you figure out what to do, they also become quite easy. eg. Balorg was annoying the first time. Everyone died all the time. But then after finishing it 2-3 times nobody dies anymore.
@thevalkyri 2 жыл бұрын
Maelstrom is harder than Vateshran. Anyway, there is no content I haven't done except a few remaining HMs in DLC dungeons and trials. I had an interesting experience yesterday, just to illustrate your point that it really is about the team. I pugged a daily vet, had a low CP tank and healer clearly not geared up in support sets. I was struggling, as a DPS that parses over 100k - because I was constantly out of resources. The healer had one button they seemed to know how to push too, so the bulk of my own healing landed on me. It was a real struggle to get through Elden Hollow. Then, shortly after that ended, in one of my guild chats someone asked for a DPS for the final boss in BC2, and made it clear that the other DPS wasn't outputting anything really. I said I'd help out - the tank (who was the guildie) whispered to me that the healer was solid, but the other DPS was a carry as they needed the helm. They also seemed to be AFK, so we started without them, and with the help of two good supports who kept the mobs were they needed to be, kept my DPS fat, made sure I had resources, and healed me - I killed the boss by myself - the other dps came back just as we finished. People should do harder content when they have learned what is required of their role and are capable of bringing that to the group.
@hippienate1 3 жыл бұрын
you cant strong arm the mechanics in vet and alot of ppl have no idea what half of the dungeons mechanics even r.thats def a buzz kill
@christographerx64 3 жыл бұрын
I love the game but what stops me from harder content is having to commit to a narrow rotation and selected gear. I hate bows and I dont like using them - but it seems you cant run harder content as a stamina character unless you do DW/2H and bow. Thats boring to me. I have more fun wearing what I want doing my own rotations - being content with whatever content that allows me to clear. But what I will say - playing that way and dying over and over has led to surprise clears that I never thought I could do. Thats more of an accomplishment to me because I did it my way and the game lets me play like that.
@theunfriendlynoob 3 жыл бұрын
Not sure where you heard that but it isn't true. Highest damage actually comes from 2H and DW but you can do any variation you would like. Being ranged can make it easier to deal with certain mechanics but nothing that can't be overcome when you learn the mechanics.
@christographerx64 3 жыл бұрын
@@theunfriendlynoob Thanks I didnt know that. I use 2H and 1HnS
@screaminscott4447 3 жыл бұрын
Literally just did normal Frostvault with myself (1100 CP), and 3 others that were all 1400+ CP, who were either dying by not drinking the potion during final boss fight (to become the mouse), or died after finally becoming the mouse, and also not having any idea how the mechanics worked while they were the mouse. I had to do all that myself, then come back to the boss as the last person alive and try to revive 1 or 2 ppl. Keep in mind this is thankfully only normal, but please people, a quick Google search of the dungeon or boss name perhaps will at the very least give you some idea of the basics to make you not look entirely clueless out there
@keithandres 3 жыл бұрын
Being that I have arthritis, I have never run a normal 4 man dungeon. I cannot bar swap. Just doing the story quests and public dungeons, I have gotten my main to CP 805. Afraid to even try to get into a normal dungeon, thinking I would be booted for not dealing the highest damage. Would love a guild that did nothing but one bar builds.
@TetFeMal 3 жыл бұрын
Que as a DPS so no expectations. normal base dungeons are a complete joke. at cp 300 I can solo probably all of them or duo easily. when I run random dungeons idc what anybody else is doing and don't care if they help at all. normal dungeons are chill. go in with a 1 bar build and have fun. it's far from sweaty, I promise.
@autismoj420 3 жыл бұрын
I'm at cp 866 and I solo about half of the vet base game dungeons pretty easily but if u do normal dungeons as dps, people really don't care how much damage u do
@bjsaust 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly in normal "not-DLC" dungeons, just run along with the group and 1bar the heck out of whatever everyone else is attacking. Theres no strategy, no mechanics to worry about. I've been running them on a stamina templar alt, and I'd say 95% of what I do is 2 skills. No-ones caring about how much damage you do because the dungeons are tuned so low it doesn't really matter. The issue is that at CP 805 you can't just random queue, but go ahead and queue specific dungeons and just tick the base games ones. Worth it for the quests/skill point at least.
@ohapplesauce Жыл бұрын
There’s a few builds out there that only utilize one bar. Maybe you could look into those?
@wherestheexit5046 2 жыл бұрын
You are ready for vet when you’ve run and re ran normal enough to get the mechanics well as acquiring situational awareness. Veteran content is not for everyone in this game. Learn more than one role as well it will help you understand your main role and have a better overall understanding of the board
@williamnash343 3 жыл бұрын
I was just talking about how I need this exact explanation today. So glad I subscribed.
@CreativeExcusesGaming 3 жыл бұрын
You can do vet vateshran hallows! Unslot one of your dps champion points for duelist’s rebuff and it will change your life for solo content! Your builds deal more damage than mine do, and mine (if I was a little bit better) can trifecta vet vateshran uncomfortably. 20-22k solo dps (with some decent aoe damage) is all you need for a trifecta vet vateshran! Edit: and believe me, I am also mediocre! And I dont have trials gear 😂😂 ive only run one trial ever and it was lame. It was just too quick on normal but I dont have any of the reqs for vet trials
@MrDoggson 3 жыл бұрын
Teach me all your ways
@CreativeExcusesGaming 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrDoggson i have build videos! So I can do that 😂😂 So far I have three vet vateshran ready builds, and I am working on two more. The easiest to play is the arcane archer, but the easiest to do vVH is the Ice Warden. The Hybrid Templar (basically a stamplar with a lightning staff, and super fun) is somewhere in between
@NågotUnikt 2 жыл бұрын
This game is so easy it's embarrasing, the only thing that's actually hard is to die. Really sad because it's got a lot of potential... I will give it a second chance with the harder content at least, though it's weird that you should have to research on how to make a game enjoyable. xD
@An.Unsought.Thought 2 жыл бұрын
I think the most important thing in this video that everyone should take away from is "It's not about you! Its about the team." ... Everyone knows that DPS is the most important aspect of this game (Esp vet dungeons and harder). But what I think many people fail on is understanding that just because DPS is important, doesn't mean the entire weight of the dungeon is on the shoulders of the DPS. Buffs and Debuffs are extremely important for boss fights in increasing DPS for both damage dealers. Of course you cannot rely on DPS being in charge of every necessary buff and debuff; it would take up bar space or they'd have to settle for inferior sets.. which will mean lower DPS overall. Instead they should have a buff and debuff (as many as they can), but the healer and tank should also be providing those things. Especially tank because they don't necessarily need any dmg or heals (aside from aggro skills). Unfortunately if you are randomly queueing there will be times where you get into a group that just doesn't mesh well. Some players may throw a fit and start shit talking; but Its better to either talk strategy and mechanics to make sure everyone is on the same page OR to call it and leave. In a lot of cases, this can be caused by a lack of buffing and debuffing coming from the healer and tank. But then it could also be overlapping buffs and debuffs. Best case scenario is you get a diverse amount of both minor and major buffs and debuffs stacking for optimal DPS and survivability. Worst case, only the damage dealers are provided buffs and debuffs, of which most are the same and thus cancelling each other out (2 minors or 2 majors do not stack). I mean, when you queue for random, its not really anyones fault. It just happens sometimes.
@aaronames4745 11 ай бұрын
If you ran vet black rose you wouldn’t of had the cheek to say vet trials were harder that it 😂😂. You even had DLC dungeons ranked harder than black rose 😂😂. New players don’t listen to this nonsense for the love of god lmao
@SovereignTroll Жыл бұрын
Mechanics are obnoxious to learn and put up with. Once completed I never go back. Much more rewarding to craft and take your money.
@nooptions101 2 жыл бұрын
So I decided to do base game vet hm with one 160 cp 5-piece pvp set and the rest random 150+ cp gear. It felt like normal dungeons tbh, didn't have any issues with healing other than the occasional hic-up. Didn't do any dlc vet dungeons because I was warned that they are much more difficult. Need those undaunted keys lol
@klevinsmum2157 Жыл бұрын
In a group with decent players, most of the time a healer isn't necessary. On a lot of dungeons my group usually just runs 3 dps + a tank. Doing vet dungeons as a DPS with that kind of gear would be a different story. You could probably do it still, but the group really notices when one of the DPS players is doing poor damage, especially on vet where the bosses have more health. Again support roles can get away with running less optimal set ups, but if a DPS is underperforming in a vet dungeon it can make it a frustrating experience for everyone and usually leads to a kick or the group disbanding.
@nooptions101 Жыл бұрын
@@klevinsmum2157 During that time of my comment, I did complete Wayrest Sewers 2 with 3 people, one decent dps and one CP 60-ish that had to be half tank since our tank left lol. It took a long time and wiped a lot but we did it. I never want to experience that again lmao
@marleyfa845 3 жыл бұрын
I sometimes do vet dungeons with a friend, only us two, and I do that since I'm like CP 100. Nevertheless today a PUG tank rage quitted after telling us we didn't do any damage and didn't know the mechanics. That really annoyed me. Because yes I only do like 10k dps but it's not like I didn't do the dungeon on vet fee times before and also you can beat a boss with lower dps too.
@Gooz1 3 жыл бұрын
I started playing the game about a month-ish ago. At CP20, I accidentally queued up for a Vet dungeon. I’ve been playing alone so I didn’t have any friends or guildies to explain what unlocks at lvl 50. Joined the vet dungeon, the pug was extremely helpful and thought it was funny I ended up there by accident. I loved the harder content so much, I literally did nothing but Vet dungeons until 160CP. Not once did I join a pug and wipe. And I was able to get full Levithans w/ divine before I hit 160CP which was awesome! What’s funny is the vet dungeon I was doing at 159CP. The dungeon that leveled me to 160, took almost 1hr 30min to complete. Why? We had three tanks in a row leave cause they said “we won’t have enough dips to finish”. Never the less, we ended up getting a tank who didn’t mind and we finished the dungeon with no issue. I find it really interesting how split the community on ESO is when it comes to Vet dungeons. Being almost CP300 at this point, there are definitely some dungeons that require higher DPS, but the vast majority are just “don’t stand in the fire” it seems like. Hopefully more people see this video and understand the CPlevels (although important) don’t necessarily dictate how successful a pug might be. Even at my current CP, I find myself dealing the majority of the dmg in vet dungeons, and that’s with people who are hundreds of CP higher than I am.
@DanXRojas 10 ай бұрын
When you start 1 tapping everything in normal dungeons and harder normal content
@dark_bat6903 3 жыл бұрын
I started playing vet dungeons with cp lvl 140-160 and never struggled... Lol
@RussellFeatherstone 3 жыл бұрын
How many times were you kicked 🙃
@boeserKadser 3 жыл бұрын
Guess u got carried a lot, lol
@dark_bat6903 3 жыл бұрын
@Adil Shigri well, no one ever blamed me and we've also done vet dungeons in a group of 3 when we all were not very high lvl...
@-AnyWho 3 жыл бұрын
i actually did the same exact thing to realize after a few times, it was the grp that was carrying me thru it. there were one or two grps that was actually challenging and was able to figure out what I was doing wrong only cuz the leader pointed out the mechanics of boss to get the dungeon finished and then there other grps where people would just drop out ... by the time I figured out that it was me and/or other low CP'ers that were slowing the grp down I had some gear pieces that I could work with and chose to back off on the vets just to work on my cp lvl a bit and figure out what toon i really liked so when I was ready to come back to it I would be in a better position ....
@dilomax1813 3 жыл бұрын
Well dlc vet dungeons are very different but for the most part same
@Pantaro2007 2 жыл бұрын
lets be real here normal dungeons are so damn easy that vet dungeons should be normal for everyone lol
@Duke000999 3 ай бұрын
I wish zos would add 2 or even 3 man dungeons with 4 item sets
@rudai123 3 жыл бұрын
Mechanics prevent non-try hard from doing hard content. Mechanics are a lazy way for ESO to make the game harder.
@ShadowProject01 3 жыл бұрын
Mechanics are a staple in any mmo. And mechs are ACTUALLY one of the few things ESO does better than most other mmos. What ever are you talking about🤔
@koreyjohnson5156 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly I love mechanics that keep you from just big PP dpsing the boss down, makes things much more interesting and feels more rewarding
@christinem8799 Жыл бұрын
I agree
@TwoFoxGibbon Жыл бұрын
Late to the video: I'm capable of doing vet content, on the edge of V HM content, BUT, I suck at weaving. Been trying for years and just have to admit I'm not finger nimble, have no rhythm, and accept I'm probably going to stick between 60-70k dps. Is what it is. Unless ZOS decides to remove weaving, or provides a mythic negates the need to use it, (a functional one that isn't nerfed to hell), then this is my peak.
@nickrohe777 2 жыл бұрын
Have your sins been forgiven today and forever? Think about this. The God of the bible, the One True God made us to worship him, obey him, and enjoy him forever. We break His laws daily by not putting Him first, not thanking Him like we should, we lie, we lust, we have sex before marriage, we dishonor our parents, we covet things other people have, we take God's name and use it in vain, we use it in a low manner, sometimes as a cuss word, (God is holy and even His name is holy), we don't love like we should, etc. In doing so we're saying He's not a good provider, He's a liar, He's untrustworthy, He's not worthy of praise. All these things and more are counted against us. The bible says God is the just judge of the world and one day He will settle the score for all the wrong we've done. God is holy meaning He is righteous (morally perfect in thought, word, and deed) It also means He is set apart and higher than us. God being good, must punish all sin or wrong doing in the world. This means that if you sin one time God will cast you in hell for eternity. Because He is good and He doesn't turn a blind eye to sin. But there is good news. 2000 years ago Jesus the Son of God came into this world and lived a perfect life ( He never sinned once) and He died on the cross taking the wrath that we deserve and paid the penalty for the sins we committed. The bible says that if you will repent (confess and forsake your sins) and trust in what Christ did on the cross (He took the wrath of God that was meant for you and I) then all your sins will be forgiven and when you die you will be in heaven with God and all who believe for eternity. Jesus died and on the third day He rose from the grave. Get right with God today don't wait. Once you die after that comes the judgement. Hebrews 9:27 It's the most important thing you can do. You must be born again John 3:7 If you repent and trust in what Christ did on the cross it shows that you've been born again or born spiritually. Right now you're dead in your sins and you can't see the beauty of Jesus Christ but after you trust in Christ all the things you hate about God like obeying him, serving Him, loving Him and others, reading the bible, praying and going to church you will love to do those things because God changes your heart. That's how you know you have been born again and forgiven. Please think long about this and ask me any questions you have as this is the most important thing you can ever think of in your life. An eternity in hell (darkness and a lake of fire the bible describes it, with weeping and gnashing of teeth) or an eternity out of that place and into the loving arms of God who is infinitely glorious, has infinite knowledge and has infinite power to do all that He pleases. You decide. Have a great day!
@BBRocker75 2 жыл бұрын
I am solo TESO runner and i have more CP than some tier players to date for sure. Not geek at all, i do not got PHD on TESO statistics yet, i don't care about it. I don't know if my builds or sets are right or not. Horror histories about bullying, insults, kicks out, etc., on Dungeons and Trial toxic gangs just scary me. I know not all groups or TESO players are so dirty but to me TESO is just fun not a university degree on math. Some ez world bosses still make me bite the dust, some dungeons overide me in savage ways (literally rape me), trials are unknown to me yet, but every minute i play TESO still fun after all these years. Many dungeons and trials gods come, reign and then went into oblivion, BUT I AM STILL ON TAMRIEL getting funny time.
@BenAt_it Жыл бұрын
Just wished that I could play my fav tank build where I’m most comfortable and not have to change things around for trials.
@Lordekaiser Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'm finishing up my vet dungeon set with Turning Tide and Drake's Rush with Engine Guardian Ms, and for trials I'll need to farm at least 3 other sets that benefits the group as a whole, Tremorscale Ms, crimson oath and powerful assault, and combine 5 pieces and spend a bunch of gold and transmute crystals to optimize it. It's hard being a tank.
@BryanBrown69 Жыл бұрын
How-where do you Que for this advanced content? I’m CP 900 and admit I have not done the first trial or arena. I have after watching this decided I’m missing out on this end game content. I’m Gold in every slot on all 5 characters I have. Time to test “my metal” LoL
@cioluvsurnan5722 Жыл бұрын
All I want is bloodroot wine dye 😭😭
@thewrongaccount608 Жыл бұрын
Very useful info. I'm CP350 wearing 2 five piece sets crit and maxima and Oakensoul. I've been soloing dungeons and have not tried any of the vet modes. My rotation is very easy. I'll be trying for the vet modes now.
@Robert-ud5pv 3 жыл бұрын
There is a Differende you missed, in Vet dungeons, NPCs doesnt only have more health, they do alot more dmg as well, and some AoEs and even mechancis wich just dmg you in normal mode dungeons, WILL KILL YOU instnatly in vet and especialy in Hardemode, so there are to Options to avoid these issues, for non DLC and Version I dungeons just get some dmg to skip any mech, that however means you need minimum 2 x 5 piece sets and at least enough CP to get the important slotable acives like 10% crit dmg, 10% single dmg and so on. this is the usual Way cause most ppl cant efford the second Option cause they are "lazy casuals" with no clue what a mechanic is, and in some realy worse cases, disabled party chat, so you cant even explain. and this Second Option is to WATCH and learn some mechanics in normal mode, as well avoiding AoEs and get some addons wich TELL YOU when to block/dodge roll. ESO does not have any "enrage" mechanics, but some small kind of dmg checks, (mostly add spawns) so if u cant bring in Option 1 or 2 then dont try vet at all, cause you will piss of other players, if they need carry you all the time, at least if u try the tool search. and most important DONT QUE as "Fake" class ... just to avoid some waiting time
@Skydron Жыл бұрын
I just picked up the game again after a while away since my gaming buddies said they were going to give it a try and just recently hit CP 200+ on my templar that I started way back when the game first released. Still figuring out a good build and gearing up.
@BW199 Жыл бұрын
Also, it helps making one character who has a very strong build... running all possible content to familiarise yourself with mechanics. Then switching to lesser builds
@arjun220 2 жыл бұрын
It depends on the random group, if you get a group where your cp are close to each other the group will help one another this group is what I call "Team" vet dungeons I beaten because this kind of group but If you get a group where thers is a large gap of cp's this is a BULLY group, the most veteran player of the group will not see this as a group he will see this " I" its all about me... example a tank, he will pull all adds and boss to the end of the dungeon (before loading screen) when dps and healer cant keep up its the dps and healers fault. You see a navy fleet speed is based on the lowest link.
@xsaytinx4495 Жыл бұрын
The main problem is no one wants to take the time to learn the CORE mechanics. I normally will start and run it on normal a couple times then go to vet and see the change and learn those pretty well before I move to hardmode
@BobaSoda_ 2 жыл бұрын
Cleared vDOM and vHRC under 300cp and cleared vHRC HM at 350cp. The only things that truly matter are information, gear, and understanding your role to clear these types of things.
@ericshiel 2 жыл бұрын
Been attempting a few veteran runs but I keep getting scolded for having low DPS. I follow a bunch of build videos but idk
@devonc99 2 жыл бұрын
imo vet dlc dungeons with pugs are far harder than vet trials, you'll get dps putting out 2k or fake healers/tanks, becomes next to impossible
@diaperamess Жыл бұрын
you can get monster sets without doing vet dungeons. i got mine from golden vendor in cyrodiil + undaunted chests and i've never done a vet dungeon
@brandonmckinnon836 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent vid sir. I have been seeking some sorta guidance as I’ve been moving from noobsh play to more advanced play. This info gives me steps I can take.
@EvolutionSFox 2 жыл бұрын
I beat veteran vateshran hollows finally last night... never tried to do a vet dungeon though solo.
@trippykoala5992 Жыл бұрын
Am I ready if I did a no death no Sigil run in vet maelstrom I haven’t tried any dlc dungeons on vet yet
@bstroker 2 жыл бұрын
Shit I’m CP786 and can’t beat delve bosses, I just like stealing shit
@trstew5 3 жыл бұрын
I've done every trial, normal and vet, except vet Cloudrest and Rockgrove (stamblade and I don't have Blackwood). I also stay away from vet dungeons like MHK, I feel I always fall short in damage even with bis gear
@tallsmoothie168 3 жыл бұрын
Man has more plugs than a power strip extension cord.
@Valstrax_ 2 жыл бұрын
i pull out 60k dps on cp 400 on skinny cheeks build, its all about dps, record your parses and send them to ppl who underestimate you.
@alexmitchell2622 Жыл бұрын
I remember when I got denied trial runs for 60k dps lmao
@Haillan15 3 жыл бұрын
And for the absolute hardest content trifecta runs
@Rampagedd 2 жыл бұрын
I queued, 45 min later not even a random vet dung
@kiddprofit2500 2 жыл бұрын
Tier 999 - agro 1 daggerfall guard. GG
@jacksoncornelius49 2 жыл бұрын
@Poolboy948 2 жыл бұрын
dude thank you for this
@resinks2269 3 жыл бұрын
vateshran being the hardest arena... vateshran is the only arena I have managed to end more than once (multiplayer arenas I havent even tried, mostly out of fear of letting back my team), but mahlstorm gave me mental when I first played it and I just get super frustrated every time I try it now.
@mrshukie7958 3 жыл бұрын
Give multiplayer arenas (at least dragonstar) a shot. nDSA is incredibly easy.
@Adam_Lutz 3 жыл бұрын
So yeah these arenas are really just different for everyone. I gave my personal experience of them. Maelstrom on vet was tough.
@DaveS1969 3 жыл бұрын
Happened to me the other day got grouped with a lvl 48 and 110 on vet ice reach the 48 was a dps, i ended up leaving at the last boss cause they couldn't kill the final....1 hour wait time for dungeon and 30 minutes wasted lol people need to learn limits before wasting others time.
@Borkomora 2 жыл бұрын
cp270 and never done an arena or trial out of intimidation and wondering how to even find groups to do it with, maybe i'll start looking for some folks to start learning with now
@DanielYadgaroff 2 жыл бұрын
CP260 here. Just cleared veteran Maelstrom arena. It took me a while with quite a few deaths, but once you memorize the mechanics it gets much easier, so try it. I'm sure you got this!
@Borkomora 2 жыл бұрын
@@DanielYadgaroff in just the two weeks that went by, i have cleared almost every trial, a couple on vet, and cleard vMA 12 times to get my bow how times change so quickly xD
@german2122 3 жыл бұрын
i feel i wont do vet content till i get yellow gear, cause im at 250CP and im weak af in normal content. normal monster kick my ass. im a magsorc following some guides/builds. (mother sorrow armor,staff...) but still im squishy af and dont so good dmg for my liking.
@SirBanana1992 3 жыл бұрын
You could possibly try and practice your rotation on an available dummy or small overland monsters until it becomes second nature, then when you go into harder content you can focus less on your abilities and more on the target, what it's doing and your current status like positioning and health. If keeping your resources is an issue while learning I would suggest leaning toward sets that help with that until you're more comfortable going for pure damage output. Overwhelming surge is a really good set for that in Tempest Island that restores a lot of magicka. Magicka characters are also naturally squishy because of their light armor and low Health attributes so there's that learning curve where mistakes are punished more harshly, damage shields will help a ton with that and being a sorcerer I think you have access to one of the best damage shield abilities to take the hard hits. You also have the Boundless storm if I'm not mistaken that gives you nearly 6k phys and spell resist to really improve your survivability.
@kingX777 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe use a skill that gives you a good shield barrier like in the resto staff skill line.
@salmanalbuflasah18 2 жыл бұрын
Frnt bar: force pulse, cry frags, 2 pets and deadric prey and dawnbreaker ult Back bar: 2 pets, entropy/mystic orb, unstable wall and astro ult.. get used to this and you are welcome
@Michael-hv8uo 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Adam, I am cp 742 and in a guild. I have not done any vet stuff even with the guild because i don't want to let anyone down. I have done 1 trial i believe but not certain. I have done i believe 2 rnd too. In my case i am 62 years old so not the fastest kid on the block by any means. I have Julianous gear but with training trait to level faster "Magsorc btw" I don't understand what you mean though by 2 x 5 piece sets? do you mean sets you can swap in combat? My guild would certainly help me but i don't like to ask too much. Thank you in advance from England and love your videos.
@ShadowProject01 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe I can answer: What I think Adam is referring to is your equipment setup. If you look at your character you can wear 7 pieces of armor and 3 jewelry pieces. That means you can wear 2 different 5 piece set gears you have available. An example of this is my DK Tank. He wears both Leeching set( a 5 piece set) and Crimson set(another 5 piece set using my 10 slots. You can further add to this by including weapons. Staffs, bows, and 2-handed weapons all count as 2 pieces. So when you do Vet Dungeons final bosses drop monster gear(usually a helm) the Monster sets are 2 piece sets (A helm and a shoulder piece) so if you get a monster which will take your head and shoulder slot for armor, you can use you weapon slots to make up for the helm and shoulder piece. Meaning you now have on x2 5 piece sets and a monster set. This is where a lot of your dmg will come from, the procs and passives of all these equipment pieces combined with your class abilities. A little bit of a text wall but hope it helped.
@Michael-hv8uo 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Shadow.
@jeremyb1975 3 жыл бұрын
Your julianos is a good set for your build, for your 2nd piece of 5 gear you can’t go wrong with Mothers Sorrow. Easy to get as an overland set in Deshaan. If you want to keep your training set for leveling that’s fine, but for the dungeons I would make another set with the Divines trait and make sure to get your Magicka enhancements on your gear and you’ll be ready to go.
@Michael-hv8uo 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeremyb1975 Thank you Jeremy. Much appreciated.
@tetsuth 3 жыл бұрын
Also remember that 2h weapons count as 2 pieces of a set. I have 5 pieces of julianous and 3 pieces of mothers sorrow jewelry plus the staff. This allows me to have 2 5 piece set bonuses even with the monster set hat and shoulders equipped.
@bluduece420 3 жыл бұрын
CP 960 and still have yet to do a vet or a trial. Need a guild
@boeserKadser 3 жыл бұрын
Never done a trial either, cz i work up to 12h/ day and play mostly at night
@mestrahd 3 жыл бұрын
I'm getting there too. CP620 and I've only done Vet Sewers I and normal Maelstrom for "endgame" content. I'm still having a hard time with the DLC dungeons. Hell I haven't seen all the base game dungeons yet!
@markoxford 3 жыл бұрын
Why do I feel so stuck ? I get around 12kDPS on the skeleton dummy using Hundlings and Brairwood with the crocodile head monster set and I have not progressed for weeks. I can't complete the solo trials and Veteran Dungeons are so hit or miss - sometimes we do good, most times its a cluster. I feel like I am treading water. Any advice ?
@hkiamzon 2 жыл бұрын
Hey @Mark. I definitely hear ya. How's your light attack weaving and animation canceling? If you can add in the light attacks and animation cancelling you should immediately get closer to 20K dps. And when you can cleanly complete your rotations, close to 30K. How's your weapon damage and crit? Do you use the combat metrics add-on? Key thing to see in the metrics is that light attacks should be among the top damage abilities. Your strikes should be crit around 70% of the time or above. Good luck
@swampfoxIX 2 жыл бұрын
ESO should get rid of Veteran level 4-man dungeons in this game entirely. The normal dungeons take waaaaay too long as it is.
@bastardwhoreson 3 жыл бұрын
fully crafted sets and jewelry and be 300 plus CP or GTFO
@RussellFeatherstone 3 жыл бұрын
Truth, ppl under cp300 or low dps at cp1000 get 👢
@bastardwhoreson 3 жыл бұрын
@@RussellFeatherstone People who are not doing a rotation or have low DPS are worse than fake healers
@RussellFeatherstone 3 жыл бұрын
@@bastardwhoreson 😂 that made me lol. Yea, it's so frustrating as a tank with full DPS buff gear to have DPS cp 1000+ take ages to down trash 🙄 I'm like, what sets are you wearing 🤷🏻‍♂️
@bastardwhoreson 3 жыл бұрын
@@RussellFeatherstone That's funny because I have a tank also who I play alot of the harder content on. But I mean a DPS and it's so doing looking at your watch like wth... and you wish you could do more haha but you cant.
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