I'll agree with you on the ammo up to a point. Some of these newer, more modern cartridges that are simply soft loaded by the manufacturer are done because the manufacturers are cutting corners. We don't think that a couple grains of powder makes a difference because we're not working the same scale. Couple of grains of powder across a few million cartridges make a massive difference in the cost of production.
@aaronpudlicki741829 күн бұрын
I’d push back against that to an extent. Cost of ammo varies a lot and manufacturers have a lot of freedom with deciding what their ammo will cost to match their cost of production and profit margin. Everyone wants to meet speed and accuracy demands while ensuring they’re not exceeding pressure for legal liability risk.
@warrenpolidori5541Ай бұрын
Good job presenting overall. Something worth mentioning is the powder burn rate chart. Sometimes it's difficult to find your go-to powder, but the chart is a good reference to find a potential substitute.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@warrenpolidori5541 that’s true
@mausermongerkoziczkowski8104Ай бұрын
I have not been able to find RE-19 for over 2 years.
@tacticalmattfoleyАй бұрын
I keep thinking back to the video Gavin did about pushing 308Win to 300Win Mag velocities and beyond......He was using a BAT action and very well made brass. However, he never had any pressure signs that I recall even at 80,000psi....which is insane.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@tacticalmattfoley I think about that video occasionally too.
@WallyMerc06Ай бұрын
Yeah man. I even saw someone take the new hybrid 6.8x51 case and throw a .308 pill in it and it was essentially doing the same
@CB-68-westcreationsАй бұрын
@@tacticalmattfoley I saw that. And it was pretty impressive. I’ve considered trying it with a good 30-06 action and some good brass.
@mighaelwalker6224Ай бұрын
6mm arc is a modern cartridge that only the handloader can make full use of. Because of the double SAMMI spec, one for gas guns at 52000 psi and one for bolt guns at 62000 psi, all of the factory ammo will be loaded to the lower gas gun spec. That leaves 10000 psi for the handloader to exploit in a bolt gun. In a bolt gun the 6mm arc has 85 to 95% of the velocity, uses 30-35% less power and has one third less recoil than the .243 Winchester. A Barnes 95gr LRX at 2900 fps and a Hornady 75gr VMAX at 3200 fps should handle most if not all the game animals where you live.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@mighaelwalker6224 great comment, thanks!
@chadperry402129 күн бұрын
Well said. I think a howa mini in 6 arc is a great youth combo.
@ianscottlewisАй бұрын
Great video. Thanks. Could you possibly do a hand loading 101 video. Mainly what you need to get started. What to buy, what to not waste money on. Kits and what is most important, needed, not needed, etc?
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@ianscottlewis I’ll have to look into the most recent KZbin policies. I think I’ll get a strike if I do that. I’ll check into it. I have made a few old videos that do that do a degree. “Want to load precision ammo? Start here!” “Top 5 reloading tips!”
@ianscottlewisАй бұрын
@hopefulballistics thanks. I'm at the very first starting point - where do I spend my $$$.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@ a good press, and powder dispenser is the most important things.
@newcreation252124 күн бұрын
Our experiences are very similar. I use stick powder (H4350) for 30-06 but choose ball powder for just about everything else. I only shoot paper and steel out to 300 yards max so I get along very well with 6mm ARC and 223 Remington because they are relatively cheap to reload and a lot of fun to shoot for both my wife and myself.
@hopefulballistics23 күн бұрын
Awesome, thanks
@thomasdaniel6495Ай бұрын
I use factory loads now because thru circumstances I no longer have reloading equipment,but at one time I did and worked with different rifles and handguns and yes,I loved being able to custom load my guns,always looking for that perfect load for each.It is a lot of fun and is very educational.Great job on the video.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@thomasdaniel6495 thank you!
@ragnarrloobrok70Ай бұрын
The accuracy of your projectile is first and foremost effected by the quality of barrel used. Second is the barrel harmonics which is controlled by the powders pressure curve during ignition. The combustion process creates a pressure wave that is either in harmony with the barrel or not. Adjusting the combustion pressure curve is one way to adjust the barrel harmonics into harmony. Handloading is the art of tuning barrel harmonics! This is also the reason most top competitors are now using barrel tuners like Eric Cortinas design. Barrel tuners work by moving a weight fore and aft on the end of your barrel thus adjusting the barrel harmonics. You can take a good powder that shoots MOA and use a barrel tuner to tighten your groups to say 3/4 MOA or better. Have you ever used a suppressor? If so have you ever noticed how your point of impact changes and your groups tighten?! BINGO
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@ragnarrloobrok70 I haven’t used suppressors yet.
@95GTSpeedDemonАй бұрын
I have found when you start getting up to that 65k pressure, accuracy can start going haywire sometimes.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
That’s true sometimes
@95GTSpeedDemonАй бұрын
@hopefulballistics one thing i have found is there are no absolutes 😂 What works for one doesnt always work for another, but it can.
@gc5HaywardАй бұрын
Well said bravo 👏.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@gc5Hayward thanks!
@paullavallee1631Ай бұрын
I use Winchester 748 for short to medium cases and Winchester 760 for long cases as a rule
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@paullavallee1631 good powders
@Accuracy1stАй бұрын
Regarding ball powders, I've always had some on hand. I think my first was H414 which is the same as W760. For years people tend to mention the lack of temp stability with ball powders which is true but I really wonder if they are having the issues brought up inside of a few hundred yards when hunting. At least 50% of hunters shoot game inside of 400 and frankly, in my opinion, most are inside 250. If you have a ball powder load and that powder is horribly sensitive, it's not going to be a massive POI change if you truly have a sound firearm and consistent, quality handloads. My sons and I dropped quite a few deer with our 270s using 130s over Superformance out to 400 and when I worked up the loads it was spring/summer here in Ohio and in the 20s in Alabama where we hunt. We all hit where we were aiming. I also had a 300WSM kill using a 150 TSX over Superformance and a 180 Accubond over Staball 6.5 with no issues. If anyone chooses not to try ball powders that is certainly their choice but could also be missing out on something outstanding. I bought an 8 pound jug of Superformance at The Reloader's Bench in Nashville post Covid for $265 as an impulse buy and learned quite quickly it is now a go-to for 110s, 130s in our 270 Wins, 140s and 150s in my 280 Rem, 139LRX in one of my 280AIs, and various weights in my 300WSM. I am eager to try it in my Tikka 708 when it gets done. I'm going to first try those same 160 TipStrike Norma bullets and see how it does.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@Accuracy1st I agree completely. And your experience backs it up.
@Accuracy1stАй бұрын
@@hopefulballistics Interestingly, in my wife's Tikka 6.5CM I was able to tune 2 near identical loads with 130 Accubonds. The groups are identical. The velocities are identical. Only difference is seating depth. One load COL is 2.775 and the other is 2.750 using H4350 and Staball 6.5. That is the first time I've ever seen identical ES, SD, Velocity with 2 different powders. So, I loaded 40 of each with the intent to see POI changes while it's cold this winter. I worked both up last month while it was in the 50s.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@ that’s interesting
@texpatriot8462Ай бұрын
I think it matters where you live and hunt. From May through August, Dallas is hot as F@@@. I may go hunting in freezing weather. In making my ammo, I always keep in mind that I could be shooting it in 100 degree+ weather where pressure will spike. I have tested 6.5 Staball for temperature stability vs H4350. There was no material difference.
@Accuracy1stАй бұрын
@@texpatriot8462 Maybe, maybe not. When I use Alliant powders or any ball powder, I typically test those during hotter times of the year knowing they should or may be slower during deer season while colder or much colder. In a 30-06 with H414 and Reloder 19, I used substantially in Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming, for multiple years, I tuned the final loads in summer when I lived in Iowa, which basically is the armpit of the country with horrid humidity. In 1995 on opening day in Missouri I shot a buck at 422 yards. We drove down from Iowa the day before. It was sunny but cool. The next morning it was in the teens and it snowed. The bullet hit in the middle of the shoulder, right where I was aiming. Back then, I had no knowledge of temperature sensitive powders or heard about it and ignored it because I never had any issues filling tags. I have found VV powders to be equally temp stable to the Hodgdon Extremes if not more stable in more recent years
@heinrichstoltz1356Ай бұрын
Agree mostly. You can do even better with a program such as GRT if you really want to improve efficiency and performance.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@heinrichstoltz1356 I appreciate the comment
@WayneGent-t2lАй бұрын
I got some of the new nosler white tail country ammo just to try so would have some nosler brass to work with as well. It locked the bolt up on my tikka 270 so be safe out there with your factory ammo y'all
@DRACOA09876Ай бұрын
Yup I've had a few nosler factory loads either leave bad ejector swipes or have very stiff bolt lifts
@WayneGent-t2lАй бұрын
@@DRACOA09876 I have loaded a few different nosler bullets and some others right At Max or very close to max and was seeing pressure sighs so I stopped but never had bolt Lock up with anything 😮😮
@gc5HaywardАй бұрын
Oh yeah I agree
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@gc5Hayward thanks for watching!
@24802480318 күн бұрын
i have been getting good results out of the staball 6.5 for 708
@hopefulballistics17 күн бұрын
@@248024803 cool, I’ve used it once. Worked good.
@texpatriot8462Ай бұрын
I have never understood why a 30-06 based cartridge would not be able to be loaded to the highest pressure level of the family. Why would a 280 be limited to Remington's original specs when fired out of a M700 action?
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
If you handload the 280 could easily do 65,000 in a r700. Proceed with caution of course.
@Rusty-Brown_18 күн бұрын
****** im in the process of building a 280 rem 700 action any thoughts ??????????? *******
@texpatriot846218 күн бұрын
@ if you don't already have a barrel picked out, you might as well go with a 280AI. You can still shoot the 280 Remington ammo unless you feel you need more.
@rosswitte28 күн бұрын
I like ball powder too.
@hopefulballistics24 күн бұрын
Right on!
@shawnstockton6143Ай бұрын
Magpro worked well in my 270wsm,,but it was VERY temp sensitive
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@shawnstockton6143 I appreciate that comment
@edwardabrams4972Ай бұрын
We call it in the old timer circles is custom loading🙌
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@edwardabrams4972 yep!
@anthonykaiser974Ай бұрын
That's when you hire someone to make a load for your particular firearm. It's analogous to custom farming, where you hire out another farmer to do the work to your specifications.
@ChrisClements-o3oАй бұрын
What are some of your better 3006loads
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@ChrisClements-o3o 190 grain around 2850 was pretty good. I believe I used H4350 with Berger VLDs.
@arcticcod8403Ай бұрын
I get good results with VV N555 in 3006
@andrewolson269Ай бұрын
For hunting l trust a temp stable power more Especially over 250-300yrds Also do you need more velocity under 300yards? Thats my 2 cents You have achieved some great velocitys It’d be cool to see those loads on a hot day vs cold day with the chrony
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@ReloadingWeatherbyАй бұрын
I hate ball powder! Haha I'm just jealous because I can't get the accuracy I want out of ball powder
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@ReloadingWeatherby I feel the exact same way about stick powder, lol. But I think I need to give stick powder more chances.
@NickGer123Ай бұрын
Try ramshot hunter i have very good luck with it in multiple cartridges getting half inch groups.
@95GTSpeedDemonАй бұрын
@@hopefulballisticsseems stick powder isnt always equal. Just like ball, sometimes a barrel just likes one more than others
@joelclark2130Ай бұрын
You will get more information, and safe failures. For safe hand loading. Start low and move up slowly. I know components are very expensive, what is your safety worth..
@thetexasr.a.t.2059Ай бұрын
I have no problems going over max SAMMI PSI so long as the gun can handle the extra pressure and there is published load data for such. But I do not know about just picking a powder, that there is no load data for, and running blindly with it. Especially with handguns where the first sign of pressure is gun pieces sprawled all over the range. And it is not good to keep adding more powder than a reloading manual recommends, because after the max charge the pressure starts to rise faster per powder weight than it did between min and max charges. Many people do such and get away with it and others are not so lucky. So even if I where to do so I still will never recommend another to do so. If they want to ignore the safety warnings, that are there for good reasons, then I'll let than be an idea that I didn't plant in their noggin.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@thetexasr.a.t.2059 I’m not going blindly and picking a powder. It’s based on research and educated theory. And even then I work up slowly. I generally don’t go over book max either. Sometimes I do go 1/2 grain over if there is no pressure as I work up. Usually I don’t go over max.
@jmc041071Ай бұрын
What is the potential of the .270 Winchester if someone hand loads, in your opinion?
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@jmc041071 probably 3250 with 130 grain bullet, 2950 with 150 grain. Somewhere around there, maybe more.
@jmc041071Ай бұрын
@hopefulballistics have you ever seen the 150 pushed over 3000?
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@jmc041071 I haven’t personally done it in a 270 win.
@williamgaines9784Ай бұрын
Cool mug, but looks hard to clean. Custom loading, reloading, hand loading, at one time, was cheaper than buying factory ammo for various cartridges. Today, not so much. I am getting back into it to make custom loads for MY firearms. One thing I won't have to worry about is getting a recall notice on my ammo(not that there may be one/some on some compents at some time) as I have on factory loaded ammo.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@williamgaines9784 its definitely rewarding
@jessdurfee3817Ай бұрын
I find reloading cathartic. I have to pay close attention to what I am doing in order to not blow my face off, therefore I have to unplug from all my other thoughts so I keep body parts.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@jessdurfee3817 true
@GreyzonecompliantАй бұрын
Start with the problem you are trying to solve first. The answer is different depending on what you want. If you want speed get long barrel compressed load with a slow enough powder. If you want a suppressed hunting gun. Get a short barrel , and a fast powder that will burn 100%. And get it in a big enough cartridge to make up for the power that you are inevitably going to lose. And if it just precision with no energy(shooting paper) Get the most stable cartridge in a long rigid barrel to get the most speed from as little chaos(powder) as you possibly can. Not being affected by recoil. Without handloading most of those scenarios are hard and or expensive to achieve. Good video
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
Perfectly said, thanks!
@texpatriot8462Ай бұрын
Call it a PRC and any cartridge will sell
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@texpatriot8462 it seems that way
@exothermal.sprocketАй бұрын
.313 Whoopinboomer PRC. The new hotness.
@Rico11bАй бұрын
Just make the cartridge an Ackley Improved version and that's improving it as much as possible.
@hopefulballisticsАй бұрын
@@Rico11b you still have to pick the right powder and seating depth.
@Rico11bАй бұрын
@@hopefulballistics That's true. Ya still gotta put in the work to get the right combination of components and recipe. :)