I found that at 12:27 if you put the branch in the completed where the stop jumping was on a false and the wall jump on true there I didn't get the clunky instant wall jump if I started a jump to close to the wall. This also allowed me to slow down the pace in an obstacle course and move my camera angle in turn also made it easier to do consecutive wall jumps.
@thegamedevcave10 ай бұрын
sounds like a good option to have, i personally like the more instant wall jump. feels more snappy and responsive to me in a twitch reaction gameplay scenario (the wall slide compensates for it enough in my opinion) but you certainly can put it into completed for a different kind of feeling, probably feels a little less chaotic that way, you're right!
@somefrankenstein792510 ай бұрын
yeah sounds right, I just had issues where I didn't tap the space bar fast enough and in what I was testing it would result in a fall to death since the slide wasn't taking effect since it already jumped @@thegamedevcave
@tijmdevries222210 ай бұрын
Nice video! I would rather use event on movement mode change with a timer instead of tick I guess, but maybe I'm too afraid of tick usage 😅
@thegamedevcave10 ай бұрын
yeah i think you are to be honest, this is the sort of thing you really want to be checking on a frame by frame basis instead of on a timer (especially with lower framerates that can be a little tricky). The bool check on isfalling is a very fast and cheap thing to do every frame so that really doesn't impact anything really. It's good not to throw everything into event tick, but that's usually advice given to beginners in the context where they put their whole code in there because they don't understand how to structure their code to make function calls only when needed. Some things however need to simply be done every frame (or close to) and the Tick event is there for a reason. it's alright to use it in those contexts. You could do the line trace only 2-3 times a second, which would be slightly more optimized for performance but not noticeably so , even on a mobile platform but your snapping to the wall will become significantly less responsive as a result unless your timer starts to approach sometimes that runs every few frames, at which point the befits of Timers are kind of lost. (at least in case of the player, if we're talking about an actor that's instanced 100s of times, it may be a bit more important to shave off those few extra line tracers, but at that point they're NPCs and responsiveness isn't as relevant)
@ManhuaandMangaMaven3 ай бұрын
This question might sound dumb but how would I implement the animation, I already have an animation for the wall jump it’s a one foot on wall jump
@thegamedevcave3 ай бұрын
could do an anim montage when you do the wall jump
@ManhuaandMangaMaven3 ай бұрын
@@thegamedevcave thanks
@danscardigan8610 ай бұрын
This will allow you to slide and jump off of anything, including other pawns, right? Unless you plug something into "Actors to Ignore"?
@thegamedevcave10 ай бұрын
Yeah but you could set up a custom trace channel and only set the walls you want to be able to jump off to block it and do the line trace by channel of that custom channel
@danscardigan8610 ай бұрын
Thanks, @@thegamedevcave Subbed while watching the video because you explained why you multiplied the forward vector. I'd seen that done before in other videos but nobody had explained why. Great to learn little bits like that inside of a large tutorial.
@Wammer-226 ай бұрын
So I made a 2d sidescroller, and when I tried to use this, it just makes my character fly. If I hold jump or even just press it anywhere, I get a jump boost. Any ideas?
@radhesubedi76405 ай бұрын
same here but in my case i can wall jump when the wall is on the right side of the player but not on the left side also i think that you might want to reduce the value he explained here 3:14 for your issue, i put mine at around 15 and works well
@Wammer-225 ай бұрын
@@radhesubedi7640 Ok thanks this helped
@Denominator907 ай бұрын
Now what if your framerate is 30 vs 120? In my 2d prototype I can't nail down consistent "Launch Character" height and X movement.
@thegamedevcave7 ай бұрын
launch character shouldn't have anything to do with the framerate, the only thing here that doest anything with framerate is the fact that we're going a line trace every frame, all the other stuff works on any FPS regardless so if you're having issues with your character's movement, it's likely due to something other than framerate.
@screenapple166010 ай бұрын
how do you make level stream fade in and fade out?
@thegamedevcave10 ай бұрын
not entirely sure, that's not really what level streaming is. what you're looking for is more so to do with culling, where objects beyond a certain distance stop rendering visually, you can do some thing in materials i believe to make that fade a bit smoother if you need to, foliage has a built in way of doing this (for things like grass and trees and such). usually it's not something that's used much on normal actors though. That's more where level streaming comes in and trying to cleverly hide the loading in and out of areas with your level design (like all the crawling/ climbing / long halways you'll find in modern AAA games)
@The_PastStudioa5 ай бұрын
Thanks for making this
@thegamedevcave5 ай бұрын
My pleasure!
@Krasontvr9 ай бұрын
whenever i try to do the slide my character does a 180 and falls off the wall and i dont know what to do
@thegamedevcave9 ай бұрын
the character should turn 180 agrees when you press the jump button so i assume you might have got some things mixed up and connected some nodes that should be to do with the actual jump to the sliding portion
@Krasontvr9 ай бұрын
thanks @@thegamedevcave
@DanielsChannelNo27 ай бұрын
@@thegamedevcave that is because u recommened it in the sliding part then its cut and suddenly is gone without explenation,more viewers will end up with questioners result,i also noticed maybe another error trap at the launch character part ur multiplying the distance float (at least u explain it as distance) and then add it the multiplied result to the jump height from the char ,however it shouldnt be multiplied first and the distance float proberly added to x directly of the addition cause otherwise the gathered jumpheight is also multiplied by distance or is this inteded?
@camgoodkicks9 ай бұрын
I can't understand why my launch sends me far out instead of up like yours. It's been driving me nuts since the blueprints match
@thegamedevcave9 ай бұрын
if the blueprints match i'd expect everything to work the same. my best guess is that the values you're passin in to the launch character node are wrong or your character's gravity is super strong so you need way more upward force to get him to jump
@camgoodkicks9 ай бұрын
I had this issue before with my dodge button. For whatever reason, it doesn't like launching up and with some form of movement simultaneously. Although, I am in UE5 using the Enhanced Inputs. My workaround is a delay node set to zero that goes into another launch that handled only the vertical jumping and it works perfectly your tutorials are still fantastic for all of this and it gave me the understanding I needed to troubleshoot so thank you!@@thegamedevcave
@NotSVGames10 ай бұрын
hey Great Video !! but i want to request for a wall running video for ue 5.3 almost all the tutorials out there are out dated or broken........ pleasse consider my request 😢
@thegamedevcave10 ай бұрын
it's on my list of things to do!
@suchys_tv6 ай бұрын
So idk why, but it says infinite loop detected. I use 5.4.3