There are a couple of rules you glanced over and one which you touched on, which all need clarification, in my opinion. Can you help with the following: 1) if a player earns an item that she already has in her backpack, the rules state to simply put that extra item next to the backpack. But why? What can the player do with that item when it is next to the backpack. 2) When a player acts it out successfully, that player gets to select "any remaining items on the board". What does that exactly mean? It is unclear. Does it mean all remaining items from that area, or all items from the entire board? As written, the rules don't make much sense. 3) Their is a loophole with the trading post rules, considering that players don't have to trade. Let's imagine I still need an item from the market, but all market items have been taken by another player. The only way for me to get a market item would be to trade for it. But the opposing player can simply refuse, thus making it impossible for me to win since there are no market items left for me to add to my backpack. Thanks for the video, but with poorly written rules, some more explanations are needed to clarify certain unclear details. Thanks!